Print version ISSN 2359-0769 |
1. Requirements for Consideration of the Manuscript
The writing of the manuscript may be in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French. It is a requirement for the publication of a manuscript submitted to this journal that it has not yet been published and that it has not been simultaneously submitted or published in another journal. During the process of submission, the list of references cited in the manuscript must needs be included in "Step 3. Submission Metadata". Submissions will initially be considered; if they comply with the rules for publication and be esteemed as potentially publishable by the Editorial Office, they will be forwarded to peer review (double blind review), during which process the identity of both authors and peer reviewers will remain secret. The editorial process will only begin if the submission of the manuscript observes the directions set out in this document. Otherwise, it will be returned for adaptation to the guidelines of the journal. Assessments given by peer reviewers contain reasoning that may suggest approval for publication without changes, approval for publication with recommendation for amendments or recommendation not to publish. After consideration of the final version, members of the Editorial Board will issue a final decision concerning the manuscripts, including the eventual need for new changes. Authors will be informed of all steps. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make minor changes in the text of the authors to speed the editorial process. Note: The Journal Subjectivities does not charge fees for submission and processing of manuscripts. |
2. How to present and submit the manuscrip
1. The journal adopts, with a few modifications, the APA publication guidelines: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition, 2010). Wherever there is absence of information in the following description, it should be implied that APA norms prevail. As an alternative to consulting the original manual, we suggest the APA (6th edition) references tutorial, found on the URL: 2. Documents for submission should be in electronic format (WORD or LIBREOFFICE) and should not exceed the maximum number of pages indicated for each category, in conformity with the description below (including Abstract/Resumo/Resumen/Resumé, Figures, Tables, Attachments and References, besides the body text): Research reports, theoretical studies and systematic reviews of the literature (25-30 pages): Reports of high quality original researches, based on systematic and complete investigations, should propose the analysis of concepts, aiming at the questioning of existing models and the elaboration of hypotheses for future researches. There will also be accepted theoretical articles or systematic reviews of the literature with a critical and timely analysis of a comprehensive body of research, touching on issues of interest for the development of Psychology. Book or movie reviews (8-12 pages): Critical review of national works (published in the last 2 years) or foreign works (published in the last 5 years) should guide readers regarding its characteristics, potential uses, and contributions to Psychology. Interviews (10-15 pages): Interviews with authors, recognized authorities in the academic field and other personalities who contribute to the debate in Psychology. Interviews should include the name(s) of both interviewer(s) and interviewee(s) and a brief introduction comprising no more than one page. Also, interviewees should send a digitalized authorization in which they agree with the publication of the material. 3. It is vital that the material does not contain any form of identification of authorship, which includes reference to previous works of the author(s), mention of institutions to which they are linked, detailing of the method and data in the properties of the document that enable the identification/location of their origin. Authors who have their submissions accepted for publication will have the opportunity, during the final revision, to include the necessary data. 4. The file containing the work should be submitted electronically, through the following address:, along with a "Submission Letter" duly filled out and a file in WORD or LIBREOFFICE format, consisting of the title of the work, identification of authors and of their home institutions, and complete address, including e-mail (Cover sheet). |
1. Formatting Guidelines A. In all, the manuscript of an article should not exceed 30 pages, besides the cover sheet, and should be made in A4 size paper, paged since the first page of the Body Text, which will be counted page 1. B. Font: Times New Roman, size 12, throughout the entire text, including References, Notes, Tables, etc. C. Margins: 2,5 cm for all sides (top, bottom, left and right). D. Spacing: Double space throughout the entire Body Text and References. Spacing 1,5 on the Cover Sheet, Abstract/Resumo/Resumen/Resumé, Tables, Figures and Attachments. E. Alignment: Left, except for Tables and Figures. F. Indenting of the first line of a paragraph: tab = 1,25cm G. Page Numbering: On the upper right corner. H. Internet Addresses: All "URL" addresses (links to the internet) in the text (ex.: should be active and take the reader directly to the cited document. I. Whenever possible, it is advised that references include DOI. To get it, submit the whole of your references in accordance with APA to the website:
2. Elements of the manuscript The elements of the manuscript should be presented in the following order (start each of them on a new page): (1) Title, without identification, followed by abstracts in English, Portuguese, Spanish and French, (2) Body text, (3) References, (4) Attachments, (5) Tables and Figures, according to the subsequent instructions: A. Title, without identification of authorship, followed by abbreviated title and abstracts in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French. The original title should have a maximum of 12 words and be compatible in the other languages. B. Notes on the Abstract: It should be comprised of a paragraph with a maximum of 300 words and the title Abstract written on the first line bellow the abbreviated title. At the end of the abstract, three to five keywords should be listed in English (in low case letters, separated by semicolons). Abstracts in other languages should be faithful to the abstract in English, but their translation should not be “literal”. That means the translation should preserve the content of the abstract and at the same time adapt to the grammar structure of