ISSN 0718-7475 versión online



Instructions to Authors

The Journal Salud & Sociedad (Health & Society) aims to become a touch stone for researchers in the field of social psychology and health psychology working in the national or international context and for whom the number of publications in the area is not sufficient. Salud & Sociedad will publish two issues per year, with a total of about 14-20 articles in Spanish, Portuguese, and English.

Individual papers of both basic and applied research, from any field of Social and Health Psychology (including associated disciplines such as health psychology, behavioral medicine and specific applications of psychology in various medical specialties) will be evaluated by our anonymous reviewers prior to publication.

The journal Salud & Sociedad's aspires to be included in national and international databases, such as Latindex and SCieLO within the first two years. The publication aims to be a journal opened to any approach or guidance that comes supported by empirical or theoretical reflections, and they find comfort in all the authors who are able to deliver manuscripts of publishable quality in any area of interest defined in the journal title.


Standards Publication

Salud & Sociedad publishes empirical works in Spanish, Portuguese, or English, which are carried out with methodological rigor and become a contribution to the progress of any area of health psychology and social psychology. Meta-theoretical works are also accepted, with preference for those who are committed to critical issues of research and present comprehensive revisions. We are committed to interdisciplinary issues.

The works will be originals, not admitting those which have been published in whole or in part elsewhere, or which are being published or have been submitted to another journal for evaluation. It is assumed that all people listed as authors have given their approval.

The work, produced in Word format, is limited to a maximum of 8,000 words (including title, abstract, references, figures, tables, illustrations and appendices) and will be written doublespaced on one side only, with margins of 3 cm. and numbers in the upper right corner. The first page should include the title of the paper, the authors with their affiliations, including home institution, place (city), country and e-mail address. You must also indicate the number of words of the manuscript in the footnotes. The second sheet will include the title again, in Spanish and English, as well as a summary and abstract in English, not exceeding 200 words. The summary should reflect the objective of the study, the method, the main results, and conclusions. You must also include a maximum of four key words in both languages. From this second page on, authors have to make sure that the text does not contain codes or suggestions that may reveal their identify.

Figures and tables must be included at the end of the manuscript, one on each page and be numbered, indicating their location in the text. All papers are reviewed anonymously by two experts in the field who appraise the quality of the work and recommend its publication. They may also suggest modification before publication or simple reject it.

The preparation of papers must follow the rules of publication of the APA (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 2005, 6th edition). Following are some of these requirements: Citations in the text include the author's surname and year of publication of the text (both in brackets and separated by a comma). If the author is part of the narration, only the year is given in parentheses. If there are two authors, always cite both.

When the reference has more than two and less than six authors, cite all of them the first time. In the following quotations, mention only the first surname followed by "et al." and the year. In case there are two different citations with same names and they are of the same year, the full citation must be included. For more than six authors, give the name of the first one, followed by "et al." In case of confusion, add the subsequent authors in order that they may be well identified. In all cases, the reference in the bibliographical list should be complete. When citing several authors within the same parentheses, rthay should appear in alphabetical order. To cite works by the same author or authors of the same date, add the letters a, b, c, etc., to the year to the necessary extent, repeating the year. Bibliographical references will appear at the end and have to be arranged alphabetically according to the following rules:

For books: Author (surname, comma, and initials of name and point in the case of several authors, separated by a comma before the last one followed "and"), year (in parentheses) and point; full title in italics and point ; city and colon and editorial. In the event that a translated edition has been used, the original publication is mentioned at the end in parentheses writing "Orig." followed by the year.

Example: Volmer, M.C. (2000). Bases-Psiconeuroinmuno endocrinologia. Buenos Aires: Editorial Salerno.

For book chapters or groups of records: Author(s), years, title of work cited, and then introduced with "In", followed by the director(s), editor(s) or compiler(s) (initial and last name) followed by "Dir", "Ed", or "Comp." in parentheses. Then continue with the book title in italics and the page of chapter cited in parentheses, the city and publisher.

Example: McGuigan, F. J. (1979). The experimenter: a neglected stimulus object. In J. Jung (Comp.), The dilemma of the experimenter (pp. 194-206). Mexico: Trillas. (Orig. 1963).

For journals: Author(s), year in parentheses, title of article, name of magazine in italics, vol. and number of edition in parentheses. Then, include the first page of the article, hyphen, and last page of the article.

Example: Echebarría, A. and Fernandez, E. (2002). Social determinants of ethnic prejudice. Journal of Social Psychology, 17 (3), 217-236.

If a work is accepted for publication, the rights of printing and reproduction in any form and medium belong to the Salud & Sociedad, which shall not refuse any reasonable request by the authors for permission to reproduce their contributions. The release of rights must be made explicit through a letter to the editor of the magazine. It also means that the views expressed in articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not jeopardize the journal's scientific and political opinion. Similarly, the activities described in published papers must strictly follow ethics principles since they describe both the work carried out with humans and animal experiments. Similarly, they reflect our professional deontology.

Papers should be submitted via e-mail to the editor ( ). We will acknowledge receipt immediately and we will inform you of the acceptance as soon as possible.



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