Print version ISSN 0103-5835
ISSN 2358-5765 online version


  • Editorial guidance and rules for publication

  • Editorial guidance and rules for publication
  • I – Editorial line. General information
    The Jornal de Psicanálise aims to publish works that may contribute to the formation of the psychoanalyst. It conceives formation in a broad way, dealing with the specific knowledge of psychoanalysis in its relation with the different cultural productions that allow the reflection on man in the contemporary world. Thus, its editorial line seeks to attend to the different theoretical and technical conceptions of contemporary psychoanalysis, as well as highlight its articulation with other fields of the human sciences, preserving the value of the conceptual foundations that support the psychoanalytic identity in the interdisciplinary field.

    II. Article Submission
    The original should be limited to 40 thousand characters (with spaces) including all abstracts and keywords; in case of a review, the text must have a maximum of 10 thousand characters (with spaces). Forward to

    III. Presentation of the article
    The Jornal de Psicanálise is based on the norms of the American Psychological Association (APA) regarding the presentation of citations in the text and references. The presentation of the manuscripts should follow the following sequence:

    1. Identified cover sheet containing:
    Title of the work in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French. Full name and institutional affiliation of each author. Footnote with full mailing address, including zip code, telephone number and e-mail address, of each of the authors. Footnote with information on institutional support, acknowledgments, origin of the work (presentation in event, derived from dissertation or thesis) and other ethically necessary information.

    2. Unidentified cover sheet containing only:
    Title of the work in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French.

    3. Abstract and Keywords
    The abstract and keywords must be submitted after the title and the author's name, abstracts in Spanish (resumen and palabras clave), French (résumé et mots-clés) must be submitted before bibliographic references. Abstracts should contain approximately 1,000 characters (with space) and we recommend a maximum of 5 keywords. We suggest the use of the "Terminology in Psychology" website to choose the keywords:

    4. Text
    4.1 Quotations
    4.1.1 Citation of authors

    The citations should be presented by the surname of the author (s) followed by the year of the original publication. In citations with two authors, the surnames, when quoted in the text, must be linked by "and" (in case the text is in Portuguese), "and" (when it is in English), "y" (when it is in Spanish); when indicated in parentheses should be linked by the symbol "&". Example: Pessanha and Forones (2003) or (Pessanha & Forones, 2003) and by "et" when in French.

    When citations with three to five authors appear for the first time in the text, all authors should be cited. In the following citations, only the surname of the first author followed by "et al." Is required.

    Example of first citation of three to five authors:
    Azevedo, Menezes and Meyer (1999) or (Azevedo, Menezes & Meyer, 1999).

    Example of the following quotes:
    Azevedo et al. (2005) or (Azevedo et al., 2005).

    Note: In the final list of references all names of authors should be cited.

    In case of citation with six or more authors, the surname of the first author followed by "et al." should be mentioned. Example: Bicudo et al. (1967) or (Bicudo et al., 1967).
    In the final list of references, only the surname and initials of the first of the six authors should be cited, while for the subsequent authors (if any) the expression "et al." should be used.

    Bicudo, V. L., Marcondes, D., Uchôa, D. de M., Gill, M. J, Melsohn, I., Paiva, L. M. de et al. (1967). Édipo Rei: comentários sobre a peça Édipo Rei. Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise, 1 (2), 218-239.

    In the case of a quotation from several authors for the same idea must be obeyed the alphabetical order of their surnames.
    Example: Badaines (1976), Biller (1968, 1969) or (Badaines, 1976; Biller, 1968, 1969).

    In the case of citations of authors with the same surname, the initials of the surnames should be indicated. Example: M. M. Oliveira (1983) and V. M. Oliveira (1984) or (M. M. Oliveira, 1983; V. M. Oliveira, 1984).

    In the case of documents with different dates of publication and the same author, the author's surname and the years of publication are quoted in chronological order.
    Example: Merleau-Ponty (1942, 1960, 1966) or (Merleau-Ponty, 1942, 1960, 1966).

    In citations of documents with the same date of publication and the same author, lower case letters should be added after the year of publication.
    Example: Rogers (1973a, 1973b, 1973c) or (Rogers, 1973a, 1973b, 1973c).

    Documents whose author is a collective entity should be cited by the name of the entity in full, followed by the year of publication. Example: American Psychological Association (2001) or (American Psychological Association, 2001).

    4.1.2 Citation obtained through informal channels
    (class, conference, personal communication, electronic address, etc.) Add information in parentheses after quotation. Example: (Verbal information, September 19, 2003).

    4.1.3 Citation of old and reissued works
    Cite the date of the original publication followed by the date of the edition consulted. Example: Freud (1898/1976) or (Freud, 1898/1976).

