ISSN 1984-2147 |
In the field of public health, the area of mental health and psychosocial care (smaps) stands out for its academic strength, its political weight and its intersectoral character. The magazine Notebooks Brazilian Mental Health / Brazilian Journal of Mental Health is a publication that is consistent with these characteristics. Binds the Research Group on Health Policy / Mental Health - GPPS, the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, where is its scientific effective up and publishing in collaboration with other federal universities, represented by its Board National Editorial and other educational and research institutions, represented on its Board international Editorial. The magazine is published in collaboration with the Brazilian Association of Mental Health, representative body of the mental health field in the country. Publishes articles in several modes focused on the dissemination of knowledge in Public Health applied to smaps, thus favoring the flow of a pordução of fruitful knowledge, and conveys important information in the panorama of Public Health and the continued construction of the Unified Health System in Brazil . MISSION It is an electronic journal which aims to use the SEER system (Electronic Publishing System of Scientific Journals), whose mission is to encourage the exchanges necessary to the affirmation of the mental health interdisciplinary, as demanded by the National Mental Health Policy in the context SUS construction. The focus is the publication of scientific papers using different methodologies in research applied to mental health.
OBJECTIVES he overall objective is the regular, quarterly, the magazine Notebooks Brazilian Mental Health / Brazilian Journal of Mental Health, contributing to the development of the Unified Health System and the advancement of knowledge about mental health and psychosocial care within the fields technical and academic.
The journal takes the evaluation process by peers, by using the type blind review (double blind). In this case it sends the manuscript to at least two evaluators from different institutions of the authors. All submitted manuscripts are preliminarily evaluated by the executive editorship for suitability to the adopted rules, and documents "instructions to authors" and "policies for authors." Then they are sent to two reviewers who will give their opinions on the basis of criteria linked to the originality, appropriateness to scope and magazine focus, relevance of work and academic quality, proposing approval, approval with corrections or manuscript publication of refusal in the magazine. All evaluators are doctors linked to educational institutions and national and international research. The opinions are decided with finality by at least one member of the Editorial Board. The technical review of the texts and standardization to the journal's style complete the review process. The anonymity of authors and reviewers will be guaranteed throughout the trial process. The standard time for completion of an evaluation is expected to average duration of six months. The books editors Brazilian Mental Health / Brazilian Journal of Mental Health are committed to the goal of reaching every four months. They may be edited special issues (supplements), both because of possible demands in terms of the volume of approved articles or relevant and specific topics of interest to the area, at the discretion of the Editorial Board. Supplements are coordinated by at least three members of the Editorial Board, and one of the Scientific Editor and the other guest editors. All articles submitted in the supplement will be evaluated with the same criteria for evaluating articles in no special numbers. It will be up to Supplement the Scientific Editor the final decision on the publication of articles. The authors of articles accepted for publication must sign a statement of transfer copyright of the manuscript to the journal is not allowed, except in exceptional cases (Ex .: reproduction of historical texts) and according to the editors of the journal, publication or reproduction of even in other journals. They are accepted as publishable manuscripts simple translation of articles published in other languages and magazines. The Journal adopts the Creative Commons 2.5 license. |
The journal is made up of scientific articles with a quarterly periodicity. |
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that freely available scientific knowledge to the public supports a greater global democratization of knowledge. The primary audience is composed of researchers, teachers and students who develop studies and research on issues facing the thematic areas of the Journal. |
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Specifications: The "ABNT" standard for the presentation of scientific papers, including its rules for bibliographic references, will be adopted. The relevant standards are available in Manuscripts should be submitted in file format "doc" or "docx," Arial font size 12, 1.5 line spacing, with margins of 2.0 cm on all sides, the pages numbered in the lower right corner of each page.
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Other conditions:
IMPORTANT: The manuscript homepage and other pages should NOT contain information on the author's name (s) and affiliation (s). The submitted file must be anonymous, for evaluation purposes by the journal's reviewers. All authorship information (name, affiliation, email, etc.) must be registered during the submission of the manuscript. See the "Step by step submission" link for information. |
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
As the article is approved for publication, authors must sign a copy of the manuscript to the Revista, whereby the author transfers all the copyright of the article to the Revista Cadernos Brasileiros de Saúde Mental, and any reproduction, total or Partial, in any medium of publicity, printed or electronic, without the previous and necessary authorization being requested and, if obtained, will record the competent registration and thanks to the Journal - CBSM. |
The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and is not available for other purposes or to third parties. |
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© 2017 Cadernos Brasileiros de Saúde Mental/CBSM
Assistência Editorial UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Departamento de Saúde Pública - SPB
Centro de Ciências da Saúde - CCS
CEP 88040 - 970
Florianópolis -SC - Brasil
Telefone: (48) 3721-9388
Fax: (48) 3721-9388