ISSN 1809-6867 print version |
The Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica (Gestaltic Approach Journal), published by the Instituto de Treinamento e Pesquisa em Gestalt-terapia de Goiânia (ITGT), was created with the purpose of being a vehicle of publication preferentially of the Gestaltic approach, as well as those approaches that are grounded on a philosophical theoretical-scientific basis inside the human and existential views, besides those with phenomenological guidelines. It's policies are defined by the Editorship and by the Editorship Council, which have the participation of professionals from the psychologist, philosopher, health and education areas. Thus, it's editorial line seeks to favor reflections - in a multi-professional and inter-disciplinary perspective - about the following topics: a) Gestalt therapy and Gestaltic approach; b) Humanistic and existential psychology; c) Phenomenological and existential orientation Psychologies and Psychotherapies; d) Pure and applied Phenomenology; e) Phenomenological and Qualitative Research. Articles centered in research and production of knowledge concerning the named approaches will be accepted for appreciation, also the articles that refer to critical reflections of the psychologist’s performance or other professionals who use it in their professional practice. Both theoretical and empirical articles may be accepted, that involve questions concerning to health, education, humanities, philosophy, or socio-anthropological sciences, thus reflecting the holistic perspective of the Gestaltic approach. |
The text will be submitted to the Editorial Council’s appreciation, on the condition to submit technical concepts (a minimal number of two concepts per proposal, or more, when necessary). The magazine's editorship may use (when necessary) guest specialists - as ad hoc consultants - who may suggest modifications before publication. The editorial publishing of the Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica assures authors’ and consultants’ anonymity during the evaluation process. Factors to be considered will include the relevance to present time and theme relevance, as well as originality, scientific consistency, and the abiding to ethical rules. The articles must be original, related to psychology, philosophy, education, health and socio-anthropological science, and if they fit into the following categories: Research report – investigation report concluded or in procedure, using empirical data, methodology, results and data discussion. The text should have between 12 and 20 pages. Theoretical Study – analysis of facts and ideas published on a specific theme. Looks for controversial findings for critique, and shows own interpretation of the information. The text should have between 12 and 20 pages. Experience report – case study, containing analysis of conceptual implications, or description of procedures or strategy interventions, including methodologically appropriate evidence of efficiency evaluation, in the interest for practicing psychologists in different areas. The text should have between 12 and 20 pages. Monographic study – presents a work developed during academic activity by the author, such as specialization, Masters or Doctorate. Limited to ten pages. Essay – original interpretation of any theme which contributes critically to a deeper knowledge. Limited to five pages. Review – analysis of a recently published work (in the last two years). Limited to five pages. Review (classical text) – analysis of a work considered relevant for the approach, published over 10 years ago. Limited to five pages. Resonance – commentaries and/or responses to prior published volumes of this periodical. Limited to five pages. Profile – short biography of a person that has contributed to the development of the Gestaltic, humanistic, existential, or phenomenological approaches. Limited to five pages. News – record of facts or events related to the Gestaltic community. Limited to three pages. Thesis and dissertation summary – as presented in the defended thesis/dissertation. Limited to one page. |
2. Instructions for publication
The texts submitted for publication should be unpublished and dedicated exclusively to this magazine, the simultaneous representation in other periodical not being allowed. All of papers receive a double-bind evaluation by experts in the proposal. The texts should be sent via e-mail (, according to the specifications available at the site ( It is also necessary to send a mini curriculum containing the following information: author(s) full name(s), institutional affiliation, actual titles and/or functions, electronic address and mailing address. Additions or modifications will not be admitted after the sending of the text to the Editorial Council, except for the suggested modifications given by the Editorial Council. The opinions emitted in the texts, as well as the adequacy and accuracy of the bibliographical references are the author’s exclusive responsibility. The publication of the texts will depend on the observance of the patterns of the Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica and on the appreciation of the Editorial Council, which has total authority to decide about the convenience of its acceptance, and is allowed to present suggestions to the authors for necessary alterations. When the investigation involves human subjects, the authors shall present in the text body that a written declaration was obtained from the subjects involved (Understood and Free Consent Term) and/or from the institution in which the work was done (Ethics Research Commission). Texts without these requirements will not be published. The authors will be notified about the acceptance or not of their articles. The originals, even when they are not used, will not be returned. |
3. Manuscript Presentation Forms
The Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica follows publication patterns based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) - fourth edition. The manuscripts should preferably be written in Portuguese. According to the Editorial Council, English, French or Spanish manuscripts may also be accepted. The texts should be typed in the Word for Windows program, using Times New Roman font, size 12, between line size of 1.5 and margins with 2.5 cm, printed in A4 paper, within the total number of pages, according to the specific type of wanted publication (see General Information, item 1), observing the following specifications: a) Headline – It is recommended that the title of the article should have up to 12 words. It should be verified if the chosen title reflects in an adequate form the main issues that the text handles about, though avoiding long titles. The title should be followed by a small explanation note, as a footnote, relating of its nature and to which institution it concerns. The title should be written in capital letters, font 14, bold face. After that should come the title in English and Spanish, in italic and font 12. b) The authors full names should appear under the title, font 12, regular letters, aligned to the right, with the authors’ title, activity place and e-mail (if available) indicated in the footnote. c) Epigraph – should be presented in regular letter (without italic), simple space, font 10, aligned to the right. The epigraph’s author’s name should appear in italic, followed by the text reference. d) Abstract and Keywords - in Portuguese, in English and Spanish, typed in one paragraph, simple space between lines, font 10, with up to 200 words. The keywords (description words), with three to five significant terms, should remit to the fundamental content of the text. To know how to determine the words, consult the Descritores em Ciências da Saúde list- elaborated by Bireme and/or Medical subject heading - comprehensive medline. Also included should be the description words in English (key-words)) and Spanish (Palabras-clave). e) Text Structure – the texts concerning researchers and experience reports should contain introduction, objectives, methodology, results and conclusion. The text should be written in a clear and objective language. Foreign words should be written in italic and the authors stressed words in italic. f) Adopt the following word patterns: Gestalt-therapy or Gestalt-Therapy, gestalttherapist or gestalt-therapist, Gestaltic Approach, Gestalt Psychology or Gestalt-Psychologie. Check for excess space between the words. g) Subtitles – Should always be placed with the text paragraph alignment, in bold face, with only the first letters of each word in capitals. h) Illustrations – pictures, charts, tables, sketches and graphs should be indicated in Arabic numbers, with subtitles in capital letters, title in small letters, without italics. i) Nomenclature and Abbreviations – use only the official ones.. The use of abbreviations related to the content in the text should be made in special cases, with its indication between parentheses the first time that it appears in the text, preceded by the written words. j) Footnotes – should be numbered in an increasing order and restricted to the minimal necessary. l) Citations – should be made according to the APA rules (fourth edition). In the case of a complete transcription of a text, it should be delitimitated by inverted commas, and the citation of the author followed by the number of the citation's page. A literal citation with 40 words or more should be presented in one block, starting in a new line, with the paragraph aligned with the first line of the regular paragraph. The font size should be 12, interlinear space of 1,5 just as the rest of the text. m) Bibliographical References – title to be used. Do not use bibliography. The subtitle Bibliographical References should be aligned to the left. The references should follow APA rules (fourth edition). The font shall be formatted in size 12, interlinear space of 1,5, always in alphabetical order. Use the retrocession "dislocation" . Check if all citations given in the body text and in the footnotes appear in the bibliography and if the year citation year in the body text is the same as shown in the final list. n) Attachments – used only when strictly necessary for the comprehension of the text, containing a minimal number of pages (which will be counted as part of the text) placed after the bibliography. It is recommended to avoid attachments. |
4. Common ways of citation in the text
Multiple authorship article citation. a) two authors The author’s surname is shown in every citation, using and or & as follows: “The method proposed by Siqueland and Delucia (1969)” but “the method was inicially proposed for the study of vision (Siqueland & Delucia, 1969)” b) Three to five authors The surname of all authors is shown in the first citation, as in the preceded example. From the second citation on, only the first author's surname is shown, followed by “et al”, and the year, if it is the first citation of a reference inside a same paragraph. E.g.s.: Spielberger, Gorsuch and Luchene (1994) noticed that [first citation in the text]. Spielberger et al (1994) noticed that [next citation, first in paragraph]. Spielberg et al noticed [do not put the year's publication date in following citation inside the same paragraph]. Exception – If the references and abbreviated form originate a possible same identity of two texts in which the co-authors are different, the co-authors are shown until the ambiguity is eliminated. The works of Hayes, S.C., Brownstein, A. J., Haas, J. R. & Greenway, D. E. (1986), and Hayes, S. C., Brownstein, A. J., Zettle, R. D., Rosenfarb, I. & Korn, Z. (1986) are citaded like this: “Hayes, Brownstein, Haas et al (1986) and Hayes, Brownstein, Zettle et al (1986) noticed that...” In the reference section, the names of all authors shall be related. c) six or more authors In the text, starting at the first citation, only the first author's surname is mentioned, followed by “et al”, except when this format generates ambiguity, in which case the same solution shown in the previous item should be used: Rodrigues et al (1988). In the reference section all the names are shown. Work citations discussed in a secondary source If you are using a source discussed in another, when the original text has not been read (for eg., a Flavell case study, as citaded by Shore, 1982). In the text, the following citation should be used: Flavell (as citaded by Shore, 1982) adds that these students... In the reference section, inform only the secondary source, in the Shore case, using the appropriate form. Citation of old reedited texts Author (original published year/consulted edition date). Eg. Franco (1790/1946). Citation of personal communication This kind of citation should be avoided, since it is not possible to be tracked down by conventional ways. If it is necessary, inevitable, it should appear in the text, but not in the section of References. Eg. C. M. L. C. Zannon (Personal communication, October 30 1994). |
