Print version ISSN 1415-711X
Online version ISSN 2176-3038


General Instructions
Submitting and Evaluating
Bibliographic Citations

General Instructions


The Bulletin of the São Paulo Academy of Psychology is the journal sponsored by this Academy. The periodical is, however, open to all and not exclusive to members of the entity. The printed version is registered under the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 1415-711X while the digital version is registered under ISSN 2176-3038, as unique titles of periodic publications. It is also identified by the bibliographic label “Bol-Acad. Paul. Psicol.” It has been published on a regular basis for 39 years, since 1980; at the present time, it is being printed every six months and is free of charge to Academics and honorees, and also for institutions, libraries and professionals in the area of Psychology, at the bidding of the Editorial Committee. It is registered in the HELA digital catalogue, and the virtual libraries BVS-Psi, PEPSIC, LATINDEX, CLASE and REDALYC, the last-named being a Bulletin published online since 2003. The journal’s organization was initially inspired by the periodical Academy Update, from the New York Academy of Sciences and, as such, it is structured according to basic approaches: it publishes articles which are historical in nature or involve research and which are significant and original. Some academic journals are only intended for narrow circulation with information about events concerning its fraternity and its members, plus the publication of certain specific publications. Others aim simply to publish articles relevant to the field of knowledge which is characteristic of the entity. The present Bulletin embraces these approaches, but with greater focus on the scientific component. However, in principle, as a means to publicize the activities of the Academy and its titular members, the journal subsequently revamped its content in a more structured fashion. It expanded into scientific production, including historical records such as the life and works of pioneers; interviews; research; theory, accounts of experiences and also case studies; reviews of important works in the field of Psychology. The contributions intended for publication, whether from members of the Academy or other professionals, are the exclusive responsibility of the author(s), and should be submitted by email to the Secretary of this fraternity at , según , in accordance with the instructions presented herein. With regard to the professional activities of the Academics, these may also be emailed to The manuscripts will be appraised by at least two Academics and/or other ad hoc specialists chosen by the Editorial Committee. After examination, one of the following three outcomes will be assigned: rejection, recommendations with alterations, or full acceptance of the manuscript. Opinions will be sent back (without identification) to the authors, including, where appropriate, recommendations for changes. As far as rejections are concerned, the Editorial Committee may nominate an independent referee in such situations. Once selected, the articles are also subject to a specialized editorial preparation process. Copyright for all published articles shall remain with the Bulletin of the São Paulo Academy of Psychology. The manuscripts will not be returned to the authors. We should stress that all authors sending their papers for analysis must state their ORCID registration number (Open researcher and Contributor ID). The instructions to be followed when submitting manuscripts are set out below:



Submitting and Evaluating


I.Rules for submitting and evaluating manuscript

I.1- The manuscripts should be sent at least two months prior to the publication of the Bulletin (June and December). They must be original and must not have been submitted to other sources of publication, by means of a written declaration by the author(s). Moreover, they shall be accompanied by two cover sheets, one identifying the author(s) (full name, address, telephone and email) and the other containing no identification data. It should be addressed, accompanied by a letter to the editors, declaring that it is an original article and agreeing to assign copyright to the journal. For manuscripts that are coauthored, all the authors must sign the aforementioned correspondence. Provide ORCID® registration number (Open Researcher and Contributor ID).

I.2- In relation to contributions related to the Academy that are the responsibility of its members, following the title of the manuscript, the following information must be provided: Titular member’s name, number and name of the chair he/she occupies or the registration number in the case of Correspondent Members. The footnote to page 1 should show the address of each author with telephone and email, for the purposes of correspondence. As far as scientific production is concerned, after the title of the work should appear the name(s) of the author(s), the institution to which they belong as well as its location. In the footnote to the first sheet identified, provide other information about the author(s) such as form of title and/or position, as well as their address(es), telephone number(s) and/or contact emails.

