Paper Submission Guidelines
1. Psicólogo inFormação welcomes submissions from the following types:
a) Research Articles: Research Articles include an abstract, an introduction, description of the used method, results analyses and also include information needed to support the paper's conclusions.
b) Reports of personal experience;
c) Perspectives: They may provide context for the findings within a field or explain potential interdisciplinary significance. Perspectives should add a dimension to the research and not merely be a summary of the experiments done.
d) Reviews: critical review of published papers of Psychology and related fields
e) Description of new instruments and techniques employed in Psychology and related fields.
g) News and Psychological Agenda;
h) Interviews that add psychological and related field’s knowledge.
2. Criteria for manuscripts consideration:
Manuscripts submitted to Psicólogo InFormação must obey the following rules:
a) No ethical transgression will be tolerated and the identity of any research’s subject or clinical report’s participant must be preserved by all means.
b) Offensive contents will not be accepted;
c) A paper under consideration for publication elsewhere can be accepted only if approved in writing by the Psicólogo inFormação’editors. Distribution on the Internet may be considered prior publication.
d) Papers accepted by Psicólogo InFormação are Psicólogo InFormação’ property and can only be reproduced, even partially, with this information.
e) The authors are solely responsible for the information contained in the manuscript.
f) Undergraduate students may submit a manuscript done under orientation of a professor that assumes the professional responsibility for it.
3. Manuscripts submission must be done in the following conditions:
a. All papers should be in Microsoft Word Version, Font Times New Roman, font size 11. Double space. Size of the paper – maximum of 30 pages. b. The main sections of your paper must be presented in the following order: Title:, Authors:, Affiliations:, Abstract:, Main Text:, References:, Acknowledgments:, Figure:, Table:, and Supplementary Material. c. Two print copies of the manuscripts must be sent and also a copy in CDROM, Word version.
4. Manuscript configurations:
a) Opening Page: Title (Portuguese and English version):, Authors:, Affiliations ( Authors and their affiliated institutions, should be listed beneath the title). Undergraduate students must inform year of ingression in the course; actual level; manuscript’ related discipline; name of the professor; authors’ contact information.
b) Second Page: Title.
c) Tables and Figures must be sent separately, numbered, and with de information of where to be put. The same must be done with the CDROM copy, in separated files;
d) Abstract, Portuguese and English version, maximum of 200 words;
e) Key-words, Portuguese and English version; no more of five words;
f) Letter to the editor including: for studies involving humans subjects, a statement indicating that informed consent was obtained after the nature and possible consequences of the studies were explained; for authors using experimental animals, a statement that the animals' care was in accordance with institutional guidelines; written authors agreement to grant to Psicólogo InFormação exclusive license to publish the paper in print and online.
g) References and citations and notes: There should be only one reference list covering citations in the paper and supplementary materials. Unpublished or "in press" references or personal communications are not allowed at the time of publication. Do not use op. cit. or ibid in references.
Citations in the text:
Psicólogo InFormação adopts the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) NBR 10520:2002’guidelines for quotations in the text:
1) Author’s surname;
2) original edition’year (first edition);
3) In case of direct quotations, use quotation marks (“ ”), indicating the page where the information was identified.
Examples of Psicólogo InFormação’ citation style:
Indirect quotation:
Para Cervo e Bervian (1978), todas as informações (sugestões e ideias) utilizadas como base de uma pesquisa devem ser informadas com método e precisão pelo pesquisador.
Direct quotation:
Sobre o papel do psicólogo no âmbito institucional, Bleger (1962, p. 20) comenta:
“A função social do psicólogo clínico não deve ser basicamente a terapia e sim a saúde pública e, dentro dela, a higiene mental. O psicólogo deve intervir intensamente em todos os aspectos e problemas que concernem a psico-higiene e não esperar que a pessoa adoeça para recém poder intervir.”
A partir de Barrass (1979, p. 1), observamos a afirmação de que “escrever é parte da ciência. Não obstante, muitos cientistas deixam de receber treinamento na arte de escrever”.
