Print version ISSN 0188-8145 |
Publication policy ACTA COMPORTAMENTALIA will publish the following types of articles: a) theoretical proposals; b) historical and conceptual analyses; c) experiments on animal and human behavior; d) technological and evaluative researches on humans and animals; e) technical reports; f) clinical communications; and g) thorough bibliographic reviews. Authors should submit manuscripts via e-mail to the respective editor, according to their language of choice, as attached files in Microsoft Word or a compatible format: In Spain, send to: Rafael Moreno Rodriguez - In Mexico, send to: Emilio Ribes Iñesta - In France, send to: Esteve Freixa i Baqué - In Italy, send to: Paolo Moderato - In Brazil, send to: Marcus Bentes The manuscript should be accompanied by a letter signed by the authors, with a formal request for review, stating that it is an original piece of work and that it is not under consideration for publication, total or partial, elsewhere. Upon acceptance of a manuscript, authors must send in a signed letter assigning copyright and distribution rights to ACTA COMPORTAMENTALIA. The formats for both letters will be published each year in the first number of the journal. ACTA COMPORTAMENTALIA is a peer-reviewed publication. The process begins with the receipt of the manuscript by the respective editor, according to the language in which it is written, who will send it for review to two members of the editorial board with renowned expertise in the area. In case reviewers disagree on their appraisal of the manuscript, it will be sent to a third reviewer, whose decision will determine whether or not the manuscript will be published. In each and every case, the review process will be anonymous. General guidelines 1. The manuscripts should conform to the style and organization described in last version of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). 2. The first page must include: the title of the manuscript, authors’ names, affiliation, name and address of the corresponding author and a title not exceeding 85 characters. 3. References, footnotes, and captions for figures and tables must be typed double-spaced on separate sheets of paper. 4. Figures must be identified on the back with their respective numbers and headers. Figures will be reproduced as they are. They should be no larger than 12 x 51 cm. 5. Dimensions and measures must be expressed using the decimal metric system. 6. Footnotes should be included only if absolutely necessary; they should not be included in the body of manuscript. If the material is important, please consider incorporating it into the text itself. Footnotes must be numbered consecutively; the first footnote must specify a request for offprints, changes in affiliation and any other relevant information . 7. The second page of the manuscript must include an abstract in the original language no longer than 200 words; at the end of the abstract, a list of 5 to 10 keywords must be included. 8. The third page of the manuscript must include the title and the abstract in English. 9. Citations made in the text must be grouped according to the style and organization described in the last version of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), in the References section. |
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© 2009 Universidad de Guadalajara
Guadalajara, Jal., México
Apartado Postal 50374, C.P. 45030