ISSN 2175-2591 Print version



Guidelines for authors


“Pensando Famílias” is a regular publication of DOMUS – Individual, Couple and Family Therapy Center aiming at the disseminating of original articles relating to the family area. The modalities of accepted papers include theoretical articles, research and clinical cases reports, reviews and/or update and others submitted for review by the Editorial Committee, Editorial Board and ad hoc Consultant.

The Editorial Committee

It is requested that the paper's routing be forwarded to DOMUS by e-mail or, including the e-mail, address and telephone contact number. DOMUS replies to authors through an email confirming the manuscript submission.

Editorial Style

Since the volume 24(2), Pensando Famílias Journal, adopted as the basis and publication guidelines the editorial style the 7th. Edition of the American Psychological Association (APA). American Psychological Association, (2020). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7ª ed.).  American Psychological Association.The APA guidelines are available at website or Manuscripts that do not meet the publication standards will not be reviewed. The author will be informed about the acceptance or not of his/her paper. The submitted material will not be returned to the author.

Ethical Procedures

In case of studies involving human beings, authors must follow resolutions 466/2012 and 510/2016 of the National Health Council. Information on the ethical procedures adopted will be required, such as approval by the Ethics Committee.  To guarantee participants' confidentiality the use of Informed Consent Form is mandatory.

Article Recommendations and Procedures for the Final Version

Authors of articles recommended for publication through modifications according to the consultants' suggestions must forward the reformulated article, informing their acceptance of the suggested reformulations.
Often, an article can be improved. The consultant’s suggestions, which are specialized colleagues, are routine and aim to qualify the scientific content of the journal and, consequently, the published manuscript. Therefore, the suggestions that the consultants make about the manuscript should not be considered as personal criticism, considering that the identification of both the authors and the consultants is preserved.

APA Referencing Guide

Font: Arial 10.
Margins: Top, bottom, right, left: 2,5 cm.
Spacing: Double, including tables and pictures.
Page Numbering: right top.
N˚ of sheets: the article must have at least 10 pages and a maximum of 20 A4 sheets.
Alignment: justified.

Highlights: Words, expressions or small text that the author wants to emphasize should use italics, not bold or underlined.

Title: Principal: Centered, bolded, with uppercase and lowercase letters with, a maximum of 15 words. Title should be translated into English.

Author: Include the completed name(s) below the title. The respective institutional affiliation and/or additional information should be in a footnote.

Abstract: The abstract in Portuguese should contain 100-150 words. Content must be exactly the same as in Portuguese, both in italics.

Palavras-chave and Keywords: Inform three to five keywords in Portuguese and English, separated by a semicolon (;), and at the end use period. They must be related to the abstract.

Text: Must be shown in a continuously way. Do not start a new page every subtitle. Separate them using a blank line.

Paragraphs: Use seven spaces indentation on the first line of every paragraph.

Subtitles: The subtitle must be uppercased and the rest in lowercase, bolded.

If it is necessary to divide a section into subsections, they must be nominal with Level II subtitles: Left-aligned, with upper and lower case letters, in bold and italics.




Study design



Data analysis


Footnotes: Must be avoided. The pictures or tables should be indicated in the text and submitted in the Appendix.

Figures or tables:The inclusion of figures or tables must be inserted in the right place within the text.


Avoid quotes that have more than 500 words, as well as reproduction of pictures, tables or another illustration. Inform the owner written permission of copyright of the original paper.

The authors name whose papers are cited must be followed by the publication date, like (Andersen, 2001).

Literal quotes with up to 40 words must be typed in text, in quotation marks. Quotes require reference to the page number of the paper cited/quoted at the end, and in parentheses, like (p. 175). Punctuation should come after the quotation marks, and author´s name and year in parentheses.

Ex. Por outro lado, temos a intimidade, descrita como “a experiência de afirmação pessoal e relacional oriunda de interações que demonstram conhecimento recíproco e validação entre os parceiros”, que pode surgir como um recurso favorecedor da conjugalidade (Rampage, 2005, p. 201.

For long quotations use left margin ident to seven characters, double spacing, 10, without notes. At the end of quotation, insert the author, the year and the number page in parentheses. The full stop must be placed at the end of the text and not after the parentheses.

Apontamos um tipo de organização familiar distanciado, no qual os pais não davam atenção ao comportamento de seus filhos ou respondiam de forma autoritária. As ações oscilavam da negligência à violência. As respostas parentais dependiam mais do próprio humor dos pais do que do comportamento dos filhos. A falta da previsibilidade das respostas parentais prejudicava a compreensão dos filhos com relação às regras e ao desenvolvimento do seu autocontrole. O controle permanecia como uma área de domínio dos pais e era de natureza imprevisível. (Minuchin, 2009, p. 19).

