ISSN 2318-0498 online version


General information
Steps to Electronic Submission
Types of Manuscript
Preparation of the manuscript
Guidelines for citations


General information


Manuscripts must be electronically submitted through the RBP´s website, at, and must be in accordance with to the Journal’s rules, based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition, 2012 (

Received manuscripts will be initially verified regarding the structure of the text and adherence to the thematic of the journal. Following, their content will be evaluated by the Similarity Check/iThenticate system. If the similarity level is relevant, the manuscript will be rejected and both authors and/or their institutions will be notified. If plagiarism or fraud is detected in the peer review process, in the evaluation stages by reviewers or by the editors, these measures will also be applied.

When any type of misconduct is identified after the article is published, the RBP will publish a retraction in the same edition as the manuscript has been disclosed.

After these steps, one of the Editors-in-Chief will forward the manuscript to the Section Editor, who will be responsible for managing the evaluation and final decision on the publication.

The RBP adopts the double-blind peer review system, which ensures authors and evaluators’ anonymity during the evaluation process. It is responsibility of the authors to verify that there are not elements capable of identifying them in any part of the article. Authors’ data should be provided in the specific field of the system, during the process of registration .

The Section Editor will forward the manuscript to three ad hoc reviewers, who may reject it, request corrections, or approve it. After receiving the evaluations, the Section Editor will request corrections and the new version can be sent to other evaluation rounds, approved or rejected. Throughout the process, the Editors-in-Chief can be consulted to support the decision of the Section Editor, when necessary. Authors will be informed of the decision of acceptance or rejection of their manuscript and the probable date of publication, when applicable. In cases where the authors do not agree with the decision, they should send an e-mail to one of the Editors-in-Chief who will analyze whether the complaint proceeds and may reverse the decision or not.

The body of reviewers of the RBP is composed of researchers from various educational and research institutions from Brazil and abroad. In 2018, the average time for evaluation of the manuscripts until the final decision was 98 days and 34 days for publication (after acceptance). In this period 17 % of the submissions were declined.


Steps to Electronic Submission


When initiating the electronic submission process, the author must register in the system for the manuscript submission, as well as for the editorial process follow-up. The editorial process of the manuscripts will only begin after the submission of all necessary information and registration of authors’ data. Authors will not be allowed to insert or remove them after submitting the manuscript. The authors will be notified, through the registered e-mail, on the manuscript receipt.

Step 1: author(s) registration

At the beginning of the electronic submission process, the following information must be registered:

    • All authors should be identified with full name, ORCID, e-mail, institution to which they are related, city, state, and country. One of them should be indicated as the author for correspondence and his/her full postal address is required. Brief presentation of each author, with name and institutional affiliation (full name of the institutions, with three instances, for example: University/College/Department).

    • Title of the manuscript in Portuguese, English and Spanish (maximum of 12 words each).

    • Abstract in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

    • Keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Step 2: formal presentation of the manuscript

Manuscripts simultaneously submitted to other journals or previously published will not be accepted, except those already presented in scientific activities of the Brazilian Federation of Psychodrama (FEBRAP) and its federated institutions, or scientific institutions in the areas of Mental Health, Educational and Organizational. In the latter case, on the first page of the manuscript, a footnote with the information regarding where it was presented should be inserted.

Opinions expressed in the texts as well as the accuracy and adequacy of the references are the sole responsibility of the authors.

The manuscripts must follow the instructions contained in the normative model of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition, 2012, regarding the style of presentation of the manuscript. The copy of the opinion of the Ethics in Research Committee, when pertinent, should be forwarded in the manuscript submission. Without this document, in cases when necessary, the editorial process will not be initiated. Exceptions to specific situations in which there is a conflict with the need to ensure compliance with the blind peer review, the rules of the use of the Portuguese language or internal procedures of the RBP.



