ISSN 1980-5438 online version



Rules for publication

Psicologia Clínica is a four-monthly journal published by the Department of Psychology of the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro with original papers in psychology. Launched in 1986, it was published twice a year from 2001 to 2015, following a modernization of its format to fit CAPES editorial policy for Brazilian scientific publications. Since 2016 it has been published three times a year. Articles can be published not only in Portuguese, but also in English and Spanish. The journal has an editorial board and a scientific council of international scope, listed with their respective institutional affiliations in every issue. The authors also come from all over the world. Its target audience are graduate and undergraduate students of psychology, as well as researchers and practitioners in clinical psychology and related fields.
The articles are unpublished originals, produced from original research not published in other journals. The journal publishes theoretical essays, literature review, results of empirical research, professional experience reports and reviews of recent books, in addition to having occasionally a special section which presents interviews with renowned researchers and translations of classical texts in the clinical field.
Manuscripts submitted for publication in Psicologia Clínica must be original, not be under review by any other journal and follow the standards set in the Publication Manual of American Psychological Association (6th edition, 2010). Note: Accepted articles translated into English by the authors with an agreement to be published only in this language may eventually be published earlier, due to a demand for a minimum number of articles in English by the editorial policies of scientific journals.

To submit an article

1. Original manuscripts should be submitted on-line at:
The article must not contain the authors’ names. An identification sheet with the authors’ names, titles and affiliation should be uploaded as a supplementary document, as well as the accompanying letter described below.

2. All manuscripts must be accompanied by a letter signed by all authors (please upload as a supplementary document), certifying that the article is original, that it does not violate the ethical standards of the profession, assigning the copyrights to the journal Psicologia Clínica, stating there is no potential conflict of interest regarding the article and assuming full responsibility for its content.

3. All authors must be registered in the system and the data entered must be complete (name, academic degrees, institutional affiliation, address and email).

4.  An interval of at least 12 months between two submissions by the same author is required.

5. Authors will be notified immediately on receipt of the manuscript.

6. It is recommended that authors submit the article in English or translate it into this language, after it is accepted.

To submit a book review

1. The review, of a book published in the last two years, must be from two to six pages (up to 10 thousand characters, counting spaces).

2. The title of the book review must be in Portuguese, English and Spanish, and be followed by the title and full reference of the book reviewed, including the total of pages.

3. All authors must be registered in the system and the data entered must be complete (name, academic degrees, institutional affiliation, address, etc.).

4. In the case of citation and references, the bibliographical standards are the same as for articles.

Procedure upon receiving a manuscript

Received manuscripts are initially appreciated by the Editorial Board. If they are in accordance with the norms and are deemed publishable in Psicologia Clínica, they will be sent to ad hoc consultants, chosen by the editors among researchers of recognized competence in the field. The consultants will not have access to the identification of the authors, and neither the authors to those of the consultants. After a blind analysis of the manuscript, the consultants recommend its acceptance for publication (possibly subject to modifications to improve clarity or accuracy of the text) or reject it. Authors will be notified of decisions throughout the process, with unidentified copies of the evaluations, and will be informed about when the accepted paper will be published, or of its rejection.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to make minor modifications in the text to expedite the process of submission or publication of manuscripts.

Reviewing the manuscript

The authors of manuscripts recommended for acceptance with modifications shall inform the reformulations made, and highlight the changed passages in the text. In case the authors decide not to accept any of the suggested modifications, they should justify this decision, leaving to the discretion of the Editorial Board the final decision on publication of the article. This communication (minus the identification) and the reworked manuscript will be sent back to the referees for review. If the reformulations are satisfactory, the article is approved. Otherwise, the article may be rejected or further modifications may be requested.



Form and presentation of manuscripts

The manuscript must be presented in Word (doc) format, in Times New Roman, size 12pt, double spaced. It should comprise from 15 to 25 numbered pages, with 2.0cm margins all around (about 30 to 50 thousand characters, with spaces). Any situation not covered here should follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed., 2010). Submissions not in full observance of the rules will be archived and their authors notified.
Manuscripts should respect the following order, on separate pages:

I. Title page with author names (upload as a supplementary document)

1. Title in Portuguese, English and Spanish, not exceeding 15 words;

2. Shorter running title, not exceeding 5 words;

3. Name of each author, title, institutional affiliation (department, institution, city, state, country);

4. Full address of each author for correspondence with the Editorial Board, including phone and e-mail (abridged or incomplete data will not be accepted);