the language. The journal has for a standard procedure to make a final review of the abstracts, reserving the right to correct them when necessary. This is a very important element of your work, given that in the case it is published, it will be available in all indexing databases of the journal. Abstracts in other languages should be followed by the keywords, also translated. It is advised that keywords used agree with the terminology in Psychology applied by BVSPsi or by the Thesaurus of Psycinfo. For submissions of book/movie reviews and interviews, the abstract is not necessary. C. Body Text It is not necessary to write the title of the manuscript on this page. Subsections of the body text do not start each on a new page and their titles should be centralized, in bold, in upper and lower case (for example: Method, Results and Discussion; Conclusion). Subtitles of the subsections should follow APA guidelines. The words Figure, Table and Attachment that appear in the text should be written with the first letter capitalized and followed by number (Figures and Tables) or letter (Attachment) to which they refer. Places suggested for the inserting of figures and tables should be signalized in the text. Expressions like "the Table above" or "the Figure below" should not be used, because in the final layout their position may be changed. APA guidelines do not include the terms Frames or Graphics. Underlining, Italics and boldface: Use italics for words and expressions that constitute foreign idioms, like self, locus, etc. and underlining for other words that you wish to stress. Reserve boldface for titles. Always give credit to the authors. All author/institution names whose works were cited should be followed by the date of publication. All studies cited in the text should be listed in the References section. Try to use recent references (at least 20% of references shall be from the last 5 years). Mention the ethical proceedings adopted during the making of the research, in the case of a research with human subjects. Examples of in-text citations: The examples below will assist you in the organizing of your manuscript, but certainly will not exhaust the ways to make citations in your work. Use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, 6th Ed.) to verify the rules for other references. 1. Citing a work by one author: Author's surname, followed by the year of publication: Example: Dor (1991), ..... or (Dor, 1991). For literal citations, to this should be added the page(s) cited. Exemple: (Dor, 1991, p. 35) or (Dor, 1991, pp. 35-37) 2. Citing an article by more than one author: a) Article by two authors: Cite both names whenever the article is referred. Example: Guattari and Rolnik (1996) or (Guattari & Rolnik, 1996) b) Article by three to five authors: Cite all the authors in the first citation; from the second citation on, use the first author's surname followed by "et al." and by the year, when it is the first citation in the paragraph. Example: Guattari, Deleuze and Rolnik (1996) or (Guattari, Deleuze, & Rolnik, 1996) c) Article by six or more authors: Cite only the first author's surname followed by "et al." and by the year. However, in the References section, all the authors' names should be listed, if they count up to 7 authors. Example: Costa et al. (2000) 3. Citation of old and reedited works: Use the following format: Author (year of original publication/year of consulted publication) Example: (Freud, 1905/1996). In the case of literal citation, to this should be added the page(s) cited. 4. Citation of the same author with the same date of publication: Add a lower case letter after the date of the consulted work. Example: (Freud, 1905/1996a), (Freud, 1908/1996b) or Rogers (1973a), Rogers (1973b). 5. Secondary citation: It is the citation of an article discussed on another publication that was consulted, without the original being used. Avoid this kind of citation, but, when making it, put the original author's surname next to the year of the original publication in parenthesis. After that, write "cited by" and then the name of the work indeed consulted and the year of publication. In the References section, only the consulted work should be cited. NOTE: Citations with less than 40 words should be included in the paragraph of the text, in quotes. Citations with more than 40 words should appear without quotes, in a paragraph formatted as a block, indented 1,25cm from the left margin. Citations with more than 500 words, reproduction of one or more figures, tables and other illustrations need a written consent from the copyright owner. The consent should be addressed to the author of the submitted work. The rights obtained subsequently will not be retransmitted in any way. Direct quotes should be exact, even if there are faults in the original. When it occurs and you run the risk of confusing the reader, add the word [sic], underlined and in brackets, right after the error. Omission in parts of an original source should be indicated by suspension points (...). The inset of material, such as comments or observations, should be made in brackets. The emphasis on one or more words should be made with underlining, followed by [emphasis added]. Attention: Do not use terms such as apud, op. cit, id. ibidem, and others. They are not included in the APA norms. Abbreviations in Latin: Use the following abbreviations of idioms in Latin in texts in parenthesis. When the text is not in parenthesis, use an English translation: cf. = compare; i.e. = that is; e.g. = for example; viz. = namely; etc. = and so on; vs. = versus, against. Footnotes: They should be avoided whenever possible. Nevertheless, if they have to be used, they should be indicated in the text by superscript Arabic numerals and appear on the same page. D. References Only works mentioned in the text should appear in this section. Do not leave extra space between citations. References should be cited in alphabetical order by the authors' last names, according to the APA guidelines and formatting pointed out in the examples below. Use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, 6th edition) to check norms not mentioned here. In the case of reference to multiple studies of the same author, use the chronological order by date of publication. In the case of multiple studies of the same author, made in the same year, use the alphabetical order by title. In the case of serial works published in the same year (for example, Complete Works of ...), list references by order in the Collection (vol. 1, vol. 2, etc.). Names of authors should not be substituted by dashes.
