Print version ISSN 1414-9893 |
The magazine Psychology: Science and Profession is edited by the autarchy Federal and Regional Councils of Psychology and it is intended for publishing articles that are relevant to the training and professional formation of psychologist's and to the teaching of Psychology as well as manuscripts on critical reflection on the production of knowledge on the field. Such guidelines are defined by the Councils and executed by the editorial commission, which is composed of psychologists nominated by the regional councils, and by an advisor of CFP. The articles have to be written by psychologists', graduate and masters degree students and researchers. |
The articles need to be unpublished, and their originals subjected to examination by the editorial commission, which can consult advisors and elicit opinions based on their own criteria, always maintaining the authors' identity anonymous. They are then notified of the acceptance or not of their articles. The originals are not returned and minor modifications in the text may be made by the editorial commission. But any substantial modifications are remitted to the authors. The articles express their authors' opinions. The partial reproduction of the articles is permitted as long as you mention the source. In synthesis, the process of sending of articles to CFP is as follows: 1) Preliminary evaluation by the editorial commission; 2) Forwarding for recommendations/opinions; 3) The opinions are forwarded to the editorial commission for final decision; 4) The author is informed of the final decision: rejected, approved or reformulate (in this last case, there is a defined period of 30 days, after which the article will be disconsidered, if the author doesn't reformulate it); 5) Approved articles are forwarded for proofreading and modifications can be made in the text, maintaining the content; 6) After revision, they are forwarded for illustration composition. 7) Forwarded for text design and sent to the author for revision (48 hours are given); 8) Publication. |
1. Theoretic studies/ Essays - analyses of theoretically based themes and topics. Which lead to questions on existent behaviors and ways of thinking and to new elaborations (20 to 25 pages in double space); 2. Research reports - investigations based on empiric data, using quantitative and or qualitative methodology. In this case, it is necessary to include introduction, method, results, discussion and conclusions (20 to 25 pages in double space); 3. Reports on professional experience - of interest to the different psychological practices (15 to 20 pages in double space). |
IV - Submitting and presentation of articles
Articles can be submitted in two ways: • Via the Internet, through the Electronic System of The Business Magazines Editorial by accessing: The presentation of the articles should preferably be in the following sequence: 1. The original should be sent to CFP with a forwarding letter signed by the author (in the case of sole authorship) or by all of the authors (in the case of co-authorship), authorizing the editorial process and guaranteeing that all of the required ethical procedures have been followed. 2. Cover with the name of the author or authors containing: a) The Topic in Portuguese (at most, 12 words); b) Suggestion of a title in Portuguese; c) Title in English; d) Title in Spanish, e) Authors names, followed by the institutional affiliation and titles; f) Complete address for publication and for correspondence, fax, telephone and electronic address. 3. Cover without the author's name, just containing: a) Topic in Portuguese 12 words at most); b) Title suggestion in Portuguese; c) Title in English; d) Title in Spanish. 4. Summary in Portuguese, 150 to 200 words accompanied by four word keys (the word-key should consist of vocabulary Psychological Terminology, available at the virtual health Library - BVS-Psi: The article summary should mention the topic being discussed, the objective, the theme being analyzed by the author and the sources used. (The author's own reflections or literature consulted) and conclusions. In the case of a research report, the summary should contain a brief description of the problem being investigated, the participants' characteristics, the method used in the collection of data, the results and the conclusions. When the text regards a report on experiences, it should include a brief exhibition of the accomplishments, emphasizing the results obtained as well as conclusions and the author's suggestions. 5. Summary and word-key in English (abstract and word key) and in Spanish (Summary and word key), compatible with the summary and the word-key in Portuguese. 6. Text typed in Times New Roman, source 12, space 1.5cm and 2-cm margins. The text is to be submitted in three hardcopies and one floppy disk, in Word for Windows (.doc). The text should not have any element that may identify the author (for example, letterhead paper, footnote with the author name, name of research works performed, etc.). 7. Inserts should only be included if they are indispensable to the understanding of the text. They should be placed at the end of the text, numbered in the order of presentation. 8. Illustrations and tables, these should include subtitles and should be inserted into the main body of the article. Presentation of citations and psychological references should be based on the manual of Science and Profession edited by The American Psychological Association (APA, 2001). |
