Print version ISSN 1677-2970 |
Contributions accepted for publication
Original articles: |
Proceedings by the Editorial Committee
Editorial review process will only start if the manuscript submission suits the conditions stipulated on Revista da SPAGESP rules of publication. The editorial process follows the scientific community double blind review. The editorial review process starts when the manuscript is submitted to Revista da SPAGESP, which is notified via email with a registration protocol. If the original follow the magazine’s rules, the evaluation process by consultants ad hoc initiates. In case the articles are not in accordance with our rules, they will be returned to authors for adjustments. Articles outside the magazine’s scope might me refused in their first attempt. It is suggested authors verify previous publications by Revista da SPAGESP. According to the assessors’ evaluation, articles might be refused, approved with or without need for adjustments. Each consultant releases a statement with a specific formulary. Suggestions in the text might also be given. If corrections on the manuscript are needed, authors will be given a specific deadline for modifications, which must be justified through a letter to the Editor (to be forwarded via e-mail with the reformulated text). This new version will be reevaluated by consultants who might approve or indicate new adjustments, following the same evaluation procedure. Both evaluation and reevaluation processes of the manuscript meet the magazine’s stipulated deadline. The whole editorial process (acknowledgement of the original, consultants’ assessments, acknowledgement of reformulated manuscripts and final decision) will occur via e-mail ( Manuscripts approved for publication will be revised by a team composed of translators and librarians. The final version of the text will be approved by authors via e-mail. After the approval, manuscripts will be sent to electronic publication. |
The Revista da SPAGESP magazine has the legal rights of all its published articles. Total reproduction of its articles in other publications or sources, for any reason, requires the Editor’s written authorisation. The Revista da SPAGESP Council of Editors authorises free access and distribution of published content if sources are adequately cited. Thus, credits to authors and distributors are properly given, and the integral text is preserved. When approved, the article will be released on database to which Revista da SPAGESP is indexed or any other virtual library, website or index system considered prospectively convenient by the Editor. Authors are allowed to automatically archive their publications on Revista da SPAGESP in acknowledged institution or thematic repositories in their areas. Manuscripts sent to Revista da SPAGESP must be followed by a letter with a Declaration of legal rights responsibilities and transference). This letter must be signed by all the authors of the manuscript, and must be sent in the PDF format via e-mail, alongside with the manuscript for evaluation. The letter must have the following structure: Forwarded the article entitled (title), by (list of authors in order of authorship) for the appreciation of Revista da SPAGESP. We authorise the evaluation process to initiate and inform that this article is unpublished and not currently submitted to other periodical. We make public our responsibility for its content, informing that we have not omitted any financial connections or agreements between authors and companies that might relate to this article’s publication. We declare that all directives and ethical rules in human research were strictly followed during the research realisation. If the article is accepted for publication, we shall give all legal rights to Revista da SPAGESP. |
Presentation of the Manuscript
All Revista da SPAGESP Rules for Publication are written according to APA, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, 6th edition), concerning style and presentation of manuscript. |
A. A4 Paper size. The manuscript must not surpass the maximum allowed in each category, that is, 25 pages for original articles and 10 pages for reviews. Pages are counted from the Abstract until references, including tables, pictures and attachments. B. Typeface: Times New Roman, 12 in size, throughout the whole text, including references, footnotes, tables, etc. C. Margins: 2.5 cm on all sides. (Top, bottom, left, right). D. Spacing: Double space throughout the whole manuscript, including Title Pages with and without identification, Abstract, Text Body, References and others. E. Alignment: justified. F. Paragraph spacing: tab = 1.25 cm. G. Pages numbering: top right-hand side corner. H. Internet websites: All “URL” links in the text (i.e.: ) must be active. I. Order of elements in the Manuscriptr: Title Page with identification, Title Page without identification, Resumo, Abstract, Resumen, Text Body, References, attachments, footnotes, tables and pictures. Start each one of them in a new page.
Check-list of an article Submission Process
(1) Article written in accordance to Revista da SPAGESP norms, including the following elements: (a) Title page with identification; (b) Title page without identification; (c) Sheet containing Resumo e palavras chave; (d) Sheet containing Abstract and keywords; (e) Sheet Containing Resumen e palabras clave; (f) Text body; (g) References; (h) Attachmnts; (i) Footnotes; (j) Tables and Pictures. (2) Declaração de Responsabilidade e Transferência de Direitos Autorais (declaration of legal rights responsibilities and transference), according to Revista da SPAGESP structure. |
All manuscripts must be sent electronically to or Revista da SPAGESP |
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