The publication Vínculo - Revista do NESME receives texts commissioned or sent spontaneously by academics from groups, families, peers, and institutions, inspired by the Linking Psychoanalysis and/or interested in Mental Health in general. |
Criteria for evaluating the work received for its publication
To be submitted to the Editorial Board of the Journal, the papers must be original, they cannot have been published in other media, nor be presented concomitantly to another journal. They must demonstrate consistency and theoretical coherence, and preferably originality. It should also contribute to the study and clinical practice of psychoanalytic groups and its application in different fields of knowledge, especially in Health and Education. Vínculo receives scientific articles, experience reports, theoretical studies, systematic reviews, and revisions. In this case, the author's vision must be explicit and relevant to his professional training. The articles are the exclusive responsibility of the authors and only modifications will be carried out in their content with the prior authorization of the authors. Link is the holder of the author's rights for all articles published online. The complete reproduction of the articles of the journal in other publications, or for any other fin, by any medium, requires written authorization from the Editor. The concepts issued in the work are the exclusive responsibility of the authors, not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board or the Editorial Board. Manuscripts sent to Vínculo - Revista do Nesme must be accompanied by a letter containing the Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright Transfer. This must be signed by all the authors of the manuscript and sent in PDF format, via e-mail, and the other documents. The letter must follow the following structure: (provide a link to download the sheet) To Vínculo – Revista do NESME Conditioned air editor(s) Dear editor We present electronically the manuscript titled “..........................................”, written by …………………………………………………………. ..................................... .........., for evaluation and possible publication in Vínculo, in the mode of Original Article. Through this letter I authorize the editorial process of the manuscript, emphasizing that it is an Original Article and is not being submitted to any other publication. The copyright of this manuscript is granted to Vínculo. The contact author is ………………………………………………………………. , whose address, e-mail, and telephone number appear at the end of this letter. graciously everyone's signature Approved articles will be made available in the databases in which Vínculo - Revista do NESME is indexed, as well as in any virtual library, website, or indexing system that the Editor considers prospectively convenient. Authors are allowed to self-archive articles published in Revista Vínculo in institutional or thematic repositories recognized in their areas. Vínculo's Publication Rules are based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association – APA (7th edition), regarding the style of manuscript presentation. Consult the electronic address www.apa.org. APA - General Rules. Prerequisites 1. Authors who are submitting must not have another manuscript in the editorial process in this Journal. 2. Authors must pay attention to the limit of one publication per year. Cases that may be characterized as exceptions will be submitted for evaluation by the Editorial Team. 3. All authors must be registered on the ORCID platform and must inform their number (eg https://orcid.org/0000-0004-6578-0197) on the Cover Sheet. If they do not have one, they must register and receive their ORCID number (https://orcid.org). |
Procedures for processing the work
Upon receipt, the manuscript will undergo a prior conference, referring to the Publication Rules. In case of disagreement, it will be communicated to the authors, and this will imply the interruption of the process. In case of adaptation to Vínculo's rules, the article will be sent to the Editorial Board for the evaluation process, with the identity of the author(s) being preserved. The editorial process follows a double-blind review by peers from the scientific community. If there is a need for corrections in the manuscript, the authors will have a period of 30 days to make the adjustments. These must be justified in a letter addressed to the Editor indicating the changes that were made to the article, based on the criticisms/suggestions contained in the opinion issued, and justifying those that were not accepted, via e-mail, together with the reformulated text. This new version will be re-evaluated by the referees, who may approve it or indicate other adjustments, following the same evaluation procedure. If the authors do not send the revised manuscript and the response letter within the stipulated period, the editorial process will be terminated at any stage of submission. The approved articles will then be forwarded to the Publisher, and the authors will be notified, by e-mail, of any approval, rejection, or need to reformulate any item in their article for publication. After the acceptance notice, the article will be forwarded to the Editor to standardize the text, so that the authors can be requested the necessary adjustments. |