Types of Manuscripts


The types of manuscript accepted for evaluation are: Original article, Review article and Brief communication and it should be informed at the time of submission. Manuscript must be in “.doc” format, written in Times New Roman font, size 12, throughout the entire manuscript, including references, footnotes, tables, etc. Use 2.5 cm margins on all sides (top, bottom, left and right) and double spacing. Manuscripts may not exceed the maximum number of pages (starting the abstract as Page 1) indicated for each type. The page count should include title, abstract and keywords in the three languages, figures, tables, appendices and references, in addition to the body text.

Original article (15 to 25 pages): high quality reports of original research, based on systematic and complete investigations.

Review article (15 to 25 pages): theoretical or review articles with critical and timely analysis of a comprehensive body of research, concerning issues of interest for the development of psychodrama, preferably in a research area for which the author(s) contributes.

Brief communication (8 to 10 pages): brief reports of research or professional experience with methodologically appropriate evidence; texts describing new methods or techniques will also be considered.



Preparation of the manuscript


Manuscript structure

Whenever possible, manuscripts should include the following subsections; however, articles from some areas should follow their usual format. Please, do not number the sections. Use different style for differentiate subsections:

Title: The title should not contain abbreviations.

Abstracts in Portuguese, English and Spanish: must contain paragraphs with a maximum of 120 words (original articles and revision) or 80 words (brief communications), with the title “Abstract” written centered on the first line. At the end of the abstract, at least three and a maximum of five keywords (in lowercase and comma separated) must be listed for text indexing. The keywords must be chosen accurately for classification purposes, allowing the article to be recovered along with similar works. Abstracts in Portuguese (Resumo) and in Spanish (Resumen) must be faithful to the abstract in English, but not a “literal” translation. In other words, the translation must preserve the content of the abstract, but also adapt to the corresponding grammatical style. The Revista Brazileira de Psicodrama has, as standard procedure, to do the final revision of the Resumo and the Resumen, reserving the right to correct them, if necessary. The Resumo and the Resumen must be followed, respectively, of the palavras-chave and palabras clave.

Body text: the sections in the body text does not start each on a new page, and their headings must be left-aligned and capitalized (for example, RESULTS, METHODS, and DISCUSSION in empirical articles). Subsections titles must have only the first letter capitalized (for example, subsections titles in the section METHODS: Participants, or Data analysis).

Underline, italics and bold: italicized words or expressions that should be emphasized in the text, for example, foreign words, such as ego, locus, etc., and words that authors wish to highlight. Do not use (except in situations where it is required by the publishing standards) bold, underline, watermarks or other typographic resources.
The quotation must be indicated in the text by the author-data system. The author’s surname should be written with only the first letter in uppercase, both in the text body and in parentheses: “Damásio (1975)” or “(Damásio, 1975)”. All studies cited in the text should be listed in the references section.

References: only the texts consulted and mentioned in the text should appear in this section. Double space must be used, with extra space between the references. References should be cited alphabetically by the surname of the authors, according to the APA norms. The italic typographic resource is used to highlight the title element of the publication and should be uniform in all references of the same document. In cases of reference to multiple studies of the same author(s), chronological order should be used, that is, from the oldest to the most recent study. The search and insertion of the DOI in each cited reference is mandatory.

Appendices: should be avoided and only be included if they contain information considered indispensable, such as unpublished tests or description of complex equipment or materials. Appendices must be presented each on a new page, be indicated in the text and presented at the end of the manuscript, identified by the letters of the alphabet in uppercase (A, B, C, and so on), if they are more than one.

Footnotes: should be avoided whenever possible. However, if there is no other possibility, they must be indicated by Arabic numerals in the text and presented on the same page as they refer to their numerical remissions. The references of the authors cited in the text should be presented at the end of the text, not in footnotes.

Tables: must be elaborated in Word (.doc) or Excel (.xls). In the case of graphic presentations of tables, columns are preferably, avoiding other forms of presentation such as pie chart, etc. In these presentations, colors should be avoided. The word “Table” should be aligned to the left in the first row below the header and followed by its corresponding number. Its title should be written in double space, aligned to the left, italicized, without end point and with only the first letter of the first word capitalized. The tables should not exceed 17.5 cm in width by 23.5 cm in length.