Quotation of another quotation (apud):
“As regras que formam o corpo da ciência são públicas. Elas sobrevivem ao cientista que as construiu, assim como àqueles que são controlados por elas” (Skinner , 1969, p. 157 apud Andre y et al., 2000, p. 140).
Reference List
Psicólogo inFormação adopts the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) NBR 6023:2002’guidelines for reference list:
Esencial reference elements:
a) Last name and inicials of author´s name in Caps Lock;
b) original publication, reimpression and reedicion date;
c) Title;
d) City and publisher of the book;
e) name, volum, number and pages of the Journal;
Note: In case of the book consulted wasn´t the original, additional data is necessary, as may translation or edition used
BLEGER, J. Temas de Psicologia: entrevista e grupos. 2. ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1985.
Published papers:
BUENO, B. O.; SOUZA, C. P.; CATANI, D. B.; SOUZA, M. C. C. C. Docência, memória e gênero: estudos alternativos sobre a formação de professores.
Psicologia USP, São Paulo, v. 4, n. 1/2, p. 229-318, jan./dez. 1993.
Book’s chapters:
SOUZA, D. G. O que é contingência? In: BANACO, R. A. (Org.). Sobre comportamento e cognição: aspectos teóricos, metodológicos e de formação em análise do comportamento e terapia cognitivista. Santo André: ARBytes, 1997. p. 82-87.
Master or Doctor’s degree papers:
YOSHIDA, L. A. M. A ausência paterna e suas repercussões na construção da identidade do adolescente. 2001. 200 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Médicas) – Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2001.
There are fields of knowledge, such as Psychoanalyze and Philosophy, where is common practice to mention also the original editions of consecrated authors, such as Sigmund Freud. Since this is not a general rule, it must be adopted in exceptional cases. Psicólogo inFormação adopts NBR 6023:2000, item8.6.4 (NBR 6023:2000, p. 15):
“in case of two different dates, both can be indicated, provided the mention of the relation between them.”
KLEIN, M. A psicoterapia das psicoses. In: ______. Contribuições à psicanálise. 2. ed. São Paulo: Mestre Jou, 1981. p. 315-318, (original de 1930).
FREUD, S. O futuro de uma ilusão. Trad. J. Salomão. In: ______. Edição Standard brasileira das obras psicológicas completas de Sigmund Freud. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1977. v. 21, p. 15-71, (original de 1927).
In paramount cases, the quotation in the text must be done using original edition’s date.
5. Ethical proceedings:
For studies involving humans subjects, the authors must follow the Conselho Nacional de Saúde, Ministério da Saúde;,Resolução 196/96’ guidelines. Psychological studies must also take in consideration the Resolução CFP16/00’s instructions.
Authors using experimental animals must inform that the animals' care was in accordance with institutional guidelines.
a) Method: includes a statement indicating that informed consent was obtained after the nature and possible consequences of the studies were explained and how TCLE (termo de consentimento livre esclarecido);
b) It must mention how was authorized the data gathering in case of institutions’ involvement.
c) A copy of the Research Ethical Committee’ license for the study must be sent to the editors.
6. Manuscript acceptance:
a) We will publish those papers that are most influential in their fields or across fields and that will significantly advance scientific understanding. Our editors are the solely responsible for this selection.
b) Submitted papers are rated for suitability by members of Psicólogo InFormação’ Board of Reviewing Editors.
c) Research papers that are selected are evaluated by two outside referees.
d) Authors are notified of decisions and technical comments for acceptance or refusing are sent to the authors of papers.
Revista Psicólogo inFormação
Universidade Metodista de São Paulo
Faculdade de Saúde
Curso de Psicologia – Campus Planalto
Av. Dom Jaime de Barros Câmara, 1000 – Planalto
CEP 09895-450 – São Bernardo do Campo – São Paulo – Brasil
Tel.: (011) 4366-5354
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