Secondary quotes must be avoided or, if necessary, must be informed the original references in this way: Last name of the author of the original quote, the date, “In”, the name of the manuscript consulted and the publication date.
Ex. (Haley, 1976, as cited by Imber-Black, 1994).

Text quotes with multiple authors

Two authors: cite both names every time that the manuscript is mentioned in the text, with study date in parentheses.
Ex.: (Moody & White, 2003) or Moody and White (2003), depending on whether the quote is presented in parentheses or outside them.

Three or more authors: cite only the last name of the first author, followed by “et. al.” and date, when is the first quote in the paragraph.
Ex.: (Boscolo et al., 1993) or Boscolo et al. (1993), depending on whether the quote is presented in parentheses or outside them.

However, in the References section all authors’ names should be listed.

Different authors quotes and different manuscripts

Include the authors name alphabetically followed by the year of the paper reported.

Different authors quotes and the use of “e” – “&”

When authors are in parentheses, add "&" before the last author.
Ex.: (Moody & White, 2003); (Boscolo, et al., 1993).

Different authors quotes and different manuscripts

Include the authors name alphabetically followed by the year of the paper reported.
Ex.: (Patterson, 2020; Stanley & Markman, 2020)

Old and reedited manuscripts quotes

Use the following format: Author (original publication date/publication date consulted).
Ex.: (Minuchin, 1980/1990) or Minuchin (1980/1990), depending on whether the quote is presented in parentheses or outside them.

Different authors quotes and the use of “e” – “&”

When authors are in parentheses, add "&" before the last author.
Ex.: (Moody & White, 2003).

When authors are outside parentheses in the text, add “and” before the last author.
Ex.: (Moody e White, 2003).

Quotes with sources changed that requires an explanation

Omitting information: use suspensions points separated by spaces (. . .) in a sentence to indicate that material has been omitted from the original source. Use four points to indicate omission between two sentences. The first point indicates the end of the first quoted sentence, and the other points of suspensions points. Do not use it at the beginning or ending of any quotation unless it is necessary to emphasize that the quotation begins or ends in the middle of sentence.

Inserting material: use square brackets and not parentheses to include material (additions or explanations) inserted in a quotation by someone other than the original author.

Emphasizing::if you want to emphasize a word or words in a quotation, italics and add in square brackets [our italics].

Colloquial quote

In colloquial quotations reproducing a person's idea, the source must always be mentioned, i.e. (Participant A). Use quotation marks if it is inside the paragraph or with a 0.7 indentation. If it is more than three lines follow the same rules as other types of quotation.

Double quotes

a) Use in word introduction or phrase with ironic sense, jargon or some invented expression. Quotation marks are used exclusively when the word appears the first time.

b) To highlight a title of an article in a journal or a book chapter.

c) To reproduce items of tests, quizzes, etc.., or instructions to the participants. If the instructions are long, isolate them from the text in a block format, without quotation marks.

Don't use double quotes

a) To identify the limits of a scale. Use italics.

b) To quote a letter, word, phrase or sentence as a linguistic example. Use italics.

c) To introduce a technical or key term. Use italics.


Use numerals to express numbers equal or larger than 10 and, words to express numbers less than 10.


For the References section continue on the same page with a blank space. Use double space and not leave spaces between quotes. References should be listed alphabetically by author's last name. Each reference should appear as a new paragraph. Names of authors should not be replaced by dashes, must be indicated in the first reference and subsequent references, order by the publication year. Let seven spaces from the left margin on the first line, using the tabulator. If you use the second line, leaving three spaces. When writing references, observe how to insert titles of books, authors, year, and details of references from journals and another publications.

The following are some examples:

1. Books

Anton, I. L. C. (1998). A escolha do cônjuge: Um entendimento sistêmico e psicodinâmico. Artmed.

Boscolo, L., Cecchin, G., Hoffman, L. & Penn, P. (1993). A terapia sistêmica de Milão. Artes Médicas.

Nichols, M., & Schwartz, R. C. (2007). Terapia familiar: Conceitos e métodos (7ª ed.). Artmed.

(After the colon in the title, capitalize the first word.)

Book chapter

Hintz, H. C. (2002). O papel da família. In G. Pulcherio, C. Bicca & F. A. Silva (Orgs.) Álcool, outras drogas, informação: O que cada profissional precisa saber (pp. 39-43). Casa do Psicólogo.

Levin, H. (2008). Uma cabeça e muitos chapéus. In S. Minuchin, W. Lee, & G. M. Simon (Eds.), Dominando a terapia familiar (2ª ed., pp. 153-168). Artmed.

2. Theses or dissertations

Halpern, S. C. (1994). Children with disabilities: A study of family needs in Brazil. Dissertação de mestrado não publicado. Mestrado em Educação Especial. Universidade da Carolina do Norte, Chapel Hill, N. C. USA.

Silva, I. M. (2013). O desenvolvimento da relação do casal durante a transição para a parentalidade no contexto da reprodução assistida: Um estudo longitudinal da gestação ao primeiro ano de vida do bebê [Tese de doutorado, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul]. SABI.

