
ISSN 1809-4139 online version



Notes for Authors

The Post-Graduate Notebooks on Developmental Disorders of the Center for Biological Sciences and Health of the Mackenzie Presbyterian University are a vehicle of scientific diffusion that aims to publish unpublished works with an interdisciplinary character. We accept original articles based on empirical data, review articles with critical analyzes of current issues, systematic review articles, clinical case articles, experience reports, letters to the editor, and book reviews.

It is a biannual magazine that adopts ABNT standards.


Editorial Board Procedures

The first evaluation of the article is carried out by the responsible editors, regarding the adequacy of the article to the rules of submission. If it is considered potentially publishable, it will be forwarded to two (2) ad-hocconsultants .

The issuance of opinions by the reviewers will be received in the form of: - acceptance of the article; - recommendation of the article with modifications; - refusal to publish the article. In all cases, the authors are notified of the suggestions or the opinion. When the authors have to make changes to the articles, they must be made within a period determined by the publishers. Refused articles may be resubmitted to the journal provided they are completely reworked.

When the article is accepted for publication, the Editors reserve the right to make small changes for the purpose of standardization.


Rules for article submission

Rules for article submission

• The title must be presented in Portuguese followed by its English and Spanish versions, not exceeding 20 words.

• Next, the data of the authors (full name, institutional affiliation, data of author responsible for the correspondence, name, postal address, electronic address). A maximum of eight authors are allowed. The editors will omit the identification of the authors to send the article to the referees.

• Summary in Portuguese, English and Spanish (justified and in single blocks) with a maximum of 300 words. Abstracts should contain an introduction, objectives, method, key findings and conclusions, besides three up to six keywords. All keywords should be checked in the electronic indexing of the Virtual Health Library or Bireme (www.bvs-psi.org.br or www.bireme.br). Use only keywords that appear on these crawlers.

• Body of the text: the names of the authors should not appear. It is not necessary to start a new page with each subtitle. All articles must be typed in Word for Windows word processor with single spacing in Times New Roman font with body 12, without exceeding the number of pages in relation to the type of article. The page should be set to A4, with formatting for the top and bottom margins of 2.5cm and for the right and left margins of 3cm. It is forbidden to use special editing features such as underline, hyphen, macros, indents, etc. Italics should be used when strictly necessary to emphasize some part of the text. Subheadings should be written in bold.

• With the article, the authors must sent the "Declaration of Responsibility and Copyrights" signed by all authors, authorizing the editorial process of the same and transferring all copyrights to the Post-Graduate Notebooks in Developmental Disorders (letter template on the Journal page) and the indication of two reviewers (name, e-mail and institution). 

• It is imperative that, when it comes to research with human beings, the author reports the Process Number of the approval of the Ethics Committee that evaluated the work project (cite in the Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright).

• After checking these steps, the process of article revision begins. In case of inadequacy, the material returns to authors to compliance with the norms of the Journal.


Article Structure

Article Structure

Articles can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish.

The texts can be presented in several modalities: original articles - 25 pages (they are reports of research based on empirical data, reports of professional experience related to practices of internships in different areas);theoretical review articles - 30 pages (are theoretical works, critical reviews, systematic reviews of literature); clinical case articles - 20 pages; letters to the editor - 5 pages; book reviews - 5 pages.

The following topics should be included in the original articles: title; introduction (definition of research problems, justification of the research, relevance of the theme, theoretical revision and objectives of the study); method (sample, data collection techniques, data collection procedures, quoting the approval number of the Research Ethics Committee with Human Beings); results; discussion; final considerations or conclusion; and references. No footnotes should be included. Figures and tables should be indicated in the text (ie: place where they should be inserted), but must be sent in a single file separately, in a maximum number of five.

The following topics should be included in the review articles: title; introduction (definition of research problems, justification of the research, relevance of the theme and objectives); method (criteria for inclusion of material in the review, procedures for collecting documentary data and analysis procedures); discussion of results (review and analysis on the basis of theory or theoretical construct discussed); final considerations or conclusion and references. As for the insertion of figures and tables, the same procedure recommended for original article based on empirical data should be followed.