5. Indication of funding sources, if any.

II. Title page without author names (page 1)

1. Title in Portuguese, English and Spanish;

2. Shorter running title.

III. Abstracts (page 2)

1. Resumo in Portuguese (150 to 200 words long);

2. Palavras-chave in Portuguese (three to five);

3. Abstract in English (resumo translated);

4. Keywords in English (palavras-chave translated);

5. Resumen in Spanish (resumo translated);

6. Palabras clave in Spanish (palavras-chave translated).

IV. Body of the article (page 3 and subs.)

This part of the manuscript should begin on a new page, numbered page 3, with the title centered on top. Each subsequent page should be numbered. Do not start a new page for each subtitle; separate them by a blank line. Only the first letter of titles or subtitles, and of proper names should be capitalized. In the case of items within the same subtitle, use italics to distinguish them.
In the case of research reports, the manuscript should contain, after the title page and abstracts, the sections introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references. If needed, other subtitles, such as conclusions, may be added. In some cases, results and discussion may be presented together, although this approach is not recommended as a rule.
Footnotes should be kept at a minimum. Indispensable footnotes should be identified in the text by Arabic numbers and appear after the references, on a separate page under the title “Notes”. The inclusion of figures and tables should be indicated in the text, and presented in annexes.
Citation rules should be observed, providing attribution to authors and indication of publication dates of all cited works. Literal excerpts of a text should be typed within double quotation marks, and demand the citation of the page from which they were copied. All author names should be followed by the year of publication when their works are cited for the first time in each paragraph. All citations of citations should state their original references, although this kind of citation should be avoided, especially when the original can be easily accessed. Do not use op. cit., ibid., idem.

V. References

Do not start a new page for the references section. Do not number them. Use double space in this section also, without extra space between citations and do not use indents. References should be listed alphabetically by author’s last name. Each reference should appear as a new paragraph (without indents) and the surnames should be in lower case (except the first letter).

VI. Annexes

Annexes should be presented on a new page, after the references, consecutively numbered, with double spacing. Annexes should be used only if essential for the understanding of the article. Annexes should be indicated in the text, identified with capital letters. Figures and tables should be presented along with their respective captions and titles, and should not exceed 11cm x 17.5cm.

VII. Quotations and references in the body of the manuscript

Quotations up to 40 words should come in the body text, within quotes and no italics. Quotations over 40 words should come in a new paragraph, without quotes or italics, size 11pt and with a 3cm margin from the left.

1. Multiple authorship article:

a) article with two authors: both author names should be cited every time the article is mentioned, the year of publication and the page;

b) article with three to five authors: all authors should be cited in the first time the article is mentioned; from then on use only the first author’s surname followed by et al., the date and page;

c) article with six or more authors: only the first author’s surname should be cited, followed by et al., the date and page. In the references section, the names of all authors must be given.

2. Old and re-edited works:

Use the format “Author (publication year of first edition / publication year of cited edition, page number)”. For example, “Freud (1912/1969, p.154)”. If there are other quotes or references to other texts by the same author and year, distinguish with lowercase letters. For example, “Freud (1939/1969a)” and so on.

3. Quotation of quotation:

Refers to a citation of a work mentioned by another publication which was actually used. For example: “Piaget (1932, cited by Flavell, 1996)”. In the references section, only the publication actually used should be included (in this case, Flavell, 1996).

VIII. Examples of references

Journal article:
Féres-Carneiro, T. F. (2008). Pesquisa e prática clínica: construindo articulações. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 21(3), 349-355. (If the journal’s pagination restarts in each issue, include the issue number within parentheses, without underlining it, just after the volume number.)

Journal article in press:
Indicate “in press” instead of the publication date. Date, volume and issue numbers, and page numbers should not be mentioned until the article is published. In the text, the article should be quoted indicating it is in press.

Jablonski, B. (1998). Até que a vida nos separe: a crise do casamento contemporâneo. Rio de Janeiro: Agir.

Book (collection) chapter:
Levy, L. (2009). Terapia de casal e questões contemporâneas. In: I. C. Gomes (org.). Clínica psicanalítica de casal e família: a interface com os estudos psicossociais (pp. 25-31). São Paulo: Livraria Santos Editora.

Unpublished paper presented in a congress:
Féres-Carneiro, T. (2003, outubro). Conjugalidade homossexual. Trabalho apresentado no IX Congresso Brasileiro de Sexualidade Humana, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

Paper presented in a congress, with abstract published in its proceedings:
Rudge, A. M. (2000). Pressupostos da “nova” crítica à psicanálise. [Resumo]. In: Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia (org.). Psicologia no Brasil: diversidade e desafios, XXX Reunião Anual de Psicologia (p.27). Brasília: Universidade de Brasília.

Unpublished thesis or dissertation:
Serra, D. C. G. (2008). Entre a esperança e o limite: um estudo sobre a inclusão de alunos com autismo em classes regulares. (Tese de Doutorado. Curso de Pós-graduação em Psicologia Clínica, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ).

Old and re-edited work:
Piaget, J. (1932). Le jugement moral chez l’enfant. Paris: Z. Alcan. (Original printed in 1965). Freud, S. (1995a). Dois princípios do funcionamento mental. In: S. Freud. Obras completas de S. Freud, vol. X. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva. (Original printed in 1911).

Corporate authorship:
American Psychological Association (2002). Publication manual (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Personal communication:
These are letters, e-mail and personal or telephonic conversations. Cite only in text, giving the surname and initials of the sender and the date, and identify it as a personal communication. Do not include in the references.

Digital documents online:
Kawasaki, J. L., & Raven, M. R. (1995). Computer-administered surveys inextension. Journal of Extension, 33, 252-255. Accessed on 20th June, 1999, at



The journal Psicologia Clínica owns the copyright on all published articles. The reproduction of this journal in other publications, or for any other purpose, by any means, requires written permission from the Editor. Partial reproductions of articles (abstracts, more than 500 words of text, tables, figures and illustrations) should also have written permission from the Editor and the authors .



Manuscripts should be submitted through the online submission system PEPSIC:
For further inquiries, send e-mail to


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