Print version ISSN 0034-9690 |
Accepted manuscripts fall into three categories: Articles (no more than 20 pages including references, tables and diagrams), which can include research reports of qualitative or quantitative data, theoretical developments, integrative and critical literature reviews and methodological contributions. Brief Reports (no more than 10 pages including references, tables and diagrams) which may include innovative professional experiences, policy issues, training, or data from preliminary or pilot studies, and Book reviews (usually by invitation; no more than 5 pages). They should consider the book’s merits and its contributions to psychology in the Americas. The Journal will also publish articles, which have received the Student Research Prize of the SIP (both at the undergraduate and graduate levels) and the presentations of Interamerican Prize awardees, which are not published in the Congress Proceedings. It will also publish Special Issues and Special Sections. Guidelines for these should be requested from the Editor. |
Editorial Process and Decision Making
Manuscripts cannot be submitted to any other professional or academic journal simultaneously with the RIP. They must not have been published partially or in their entirety in any other publication. Each manuscript will be submitted anonymously to the Editorial Board. The authors must make every effort to eliminate clues or suggestions from the manuscript that may identify them. The Editorial Board members will make suggestions regarding publication to the Editor, who will be responsible for final decisions regarding publication, and will communicate them to the authors, with whatever changes need to be made, if any. |
The RIP will strictly follow the guidelines of the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (5th Edition, 2001). 1. Each article must include two abstracts (125 words) one in the language in which the article was written and another in one of the four official languages of SIP (Spanish, English, Portuguese, French). 2. The title page must include a footnote containing information about how the reader may communicate with the author/s. This information, as well as the author’s name should not appear in any other page of the manuscript. 3. The title length should be around 12 words. 4. The use of footnotes is not encouraged. 5. All sources cited in the manuscript should be included in the reference list and vice-versa. 6. The title page should include 3-5 keywords that will allow the article to be indexed in databases. |
The RIP encourages the use of inclusive language in terms of gender, ethnicity, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disability and other sociodemographic characteristics. The Editor suggests the use of the term ‘participants’ instead of ‘subjects’. The procedures used to obtain informed consent from participants should be described. Their sociodemographic characteristics should be presented as explicitly as possible. The Editor invites manuscripts in first person singular except in the case of two or more authors. In this manner ambiguity regarding personal opinions is diminished and the excessive use of “we” is eliminated. The Editor invites, also, the use of the active voice in the present tense. Regional and technical terms should be avoided. |
The authors should send their manuscript in US letter size paper (22 x 28 cms), double-spaced and on one typeface to the Editor (Dr. Silvia Koller, Cep-Rua/ Instituto de Psicología/UFRGS, Caixa Postal 9001, CEP 90040-970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil). The author should include an electronic version with the first submission. The author will be informed immediately about the reception of the manuscript and provided with information relating to the manuscript’s disposition. To facilitate this process the authors should provide mailing address (for regular and express mail), phone number, fax number and e-mail. When an article is accepted for publication, copyright is transferred to the RIP although it will attend to any request for reproduction of the authors’ contributions elsewhere, once the original source is identified. Opinions and values endorsed by authors in their articles are their sole responsibility and do not represent the positions or scientific policies of the RIP or the SIP. Once an accepted manuscript have all final revisions included, the authors will send an electronic copy in a cd-rom. This copy should include exactly the same version that has been submitted as hard copy. The electronic version must be in Word for IBM compatible hardware. The diskette should be identified with the author names, the title of the manuscript, and the date of submission. The authors will read proofs. |
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© 2005 Sociedade Interamericana de Psicologia
Revista Interamericana de Psicologia
Interamerican Journal of Psychology
Instituto de Psicologia - UFRGS
Caixa Postal 9001
90040-970 Porto Alegre- RS Brazil
Fone: +55 (51) 33165150
Sociedad Interamericana de Psicología