Print version ISSN 1405-339X




1. - The manuscripts will only be accepted that fulfill all the criteria stipulated in this and following section, this will result to the benefit of the quality of the Magazine and the works of the authors.
2. - All the materials will have to be unpublished. A letter of the responsible author is due to annex where to confirm to me that the material has not been published or publication is on the other in revision.
3. - The articles must not have more than four authors
4. - The manuscript will have to be given with the format, spelling, types and suitable writing to be able to be accepted.
5. - Of not being fulfilled the norms indicated, the manuscripts will be returned, asking for to the authors the pertinent correction.


All the works will be sent via electronic mail to name of: Magazine “alternative in psychology”, AMAPSI, A.C.

Mtra. E.M. Marisela Ramirez Guerrero.
Chief of a main directorate of the Magazine email: cortesram@

Javier Armas and Ana Brull administration email:

Dr. Murueta frame Kings Founder

The works will have to be presented/displayed using processor Word the text. In separate leaf to put name of the main or responsible author, direction, institution, telephone, email and fax. The manuscripts will have to contain the following characteristics: Maximum 15 pages including tables, figures and references Arial letter 12 goads Space 1,5, 28 lines by pages, 66 blows by line

Front page must include:

Title. In high and low letters, not more than 15 words.
Authors. Maximum four, beginning by the first name and soon last names. Allegiance. Place of allegiance and place of origin.
Summary. All the works will have to contain a summary in English Spanish and, or Spanish and the language of origin of the author (i.e Spanish and Portuguese), maximum 150 words.
Key words. In English Spanish and, between 2 and 5 words.
Footer: In front page the author or name of with their affiliation must appear, supports or financings and form of communication.
Figures and tables. They will have to appear indicating the exact place of each in the text.
References: To appear at the end of the work, in sequence alphabetical and with the following style: last name of the author (it is) and initial, year, title of the article, title of the magazine in cursive letter, number of the volume and number of the pages. In the case of the bibliographical references: last name and initials, year, title of the book in cursive letter, edition place, Editorial, and chapter or pages.   


Bayés, R. (1991). Prevención y psicología de la salud. Revista de Psicología de la Salud, 3, 93-108.

Salvarezza, L. (1998). Psicogeriatría. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Piadós.

Bayés, R. (1993). Evaluación de aspectos conductuales y biológicos en psicología de la salud. En R. Fernández-Ballesteros (Ed.), Evaluación conductual hoy: un enfoque para el cambio en psicología clínica y de la salud. Madrid: Pirámide. pp. 619-651

All the works will be put under the consideration of the Publishing Committee, in anonymous form.

The manuscripts will not be given back to the author (it is).

Dates limit of DELIVERY of works

15 of June



30 of November




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© 2009 Asociación Mexicana de Alternativas en Psicología

Instituto de Higiene No. 56. Col. Popotla
C.P. 11400 México, D. F.