ISSN 1981-9145 Electronic version



Editorial Line - General Information

The Brazilian Journal of Sport Psychology (RBPE) is a publication of the Brazilian Association of Sport Psychology and it has as a goal the publication of researches that can contribute to the progress of the knowledge on Sport Psychology in its various manifestations like high performance sport, free time practices, sportive initiation, social projects and rehabilitation.

The texts can be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English.

The Brazilian Journal of Sport Psychology (RBPE) will accept original papers for publication in the following categories:

The published articles may be of three kinds: theoretical, review and articles with research results


Theoretical Essays must propose the analysis of concepts, putting in question existing models and elaborating hypothesis for future research (limit of 25 pages);


Research reports or professional experience reports must present introduction, method, results and discussion (followed or not by conclusions and/or final considerations) and references (limit of 35 pages);


The reviews may be of national or international publications and will be accepted preferably if they approach the work, contextualizing its publication in the contemporary scenario of the academic production of the field.


Manuscript Submission

The original must be sent to the Brazilian Journal of Sport Psychology (RBPE), through the web page of the Journal in the following address, where there are further instructions on the submission process. The (single) file must be in the Word for Windows format, in the txt editor WORD 6.0 or superior, not exceeding 7MB, including figures.

Letter from the main author

The submission of articles to the journal must be preceded by a letter from the main author, where the intention of submission or re-submission of the paper to publication should be explicated. This letter must appear before the identified front page.


Manuscript Presentation Structure

The Brazilian Journal of Sport Psychology (RBPE) is based on the American Psychological Association (APA) norms regarding the citations and references presentation.

The manuscript presentation must obey the following sequence:

1 - Identified Front Page, containing:

- Work title in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

- Complete name and institutional affiliation of each one of the authors

- Footnote with complete address for correspondence (including the Zip code, phone number and electronic mail) of each one of the authors

- Footnote with information about institutional support, thanks, work origin (presentation in an event, originated by a thesis or dissertation) and other information ethically necessary.

2 - Front Page without Identification, containing only:

- Work title in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

3 - Abstract (Resumo and Resumen) and Keywords (Palavras-chave and Palabras-clave)

- Abstract in English (approximately 150 words) and keywords (up to five) must appear before the actual text. Resumo and palavras-chave followed by resumen and palabras-clave (Portuguese and Spanish versions for the abstracts and keywords), must be presented before the text.

4 - Manuscript presentation

- The title must be clear and objective, written in capital letters. Ten words at the most. With centralized text. The subtitles must be bold and have the first letter of each word in capital letter

- The indicated paper size is A4 (21 x 29.7cm), with all upper and right margins 3.0cm and all bottom and left margins 2.5cm

- The texts must be typed with 1.5 space between lines in all circumstances

- Arial font type, size 12, in all manuscript, including references and footnotes

5 - Annexes, figures and tables

- The words Figure, Table and Annex that appear in the text must always be written with their first letter in capital letter and must be followed by the number (for Figures and Tables) or letter (for Annexes) according to which one they refer.

- They must be indicated in the body of the text identified by the alphabet letters in capital letters (e.g. A, B, C and so on).

- Annexes more than one page long must be numbered consecutively with text in Times New Roman font, size 12, double spaced.

- Tables and Figures: each one must be presented in a new page, with its respective legends and titles. They mustn’t exceed 17.5cm of width by 23.5cm of length.

- Must be elaborated preferably using MSWord.

- The table titles must be above them, one line below the expression Table and its respective number.

- The titles must indicate the table content with up to 15 words. The first letter of each word of the title must be in lower case.

- The title must be underlined and it mustn’t contain punctuation in the end.

- Inside the table, do not use capital letters, italic or bold type.

- The titles of the figures must be presented right after the expression Figure and its respective number (these must be underlined), following the same specification for Tables, but with punctuation in the end.

6 - Text

For the originals normalization we recommend the manuals available on the web page based on the 5th edition of 2001 of the manual edited by APA.

6.1 - Citations in the text

6.1.1 - Citation of authors in the text

- Must be presented by the last name of the author(s) followed by the year of publication. In the citations with two authors their last names when cited in the text must be connected by “and” (“and” in case the text is in English, “e” in Portuguese, “y” in Spanish and so forth); when cited in parentheses must be connected by “&”. Example: Ades and Botelho (1993) or (Ades & Botelho, 1993)

- In case of citations with three to five authors, the first time they appear in the text all authors are cited; in the following citations the first author’s last name is cited followed by the Latin expression “et al.”.

