ISSN 1679-4427
ISSN virtual 1984-980X




To be submitted to the Editorial Committee and Scientific Council of the Revista Saúde Mental e Subjetividade, the works must present content associated with the field of Mental Health, comprising theoretical and methodological investigations in Psychology and processes of subjectivation. It is expected that the text has a logical argumentative sequence, scientific stylistic adequacy, theoretical and methodological foundation, adequate formatting for publication, complete bibliographical references, and that they constitute a relevant and original contribution to the study and praxis of professionals working in the field of Mental health. The contents must be up to date, as well as the bibliographical references.

In all modalities, the texts must be preceded by a cover sheet, bearing the title of the work, the institution to which the academic work is associated, the names of all authors and co-authors, as well as their respective degrees, associated with the competence to the text. Among them, there must also be an indication of the author with whom the Editorial Committee and the reviewers can establish contact (e-mail and telephone). The text itself, presented on the following page, must be preceded by a title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish.


Types of communications

1. Theoretical studies –discussion of themes and theoretical problems, involving critical reflection and indication of scientific advances in the “state of the art” associated with them. Included in this format: articles, essays and conferences. It is expected that the text is structured by presentation, argumentative development, final considerations and complete references, in about 15 pages.

2. Research reports –presentation of material developed and supported by empirical research, accompanied by analytical and critical discussion, methodologically grounded and adequate. Included in this format are: articles, communications at scientific events and consistent arguments, resulting from academic and applied works, well-founded by adequate methodology. It is expected that the text is structured by a comprehensive introductory presentation, presentation of the report or material in focus, elucidative and critical analysis of the material presented and complete references, in about 15 pages.

3. Translations and reviews – presentation of a synthetic text, with relevant content, of a work of interest to the area.

It can be the translation of a classic or recent text from another language into Portuguese, which represents a contribution or meets the interest for the area;

It can be the review of a classic or recent text, which represents a contribution or meets the interest for the area;

It can be the review of a Course Conclusion Paper, Master's Thesis or Doctoral Thesis authored by oneself or another, which represents a contribution or meets the interest of the area.

It is expected that the text is structured by complete preliminary information of the translated or reviewed work, informative introductory presentation of the text, presentation of content, final considerations and/or criticisms in a maximum of 10 pages.


Guidelines on formatting texts

Papers must be written in Portuguese.

Title, abstract and keywords must be written in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

The abstract must not exceed the limit of 10 lines and the keywords must be restricted to a maximum number of 5.

Space: 1.5; Font: Times New Roman; Font Size: 12; Margins: 2.5; Text: justified.

Extension format: Word doc or docx.

Images and tables in the body of the text and in editable format (Word, Tiff or JPEG), restricting a maximum of 5 images/tables.

Numbered pages (bottom right).

ABNT standards.

The work must be sent to the e-mail:

On the cover page, the data of the author(s), title, institution and contact must be restricted to the strictly necessary information.

The title of the work and the name(s) of the author(s) with the references of the same(s) that the author wishes to see published must appear on the cover page, not exceeding 3 lines, highlighted the contact author.


Procedure for sending and receiving the text

The contact author of the text sent must wait for a reply by the same means (e-mail: regarding the confirmation of receipt of the text and, soon, another message with the information for forwarding the same to a reviewer of the Council Scientific Journal or the return of the text, in case of any inadequacy.

Once the opinion is given, the result will be forwarded to the contact author, explaining approval, rejection or the need for reformulation of the work. It will be up to the authors to reject the guidance or accept possible needs for reformulations guided by the reviewers, which are fundamental for the publication; and, in this case, proceed with them and forward the reformulated text.



Authors of texts approved for publication must sign the Term of Assignment of Copyright to the Revista Saúde Mental e Subjetividade, as per the document that will follow with the communication of approval for publication.



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Revista Saúde Mental e Subjetividade
©2021 Centro Universitário Presidente Antônio Carlos (UNIPAC)– Campus Barbacena
Pró-Reitoria de Inovação e Desenvolvimento Socioeducacional
Rodovia MG 338, km 12
Barbacena - MG CEP 36201-143
Tel.: (32) 3339-4960 / 3339.491