ISSN 1806-5821 Online version |
Author Guidelines Appropriate contributions include theoretical and conceptual analyses, research articles and brief reports, dialogues, research reviews, and book reviews. Text presentation Document properties should follow the following guidelines: A4, left margin 3 cm and the other 2.5 cm. The document must be justified. The other specifications are below. Works must be prepared in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association - APA (5 th ed.). APA Style ( Empirical manuscripts should contain the following sections: title page, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion, and references. Author licence agreement: When submitting the final version of the accepted article, a "licence to publish" agreement must be completed and signed. Please note that this form only needs to be signed by the first author on behalf of all authors. Title page: The title of the paper and the names of the authors should be given in full, together with the addresses of the institutions in which the research was undertaken. Full contact details of the corresponding author should be included (email, telephone, fax, address). Authors are asked to provide a shortened running title for the paper and a list of no more than five key words. Abstracts: Abstracts should be a concise summary (minimum 75 words; maximum 200 words) of the research and major conclusions. It should outline the aims of the study, methodology, and the main findings. Tables and Figures: Tables and Figures can be included in the manuscript and include titles and explanatory legends where appropriate. Titles for Tables and Figures must be short but informative. Tables and Figures should not duplicate information presented in the text and their meaning should be understandable without reference to textual information. Tables and Figures should be added to the end of the paper (on separate pages) with a note within the body of the paper to indicate where it should appear e.g., "Insert Table 1 here" Acknowledgments: Where appropriate, submitted manuscripts can include an acknowledgments section, which briefly recognises important contributions of other parties to either the empirical research (e.g, funding, analyses) or to the production of the manuscript (e.g., administrative duties, proof reading). References: the jounal uses the APA style system for referencing. In text, references for papers with three or more authors should be fully referenced at the first citation and as the first author et al., and the year in any subsequent citations. In the reference list, journal articles should conform to the following format: (a) Authors' names; (b) year of publication; (c) title of paper; (d) full journal name; (e) volume number; (f) page numbers. Example: Miller, E., Joseph, S., & Tudway, J. (2004). Assessing the component structure of four self-report measures of impulsivity. Personality and Individual Differences, 37 , 349-358. For book references: (a) Authors' names; (b) year of publication; (c) title of article; (d) title of book and volume number; (e) editor(s); (f) page numbers; (g) publisher's name; (h) city of publication.Example: Gray, J. A. (1994). Framework for a taxonomy of psychiatric disorder. In: S. H. M. Van Goozen, N. E. Van De Poll, J. A. Sergeant (Eds.) , Emotions: essays on emotion theory (pp. 29 – 59). Hillsdale , NJ : Lawrence Erlbaum. Online Submissions: |
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© 2009 Instituto de Ciências Cognitivas
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Centro de Ciências da Saúde
Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho
Av. Carlos Chagas Filho S/N - Sala G2-032, Bloco G
Cidade Universitária - Ilha do Fundão
21941-902 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil
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