Example of citation of three to five authors:

First time the authors appear cited in the text:

Haase, Diniz, and Cruz, 1997 or (Haase, Diniz, & Cruz, 1997)

In the following citations:

Haase et al. (1997) or (Haase et al., 1997)

OBS.: In the final list of references all authors’ names must be cited.

- In case of citations with six or more authors, the last name of the first author is cited followed by the Latin expression “et al.”. Example: Hays et al. (2002) or (Hays et al., 2002)

OBS.: In the final list of references the last names of the six first authors must be cited and the seventh and following ones (if there’s any) must be abbreviated using the Latin expression "et al.". Example:

Hays, G. C., Broderick, A. C., Godley, B. J., Lovell, P., Martin, C., McConnell, B. J. et al. (2002). Biphasal long-distance migration in green turtles. Animal Behaviour, 64(6), 895-898.

- In citations of many authors and the same idea, the alphabetical order of their last names must be obeyed. Example: Badaines (1976), Biller (1968, 1969) or (Badaines, 1976; Biller, 1968, 1969)

- In case of citations of authors with the same last name indicate the initials of their first names abbreviated. Example: M. M. Oliveira (1983) and V. M. Oliveira (1984) or (M. M. Oliveira, 1983; V. M. Oliveira, 1984)

- In case of documents from the same author and different publication dates, the author’s last name and the years of publications must be cited in chronological order. Example: Merleau-Ponty (1942, 1960, 1966) or (Merleau-Ponty, 1942, 1960, 1966)

- In citations of documents with the same publication date and the same author, lower case letters must be added after the year of publication. Example: Rogers (1973a, 1973b, 1973c) or (Rogers, 1973a, 1973b, 1973c)

- Documents whose author is a collective group must be cited by the group’s name at full length, followed by the publication year. Example: American Psychological Association (2001) or (American Psychological Association, 2001)

6.1.2 - Citation of information obtained through informal means (class, conference, personal communication, electronic mail, etc.)

- Add the information in parentheses after the citation. Example: (Verbal information, September 19th, 2003)

6.1.3 - Citation of old and reprinted works

- Cite the original publication date followed by the consulted edition date. Example: Freud (1898/1976) or (Freud, 1898/1976)

6.1.4 - Textual citation

- In case of literal transcription of a text, this must be delimited by double quotation marks, followed by the author’s last name, date and cited page. In case of textual citation of 40 words or more, this must be presented in an exclusive paragraph without quotation marks, beginning with a forwarded line (equivalent to five touches of spacebar) and finishing with a margin without backing.

Attention: In testimony citation or interview transcription, the speeches must be presented in italic, and its presentation way must follow the guideline above (textual citation).

6.1.5 - Indirect citation

- In the indirect citation, that is, one whose idea is extracted from other source, use the expression “as cited in” (in case the text is in Portuguese “citado por” and so on). Example: For Matos (1990) as cited in Bill (1998) or For Matos (1990, as cited in Bill, 1998)

OBS.: In the references mention only the consulted work (in this case, Bill, 1998).

6.1.6 - Citation of works that are about to be published

- The last name(s) of the author(s) is (are) cited followed by the expression “in press”. Example: (Sampaio, in press) or Sampaio (in press)

OBS.: In case the text is written in Portuguese “no prelo.”

6.1.7 - Citation of Homepage or Web Site

- The electronic address should be cited preferably in parentheses after the information. Example: (

OBS.: It is not necessary to cite it in the References list in the end of the text.

6.1.8 - Punctuation and orthography in the textual citation

- The orthography and punctuation of a textual citation must obey those used by the author of the consulted document.

6.2 - Footnotes

The footnotes must be avoided as much as possible, however, when they appear in the body of the text they must be indicated in Arabic numbers in a sequence, immediately after the sentence they refer to. They must be presented at the bottom of the same page. The references of the authors cited in the text must be presented in the end of the text, not in footnotes.

6.3 - References

They must be presented in the end of the article. Its arrangement must be in alphabetical order of the author’s last name and it must constitute a list headed by the title References. In case of more than one work from the same author, the references must be arranged in chronological order of publication

Examples of references:

6.3.1 - Books

With authorship

Macedo, L. (1994). Ensaios construtivistas. São Paulo: Casa do Psicólogo.