The article must be sent in separate documents, taking into account the specific contents for each one: 1. Cover Sheet: The identification data and the title must appear on the cover page, and the title must be repeated separately, on the first page, starting with the text. It must contain the following information: title in Portuguese; full title in English, title in Spanish; full name of each author, ORCID (see: orcid.org), institution affiliation, city, state, and country e-mail; complete physical postal address of the corresponding author, which may be institutional, provided at the end of the article; source of research funding (if any). If necessary, authors' notes and acknowledgments. 2. Submission Letter: must be signed by all authors and attached in PDF format. Click on Submission Letter to download. 3. Ethics Committee Opinion/Declaration: in cases of research with human beings, by Resolution 466/12 and 510/16 of the National Health Council. 4. Manuscript: 4.1. Manuscript formatting requirements A. The works must be accompanied by titles, abstracts, and keywords in three languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English. Abstracts may have up to 180 words (15 lines), and keywords will be up to 5 (uniforms) in number. B. The works must be sent in the following format: • Font: 12, Times New Roman. • Margin: top and bottom, right and left 2.5 cm. • For the text, it should start with a 1.25 cm indentation on the first line, with justified alignment, and double spacing (also used in the Abstract, Abstract, and Resumen). For tables and Figures, follow single spacing and other configurations according to APA standards. • Page numbering: lower right. • All titles and subtitles must be presented justified, in bold. Only the first letter of titles and subtitles is capitalized. • Articles must contain a maximum of 6000 words (including the body of the text, bibliographic references, tables, and figures; excluding title, abstract, and keyword pages in this count) • Reviews a maximum of 2000 words. C. Notes: should appear at the end of the text, after the References section. D. Figures and Tables - They must appear after the References section, but the suggested insertion place must be indicated in the text. The words Figure and Table in the text must always be capitalized with the first letter. The APA standards do not include the designations Tables or Graphs, only Tables and Figures. These must be presented with the respective captions and titles, one on each page at the end of the text. The number of figures and tables must not exceed five units, they must follow the order of insertion in the text and their respective numbering, in bold and with the first letter capitalized. Double spacing for the Title (below the Table) which must be brief, with the first letter capitalized in italics. For details, see APA standards, https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/tables-figures/tables. E. Citations in the body of the text: It is possible to make synthetic citations of the authors, indicating the source. Quotations, when literal, must be precise and enclosed in "quotes". The body of the text must include the author's surname, followed by the date and pages of the publication. Ex.: (Freud, 1921, p. 100) When the transcript exceeds 3 lines, a paragraph is opened. F. The finished manuscript, saved in a Word document (Microsoft Word) addressed to the Editorial Board of the Revista do NESME, in an attached file along with the other documents, to the email: publicacoes@nesme.com.br. 4.2. Content requirements: • No identification of authorship, affiliation, funding agency, and/or acknowledgments should be included in the initial manuscript. • Titles, abstracts, and keywords in the same manuscript file, but on a separate page. • Empirical article: the text must contain the contextualization of the theme and the problem, characteristics of the sample, instruments used for data collection, procedures, results, conclusions, and references. • Experience Report Article: present intervention strategies focusing on the details of the procedures performed, results obtained, and implications for professional practice. Maximum 6000 words. • Article of systematic literature review, the work must present the thematic scope, objectives, method, main results, and conclusions, including the abstract, abstract, summary, figures, tables, and references. They do not have the method section, as they are not configured as empirical research. Maximum 6000 words. • Review: the article that presents a critical analysis of publications exposing new knowledge, in the form of books, films, or other recent productions relevant to the themes within the scope of the journal. Maximum 2000 pages. • Keywords in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, with up to 5 words, separated by a semicolon (;). (a) They must comply with the Terminology in Psychology, available at the VHL-Psi. • Footnotes: avoid the use of footnotes, using them only when necessary, to clarify the expression used. • In the highlights of words, expressions, or small text, only underline (do not use bold and/or italics). 4.3 Ethical procedures adopted: All researchers reporting data from human or animal research must comply with the Resolutions of the National Health Council - CNS: nº 466 of 2012: opinion sent along with the documentation when submitting the article. nº 510 of 2016: the information and care must be included in the method by the provisions of the resolution In the case of Research carried out in a virtual environment, these must follow the same criteria as in resolutions 466/12 and 510/16, according to the guidelines provided for in the SEI/MS communiqué - 0019229966, of 2021 issued by the National Health Council. In countries where ethics committees or similar bodies do not exist, authors 4. 