Figures: must be submitted in as .jpg file, with resolution of 300 dpi. They should not exceed 17.5 cm in width by 23.5 cm in length. The word “Figure” should be aligned to the left in the first row below the header and followed by the its corresponding number. Its title should be written in double space, aligned to the left, italicized, without end point and with only the first letter of the first word capitalized.

Along the text, the wordsFigure”, “Table” and “Appendices” should always be written with the first letter capitalized and must be accompanied by their respective numbers (for Figures and Tables) or letter (for Appendices) to which they refer. The word “Figure” must be written as Fig., except at the beginning of a sentence.

Authors’ contribution: the Revista Brazileira de Psicodrama endorses the taxonomy of CRediT for taxpayers’ roles and encourages authors to use this taxonomy by providing a section of authors’ contribution to their manuscripts. After approval of the article, the publishing team of the journal will request the identification of each author’s contribution.

Acknowledgements: in this section people or institutions that supported the research presented in the article should be recognized.

Funding: in this section the institutions that have sponsored the research that originated the publication and the type and number of the benefit (scholarships and grants) should be cited.



Guidelines for citations


• Direct or textual citation with less than 40 words: should be incorporated in the paragraph of the text, between quotation marks. The reproduced text should appear in double quotation marks, indicating the author(s), the page(s) and reference to the work consulted.

    - According to Bruno (2001) “the citation must reproduce the phrasing, spelling and internal punctuation of the original source, even when the source contains errors” (p. 112).
• Direct or textual citation with 40 words or more: must appear without quotation marks in a paragraph in block format, with each line indented five spaces from the left margin.

- Castro (2001) explains that:

    structured vocabularies are collections of terms, organized according to a methodology in which it is possible to specify the relationships between concepts in order to facilitate access to information. Vocabularies are used as a kind of filter between the language used by the author and the terminology of the area and can also be considered as research assistants, helping the user to refine, expand or enrich their searches, providing more objective results. (p. 51)

• For citations with more than 500 words, reproduction of one or more figures, tables or other illustrations, the type of license adopted by the original publication should be verified and a written permission from the copyright holder of the original work should be requested, if applicable, for reproduction (in cases where the copyright belongs to the journal or congress). Permission should be addressed to the author of the submitted paper, who should send a copy of it along with the manuscript. The direct quotation must be accurate, even if there are errors in the original article. If this happens and you run the risk of confusing the reader, you should add the word [sic], italicized and between square brackets, right after the error. Omission of material from an original source must be indicated by three dots, separated by spaces, “. . .”. The insertion of material, such as comments or observations, should be done in square brackets. The emphasis on one or more words should be made with italic font, followed by [our italics].

• Secondary source citation: must present the expression “as cited in” to identify the secondary source that was effectively consulted.
    - For Matos (1990, as cited in Bill, 1998) or For Matos (1990), as cited in Bill (1998)

• Citation of statements or interviews: statements should be presented in italics and their style should follow the guidelines for textual citation.

    - Citation in the paragraph of the text itself:
Asked about the quality of their undergraduate courses, about 70% of respondents claim to be insufficient. Interviewee 2, for example, states that “the graduation was insufficient, has no conditions to train for the practice. It is necessary to have a generalist formation and a critical thinking”.

    - Citation with 40 or more words

The Psychology, while a new field of professional activity, unknown by many and aggravated by the already mentioned theoretical and technical deficiency of their basic training, often leads to work in precarious conditions. By way of illustration, see what interviewee 9 says:

    I didn’t have any motivation to work in a hospital, no. I never thought about working in a hospital. . . . I was working in the countryside, and I asked for a transfer. After a lot of battle, I did it. When I got here, I was given four job options, each more complicated than the other. It was hard at first.
• Citation with two authors: must be presented by of the authors surnames linked by “&” when placed in parentheses; when cited in the text must be linked by “and”, followed by the year of publication.
    - Authors as part of the text: As highlighted by Valls and Vergueiro (1998), the application of quality management concepts in information services necessarily involves the variable: identification of customer needs.