With institutional authorship

American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed). Washington, DC: Author.

Without specific authorship – Beginning by the work title

The world of learning (41st ed.). (1991). London: Europa.

With edition indication

Bosi, E. (1994). Memória e sociedade: Lembranças de velhos (4a ed.). São Paulo: Companhia das Letras.

With translator indication

Sternberg, R. J. (2000). Psicologia cognitiva (M. R. B. Osório, trad.). Porto Alegre, RS: Artes Médicas Sul.

With date and original edition title indication

Merleau-Ponty, M. (1994). Fenomenologia da percepção (C. A. R. Moura, trad.). São Paulo: Martins Fontes. (Original work published in 1945. Original title: Phénoménologie de la perception)

With translated title indication

Merleau-Ponty, M. (1964). Le visible et l'invisible [O visível e o invisível]. Paris: Gallimard.

With volume indication

Carterette, E. C., & Friedman, M. P. (Eds.). (1974-1978). Handbook of perception (Vols. 1-10). New York: Academic Press.

Book chapter

Chauí, M. (1998). Notas sobre cultura popular. In P. S. Oliveira (Org.), Metodologia das ciências humanas (pp. 165-182). São Paulo: Hucitec; UNESP.

Heilman, K. M. (1995). Attention asymmetries. In R. J. Davidson & K. Hugdahl (Eds.), Brain asymmetry. Chap.4: Attention and learning (pp. 217-234). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Book chapter with indication of the original edition date

Freud, S. (1977). Histeria. In S. Freud, Edição standard brasileira das obras psicológicas completas de Sigmund Freud (J. Salomão, trad., Vol. 1, pp. 77-102). Rio de Janeiro: Imago. (Original work published in 1888)

Freud, S. (1973). El yo y el ello. In S. Freud, Obras completas (L. Lopez-Ballesteros & De Torres, trads., 3a ed., Vol. 3, pp. 2701-2728). Madrid, España: Biblioteca Nueva. (Original work published in 1923)

6.3.2 - Scientific Journals

Complete edition (Issue)

Fowler, R. D. (2000, January). Positive psychology [Special issue]. American Psychologist, 55(1).


Tfouni, L. V., & Moraes, J. (2003). A família narrada por crianças e adolescentes de rua: A ficção como suporte do desejo. Psicologia USP, 14(1), 65-84.

The new health-care lexion. (1993, August/September). Copy Editor, 4, 1-2.

Article published in a supplement

Tandon, R. (1999). Cholinergic aspects of schizophrenia. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 174(Suppl. 37), 7-11.

Article about to be published (in press)

Sampaio, M. I. C., & Peixoto, M. L. (in press). Brazilian psychology journals indexed in LILACS and PsycINFO database. Psychology Bulletin.

6.3.3 - Disclosure Magazine

Published text

Silva, A. A. (2000, August 30). Em busca do par ideal. Veja, 33(35), 142.

6.3.4 - Newspaper


Frayze-Pereira, J. A. (1998, May 22). Arte destrói a comunicação comum e instaura a incomum. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, Caderno 5, p. 24.

Published interview

Silveira, E. (1992, August 23). O ideal moderno de namorado [Interview with César Ades]. Jornal do Brasil, p. 9.

Attention: In case of Testimony = ... [Testimony ... ].

6.3.5 - Scientific Events (Conferences, Meetings, Symposia etc.)

Published in proceedings or annals

Thiers, V. O., Seabra, A. G., Macedo, E. C., Arbex, S. M., Feitosa, M. D., & Capovilla, F. C. (1993). PCS-Comp: Picture Communication Symbols System: Computer version. In Resumos de Comunicações Científicas, III Congresso Interno do Núcleo de Pesquisa em Neurociências e Comportamento da Universidade de São Paulo (p. 15). São Paulo: Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas da Universidade de São Paulo.

Todman, J., & Lewins, E. (1996). Use of an AAC system for casual conversation. In Proceedings of the Seventh Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (pp. 167-168). Vancouver, Canada.

Published as an article

Macedo, L., Petty, A. L. S., & Botelho, A. P. A. (1991). A construção de correspondências ou o fio de Ariadne. Ciência e Cultura, 43(Supl. 7), 820-821. Work presented in the 43rd Annual Meeting of SBPC, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro.