1. Non bibliographical notes should be reduced to a minimum, numbered by Arabic ciphers and placed at the end of the article, before the references. You should only include those that are absolutely indispensable for the understanding and reading of the article. 2. Citation of authors should be made in the following format: Last name, followed by the year of publication of the article. Example: Macedo (2005). 3. In the case of citation of articles from multiple authors, the norms are as follows: a) Three to five authors – The first time that they appear in the text all the authors' last names are mentioned; in subsequent citations mention only the first author's name followed by the expression "et al" . The authors surname is always written in lower case, in all of the citations, with the initial letter being capital “and" is used to separate the names in the text when the names are not in brackets. If the citation is in brackets the symbol "&” should be placed before the last author. Example: The method proposed by Siqueland and Delucia (1969) or The method was initially proposed by the study of the ideas of (Siqueland & Delucia, 1969). In the final list of references all of the authors' names should be mentioned. b) Six or more authors – In the first citation, only the last name of the first author is mentioned followed by the expression "et al". Examples: As analyzed by Thielen et al. (2007), or (Thielen et al., 2007). In the references the first six authors' last names are mentioned and the seventh author and subsequent authors are abbreviated. If you use the expression "et al".; all of the names are listed in lower case, in between commas, with the symbol "& " before the last author's last name. 4. Citations of old articles and republished articles should follow the following norms: Franco (1790/1946). 5. In the case of transcription, of complete text, the citation should be presented in between double quotation marks together with the page. Example: “The modification of the values verified at the present time results of the passage of virtuous values...” (Count, Oliveira, Henn, & Wolff, 2007, p. 97)”. Textual citations with 40 or more words should be presented in separate paragraphs, without quotation marks, beginning with an indented line (same position as the paragraph) and finishing without retraction of the margin. |
The titles of books, newspapers, reports, theories and articles presented in Congresses should be put in italics. 1. Article in scientific journals Gomide, P. I. C., Guimarães, A. M. A., & Meyer, P. (2003). Analysis of a case of extinction of family power. Psychology: Science and Profession, 23(4), 42-47. When referring up to five authors, all of the authors' names are mentioned. In the case of references with six or more authors, the first six authors' last names are indicated and the seventh is abbreviated as well as subsequent ones using the Latin expression "et al".: Carvalho Neto, M. B., Maestri, T. C., Tobias, G. K. S., Ribeiro, T. C., Coutinho, E. C. N. N., Miccione, M. M. et al. (2005). the jet of hot air as a punitive incentive in rattus norvegicus. Psychology: Theory and Research, 21(3), 335-339. 2. Books Féres-Carneiro .T. (1983). Family: Diagnosis and therapy. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar. Piaget, J. (2002). The construction of reality in children (3a ed., R. A. Vasques,). São Paulo: Ática. 3. Old re-edited articles with very subsequent dates Franco, F. M. (1946). Treaty of boys' physical education. Rio de Janeiro: Act. (originally published in 1790) 4. Book chapter Blough, D. S., & Blough, P. (1977). Animal psychophysics. In W. K. Honing & J. E. Staddon (Eds.), Handbook of operant behavior (pp. 514-539). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-hall. Freud, S. (1977). Hysteria. In S. Freud, Brazilian standard Edition of Sigmund Freud's complete psychological works (J. Salomão, trad., Vol. 1, pp. 77-102). Rio de Janeiro: Imago. (Original published in 1888) 5. Institutional authorship American Psychiatric Association. (1988). DSM-III-R, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (3rd ed. rev.). Washington, DC: Author. 6. Technical report Birney, A. J., & Hall, M. M. (1981). Early identification of children with written language disabilities (Report n. 81-1502). Washington, DC: National Educational Association. 7. Articles presented at events Yamamoto, M. E. (2001). The use of the laboratory in the teaching of psychology in federal universities. In Summaries of Scientific Communications, XXXI Annual Meeting of Psychology (p. 19). Ribeirão Preto, SP: Brazilian society of Psychology. 8. Unpublished Articles presented at events Haidt, J., Dias, M. G., & Koller, S. (1991). Disgust disrespect and culture: Moral judgment of victim violation in the USA and Brazil. Article presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Cross-cultural Research, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico. 9. Dissertations and Theories Costa, L. (1989). the disintegrated family: interaction, competence and style. Case Study. Masters Degree Dissertation, Institute of Psychology, University of Brasília, Brasília, DF. Melo, M. H. S. (2003). Children with interaction difficulties in the school atmosphere: a multifocal intervention. Doctorate Theory, Institute of Psychology, University of São Paulo, São Paulo. 10. Electronic Documents Bernardes, A. G., & Guareschi, N. M. F. (2004). Mental Health Workers: Self care and subjectivity. Psychology USP, 15(3), 81-101. Recovered on October 6, 2007, of SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online): / 11. Articles in the press Amorim, A. M., & Peres, T. C. (in the press). Xml metadata in the production of magazines of the portal PEPSIC and relationship with base of data CIsis of the methodology SciELO. Psychology for Latin America [electronic Version]. Access: PePSIC (Electronic Newspapers in Psychology): /; / The author's last reference respects the sequence of the order of the names. In cases not foreseen in the items above, consult the manual edited by The American Psychological Association (APA, 2001) or the document "Citations in the Text (APA) " and "Normalization of References (APA) ", available on: <>. |
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