5. Examples of common references
Tecnical report Birney, A. J. & Hall, M. M. (1981). Early identification of children with written language disabilities (relatório n. 81-1502). Washington, DC: National Education Association. Essay presented in a congress, but not published Haidt, J., Dias, M. G. & Koller, S. (1991, fevereiro). Disgust, disrespect and culture: moral judgement of victimless violations in the USA and Brazil. Essay presented in Annual Meeting (Annual Meeting) of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Isla Verde, Puerto Rico. Essay presented in congress with the abstract published in a regular series publication Treat as a periodical publication, adding right after the title the indication that it is an abstract. Silva, A. A. & Engelmann, A. (1988). Teste de eficácia de um curso para melhorar a capacidade de julgamentos corretos de expressões faciais de emoções [abstract]. Ciência e Cultura, 40 (7, Suplemento), 927. Essay presented in congress with special abstract published in a special edition Treat as a book publication, informing about the event according to the avaible informations on the cover. Todorov, J. C., Souza, D. G. & Bori, C. M. (1992). Escolha e decisão: A teoria da maximização momentânea [Resumo]. In Sociedade Brasileira Psicologia (org.), Resumos de comunicações científicas, XXII Reunião Anual de Psicologia (p. 66). Ribeirão Preto: SBP. Meneghini, R. & Campos-de-Carvalho, M. I. (1995). Áreas circunscritas e agrupamentos seqüenciais entre crianças em creches [Resumo]. In Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia (org.), XXV Reunião Anual de Psicologia, Resumos (p.385). Ribeirão Preto: SBP. Unpublished thesis or dissertations Costa, L. (1989). A família descasada: interação, competência e estilo. Estudo de caso. Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília. Books Féres-Carneiro, T. (1983). Família: diagnóstico e terapia. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar. Book chapters Blough, D. S. & Blough, P. (1977). Animal psychophysics. In W. K. Honig & J. E. Staddon(orgs.), Handbook of operant behavior (pp. 514-539). Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall. Hoffman, L. W. (1979). Experiência da primeira infância e realizações femininas. In H. Bee (org.), Psicologia do desenvolvimento: questões sociais (p.45-65). Rio de Janeiro: Interamericana. Book translated to portuguese language Salvador, C. C. (1994). Aprendizagem escolar e construção de conhecimento. (E. O. Dihel, Trad.) Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas. (Trabalho original publicado em 1990) If the portuguese language translation of an essay in another language is used as a source, quote the portuguese translation and show the original's publication year. In the text, quote the year of the original publication and the year of thetranslation: (Salvador, 1990/1994). Scientific periodical article Inform the periodical volume, followed by the number in parenthesis, especially when the page numbers are reiniciated in each volume. Doise, W. (2003). Human rights: Common meaning and differences in positioning. Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa, 19(3), 201-210. Old essays with reedition in very posterior dates Franco, F. de M. (1946). Tratado de educação física dos meninos. Rio de Janeiro: Agir. (originally published in 1790). Essays in printing press The year date should not be published, nor the volume number nor page number until the article has been published. Respected de name order, it is the author’s last reference. Conceição, M. I. G. & Silva, M. C. R. (in printing process). Mitos sobre a sexualidade do lesado medular. Revista Brasileira de Sexualidade Humana. Institutional authorsip American Psychiatric Association (1988). DSM-III-R, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (3. revised edition). Washington, DC: Autor. Articles consulted in the electronic media Sanches, M. & Jorge, M.R. (2004). Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar: Um enfoque transcultural, Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria [online]. Vol.26, supl.3 [cited 05 Julho 2006], p.54- 56. Available in World Wide Web: |
Published articles in the Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica The authorial rights belong to the Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica. The total reproduction of the articles of this magazine in other publications, or for any other use, will be conditioned to the written permit of the Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica's Editor. People interested in partially reproducing the articles published by them (text parts that exceed 500 words, tables, sketches, and other publications) should have written permit from the authors. Each author should receive an example of the magazine in which its article was published. Partial reproduction of other publications Manuscripts submitted to appreciation that have text excerptions extracted from other publications should obey the limits specified to guarantee originality of the submitted work. It is recommended to avoid the reproduction of sketches, tables and drawings of other publications. The manuscript that contains partial reproduction of one or more pictures, tables and drawings extracted from other publications will only be conducted (???) for analysis if it comes followed by the written permission of the owner of the author rights of the original work for specific reproduction in the Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica. The permission should be addressed to the author’s essay submitted to appreciation. In no circumstances the Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica and the authors of the essays published in this magazine may repass to others the right obtained in such manner. |
All correspondence to the magazine shall be sent to: Editor Quick communication may be done through telephone (62) 3941.9798 or fax (62) 3942.9798 - or by electronic address: Other information may be obtained at the site: |
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© 2008 Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica
Instituto de Treinamento e Pesquisa em Abordagem Gestalt-Terapia de Goiânia (ITGT-GO)
Rua 1.128 nº 165 – Setor Marista
CEP 74.175-130 - Goiânia - GO
Tel.: +55 62 3941-9798
Fax: +55 62 3942-9798