Print version ISSN 1677-9843



The periodical Escritos sobre Educação is a medium for the publication of original educational-oriented articles, ranging from reports based on personal experiences of education professionals, brief communications, reviews, notes about academic events and activities connected to education and related areas, as well as letters to the editor.

Editorial Board consideration

The written production will be evaluated by the Editorial Board, which, whenever necessary, and at their own judgment, will seek advice and support from the Ad-hoc consultants. The authors will be notified of the approval or refusal of their articles. The original article, even when not approved for the publication, will not be returned.

The article, with the author’s name suppressed, will be submitted for consideration by two members of the Editorial Board of the periodical Escritos Sobre Educação, being its approval subjected to a favorable opinion of both members.

Suggestion for amendments will be forwarded to the authors for their due alterations, and must be returned within a month.

Small alterations may be made by the Management or Editorial Board, according to the periodical criteria and operational standard.

How to present the manuscript

The original manuscript must be submitted in 3 (three) copies, double-spaced typed on font size 12 and stored in a floppy disc, utilizing text editors similar to or superior to Word for Windows.

The manuscripts must have between 1200 and 2000 characters. The pages must be numbered, being the personalized front page numbered as 1. Paper size A4, formatted with left and right margin of 3 cm and top and bottom margin of 2,5 cm.

Front page

- Full title in Portuguese.
- Suggestion for a short title.
- Full title in English.
- Name of each author, followed by the institutional affiliation.
- Author’s full address to where any information regarding his?her article must be sent.
His?her e-mail address is also appreciated.
- Whenever relevant, include a paragraph acknowledging financial support, cooperation from colleagues and technicians and manuscript origins, such as: when the article was first made public; whether it refers to a thesis or dissertation; data collection, if performed in institution different from that informed as the institution of origin.


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© 2007 Fundação Helena Antipoff. Instituto Anísio Teixeira

Escritos sobre Educação
Av. São Paulo, 3996 - Vila Rosário
32400-000 Ibirité - MG
Tel.: +55-31 352-19500
Fax.: +55-31 3533-2157