Must be included in the articles of relevant clinical cases: title; introduction (definition of the study topic associated to the case, relevance, presentation of the case and clinical case of the case); Method (clinical characterization of the case, selection procedures, exploration and diagnosis procedures, as well as the intervention procedures, citing the approval number of the Research Ethics Committee with Human Beings); discussion of the case; final considerations or conclusion and references. As for the insertion of figures and tables, the same procedure recommended for original article should be followed.

They should be included in the book review: header (transcription of the complete bibliographic data of the reviewed publication); introduction and purpose of the review; synthetic presentation of parts, sections or chapters; critical analysis on the work in question and discussion about the theoretical or scientific contribution.

Full quotes in up to three lines should be indicated by quotation marks in the body of the paragraph, which should also include the author's last name, year and page number. Full citations that occupy more than three lines must be indicated in a separate paragraph, so that they include the author's surname, the year and the page number quoted.

References: - references must be listed in the alphabetical order of authors' surnames. The works of single authorship, with more than one citation, must be ordered by publication year (beginning with the oldest). Also insert the DOI of the article at the end of each reference. Regarding the ABNT Norms, we refer the author to the following examples of citations and references.


1 Quotation

It is the mention, in the text, of information extracted from another source. The author makes use of an original text to extract the citation, which can be reproduced literally (direct, literal or textual citation), interpreted, summarized or translated (indirect or free citation), or may be information extracted from an intermediate source (citation of quote).

1.1     Direct, literal or textual citations.

They are literal transcriptions and extracted from the text consulted, respecting all the formal characteristics regarding the writing, the spelling, and the original punctuation. Part of the transcribed text can be omitted by employing three ellipses brackets, but the end of the passage, indicate - where the extracted reference. The quotation in the text is transcribed in double quotation marks, and, if it is a short textual quotation, of up to three lines, it must be incorporated in the paragraph.


There is the place where you were born, the place you come from, the place where you work, you live, etc. "The place where speech is complemented by the allusive exchange of some passwords, in the connivance and intimate accomplices of the announcers" (AUGÉ, 1994, 73). In short, a place can be symbolized. When the name of the author (s) cited or the title (s) of the cited work are included in the sentence, only the date and the page (s) are included in parentheses.


For Romberg (1992, p 51), the term "research" refers to processes - things that are made and not objects that can be touched and seen. In addition, he states: "Doing research can not be viewed as a mechanical performance or set of activities that individuals follow in a prescribed or predetermined way."

In the first example of item 1.1, note that when the author's surname is in parentheses, it should be written in the upper box - (AUGÉ, 1994, p.73). In the second example of the same item 1.1, note that, when the author's surname is outside the parentheses, it should be written in the lower case - Romberg (1992, p.).

In the case of the long textual citation, with more than three lines, it is presented in an isolated paragraph, using a left margin indentation of 4 cm, with the body of the letter smaller than the text (size 10), single spacing, without the quotation marks, with the right margin as the limit of the work.


According to Onuchic (1999: 187): No intervention in the learning process can make more difference than a well-trained, intelligent, and skilled teacher. Investing in the quality of teaching is what matters. Teacher preparation has a direct effect on learners [...].

1.2     Indirect or free quotes

They are reproductions of ideas of others without literal transcription of the words used. Although free, they must be faithful to the meaning of the original text. They do not require quotation marks.


The Brazilian educational reform of the second half of the 1990s is itself, in its particularity, such a change in Brazilian social structures. Therefore, in this period, we witness a series of paradigmatic transformations in this sphere. This statement is illustrated by the curriculum reform, carried out at all levels and in a centralized way, by specialists from our best universities, institutes and research foundations: the reform in educational financing, articulated with the evaluation policy carried out by the National Evaluation System , among other measures in the same field (SILVA JUNIOR, 2002).