    4.1.4 Textual citation
    In the case of verbatim transcription of a text, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks, followed by the author's last name, date and page cited. In the case of citation of 40 words or more words, it must be presented in a separate paragraph, without double quotation marks, the left margin must have five spaces ending without indentation in the left margin. All citation should be written in a smaller font.
    Attention: In the quote of testimony or transcription of the interview, the speeches must be presented in italics, and its form of presentation must follow the orientation indicated above (textual quotation).

    4.1.5 Indirect Citation
    In indirect citation, that is, the one whose idea is drawn from another source, use the expression "quoted by" (in case the text is in English, "as cited in" and so on).
    Example: For Matos (1990) quoted by Bill (1998) or For Matos (1990, quoted by Bill, 1998). Note: In the references mention only the works consulted (in this case, Bill, 1998).

    4.1.6 Citation of works in the process of being published
    The surname of the author (s) is cited followed by the expression "in press". Example: (Magdaleno Jr., in press) or Magdaleno Jr. (in press). Note: In case the text is written in English, "in press".

    4.1.7 Citation of Homepage or Web Site
    The preferred e-mail address is enclosed in parentheses after the information. Example: ( Note: It is not necessary to list it in the References list at the end of the text.

    4.1.8 Punctuation and spelling in textual citation
    The spelling and punctuation of a textual citation should follow those used by the author of the consulted document.

    4.2 Footnotes
    Footnotes should be avoided whenever possible; however, when indicated in the body of the text, they must be indicated with sequential Arabic numerals, immediately after the sentence to which they relate. Notes should be displayed in the footer of the same page. The authors mentioned in the citations should be presented in the references, not in a footnote.

    4.3 References
    They should be presented at the end of the article. Their arrangement must be in alphabetical order of the last surname of the author and constitute a list headed by the title References. In the case of more than one work by the same author, the references should be arranged in chronological order of publication.
    Note: Transcription of the elements.

    Author Indicate the author (s) by the last last name, in lowercase letters, followed by the abbreviated first name (s).

    Title Titles and subheadings should be separated by a colon.

    Place of publication
    The name of the place (city of publication) should be indicated as shown in the document, followed by the acronym of the State. Internationally recognized cities do not require the state or country to be informed.
    Example: Paris, New York, Chicago.
    In the case of Brazilian cities, we have chosen to mention the State only for cities that are not capitals. Example: Petrópolis, RJ; Campinas, SP; Sao Paulo; Porto Alegre; Rio de Janeiro.
    When the location is not identified, use the expression [s.l.]

    Publishing company
    Indicate as it appears in the document, shortening the surnames. Delete the words designating the legal or commercial nature. When the publisher is not identified, use the expression [s.n.]

    Examples of references
    4.3.1 Books
    With authorship

    Amati Mehler, J., Argentieri, S., Canestri, J. (2005). A babel do inconsciente: língua materna e línguas estrangeiras na dimensão psicanalítica [La babele dell’inconscio: lingua madre e lingue straniere nella dimensione psicoanalitica]. Rio de Janeiro: Imago.

    Aulagnier, P. (1978). La violence de l’interpretation. Paris: PUF.

    Grier, F. (Ed.). (2005). Oedipus and the couple (The Tavistock Clinic Series) London: Karnac.

    Hargreaves, E. & Varchevker, A. (Eds.). In pursuit of psychic change: The Betty Joseph workshop. Hove: Brunner-Routledge, 2004.

    With institutional authorship
    American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed). Washington, DC: Author.

    École des Sciences Criminologiques León Cornil. (1998). La pédophilie: Approche pluridisciplinaire. Bruxelles: Bruylant.

    OCAL. (1992). Psicoanalisis: La ilusion interrogada. Montevideo: OCAL.

    No specific authorship – Entry by title of the work
    The world of learning (41st ed.). (1991). London: Europa.

    With edit indication
    Eco, U. (1989). O pêndulo de Foucault (3ª ed.). Rio de Janeiro: Record.

    Foucault, M. (1980). História da sexualidade: a vontade de saber (3ª ed.). Rio de Janeiro: Graal.

    Milner, M. (1967). On not being able to paint (2nd ed.). New York: IUP.

    Prado Jr., B. (2000). Alguns ensaios: filosofia, literatura, psicanálise (2ª ed.). São Paulo: Paz e Terra.

    With translator's indication
    Mijolla, A. de (Org.). (2005). Dicionário internacional de psicanálise: conceitos, noções, biografias, obras, eventos, instituições (A. Cabral, Trad.). Rio de Janeiro: Imago.