Aguirre, A. M. B. (1988). Terapia corporal. Work presented in the 2nd Symposium of Psychology of the Education and Culture Faculties from ABC, São Caetano do Sul, SP.

6.3.6 - Master’s Dissertation and Theses


Figueiredo, S. M. A. (1991). Estudos piagetianos: Uma análise crítica. Dissertação de mestrado, Instituto Superior de Estudos e Pesquisas Psicossociais, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro.

Granja, E. C. (1995). Produção científica: Dissertações e teses do IPUSP (1980/1989). Tese de doutorado, Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo.

Pérez-Ramos, J. (1980). Satisfação no trabalho: Metas e tendências. Tese de livre-docência, Instituto de Letras, História e Psicologia, Universidade Estadual Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Assis, SP.

Attention: In case of published theses or dissertations follow the reference model for books.

6.3.7 - Unpublished work

Sabadini, A. A. Z. P., & Sampaio, M. I. (2001). Avaliação das revistas científicas em psicologia - CAPES-ANPEPP. Unpublished text.

6.3.8 - Documents extracted from electronic sources

Journal article

Paiva, G. J. (2000). Dante Moreira Leite: Um pioneiro da psicologia social no Brasil. Psicologia USP, 11(2). Recovered on mar. 12 2001, from SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library OnLine):

Abstract of journal article

Bernardino, L. M. F. (2001). A clínica das psicoses na infância: Impasses e invenções [Abstract]. Estilos da Clínica: Revista sobre a Infância com Problemas, 6(11), 82-91. Recovered on jan. 9 2003, from Index Psi Periódicos Database:


Walker, J. R., & Taylor, T. (2000, March). The elements of citation. New York: Columbia University Press. Text recovered on mar. 31 2001:

6.4 - Images and illustrations

In presentations of images like photographs, drawings and graphics (strictly necessary for the text comprehension) mark, in the text, by their order number, the places where they must be inserted. Present good quality images, whether they are photos, drawings or graphics, with maximum size of 100x150mm, aware that the image might suffer reduction, send preferably in TIFF file extension. The original images must be sent apart from the article, even if they are in the original article. If the images sent have already been published, mention the source and the permission for reproduction.


Executive Commission Procedures

The manuscripts must be forwarded to the Executive Commission of the Journal according to the conditions described above. The originals will be submitted to the Editorial Council approval, after previous evaluation of the Executive Commission. If necessary, they will be forwarded to the “ad hoc” consultants. The “ad hoc” consultants will be chosen by the Executive Commission among recognized researchers in the publication area and will not be informed about the authors’ identities or their institutional affiliation. The manuscript authors will not be aware of the consultants’ identities either. After evaluating the manuscripts, the consultants will send the final analysis be electronic mail: approved, approved with recommendations and/or suggestions or rejected for publication.

The Brazilian Journal of Sport Psychology (RBPE) relies on qualified consultants who seek for giving constructive final analysis to the authors’ works. The copies of the consultants’ final analysis will be sent in full to the authors of the work. However, it will be up to the Executive Commission the final decision regarding the publication of the manuscript.

The publications which were not approved will not be returned.

The Executive Commission of the journal reserves itself the right to make slight modifications in the authors’ text during the process of graphic editing. Before sending the manuscripts for the final printing, the Commission will send the authors a graphic proof for the last review, which should be done within five weekdays and returned to the journal. In case the author does not return the text indicating the corrections, the manuscript will be published according to the proof.



The copyright of all published articles belongs to the Brazilian Journal of Sport Psychology. The total reproduction of the articles in other publications or in any other means of communication requires written authorization by the Executive Commission of the Journal.

All published texts will be responsibility of their authors.

The Brazilian Journal of Sport Psychology (RBPE) requests that all appropriate procedures for acquisition of the subjects’ consent in the participation of the study have been adopted.

There is no need to specify the procedures, but it should be indicated in the text that the consent was gained, as well as the protocol number of the ethics committee that judged and approved the research, in case of experiments with human beings, according to the norms of the National Committee of Ethics in Research (CONEP). Studies that involve experiments with animals should contain a declaration in the section “Method”, stating that the experiments were conduced in conformity with the regulation on this issue adopted in the country.


Manuscript Sending Address

The sending of manuscripts for publication must be done by electronic process:

Doubts may be cleared through the electronic mail address:


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