1.3- Manuscripts concerning historical and/or empirical research studies must contain between 15 and 25 pages. These, and other articles, should be typed with a line spacing of 1.5 cm, using the Microsoft Word text editor, and using an Arial 12 font, IBM-PC standard. They must be accompanied by an abstract consisting of 13 to 15 lines and 3 to 5 keywords, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, using an Arial 9 font with a line spacing of 1 cm. It should provide an idea of the study to be presented (objectives, bibliographical contributions, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions or overall considerations). The use of acronyms or citations is not permitted. The manuscript’s title should be centered and consist of a maximum of 12 words, in bold type, using uppercase and lowercase letters. The title should also be translated into English and Spanish. The keywords or descriptors should be obtained from the Health Sciences Descriptors indexing language (DeCS) or Terminology in Psychology library. The keywords or descriptors shall be in lowercase, separated by a semicolon and, lastly, contain keywords that describe precisely the content of the paper.

I.4- The manuscripts must show the title in Portuguese, translated into English and Spanish, followed by the name(s) of the author(s) and the place where they perform or performed their activities. In the footnote to the first sheet, note other information about the author(s) such as form of title and/or the positions they occupy/occupied, as well as their personal addresses, telephone numbers and email for contact. This can be the main institution to which the author belongs. Where the paper is coauthored, the number of authors shall be limited to a maximum of seven collaborators, who should be the professionals directly responsible for the contribution.

I.5- It is important to try and keep the number of figures, tables and footnotes to a minimum. As far as figures and tables are concerned, when they are absolutely necessary, refer to them in or close to the location where they will be inserted into the text, to prevent them from being separated. They should be exhibited at the end of the document, in black and white, with titles in lowercase. Titles should be inserted under figures and above tables

1.6- Manuscripts submitted for publication must obey the applicable ethical standards, professional confidentiality being an essential prerequisite for the acceptance of the papers. With regard to research or case studies on human beings and/or animals, ethical standards must be evidenced in writing through the acceptance of the applicable Ethics Committee.

I.7- In the case of a complete transcription of a text longer than three lines, this should be indented two centimeters from the margin, in italics. At the end, place in parentheses the reference to the author and the number of the page from which part of the indicated work was taken. The author’s name shall only be quoted here when it is not shown adjacent to the transcribed text.

I.8- In articles dealing with theory and concepts, in addition to the items explained above, include background information, critique and its value as a multiplier.

I.9- As for research studies, it is essential to develop them in accordance with the usual guidelines for preparation (introduction, bibliographical contributions, method, results, discussion and conclusions), highlighting their importance for the progress of the science of psychology and/or as a springboard for further studies.

I.10- With regard to case studies or accounts of professional experience, subdivisions of content are advisable along with appraisals as to the value of the work, including conceptual implications, methodologically appropriate evidence and suggestions for fresh studies.

I.11- Regarding the reviews of books or articles from a scientific journal of Psychology, these should refer to prominent or recent publications, it being required to highlight, in the respective analysis, the relevance to the progress of Psychology as a science, in education or as a profession. Moreover, the value that the reviewed paper and its characteristics could have for psychologists, professionals in similar areas or even for the public at large, should be highlighted.

I.12- The criteria for the assessment of the manuscript are as follows: a) relevance of the topic for Psychology as a science or profession; b) clarity of language, with a review of the grammar and spelling, in line with the prevailing Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement; c) the relevance of the literature that underpins the work; d) respect for the Psychologist’s Code of Ethics; e) conclusions or overall considerations that are mutually consistent and coherent with the analyzed data.



Bibliographic Citations


III. Bibliographic citations

ll.1- As far as the bibliographic citations are concerned, it is required to present them in accordance with the rules established by the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th Edition, which highlight the need to obey strict, alphabetical order based on the author’s surname, whether a single author or multiple authors. Both instances should observe the sequence of oldest to most recent. This does not mean that the pre-established alphabetical order should be changed as regards the indication of the studies. Only those works whose authors are inserted in the body of the text should be indicated in the references, and should contain their surname(s) and the initial(s) of their Christian name, followed by the year of publication.

ll.2- Those cited in the body of the text should contain the surname(s) of the author(s) followed by the year of publication. The first occasion on which the reference to various authors, less than or equal to seven in number, is presented, all of their surnames shall be indicated. If mentioned on subsequent occasions, the abbreviated form shall be used, namely the surname of the first author followed by “et al.”. In the case of References inserted at the end of the article and in the case of co-authorship, it should contain the names of all the authors, up to a maximum of seven. All addresses of pages on the Internet (URLs) included in the text, should be current and available for immediate access. In the case of secondary citations, include the word “in”, the initial(s) of the Christian name(s) and surname(s), the bibliographical source in italics, city, insert a colon, editor and, finally, the page numbers.

