ISSN 0103-0825 printed version
ISSN 2595-1297 online version


General Instructions
Identification Sheet
Manuscript Content


General Instructions

Every work sent to Junguiana will undergo an evaluation process by the Editorial Board, which may resort to ad hoc reviewers, if deemed necessary. The peer review process will be confidential; neither authors nor reviewers will have access. The texts may be published for a period of up to 12 months.

Note : The editors reserve the right to revise/edit the texts that are accepted for publication as grammatical rules, in order to give them greater clarity and fluency, eliminating ambiguities and possible repetitions in order to improve communication between author and reader. Suggestions will be forwarded to the author(s) for verification and return within three days. Failure to meet this deadline will cause the text to be published in a subsequent issue.

In order to be published in Junguiana, it is required that the document be written in Portuguese and English or Spanish, with the abstract in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Concepts and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the authors. We accept texts on any subject provided they are related with analytical psychology.

The author must determine the section of the journal for which the work is intended, as described below:

Scientific essay – work resulting from the author's reflection based on empirical data (according to the scientific method) or resulting from the symbolic expansion of some cultural or artistic production, or even dreams or other material, projecting the critical spirit of the author and originality. Articles should have no more than 40,000 characters, including spaces, title, subtitle(s) and references.

Review article – didactic and systematized article, which gathers, analyzes, discusses and updates current knowledge in a particular field, i.e., a scientific literature review in order to deepen the discussion or review the concept. Articles should have no more than 40,000 characters, including spaces, title, subtitle(s) and references.

Clinical case – symbolic expansion and reflective discussion of one or more cases treated and documented by the author. With the identities of patients properly preserved, this report must contain the following topics: 1. Introduction; 2. Report(s) of the case(s) with justification for publication; 3. Discussion; 4. Final Considerations. Articles should have no more than 40,000 characters, including spaces, title, subtitle(s) and references.
Communication – brief statement, addressing fields of knowledge that are of interest to psychology and related sciences. The term generally applies to presentations at congresses, conferences, seminars and similar meetings. Announcements should have no more than 15,000 characters, including spaces, title, subtitle(s) and references.

Comments – remarks, critiques, considerations or explanations regarding published material, which may or may not be answered by the authors and/or editors. This sort of document will only be accepted up to six months after the publication of the commented article. Comments should have no more than 15,000 characters, including spaces, title, subtitle(s) and references.

Interview – Conversation between people in order to obtain evaluations, opinions, information, etc. Interviews should have no more than 25,000 characters, including spaces, title, subtitle(s) and references.

Review – Text that proposes to give information on complex elements; it may refer to books, films, art exhibitions and plays in a critical summary. Reviews should have no more than 15,000 characters, including spaces, title, subtitle(s) and references.

Information for contributors – Texts should be sent directly to:

The author(s) must submit a letter stating that the work has never been published, that its submission to the journal is authorized, and that the above mentioned text was not offered to another journal.


Identification Sheet

Guidelines for preparing original texts - Title Page

Page that precedes the beginning of the manuscript, it should be unnumbered, double-spaced, and contain the author's name and title of the work in 12 pt. and 14 pt. Arial font, respectively. All other pages should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the upper right corner.

1. Include a brief note with the name(s) of the author(s), stating his/her field of knowledge/practice, institutional affiliation, contact information (address/email), and the date of submission.

Note: The name(s) of the author(s) should only appear on the title page.

2. The title in Portuguese and in English and Spanish. Should have no more than 40 characters including spaces. Subtitles (optional) should have no more than 30 characters including spaces.


Manuscript Content



1.The title in Portuguese and in English and Spanish as presented on the title page

  • Subtitles (optional).
  • 2. An abstract, in Portuguese, with no more than 1,000 characters, followed by a version of the abstract in English and Spanish the title and subtitle. The purpose of the abstract is to shorten the research process; therefore, it must offer information that will help the researcher determine whether or not to read the full article. It must contain a summary of the proposed objectives, methodology used, and conclusions reached in the work.

