Print version ISSN 1413-0394
On-line version ISSN 1981-1330



Editorial policy

Aletheia is a semiannual yearly journal edited by the Psychology course and by the postgraduate program in Health Promotion of the Lutheran University of Brazil, which purpose is to publish papers in Psychology, Health romotion, Human Development, public Policy, Environment, Society and related sciences. Only unpublished papers will be accepted into these categories: original articles, review/update articles, professional experiences reports, brief communications and book reviews.

Original articles: empirical research reports with scientific methodology.

Review articles/ Update articles: systematic and update reviews about relevant
themes according with editorial policy.

Professional experiences reports: case reports with discussion of its conceptual or therapeutic implications; description of intervention procedures or strategies of psychology practitioners’ interest.

Brief communications: brief reports of professional experiences or preliminary communications of original character.

Book review: critical review of recently published books that may be of interest to psychology.

Ethical aspects: All the articles involving research with human subjects must state that individuals included in these studies gave a Written Informed Consent, according to the national and international ethical regulations. In case of research with animals, authors must confirm that the study was done in accordance with the ethical care standards for the animals involved in the research. The authors are also requested to state in the “Methods” section that the research protocol was previously approved by a Research Ethics Board.

Disclosures: The authors are requested to disclose all possible kinds of conflict of interest (professionals, financials, direct or indirect benefits), if the case. The failure to disclose properly can lead to publication refusal or cancellation.


Editorial rules

1. Only unpublished works will be accepted.

2. The articles will be evaluated by the Editors.

3. After initial evaluation, the Editors will send the submitted papers to the Editorial Board, which will be helped, whenever necessary, by ad hoc consultants of recognized expertise in the knowledge area. The Editorial Board and ad hoc consultants will analyze the manuscript, suggest modifications, and recommend or not its publication.

4. The papers may be: a) fully accepted; b) accepted with modifications; c) fully refused. In any of the situations the author will be properly communicated. The originals will not be returned in any case.

5. The authors will received a copy of the consultants’ analysis and will be informed about recommended modifications.

6. The Editors have the right to make small modifications in the text.

7. The final decision of publication of a manuscript will always be of the Editor and of the editorial board in charge. They will take into consideration the original text, the consultant’s recommendations and the modified version of the article.

8. Articles may be submitted in other languages besides Portuguese (Spanish and English).

9. The opinions emitted in the articles are full responsibility of author(s), and its acceptance does not mean that Aletheia supports it.

10. Total or partial reproduction can be made only after permission of the Editor. Aletheia owns the copyrights and will not transfer them to authors.


Presentation of manuscripts

1) The unpublished articles must be sent through the website www.periodicos.ulbra. br/index.php/aletheia/index typed in double space, Times New Roman letter, size 12, numbered since the title page. The sheet must be A4, with inferior and superior margins of 2,5 cm, and right and left margins of 3 cm. The journal follows the rules of Manual of Publication of American Psychological Association - APA (5th edition, 2001).

2) The maximum number of pages should be as follow:
Original articles (25 pages);
Review articles/Uptade articles (20 pages);
Professional experiences reports (15 pages);
Brief communications (5 pages);
Book review (5 pages).

3) The manuscript should contain:
a) Title page: article title in Portuguese ; authors’ name; authors’ essential title and institutional affiliation; abstract in Portuguese from 10 to 12 lines; key words, at least 3; article title in English; abstract compatible with the text of Portuguese abstract ; key words; Correspondence address, including Zip Code, telephone and e-mail.
b) Non identified title page: article title in Portuguese; abstract in Portuguese from 10 to 12 lines; key words, at least 3; article title in English; abstract compatible with the text of Portuguese abstract ; key words;
* If article was not written in Portuguese, it must contain the same information in
its original language.
c) Body of the text.
d) Original articles may have the following sequence: Title, Introduction, Method (population/sample; instruments; procedures; and data analysis. In this section the study approval in a Ethics Research Committee should be stated), Results, Discussion, Conclusion or Final Considerations, References (in small letters and in separate section). Use the denomination “table” and “figure” (and not graphs or other terms). Place tables and figures embedded in the text. Tables: including title and notes in accordance with APA’s standards . Word format - ‘Simple 1’. In the printed version the table may not exceed 11.5 cm wide x 17.5 cm in length. The length of the table should not exceed 55 lines, including title and footer(s). To ensure quality, the reproduction of pictures containing drawings should have photograph quality (minimum resolution of 300 dpi). The printed version can not exceed 11.5 cm width for pictures. Appendixes: only when they contain new and important information, or are essential to highlight and make more understandable any section of the paper. The use of appendixes should be avoided.

