ISSN 1980-2005 print version
ISSN 1982-0976 online version



On the originals to be sent

The paper should be sent in two printed copies and one electronic copy either on a CD-ROM (Word for Windows version 6.0 or higher, with the extension .doc) or by e-mail. The text should be typed in font Times New Roman, size 12, paper size A4, double-spaced, structured as follows:

1. Front sheet containing:

- Author’s full name;
- Academic and professional achievements, institutional affiliation (three lines max);
- Author’s mailing or e-mail address and fax/phone number.

2. Summary sheet containing the following items, in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French :

- Paper’s title.
- Abstract in approximately 120 words.
- Keywords (three to five)

3. The main text must show only the title in Portuguese and should be from 10 to 20 pages in length; reviews should not exceed three pages.

Notes: The originals sent will not be returned. Footnotes and such should only be used as a last resort and must be indicated by Arabic numerals throughout the text and typed on a separate sheet titled “Notes”, without the automatic use of Word software.

Evaluation of the Editorial Committee

After checking the norms above, the papers should be sent to the committee members for an evaluation to be sent, so as to preserve the identities of the author and of the evaluator. The texts sent must be unpublished, enclosed with the a letter written by the editor responsible for it, requesting it to be published. On this letter, the author/s must state that the paper’s contents are professionally ethic, as well as inform about possible conflicts of interest that may influence the paper’s results. In case there were any sponsors, they must also be mentioned.

If needed, the paper will be forwarded to an ad hoc consultant. The evaluation will be forwarded to the author/s so as to justify or make changes in the text. The altered text should then be returned in no more than 20 days. Small changes may be made in the text by the Editorial Committee so as to meet the journal’s operational norms and criteria.


The texts’ approval brings about an immediate free cession of copyrights on Revista EPISTEMO-SOMÁTICA, which will then have the exclusive rights to publish them first hand. The author may still hold the rights for further publishing.

References, Quotations and Bibliographical References
American Psychological Association - APA

References to any authors should be made throughout the text mentioning only the author’s last name, followed by the year. Example: (Ansermet, 2003)

In case the authors find it important to mention the publishing year of the edition that was used for the citation or quotation, it may be put following the year of the original publication. Example: (Freud, 1927/1996)

In case there is a coincidence of dates of a text or book, the distinction should be made by adding a letter, according to the order of original publication: (1912a , 1912b...)

In case a compilation of texts of a same author on a book is been quoted or cited, the year of the text should be used along with the year of the edition that was used. Example: (Lacan, 1938/2006)

In case of multiple authors, all must be cited, using “and” or “&”. Example: (Freud & Breuer, 1985[1893-95])

In case of quotations, always between quotation marks, the original page number must be added. Example: “na natureza da própria pulsão sexual é desfavorável à obtenção da satisfação plena” (FREUD, 1912/1996: p. 182)

Quotations in three lines or fewer must be kept in the main body of the text.

Quotations in more than three lines should appear cued to the right using one tab space, single-spaced, typed in font Times New Roman, size 10.

Bibliographical references should appear at the end of the paper, in alphabetical order of last names. Example: Arendt, H. ...

The items must appear in the following order:

Book – last name in all upper-case letters, author’s initials, title in italics, city, publisher, publishing year. Example: FOUCAULT, M. Vigiar e punir: nascimento da prisão. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1986.

Paper/Book chapter – last name, author’s initials (publishing year), title in quotation marks, followed by commas and “in:” (with no italics), name of the author or editor (in case the author of the chapter or paper is not the same of the book or publication), book title in italics, city, publisher. Example: Lacan, J. (1998) "A direção do tratamento e os princípios do seu poder". in: Escritos. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar. Exemplo: Prado de Oliveira, L. E. (1998) "Sublimation et symbolization: retrouvaille et fêtes”. in: Eiguer, A., Leprince, C., Baruch, F. La fête de famille. Paris: In Press Editions.

Magazine/journal article – last name, author’s initials (publishing year), title in quotation marks, name of the magazine or journal in italics, volume (v.), number (n.), city, publisher, publishing year, pages (p.). Example: Dandurand, P., Ollivier, E. (1991) “Centralité des savoirs et éducation: vers de nouvelles problématiques”. in: Revue Sociologie et Société. v.XXIII. n.1, Montréal: Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, p.3.

Papers may be sent to:

Rua Matias Cardoso, 129 – Conj. 1001 / 1003 - Bairro Santo Agostinho
CEP: 30.170-050 – Belo Horizonte/MG – Brasil
Telefone:55 31 3292-0530

Script for the evaluation

Items to be evaluated or commented:

Paper structure

Pertinence of the title regarding the paper’s contents
Clarity of the abstract regarding the paper’s fundamental aspects
Pertinence of the keywords
Connection with the journal’s area


Paper’s focus delimitation and definition
Explicit reasons for the paper
Coherence/consistency between the proposed aims and the methods
Bibliography’s appropriateness for the issue


Clarity in language/conveying ideas
Accordance with the "norms for sending papers"

Final evaluation

Favorable to publishing
Favorable to publishing with modifications
Unfavorable to publishing

Evaluation justification:

Detailed justification, highlighting modifications and suggestions, indicating the exact locations in the text. In case the evaluation is unfavorable, we request the reasons to be detailed.


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© 2007 Clínica de Psicologia e Psicanálise do Hospital Mater Dei

R. Matias Cardoso, 129 - conj. 1001/1003 - Santo Agostinho
30170-050 Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil
Tel.: 55 31 3292-0530