    3. Keywords – significant words found in the title, abstract, or text. A maximum of five words can be included in each abstract.

    4. Text (flush left, 12 pt. Arial font, double-spaced, .doc or .docx extension) in Portuguese. No more than 40,000 characters, including spaces, for the following sections: scientific paper, review article, clinical case. Works produced for the sections of announcement, comment, and review should have no more than 15,000 characters including spaces. Interviews should have no more than 25,000 characters.

    5. Foreign names, titles, and texts should be italicised and psychology terms (analytical psychology, shadow, persona, archetype, ego, etc.) should be written in lowercase, with the exception of Self.

    6. Other elements: photographs will be accepted, so long as they are related to the article, and evaluated by the Editorial Board; they should come with credits and either in Bitmap (.bmp) or JPEG (.jpg) formats. The images should be of good quality and adhere to a maximum size of 600×400 pixels. We recommend that each image does not exceed 512 kb. Images belonging to third parties should necessarily be accompanied by an authorization.






    Citations can be:

    1. Citing information taken from another source;
    2. Citing an original work from a secondary source, when the original is not available.

    General rules

  • When mentioning an author's last name, a responsible institution, or a title within the text, this information should appear in uppercase and lowercase letters, and in uppercase letters when it appears in parentheses.
  • Examples of Indirect Quotations:

    The article written by Gimenez (2003) provides a different way of perceiving the moments before death.

    [...] many historians had to defend their craft against the increasing popularity of relativism (EVANS, 1997; MARWICK, 2001).

    Examples of Direct Quotations:

    "[…] e vítima da doença mental para o de protagonista na construção do projeto terapêutico dos pacientes" (CAMATTA; SCHNEIDER, 2009, p. 116).

    Richard Dawkins (1989) described the meme as something that "conveys the idea of a unit of cultural transmission".

  • If directly quoting from a source, page(s), volume(s), take(s) or section should follow the date of publication, separated by commas, and be preceded by their abbreviated letter.
  • Ex.: "[…] the grand plan on which the unconscious life of the psyche is constructed is so inaccessible to our understanding that we can never know what evil may not be necessary in order to produce good … and what good may very possibly lead to evil". (JUNG, 1948/1969, CW v. 9, pt. 1, p. 215, para. 397)

  • In-text direct quotations of up to three lines should appear within double quotation marks. Use single quotation marks to indicate a quote within a quote.
  • Ex.: "The concept of the archetype is the manifestation of the collective unconscious’s psychic content in the form of certain 'primordial images'."(HOUSSAIN, 2012, p. 104)

  • In-text direct quotations that are longer than three lines should omit quotation marks and have a 4cm indentation from the left margin, as well as a smaller font.
  • Ex.: Not for a moment dare we succumb to the illusion that an archetype can be finally explained and disposed of. Even the best attempts at explanation are only more or less successful translations into another metaphorical language. (Indeed, language itself is only an image.) The most we can do is dream the myth onwards and give it a modern dress.(JUNG, 1963, v. 9, p. 160).

  • Indirect quotations – text based on someone else's work. Quotes from various documents by the same author, but published in different years and mentioned together, should include dates separated by commas.
    Ex.: (DREYFUS, 1989, 1991, 1995)

  • Indirect quotations based on documents by several different authors, cited together, should be separated by semicolons, in alphabetical order.

  • Citing indirect sources – apud precedes the name of the author or title of the source.
    Ex.: According to Silva (1983 apud ABREU, 1993, p. 3) it is {...}

    Ex.: Nélson Aguilar saw the Museum of Images of the Unconscious not only as a product of modern art but also as the most successful collection of its kind. (AGUILAR apud CANCINO, 1999).

    Ex.: The practice of introducing exotic fish species has been recorded since the middle ages (BALON 1974 apud LI & MOYLE 1993).