4 Bibliographic References Bibliographic references should only contain articles cited in the text, organized in alphabetical order according to APA standards (12 font sizes with single spacing between the reference lines. Between one reference and another, leave 12 pt of space, the displacement in each reference. In the second line of the reference onwards, there is an indentation of 0.75), as shown in the following examples: 1. Articles and book chapters Last name, Abbreviated full name, (in alphabetical order), year of publication (in parentheses). Chapter title. Abbreviated full name, surname (Ed. Or Coord. Or Org.). Book title: subtitle (in italics), additional information, chapter pages. Place of publication: Publisher. Examples: a. The Book with 1 to 3 authors: Ávila, L. A. (1996). Doenças do corpo e doenças da alma: investigação psicossomática psicanalítica. (248 p.) São Paulo: Escuta. b. Book in total with more than 3 authors: Lodish, H. (2000). et al. Molecular cell biology . (4th ed. 1084p.). New York: W. H. Freeman. c. Author of the chapter and book: Zimerman, D. E. (2000). Papéis e lideranças. In: Fundamentos básicos das grupoterapias. (2. ed. cap. 13 p. 137-143), Porto Alegre: Artmed. d. Author of the article or chapter only: Cincunegui, S.; C., Noemi M. (1996). El Enquadre de la Pareja Matrimonial. In: Puget, J. (Coord.) (cap. 1 p. 27-58). La Pareja. Encuentros, desencuentros, reecuentros. Buenos Aires: Paidós. Note: Whenever possible, in case of reprint, highlight the date in parentheses of the original publication and title, as shown in the example: Freud, S. (1974) Totem e Tabu. In: ________. Edição Standard Brasileira das Obras Completas (Vol. 13 p. 11-191). Rio de Janeiro: Imago. (Obra original publicada 1913-1914). 2. Articles published in a scientific journal Author of the article, year, title of the article, subtitle of the article, title of the journal (in italics), place of publication (city), title of the issue if any (supplement/special number), volume, number, pages (initial and final) ). Example: Svartman, B. (2003). Transubjetividade – sociedade atual: a importância das redes de apoio. REVISTA DA SPAGESP, Ribeirão Preto, n. 4, p. 29-36. 3. Dissertations and Theses References for a Doctoral Thesis or Master's Dissertation must contain: author's name, year, title, subtitle (both in italics), category, number of sheets or volumes, identification of the institution, place Example: Toledo, R.P. (1990). The incorporation of the social in the psychologist-client relationship in a public health institution. (Master's Thesis), Clinical Psychology, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo. 4. Daily newspaper article Last name followed by the author's name (initials), year, month and day of publication, article title, journal name (in italics), number/notebook/section, pages. Example: Lima, M. R.; Silva, L. W. (2010, julho 22). Energético pode dar final ruim à festa. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, C11, p. 5. 5. Paper presented at an event and published in proceedings The last name is an abbreviated full name, year, and month of publication. Job title. Full event name (in italics), city, state, and country, pages. Example: Fernandes, B. S.; Jacomin, D. (2002). Da gestação ao nascimento. Trajetória dos grupos infantis da SPAGESP. In: Anais do XV Congresso Latino-Americano de Psicoterapia Analítica de Grupo e IX Congresso da Associação Mexicana de Psicoterapia Analítica de Grupo. Zacatecas: FLAPAG - Federação Latino-Americana de Psicoterapia Analítica de Grupo, p. 202 – 205. 6. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Ferreira, A. B. de H. (1995). Novo Dicionário Básico da Língua Portuguesa. São Paulo: Editora Nova Fronteira. p. 687. 7. Publications in electronic media 7.1 Book Graber, M.A.; Toth, P.P.; Herting, R.L. (1997). Family practice handbook. 3.ed. St Louis: Mosby. Recuperado em 12 de julho de 2011: http://www.vh.org/Providers/ClinRef/FPHandbook/FpContents.html> 7.2 Periodic Publication Microsurgery. New York: John-Wiley & Sons, (1983). Quarterly. ISSN:1098-2752. Recuperado em 12 de julho de 2000. <http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc?type=DD&ID=15000466> 7.3 Database Universidade de São Paulo (2001, agosto 20). Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas. DEDALUS: banco de dados bibliográficos da USP. Recuperado de: <http://dedalus.usp.br:4500/ALEPH/por/USP/DEDALUS/START> 7.4 Institutional Homepage UNIFESP Virtual. Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Escola Paulista de Medicina. (2001, julho 11). Apresenta Ensino à Distância, cursos, tutoriais. Recuperado de:<http://www.virtual.epm.br/home/index.htm> 7. 5 E-mail Montoya, R. S. (2001, setembro 24).Tecnologías de apoyo a la discapacidad. Comunicación alternativa y aumentativa [mensagem pessoal]. Recuperado de: <bcrp@bcrp.pcarp.usp.br> |
The information received via the documents sent by the authors to Vínculo will be used exclusively for the journal, not being available for other purposes. The Journal does not provide information to third parties about manuscripts that are in the process of being evaluated or that have received negative opinions for publication. Originals will not be returned. Address for sending papers and communicating with the editors: publicacoes@nesme.com.br |
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Núcleo de Estudos em Saúde Mental e Psicanálise das Configurações Vinculares
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