3. Article in Scientific Journal

Hintz, P. (2000). Considerações sobre a onipotência como mecanismo de defesa: Um olhar sobre o indivíduo e a família. Pensando Famílias, 2, 87-95.

Gabriel, M. R., & Sattler, M. (2019). As especificidades do casal militar: Uma contribuição à psicoterapia conjugal. Pensando Famílias, 23(2), 15-25.

Machado, M. R., & Mosmann, C. (2019). Dimensões negativas da coparentalidade e sintomas internalizantes: A regulação emocional como mediadora. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 35(n.spe.), e35nspe12.

(Italicize the name and volume of the Journal. After the colon in the title, capitalize the first word.) Inform the DOI, whenever available. When the DOI is not available and the reference can be accessed electronically, the URL of the journal's home page must be informed.

4. Article in Scientific Journal with more than tree or less than 21 authors

Slotter, E. B., Finkel, E. J., DeWall, C. N., Pond, R. S., Lambert, N. M., Bodenhausen, G. V., & Fincham, F. D. (2012). Putting the brakes on aggression toward a romantic partner: The inhibitory influence of relationship commitment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102(2), 291-305.

(All authors must be cited in the references section.)

5. Article in Scientific Journal with more than 21 authors

De Neubourg, D., Bogaerts, K., Wyns, C., Albert, A., Camus, M., Candeur, M., Degueldre, M., Delbaere, A., Delvigne, A., De Sutter, P., Dhont, M., Dubois, M., Englert, Y., Gillain, N., Gordts, S., Hautecoeur, W., Lesaffre, E., Lejeune, B., Leroy, F., ... D'Hooghe, T. (2013). The history of Belgian assisted reproduction technology cycle registration and control: A case study in reducing the incidence of multiple pregnancy. Human Reproduction, 28(10), 2709-2719.

     (The first 19 authors must be cited, followed by three points (...), followed by the name of the last author.)

6. Paper presented at Congress with abstract published in annals

Eschiletti, L. P. (2001, novembro). Família e escola conectadas nos sistemas [Resumo]. In Resumos de comunicações científicas, XIII Congresso Internacional de Terapia Familiar (p. 69). IFTA & AGATEF.

7. Unpublished Paper presented at Congress

Haidt, J., Dias, M. G., & Koller, S. (1991, fevereiro). Disgust, disrespect and culture: Moral judgment of victimless violation in the USA and Brazil. [Trabalho apresentado]. Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico.

8. Old and later reissued manuscripts

Bronfenbrenner, U. (1996). A ecologia do desenvolvimento humano: Experimentos naturais e planejados.  Artes Médicas (Original publicado em 1979).

9. Institutional Authorship

American Psychological Association (2006). Manual de estilo da APA: Regras básicas. Artmed.

10. Manuscripts found in electronic databases (elements of on-line references)

Correa, J. & MacLean, M. (1999). Era uma vez... um vilão chamado Matemática: Um estudo intercultural da dificuldade atribuída à Matemática. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 12(1), 173-194. Retirado em 02/10/2000, do SciELO (Scientific Eletronic Library Online):

11. On-line Abstract

Parente, M. A. M. P., Capuano, A. & Nespoulous (1999). Ativação de modelos mentais no recontar de histórias de idosos.  [Resumo]. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 12, 157-172.

12. Published text in business magazine

Buchalla, A. P. (2003, 9 de novembro). Você tem medo de quê? Veja, 44, ed. 1827, 100-107.

(Put in italics the name and the journal number. Insert URL when available)

13. Personal Communication

It can be a letter, electronic message, phone or personal talking.  Cite only in the text, providing the initials and the last name of the sender and date.  Do not include in the references.


Must be presented in a new page followed the references. Appendices should be used only if they are essential to the text. Should be indicated in the text and presented at the end of the manuscript and identified by alphabet letters in uppercase (A, B, C, and so on).

Pictures and tables

They must be submitted with subtitles and titles, in different pages. Should not exceed 11.5 x 17.5 cm and must be presented in black and white. The titles of the tables must be placed at the top of them. The initial letter of the table title must be capitalized (everything else in lowercase), indicating the content of these. The inclusion of figures or tables must be inserted in the right place within the text.

About the authors

Include a brief description of background and current activities of the authors and placed following the author's name, as a footnote on the first page.

Address and e-mail

TThey should be placed on the end of the article.


Theoretical and ideological positions contained in the paper are exclusively of author’s responsibility.



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© Direitos Reservados - Pensando Famílias 2015

Comissão Editorial da Revista Pensando Famílias
DOMUS - Centro de Terapia de Casal e Família
R. Tobias da Silva, 248, 1º andar  
Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. CEP: 90570-020
Tel.: +55 51 3395-1895
Fax: +55 51 3346-3022