There follows a number of examples of the rules established specifically for the cited work and its author:

ll.3 - Citations

Books, book chapters and articles published in journals:

In the case of a literal citation, with a maximum of 40 words, these should appear in the body of the text in inverted commas, with a reference to the author’s surname, the date and page number.

Citations in excess of 40 words should appear in a new paragraph, single spaced, font size 11, indented 4 cm from the left margin.

A single author:

Where only one author is involved, the citation of the books or book chapters searched should be carried out as follows: author’s surname, followed by the initial(s) of his/her Christian name(s), year of publication in parentheses. The author’s surname should be typed with the first letter in uppercase and the rest in lowercase, even when located in parentheses.

Malagris (2014) or (Malagris, 2014)

Two authors:

Where there are two authors, separate the names with “,&” if they are in parentheses. In the text, separate using the word “and”.

Lipp and Malagris (2014) or (Lipp, & Malagris, 2014)

Cite both the authors whenever the article is referenced.

Between three and five authors:

First citation:

Sena, Vieira and Lyra (2011)

Subsequent citations:

Sena et al. (2011)

Six or more authors:

In the citation, put the first surname followed by “et al.”.

Von Baeyer et al. (2014)

When the author is an entity in the form of an acronym:

For the first citation:

American Psychological Association (APA, 1994) or (American Psychological Association [APA], 1994)

For subsequent citations:

APA (1994) or (APA, 1994)

Citation of two or more works within the same parentheses:

(Skinner, Edge, Altman, & Sherwood, 2003; Skinner, & Wellborn, 1994; Skinner, & Zimmer-Gembeck, 2016; Vasconcelos, & Nascimento, 2016)


III. References in the Bulletin according to the APA’s rules - 6th edition.

When formatting the references, a spacing of 1.5 cm and font size 12 should be used. Each reference should appear as a new paragraph, indented 0.5 cm from the left margin, starting from the second line. The inclusion of references to articles already published in the Bulletin is recommended in order to boost the impact factor.

lll.1- Books or book chapters:

Translated foreign works:

Add to the indication of books (in italics) the name(s) of the translator(s), followed by the word “trans.”, between parentheses, city, editor and also in parentheses the date of publication of the original book. Example:

Krasner, L., & Ullmam, L.P. (1972) Pesquisa sobre modificação do comportamento (C. M. Bori, trans.) São Paulo: Herder (original published in 1965). In the text, cite the year of original publication and the year it was translated. Example: (Krasner, & Ullmam, 1965/1972)

When the work is by a single author:

• Campos, R.M. de F. (Org) (2002) Helena Antipoff. Textos escolhidos. São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo.

When the work has between two and five authors:

• Maia, E. M. C., & Pérez-Ramos, A. M. Q. (2001) Fortalecimento do Apego entre mãe-adolescente e seu bebê. In: V. A. Angerami-Camon (org.) Novos Rumos na Psicologia da Saúde (pp. 95-120). São Paulo: Pioneira Thomson Learning.

When the author of the work is an entity in the form of an acronym:

• American Psychological Association (APA, 1994). Publication Manual of the   American Psychological Association (4th Ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

NB: Use “Author” at the end of the reference whenever the editor is also the author of the work.

Bibliographical reference using an organizer:

• Costa, P.J. (Org.) (2006) Reflexões Psicanalíticas. São Paulo: Vetor Editora Psico-Pedagógica.

lll.2- Articles in online journals:

Simply provide the web address (URL) if the article does not have a DOI. In this case, use the expression “Retrieved from” or, when in the Portuguese language, “Recuperado de” prior to the inclusion of the URL. Example:

•Conselho Federal de Psicologia – CFP. (2013). Referências técnicas para a atuação de psicólogas/os em políticas públicas de álcool e outras drogas.

Brasília, DF: CFP. Recuperado de

III.3 - Articles in journals:

The procedure is as follows: surname of the author(s), followed by the initials of the Christian name(s), year of publication in parentheses; title of article; full name of journal and volume number in italics, number in parentheses, start and end pages. Example:

• Nicaretta, M.N. (2010) A formação da identidade do psicólogo clínico estadunidense e suas repercussões para a Psicologia no Brasil. Boletim Academia Paulista de Psicologia. 30 (79)  450-461.