    - Authors are not part of the text: The application of quality management concepts in information services necessarily involves the variable: identification of customer needs (Valls & Vergueiro, 1998)

• Citation with three to five authors: when they appear for the first time in the text, all authors are cited. In the following citations, only the surname of the first author, followed by the expression “et al.” should be included.

    - Authors as part of the text: (a) the first time they appear in the text: Lotufo Neto, Yacubian, Scalco and Gonçalves (2001) state that people with depression suffer a lot and seek the help of health professionals, but they rarely identify the problem; (b) from the second time they appear in the text: Lotufo Neto et al. (2001) state that...

    - Authors are not part of the text: (a) the first time they appear in the text): People with depression suffer greatly and seek help from health professionals, but they rarely identify the problem (Lotufo Neto, Yacubian, Scalco & Gonçalves, 2001); (b) from the second time they do not appear in the text: ... (Lotufo Neto et al., 2001).

• Citation with six or more authors: indicate only the first author, followed by the expression “et al.”.

In the reference list, mention up to seven authors, in the order in which they appear in the publication. If the number of authors is eight or more, cite the name of the first six, insert three dots and add the name of the last author.

• Citation of several authors to the same idea: cite the authors following the alphabetical order of their surnames.

• Citation of authors with the same surname: the sequence of citations should be in alphabetical order of the authors’ first names. If there are still any coincidences, put the first full names.

• Citation of informal channels (class, conference, e-mail, etc.): personal communications are cited only in the text, providing the initials, the communicator’s surname and the most accurate date possible.

• Citation of old and re-edited works: the date of the original publication is first cited, slash-separated from the date of the consulted edition.

    - “Civilization and its Discontents” addresses human suffering through the analysis of the origin of pain. Freud (1930/1979) argues that the pain originated from the body is fought by chemistry, the pain originated from unsatisfied desire is the pain originated from our relations with others, which hurts the most.

• Citation of works in the process of publication (in press): the name of the author is cited and the expression “in press” is placed in parentheses.
    - As Sampaio says (in press) the citation, besides doing justice to the author, gives credibility to the author of the text...
    - The citation, besides doing justice to the author, gives credibility to the author of the text... (Sampaio, in press).

• Citation from a homepage or website: the url must be quoted after the information.
Example: Retrieved from

• Citation of classical works.
    - Author as part of the text: Homer rejoices the people “Tis well, my sons! your nightly cares employ...” (Iliad, X, 173).

    - Author is not part of the text: “Tis well, my sons! your nightly cares employ...” (Homer, Iliad, X, 173).

    -Textual citation of verses – original edition: “Non ia coniugium...” (Virgil, Aeneid, IV, 431-434).

Note: in the following citations, if made on the same page, only the number of the book and the verse(s), or their pages should be indicated, as the case may be.

• Citation with omission of part of the text: use of ellipsis (separated by spaces) in a sentence to indicate omission of material of the original source. Use four points to indicate omission between two sentences, the first point indicates the end of the first sentence and the other three indicate the ellipsis. Do not use ellipsis at the beginning or at the end of citations.
    - According to Chauí (1996), “in our society, memory is valued and devalued. It is valued with the multiplication of the means of registration and recording of facts, events and people (computers, films, videos, tapes, books) and the institutions that preserve them (libraries, museums, archives) . . . The devaluation of memory appears, finally, in the neglect of the elderly, considered useless and unserviceable in our society” (pp. 127-128).

• Highlights in the text: highlight the passages indicating the modification with the expression “our italics”, in square brackets, immediately after the idealization of the citation.

    - Skinner (1986) criticized “the capitalist society of developed countries” [our italics].



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