Examples of references: 1. Article of a scientific journal paged by issue: Kitzinger, J. (1995). Qualitative research: Introducing focus group. British Medical Journal, 311(7000), 299-302. Hüning, S. M., & Guareschi, N. M. F. (2005). O que estamos construindo: Especialidades ou especialismos? Psicologia & Sociedade, 17(1), 89-92. 2. Article accepted for publication in a scientific journal: It should be pointed out, in place of the year entry, that the article is in press. The name of the journal should be included in italics after the title of the article. Whenever possible, dates and numbers of volume, issue and page should be referred. In the text, the article should be cited as in press. 3. Book: Silva, R. N. (2005). A invenção da psicologia social. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes. Foucault, M. (1994). O nascimento da clínica (4a ed.). Rio de Janeiro: Forense Universitária. Klein, M., & Riviere, J. (1975). Amor, ódio e reparação: As emoções básicas do homem do ponto de vista psicanalítico (2ª ed.). Rio de Janeiro: Imago. 4. Book chapter: Cruz Neto, O. (1998). O trabalho de campo como descoberta e criação. In M. C. S. Minayo (Org.), Pesquisa social: Teoria, método e criatividade (10a ed., pp. 51-66). Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes. Maraschin, C. (2005). Redes de conversação como operadores de mudanças estruturais na convivência. In N. M. C. Pellanda, E. T. M. Schlünzen, & K. Schlüzen Jr. (Orgs.), Inclusão digital: Tecendo redes afetivas/cognitivas (pp. 135-143). Rio de Janeiro: DP & A. 5. Paper presented on congress/conference with abstract published in annals: Todorov, J. C., Souza, D. G., & Bori, C. M. (1992). Escolha e decisão: A teoria da maximização momentânea [Resumo]. In Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia (Org.), Resumos de comunicações científicas, XXII Reunião Anual de Psicologia (p. 66). Ribeirão Preto, SP: SBP.+ Page citation is desirable, although it can be omitted in special cases. 6. Theses or dissertations: Dal Molim, F. (2002). Autopoiese e sociedade: A rede integrada de serviços da Restinga na teoria dos sistemas vivos. Dissertação de Mestrado, Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia Social e Institucional, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, RS.3 7. Old work republished at a much later date: Castel, R. (2001). As metamorfoses da questão social: Uma crônica do salário (I. D. Poleti, Trad.). Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes. (First published in 1995) Freud, S. (1996). Três ensaios sobre a teoria da sexualidade. In J. Strachey (Ed.), Edição Standard Brasileira das Obras Psicológicas Completas de Sigmund Freud (Vol. 7, pp. 3-66). Rio de Janeiro: Imago. (First published in 1905) When there is more than one work with the same date, they should be distinguished by letters: Freud, S. (1996a). Três ensaios sobre a teoria da sexualidade. In J. Strachey (Ed.), Edição Standard Brasileira das Obras Psicológicas Completas de Sigmund Freud (Vol. 7). Rio de Janeiro: Imago. (First published in 1905) Freud, S. (1996b). Fantasias histéricas e sua relação com a bissexualidade. In J. Strachey (Ed.), Edição Standard Brasileira das Obras Psicológicas Completas de Sigmund Freud (Vol. 7). Rio de Janeiro: Imago. (First published in 1908) Lacan, J. (2008). O Seminário, livro 16: De um Outro ao outro (1968-69). Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar. Note: Letters should be assigned according to the Volume of the publication, and if in the same Volume, the date of the original publication should be considered. 8. Institutional Authorship: American Psychological Association (1994). Publication manual (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. E. Attachments Avoid them. They should only be included if they contain information considered indispensable. Attachments should be presented each on a new page, indicated in the text and designated at the end of the manuscript, identified by capital letters (A,B,C, and so on), when they count more than one. F. Tables and Fgures Tables should be made in WORD table format and in accordance with APA guidelines. Each table starts on a separate sheet. The word Table is aligned left in the first line below the heading, and is followed by its corresponding number. The table title should be typed immediately below the table itself, in italics and without a period. Only the first letter of the title and proper nouns should be capitalized. Figures should be sent in PNG file format and should be separate from the body text. Images must be on a transparent background and minimum resolution of 300dpi. The word Figure is align left, in italics, in the first line below the figure, followed by the corresponding number and title with a period. Only the first letter of the title and proper names should be capitalized. |