4) Papers with incomplete documentation or that do not attend the norms adopted by Aletheia (APA, 4th edition) will not be appraised.


Citations norms

- The non bibliographical notes must be put in the lower margin of pages, arranged by Arabic numerals that must appear immediately after the segment of text to which the note refers to.

- The authors’ citations must be done in agreement with norms of APA (4th edition).

- In the case of full citation of a text: it must be delimited by quotation mark and the author’s citation followed by the year and number of page mentioned. A literal citation with 40 or more words must be presented in proper block and in italic without quotation mark, starting a new line, with pullback of 5 spaces of margin, in the same position of a new paragraph. The letter will be the same used in the remaining of text (Times New Roman, 12).

  • Citation of an author: author, last name in small letter, followed by the year of publication. Example: Rodrigues (2000).
  • Citation of two authors: cite both authors always that they are referred in the text. Example: (Carvalho & Santos, 2000) – when the last names are cited between parentheses: they must be connected by &. When they are cited outside the parenthesis they must be connected by the letter e.

  • Citation from three to five authors: cite all the authors in the first reference, followed by the date of article between parentheses. Starting from the second reference, use the last name of the first author, followed by e cols. Example: Silva, Foguel, Martins and Pires (2000), starting from the second reference, Silva and cols. (2000).
  • Article of six or more authors: cite just the last name of the first author, followed by e cols (YEAR). In the references all the authors must be cited.
  • Citation of old, classic and reedited works: cite the date of original publication, followed by the date of edition consulted. Example: (Kant 1871/1980).

  • Authors with the same idea: follow the alphabetical order of their last names and not the chronological order. Example: (Foguel, 2003; Martins, 2001; Santos, 1999;
    Souza, 2005).

  • Different publications with the same date: Increase capital letter, after the year of publication. Example: Carvalho (1997, 2000a, 2000b, 2000c).

  • Citation whose idea is extracted from other or indirect citation: Use the expression cited by. Ex: Lopes, cited by Martins (2000),...
    In the Bibliographical References, include just the source consulted (Martins).

  • Literal transcription of a text or direct citation: last name of author, date, page. Example: (Carvalho, 2000, p.45) or Carvalho (2000, p.45).

    References norms

    The bibliographical references must be presented at the end of article. Its disposition must be in alphabetical order of the last name of author in small letter.

    Mendes, A. P. (1998). A família com filhos adultos. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas.
    Silva, P. L., Martins, A., & Foguel, T. (2000). Adolescente e relacionamento familiar. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas.

    Chapter of book
    Scharf, C. N., & Weinshel, M. (2002). Infertility and late pregnancy. Em: P. Papp (Org.),Couples in danger, new guideline for therapists(pp. 119-144). Porto Alegre: Artmed.

    Article of scientific journal
    Dimenstein, M. (1998). The psychologist in the Basic Units of Health: Challenges for the formation and professional performance. Studies of Psychology, 3(1), 95-121.

    Articles in electronic means
    Paim, J. S., & Almeida Filho, N. (1998). Collective Health: a "new public health” or open field for new paradigms? Magazine of Public Health, 32 (4) Available: <> Accessed: 02/11/2000.

    Article scientific journal in press
    Albuquerque, P. (no prelo). Gender and work. Aletheia.

    Work presented in congress
    Silva, O. & Dias, M. (1999). Unemployment and its repercussions in the family. Em Annals of XX Meeting of Social Psychology, pp. 128-137, Gramado, RS.

    Thesis or published dissertation
    Silva, A. (2000). Genital knowledge and sexual constancy in pre-school children. Master dissertation or doctorate thesis. Program of Graduate Studies in Psychology of Development, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, RS.

    Thesis or non-published dissertation
    Silva, A. (2000). Genital knowledge and sexual constancy in pre-school children. Master dissertation non-published or doctorate thesis (non-published). Program of Graduate Studies in Psychology of Development, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, RS.

    Old work reedited in posterior date
    Segal, A. (2001). Some aspects of analysis of a schizophrenic person. Porto Alegre: Universal.  (Original published in 1950).

    Institutional Authorship
    American Psychological Association (1994). Publication manual (4th edition). Washington: Author.


    Address for submissions

    Universidade Luterana do Brasil
    Revista Aletheia
    Av. Farroupilha, 8001 – Bairro São José
    CEP: 92425-900
    Sala 121 - Prédio 01
    Canoas – RS – Brasil



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     Univesidade Luterana do Brasil

    Revista Aletheia
    Universidade Luterana do Brasil
    Curso de Psicologia
    Programa de Pós-Graduação em Promoção da Saúde
    Av. Farroupilha, 8001 - Prédio 01
    92425-900 Canoas - RS - Brasil
    Tel.: +55-51 3462-9568