    With indication of the date and title of the original edition Merleau-Ponty, M. (1994). Fenomenologia da percepção (C. A. R. Moura, Trad.). São Paulo: Martins Fontes. (Original work published in 1945. Título original: Phénoménologie de la perception).

    Bion, W. R. (1994). Estudos psicanalíticos revisados (W. M. de M. Dantas, Trad., 3ª ed.). Rio de Janeiro: Imago. (Original work published in 1967. Título original: Second thoughts)

    With indication of the translated title
    Merleau-Ponty, M. (1964). Le visible et l’invisible [O visível e o invisível]. Paris: Gallimard.

    With indication of volumes
    Carterette, E. C., & Friedman, M. P. (Eds.). (1974-1978). Handbook of perception (Vol. 1-10) New York: Academic Press.

    Spillius, E. B. (Ed.). (1990). Melanie Klein hoje, desenvolvimentos da teoria e da técnica. Vol. 2: Artigos predominantemente técnicos. Rio de Janeiro: Imago.

    Book chapter Chauí, M. (1998). Notas sobre cultura popular. In P. S. Oliveira (Org.), Metodologia das ciências humanas (pp. 165-182). São Paulo: Hucitec; UNESP.

    Williams, M. H. (2005). Creativity and the countertransference. In M. H. Williams, The vale of soul making: The post-kleinian model of the mind and its poetic origins (pp. 175-182). London: Karnac.

    Klein, M. (1962). Amor, culpa e reparação. In M. Klein & J. Riviere, Vida emocional dos civilizados (pp. 57-113). Rio de Janeiro: Zahar.

    Chapter of book with date of the original edition
    Freud, S. (1977). Histeria. In S. Freud, Edição standard brasileira das obras psicológicas completas de Sigmund Freud (J. Salomão, Trad., Vol. 1, pp. 77-102). Rio de Janeiro: Imago. (Original work published in 1888)

    Freud, S. (1973). El yo y el ello. In S. Freud, Obras completas (L. López-Ballesteros y de Torres, Trad., 3ª ed., Vol. 3, pp. 2701-2728). Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva. (Original work published in 1923)

    When there is more than one chapter of a book by the same author and with the same date of publication of the edition consulted, the chapters should be referred in alphabetical order and not in chronological order of the original edition. The references will be differentiated by lowercase letters: a, b, c etc.

    Freud, S. (1977a). Cinco lições de psicanálise. In S. Freud, Edição standard brasileira das obras psicológicas completas de Sigmund Freud (Vol. 11, pp. 3-51). Rio de Janeiro: Imago. (Original work published in 1910 [1909])

    Freud, S. (1977b). A dissolução do complexo de Édipo. In S. Freud, Edição standard brasileira das obras psicológicas completas de Sigmund Freud (Vol. 19, pp. 215-224). Rio de Janeiro: Imago. (Original work published in 1924)

    Freud, S. (1977c). O ego e o id. In S. Freud, Edição standard brasileira das obras psicológicas completas de Sigmund Freud (Vol. 19, pp. 13-83) Rio de Janeiro: Imago. (Original work published in 1923)

    4.3.2 Scientific journals
    Complete Edition (Fascicle)

    Green, A. (Dir.). (2001). Courants de la psychanalyse contemporaine [Numéro hors série]. Revue Française de Psychanalyse, 65.

    Bicudo, V. L. (1989). Conversando sobre formação. Jornal de Psicanálise, 22(44), 13-20.

    Tuckett, D. (2005). Does anything go?: Towards a framework for the more transparent assessment ofpsychoanalytic competence. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 86(1), 31-49.

    Article published in supplement
    Kernberg, O. (1993). Discussion: Empirical research in psychoanalysis. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 41(Suppl.), 369-380.

    Article to be published (in press) Magdaleno Jr., R. (no prelo). A função da identidade psicanalítica: apreensão do método como incorporação de uma ética. Jornal de Psicanálise.

    4.3.3 Disclosure Review
    Published text
    Diatkine, R. (1993, 17 de março). Histórias sem fim. Veja, 26(11), 7-9.

    4.3.4 Newspaper
    Frayze-Pereira, J. A. (1998, 22 de maio). Arte destrói a comunicação comum e instaura a incomum. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, Caderno 5, p. 24.

    Costa, J. F. (1995, 3 de dezembro). Um passeio no jardim sexológico [Entrevista com Manuel da Costa Pinto]. Folha de S. Paulo, p. 5.

    Attention: In the case of Testimonial =… [Testimonial…].