If the article has a DOI, or Digital Object Identifier, cite the DOI in the reference.

• Alfano, C. A., Ginsburg, G. S., & Kingery, J. N. (2007). Sleep-related problems among children and adolescents with anxiety disorders. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 46(2), 224-232. DOI: 10.1097/01.chi.0000242233.06011.8e

Articles with one or two authors:

• Fagundes, A. J. F. M. (1982). Descrição, definição e registro de comportamento. São Paulo: Edicon.

• Coelho, C., & Pérez-Ramos, A. M. Q. (2008). Abstinência e redução de danos no processo de recuperação dos dependentes de substâncias psicoativas. Boletim Academia Paulista de Psicologia, XXVII(8), 79-86.

Articles with up to five authors:

• Sena, T. S., Vieira, C., & Lyra, I. M. (2011). Fase aguda do acidente vascular encefálico na doença falciforme. Revista Baiana de Pediatria, 5(1), 54-55.

• Poveda, C. L. E. C., Silva, J. A., Passareli, P., Santos, J., & Linhares, M. B. M. (2010). Instructions for administering the aces Pain Scale: Revised (FPS-R) in languages other than English. Pediatric Pain Sourcebook. Retrieved December 21, 2016, from

Articles with 6 or more authors:

• Von Baeyer, C. L., Stevens, B. J. S., Chambers, C. T., Craig, K. D., Finley, G. A., Grunau, R. E., … McGrath, P. J. (2014). Training highly qualified health research personnel: The pain in child health consortium. Pain Research and Management, 19(5), 267-274.

lll.4 - Theses or dissertations

Place the author’s surname followed by the initial(s) of the Christian name(s), year of publication in parentheses; title of the thesis or dissertation, indicating if it is a Master’s Dissertation or Doctorate Thesis, in italics, and the names of the institution or department, university, city and country where the paper was defended, in standard lettering. The title of the thesis or dissertation should be typed in italics. Example

• Moxotó, G. F. A. (2014). A eficácia do treino de controle do stress para mães de crianças com transtornos do espectro autista (Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil).

In the case of a thesis or dissertation acquired from an institutional database, type “Retrieved from” followed by the web address. Example.

• Silva, R., A. (2017). O insight no Transtorno Bipolar: correlações com aspectos clínicos (Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil). Recuperado de

III.5 - Abstracts or works published in full for the annals of scientific events:

Place the surname(s) of the author(s) followed by the initial(s) of the Christian name(s); year of publication in parentheses, title of the abstract or paper in italics; name of the Annals and the Conference, plus the indication as to whether it is an abstract or full work, in parentheses. Examples:

Silva, S.M.O., & Lipp, M.E. N. (2017). Crenças irracionais como fonte de estresse: desafio para o desempenho de profissionais de recursos humanos. Congresso Brasileiro de Terapias Cognitivas, Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brasil, XI.

• Castro, I.R.F. (2003) Psicodiagnóstico clínico e perícia criminológica: semelhanças e diferenças. Anais do 1º. Congresso de Psicologia Clínica, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo (resumo).

III.6 - Citation of Home page or Website

In the text, note the author and date of the internet query and, in the references, list this with complete data and an indication of the web address and the date on which the record was made.

III.7 - Institutional authorship:

In the references, transcribe the name of the institution promoting the book or book chapter, the issue date in parentheses, the name of the article or book in italics, the number and edition in parentheses, except where it is a first edition, and then include the city and editor. In the text, simply include the acronym of the institution and the date of issuance of the work queried, in parentheses. Example: Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) (1993) (Classificação de transtornos mentais e do comportamento da CID 10. Porto Alegre: Artmedh.)

III.8 - Figures and tables:

These should be used sparingly, and only when really necessary. They should be numbered according to the order of inclusion in the text and inserted in the place where they are discussed. They should have a brief descriptive title, placed below figures and above tables. Do not use horizontal lines to separate the header. To prevent separation of tables and figures, it is recommended that they should be placed at the end of the article, for the purposes of printing; only after the bibliography and in the place(s) where they should be inserted, include the following phrase: place here or next to table no. (...) or figure no. (...).




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© 2009 Boletim da Academia Paulista de Psicologia

Rua Pelágio Lobo, 107, Perdizes
CEP 05009-020 – São Paulo – SP