  • Omissions, interpolations, comments, emphasis or highlight should be indicated as follows:
    [...] omissions
    [ ] interpolations, additions, or comments emphasis or highlights (single quotation marks + space + what you want to highlight, ex. 'art of conservation')

  • When citing oral sources – lectures, discussions, communications, etc. – state that it is oral information between parentheses at the end of the sentence and add a footnote with details about the source.

    The new drug can be purchased until the end of this semester (oral information)1

    1 Information given by John B. Miller at the International Congress of Genetic Engineering, London, March 2006. (in the footnote).





    Bibliographic References - Print Sources


    MELKER, Ilona. Christiana Morgan’s final visions: a contextual view. Jung Journal, Philadelphia, PA, v. 9, n. 3, p. 9-30, Summer 2015.

    If the article has various authors, cite no more than six, separated by semicolons; if there are more, cite the first three, separated by semicolons and followed by et al.


    Chapter in a book

    SOUZA, Ana Célia Rodrigues. Um olhar mitológico. In: FORTIM, Ivelise (Org.). The big bang theory e a psicologia: não sou louco! Minha mãe me testou. São Paulo: Homo Ludens, 2014. p. 111-130.


    Monograph, Thesis, Dissertation

    GIBSON, L. S. Considering critical thinking and History 12: One teacher's story. Master's thesis. University of British Colombia, Vancouver, BC, 2007. Retrieved from:

    WILSON, F. C. A Model for Translating Metaphors in Proverbs (French to English): A Cognitive Descriptive Approach. Master’s thesis. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2009. Retrieved from: UBC's Information Repository.

    KNIGHT, K. Media Epidemics: Viral Structures in Literature and New Media. PhD thesis. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2011, MLA International Bibliography (2013420395).



    JUNG, C. G. Phenomenology of the spirit in fairy tales. Translation R. F. C. Hull. In: H. Read et al. (Series Eds.). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1969. (The collected works of C.G. Jung, v. 9, pt. 1, 2nd. ed., pp. 207-254).

    POPKIN, Samuel L. The reasoning voter – communication and persuasion in presidential campaigns. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 1994.

    If the book has more than one author, separate the names using a semicolon. If the person responsible is: the organizer, use (Org.); the editor, use (Ed.); or coordinator, use (Coord.).



    KRINSKY-MCHALER, S. J., ZIGMAN, W. B., & SILVERMAN, W. Are neuropsychiatric symptoms markers of prodromal Alzheimer’s disease in adults with Down syndrome? In W. B. Zigman (Chair), Predictors of mild cognitive impairment, dementia, and mortality in adults with Down syndrome. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, Aug. 2012.

    PARSONS, O. A., Pryzwansky, W. B., Weinstein, D. J., & Wiens, A. N. Taxonomy for psychology. In: J. N. Reich, H. Sands, & A. N. Wiens (Eds.), Education and training beyond the doctoral degree: Proceedings of the American Psychological Association National Conference on Postdoctoral Education and Training in Psychology (pp. 45–50). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1995.


    Electronic Sources

    Article in an Electronic Periodical

    KELLY, R. Electronic publishing at APS: it’s not just online journalism. APS News Online, Los Angeles, Nov. 1996. Available in: Last accessed: 25 Nov. 1999.

    Chapter in a book (includes monograph and volume, as well as other parts of a work with an original title and author).

    Note: Italics in the titles of books, journals, and annual reports are only required up to the first punctuation sign.


    Bibliographic References

    ABNT. Informação e documentação: referências, elaboração. Rio de Janeiro, 2002. (NBR 6023).

    ______. Informação e documentação: citações em documentos, apresentação. Rio de Janeiro, (NBR 10520).

    ______. Informação e documentação: publicação periódica e/ou científica, apresentação. Rio de Janeiro, 2015. (NBR 6021).

    MEDEIROS, João Bosco. Redação científica: a prática de fichamentos, resumos, resenhas. 4.ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2000.

    CUNHA, Murilo Bastos da; CAVALCANTI, Cordélia Robalinho de Oliveira. Dicionário de biblioteconomia e arquivologia. Brasília, DF: Briquet de Lemos Livros, 2008. Social.




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