Online version ISSN 1678-5177
Print version ISSN 0103-6564



>Scope and editorial policy

Psicologia USP, being a vehicle for scientific and cultural dissemination, publishes original articles which may contribute to the knowledge and development of Psychology and related fields.

It also publishes material under the following sections: Reviews (articles involving available knowledge concerning a particular subject through the consultation, analysis and interpretation of related bibliography); Points of View (aims to promote subjects of relevance for scientific and graduate knowledge presenting comments that stimulate new ideas and perspectives on the subject); Brief Reports; Notices; Interviews; and Book Reviews.

The journal's editorial proposal meets the contemporary trends seeking integration and complementarity, more and more existent in the human sciences. That trend takes into consideration the Psychology vocation to the diversity, as well as to the articulation of areas and knowledges. If a human being may be seen as a complex biological machine, he is, however, a builder of culture and symbols, a creator of history.

Psicologia USP seeks to pay attention to the different conceptions that are expressed by that duplicity, publishing articles that reflect the wide range of the researchers' current themes, as well as the most significant debates that take place at the human and biological sciences boundaries. The journal publishes theoretical articles and essays, emphasizing some Psychology classical issues such as Memory, Family, Conscience, Unconscious, and Alterity.

Manuscripts submitted by Brazilian and foreign authors must be submitted exclusively to Psicologia USP, their simultaneous presentation to any other periodical is not permitted. Original articles will be submitted to the approval of a board of consulting editors, formed by specialists on the subject in question. The publication of the articles will depend on the approval of this board and the fulfillment of certain rules established by Psicologia USP. Manuscripts not accepted for publication will remain at the author's disposal. One copy of the issue containing the published article will be sent to the author.


Editorial style

1 Paper

The text of all the contributions must not exceed 35 pages, typed on white paper (21 x 31 cm) with double spacing. If produced on a text processor, the printing must be in "letter quality". The first sheet of the original (frontispiece) must have: the title of the article, the author's complete name and the address of the institution to which he is affiliated. Pages must be numbered consecutively at the right upper corner.

2 Floppy disk

When the original is on a floppy disk (3 1/2" or 5 1/4") the author should mention the operational system (MS-DOS or compatible systems) and the word processor utilized. A print out must also be sent.

Title of the article

The title of the article must be concisely phrased, and contain the terms that represent the content of the text in order to allow its indexing and retrieval by the Information Services. The title should also be written in English. Manuscripts based on a thesis or doctoral dissertation must indicate the original title, the institution and the year it was presented; if it was the topic of a scientific meeting, indicate the type of meeting, the place and year it was held.


Manuscripts for the sections Original articles, Reviews and Points of View should be presented together with an abstract in the same language as the article, as well as in Portuguese (if written in any other language) and in English. The abstract should be written in at most 200 words, typed on the second page of the article, using double spacing. The abstract must include information on: purpose, basic procedures, major results and conclusions of the paper, with emphasis on new and important aspects observed. For more details regarding style of presentation, authors may consult Resumos: teoria e prática (instruction manual). This publication can be obtained at the Library and Information Service of the Institute of Psychology; copies may be obtained by mail, upon request.

Index Terms

Index terms or keywords up to a maximum of five must be included in the abstract and are subject to changes according to the list of psychological index terms used by the Library and Information Service of the Institute of Psychology (USP), based on the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms published by the American Psychological Association.


When addressed to persons or institutions that contributed to the article's elaboration must be mentioned by the indication of the person's name or the research agency responsible for sponsoring the research and, in this case, followed by the respective process number. They should be placed at the end of the article.

Bibliographic References

They must be organized in a list at the end of the article, arranged in alphabetical order by the author's last surname; if the article has more than one author, use the name of the first author. Periodical titles, when mentioned in bibliographic references, should comply to the Normas para apresentação de referências bibliográficas (instruction manual). This publication can be obtained at the Library and Information Service of the Institute of Psychology; copies may be obtained by mail, upon request. Authors should be sure that the references are complete and accurate, as incorrections are of their exclusive responsibility.

Quotations and Footnotes

Quotations in the text must obey the rules presented in the publication Citações no texto e notas de rodapé (instruction manual), also at the author's disposition in the Library and Information Service of the Institute of Psychology. Notes refering to the body of the text must be indicated by a number registered immediately after the phrase to which it refers. The notes must be placed at the foot of the page.


Each table must be typed on a separate sheet, numbered consecutively in the same order in which they are cited in the text and also include an explanatory title which permits its understanding without reference to the text. The author must indicate in the text, the place where it should be inserted, using the number atributed to each table. If data or tables have been taken from previously published works, the author must also send written permission to reproduce them.


Sharp photographs, drawing and graphics (essentially necessary to the clarity of the text) must be numbered consecutively in the same order in which they are cited in the text and refered to as Figures. All figures must be identified in the text by their number, assigned at the place where they should be inserted. In order to obtain a standard presentation for graphs in the publication, the author must send the data used for its construction and indicate, if necessary, the type of graph he considers most adequate to its presentation. If data or illustrations have been taken from previously published works, the author must also send written permission to reproduce them.

Manuscripts must be presented in the following order: title page, abstracts in the language the article was written in and in English, index terms, text, bibliographic references, tables and illustrations.

The manuscript must be sent with a letter from the author explaining to which section he is submitting his work and sent to the address below.


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© 2009 Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo

Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 1721 - Bloco G, sala 20
Cidade Universitária Armando de Salles Oliveira
05508-900 São Paulo SP - Brazil
Tel.: +55 11 3091-4452
Fax: +55 11 3091-4462