4. Verifying guidelines for submission
Submission of papers in any category will only be possible through the author's confirmation expressed in the "Submission Letter", properly signed and digitalized. The authors should certify that: 1. The contribution is original and not published elsewhere, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal. 2. The submitted files are in WORD or LIBREOFFICE format. 3. The content is in accordance with the technical rules of the American Psychological Association: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, 6th edition) and with the modifications adopted by this journal. 4. The text is in double space, in font Times New Roman, size 12, with paragraphs aligned left and with signaling in the body text pointing out where should tables and figures be inserted. 5. The submitted document does not exceed 30 pages (Research reports, theoretical studies, critical reviews of the literature), 12 pages (Book or movie reviews), 15 pages (Interviews) with 2,5 cm in all margins. 6. All "URL" addresses in the text (ex.: are active and take the reader directly to the cited document. 7. The author's name and home institution are removed from "Document properties" and whatever form of identification does not appear in the text. The inobservance of any of these items is sufficient for the initial rejection of the material, reason for which we recommend that the authors make a detailed revision of their manuscripts before submission. We emphasize that manuscripts rejected twice for not complying with these guidelines will not be received again.
Submission Requirements As part of the submission process, authors are required to check the conformity of their submission regarding all items listed below. Submissions not in accordance with the guidelines will not be returned to their authors. 1. The contribution is original and unedited, and it is not being evaluated for publication by another journal. Otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the Editor". 2. Submitted files are in .DOC or .DOCX format. 3. The submitted file is formatted with recommended font, size and spacing. 4. The text follows APA (6th edition) style standards. 5. Graphics and pictures are being sent on separate files. 6. References, as well as in-text citations are in accordance with APA (6th edition) guidelines. 7. In case of research with human subjects, include information concerning the approval of the project by the Research Ethics Committee 8. A "Submission Letter" is being sent as a complementary document, signed by all the authors of the manuscript. 9. The file containing the work should be submitted via internet, through the address:, together with a "Submission Letter" duly filled out in electronic format (WORD or LIBREOFFICE), which is to comprise the title of the work and the identification of authors and of their home institutions, as well as their complete address, including e-mail. |
The approval of papers entails immediate transference, no charges included, of publishing rights in the Journal Subjectivities, which will detain exclusivity over their first-hand publishing. Reproduction of articles is allowed, provided it be mentioned that they were originally published in Subjectivities.
Copyright Statement: I forward this text for consideration of the Editorial Board of the Journal Subjectivities over its publication and take responsibility for the ethical aspects of the work, as well as for its authorship, ensuring that the text is not being processed by, nor was it sent to, another journal or any other kind of publication, and, thus, I cede its rights to this Editorial Board in case it be published. I am aware that if the text is resultant from a work supervised by any professor, his/her name must rank among the authors, except if the supervisor chooses voluntarily to exclude himself from the authorship of the text, through a declaration made as a formal letter addressed at the Editorial Board.
Privacy Policy Names and addresses published in this journal will be used exclusively for the services rendered by this journal and will not be made available for other purposes nor for third parties. |
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