    4.3.5 Scientific events (Congresses, Seminars, Symposia, etc.)
    Published in abstracts or annals

    Perrini, E. (2000). A psicanálise além do divã: na instituição, na supervisão e na psicoterapia. In Anais do II Encontro de Psicanálise do Núcleo de Psicanálise de Campinas e Região (pp. 65-67). Campinas, SP: NPCR, 2000.

    Thiers, V. O., Seabra, A. G., Macedo, E. C., Arbex, S. M., Feitosa, M. D., & Capovilla, F. C. (1993). PCSComp: Picture Communication Symbols System: versão computadorizada. In Resumos de Comunicações Científicas, III Congresso Interno do Núcleo de Pesquisa em Neurociências e Comportamento da Universidade de São Paulo (p. 15). São Paulo: Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas da Universidade de São Paulo.

    Published as article
    Pacheco e Silva Filho, A. C. (1972). O mito, complexo, dos vampiros: sua importância psicológica e psicopatológica. Jornal de Psicanálise, 6(18), 18-22. Work presented in the 3º Congresso Brasileiro de Psicanálise, São Paulo.

    Not published
    Franco Filho, O. de M. (1996). O campo da transferência e a contratransferência na formação analítica: quando o analista é também professor. Work presented in the Pré-Congresso Didático, 18, Monterrey, México.

    4.3.6 Master Thesis and Thesis
    Herrmann, L. A. F. (2004). Andaimes do real: a construção de um pensamento. Tese de Doutorado, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo.

    Vidille, W. F. (2005). Práticas terapêuticas entre indígenas do Alto Rio Negro: reflexões teóricas. Dissertação de Mestrado, Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo.

    Attention: In the case of published theses or dissertations, follow the reference model of the book as a whole.

    4.3.7 Unpublished work
    Franco Filho, O. de M. (1996). O campo da transferência e a contratransferência na formação analítica: quando o analista é também professor. Unpublished text.

    4.3.8 Documents extracted from electronic sources
    Newspaper article
    Paiva, G. J. (2000). Dante Moreira Leite: um pioneiro de psicologia social no Brasil. Psicologia USP, 11 (2). Retrieved on March 12, 2001, from SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online):

    Journal article summary
    Bernardino, L. M.F. (2001). A clínica das psicoses na infância: Impasses e invenções [Resumo]. Estilos da Clínica: Revista sobre a Infância com Problemas, 6 (11), 82-91. Retrieved on January 9, 2003, from the Database Index Psi Periódicos:

    Text Glover, N. (2005). Art, creativity and the potential space. In N. Glover, Psychoanalytic aesthetics: The British School. London: Free Associations. Text retrieved March 14, 2005:

    4.4 Special materials
    Cinematic or scientific films, video and sound recordings, illustrations, slides, transparencies, posters, sculptures, models, games, models, prototypes, etc. Capovilla, F. C. (Producer) & Guidi, M. A. A. (Director). (1990). Recursos de hardware para análise experimental do comportamento humano [Movie-video]. São Paulo: Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo.

    4.5 Images and illustrations
    The presentation of images such as photographs, drawings and graphics (only the strictly necessary for the clarity of the text), indicate by their order number, the places where they should be inserted. High quality images of photographs, graphics or drawings, with a maximum size of 100mm x 150mm. As the image may suffer reduction, send preferably with extension "tiff". Original images should be sent separately from the article, even if they are in the original article. If the uploaded images have already been published, mention the source and permission for publication.

    IV. Editorial Board and Editorial Board/Consultant Procedures
    The articles should be sent to the editorial staff of the magazine in accordance with the conditions described above. The originals should be submitted to the editorial board for approval, and/or ad hoc consultants. Consultants will not be informed of the authors' identities and institutional affiliations. The authors will also not be aware of the identities of the consultants. After analyzing the articles, the consultants issue written opinions: approved, approved with recommendations and/or suggestions or rejected for publication. However, the final decision of the publication is given by the editorial board. The editorial staff of the Jornal de Psicanálise also reserves the right to make minor changes to the authors’ text during the graphic production process.

    V. Copyright
    The copyrights of all published articles belong to the Jornal de Psicanálise. Full reproduction of articles in other publications requires written permission from the journal's editorial board.

    VI. Electronic publishing
    The Jornal de Psicanálise is a publication made available to its readers both in the traditional graphic form as well as in the electronic version, through several reference databases in the area. Thus, the accepted articles will be published, automatically and integrally, in both forms – graphic and electronic. The editorial board of the Jornal de Psicanálise also reserves the right to define the databases for which the journal will be available in its electronic version


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    © 2009 Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de São Paulo

    Jornal de Psicanálise
    Instituto de Psicanálise "Durval Marcondes" da SBPSP
    Av. Cardoso de Mello, 1450, 9º Andar
    Cep: 04548-005 – São Paulo – SP