To quote a work with two or three authors, all names are indicated, separated by semicolons, followed by the date of publication.


By checking the nature of some chemicals, even present in low concentrations in water, can be ingested by aquatic organisms, which in turn are consumed by predatory fish, bioaccumulate in their tissues, representing a potential risk to man, as well as to birds and other animals that eat fish (Mackenthun; Bregan, 1991).

1.3     Reply with quote

When the author does not use the original text, but a citation in consulted work, the citation can be reproduced verbatim, or be interpreted, summarized or translated. This type of citation should be avoided to the maximum, since the final work has not been consulted and there may be a risk of misinterpretation and errors. In this case, the Latin expression apud followed by an indication of the source actually consulted is used, and the data of the original document should be mentioned in a footnote.


Example of eferences

Article and/or newspaper article

NAVES, P. Andean lakes give bath and beauty. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, June 28th. 1999. Folha Turismo, Caderno 8, p.13.

Article and/or newspaper article in electronic media

SILVA, IG Death penalty for the unborn child. The State of S. Paulo, São Paulo, September 19. 1988. Available at: http://www.brazilnet.com.br. Accessed on: Sep 17, 2010.

Scientific journal article

SCHMITZ, M.; POLANCZYK, G.; ROHDE, LAP ADHD: Remission in adolescence and predictors of persistence in adults. Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria, v. 56, sup.1, p. 25-29, 2007.

Journal article in press

MANSILLA, HCF The controversy between universalism and particularism in over there philosophy de la culture. Latin American Journal of Psychology. Do not press.

Work presented in event

BRAYNER, AR; MEDEIROS, CB Incorporation of time in object-oriented DBMS. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM OF BANK OF DATA, 9., 1994, São Paulo. Anais ... São Paulo: USP, 1994. p. 16-29.

Paper presented at an electronic event

GUNCHO, MR Distance education and the university library. In: SEMINAR OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, 10., 1998, Fortaleza. Anais ... Fortaleza: Tec Train, 1998. 1 CD-ROM.

Legal Document

BRAZIL. Civil Code. 46. ​​ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 1995.


AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-IV-TR. 4. ed. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2002.

Book chapter

SISTO, F. Correlation delineation. In: NUNES, MN; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Methodologies of research in sciences: qualitative and quantitative analyzes. Rio de Janeiro: LTC, 2007. p. 90-101.


RIBEIRO, CA The effect of therapeutic toy use by the pediatric nurse on the behavior of newly hospitalized children. 1986. 156 f. Dissertation (Master in Nursing) - University of São Paulo, São Paulo, 1986


Insert at the end of the text the reference to the development agency, if applicable.



Check list


Before submitting your article, make sure the following items are covered:

- Title in Portuguese, English and Spanish;

- Full name of the authors, with institutional affiliation and e-mail;

- Abstract and keywords;

- Portuguese abstract and keywords;

- Spanish abstract and keywords;

- Body text;

- References in accordance with ABNT standards;

- Insert the DOI of the articles at the end of the references;

- Indication of two reviewers (name, e-mail…);

- Letter of commitment with the full names of the authors, accompanied by the signatures and the CPF number* (*if you are a brazilian citizen), plus proof or declaration of approval by the Ethics Committee.



Only articles registered on the SEER platform will be accepted. To submit your article, visit our platform: http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/cpgdd/index

If you have any questions, please contact us by the following e-mail:
E-mail: cadernos.ppgdd@mackenzie.br
To the care of the Editors

Responsible Publishers:
Dr. Cristiane Silvestre de Paula.
Dr. Silvana Maria Blascovi-Assis



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Cadernos de Pós-Graduação em Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
Postgraduate Program in Developmental Disorders
Center for Biological and Health Sciences
Mackenzie Presbyterian University
Rua da Consolação, 930 - Prédio 28 - 1º Andar - Campus São Paulo
Fone: 55 (11) 2114-8707
São Paulo - SP
