Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Interamerican Journal of Psychology]]> vol. 42 num. 3 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>A psicologia na América Latina</b>: <b>um recorte da investigação e da pós-graduação</b>]]> Este breve ensaio descreve a integração da Psicologia na América Latina proposta por um grupo de pesquisadores, em maio de 2008, do II Encontro Latino-Americano de Intercâmbio de Psicologia, com o apoio da Sociedade Interamericana de Psicologia e do Conselho Nacional Científico e Tecnológico (CNPQ) do Brasil. Realizou-se em Natal, Brasil, concomitante ao XII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Intercâmbio Científico de Psicologia, promovido pela Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Psicologia (ANPEPP). A busca pela integração e colaboração entre os países foi a tônica deste evento.<hr/>Este breve ensayo describe la integración de la Psicología en la América Latina propuesta por un grupo de investigadores científicos, en mayo de 2008, do II Encuentro Latino-Americano de Intercambio de Psicología, con el apoyo de la Sociedad Interamericana de Psicología e del Conselho Nacional Científico e Tecnológico (CNPQ) de Brasil. Realizo se en Natal, Brasil, concomitante al XII Simposio Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Intercambio Científico de Psicología, promovido por la Asociación Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação en Psicología (ANPEPP). La búsqueda por la integración y colaboración entre los países fue la tónica de este evento. <![CDATA[<b>Review about postgraduate and research on psychology in Colombia</b>]]> Este artículo bosqueja una descripción general de la universidad colombiana, desde donde se presenta la evolución de los programas de postgrado, para luego abordar los programas de psicología en particular. Los procesos de cobertura de la educación superior se relacionan con aspectos de la situación de la investigación y de la estructura que guarda con Colciencias y el sistema de Ciencia y Tecnología. El panorama se completa con una algunos resultados recientes de la investigación tales como la Red de Investigadores en Psicología y sus NODOS (que toma mucho de la experiencia brasilera), relacionándola con productos y publicaciones logradas en los últimos años, entre otros desarrollos, y que pueden resultar buenos indicador de su nivel de desarrollo.<hr/>This paper summarizes a general description about de colombian university, since the evolution of doctoral programmes, to focus in psychological programmes. The higher education coverage is related with research evolution, and with the structure of Coliencias as the secretary of the system of Science and Technology. The picture is fulfilled with the recent outcomes of some developments, such as the researcher psychological network, taking the brasilian experience as the model to follow. The increase in products and publlications in recent years are noticeable. <![CDATA[<b>The scientific production and the postgraduate studies in psychology in Peru</b>]]> Se presenta las características sociodemográficas del Perú, así como sus indicadores en salud y educación, de tal forma que permita entender el contexto en la cual se desarrolla la psicología en el Perú. Se hace referencia a la universidad, destacando su problemática. Se describe el proceso histórico de la psicología peruana, desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad. Se presenta el desarrollo de la investigación, destacando los trabajos más relevantes en las diversas especialidades. Se da a conocer los postgrados en psicología, los mismos que se caracterizan por la falta de programas de investigación, escasa producción científica, bajas tasas de graduación en relación con el número de egresados, y carencia de un organismo que ofrezca información confiable y que asegure la calidad de los estudios.<hr/>Some social and demographic aspects of Peru, as well as some indicators in health and education are presented, so that the context in which the Peruvian psychology takes place can be understood. The university is referred remarking its problematic situation. The historical process of the Peruvian psychology, from the early days to the present, is described. The development of the research work, stressing the most important works in the different specialties, is presented. The postgraduate studies in Psychology, which show lack of research programs, limited scientific production, low rate of students who got their master and Ph D degree regarding the number of those who graduated; and the lack of an organization that offers reliable information and assures the quality of the studies. <![CDATA[<b>Contextual elements to the research in psychology in Chile</b>]]> Se presenta una introducción a la enseñanza universitaria en Chile a fin de enmarcar el desarrollo de las Universidades y las Escuelas de Psicología en el país, en el contexto de la acreditación universitaria. A continuación, se describen las principales fuentes públicas de financiamiento, seguidas por una breve descripción del recurso humano especializado y los postgrados existentes en Chile en Psicología. Finalmente se mencionan las líneas de investigación que declaran las diversas escuelas, como también la información disponible sobre publicaciones indexadas en Psicología.<hr/>This paper presents an introduction to university education in Chile in order to frame the development of Universities and Schools of Psychology in the country in the context of university accreditation. Then it describes the main sources of public funding, followed by a brief description of specialized human resources and postgraduate courses in Chile in Psychology. Finally mentioned lines of research declared by the psychology‘s schools, as well as information available on publications indexed in Psychology. <![CDATA[<b>The psychology in Argentina</b>: <b>the discipline development and national reality</b>]]> Se plantea un bosquejo histórico del desarrollo de la psicología en Argentina, desde sus orígenes hacia el final del siglo XIX (El escenario de la siembra) hasta la actualidad (El escenario de la cosecha adeudada). Entre medio se plantea la extinción, por retiros laborales por edad o por defunción, de las líneas de quienes fueron los pioneros que surgieron en este país algo menos de veinte años después de la fundación del Laboratorio de Psicología Experimental por parte de Wundt, un período de vacancia de la disciplina y el múltiple surgimiento de las carreras de psicología en las universidades públicas, con posterioridad a 1954 (El escenario de la germinación), con grandes falencias teórico-científicas y fuertes distorsiones generadas por el modelo médico-clínico. Si bien en la actualidad se está modificando esta situación, importantes falencias y sesgos permanecen vigentes.<hr/>We review the historical development of Psychology in Argentina, from its origins at the end of the nineteenth century (the ‘sowing’ period) until present times (the period of the ‘owed harvest’). We explain the extinction - due to retirement or death - of the paths set up by pioneers who emerged in this country two decades after Wundt founded the Experimental Psychology Laboratory, followed by a vacancy period in the discipline and the multiple emergence of psychology degrees at public universities after 1954. This gestation period had important theoretical and scientific flaws and strong distortions created by the medical-clinical model. Although these circumstances are changing nowadays, there remain some important flaws and bias. <![CDATA[<b>The psychology in Paraguay</b>: <b>challenges for an integration in Latin American scenarios</b>]]> La Psicologia en Paraguay tuvo sus origines en la Educación, desde el siglo XIX en la curricula de la secundaria se tenia la materia de Psicología. Recién en la década de los 60 surge la formación universitaria, tanto en la Universidad Nacional como la Universidad Católica. Con la apertura democrática en los años 90, se abrieron otras universidades públicas y privadas para la formación de psicólogos. Las grandes desigualdades sociales en América Latina y los problemas sociales convocan a la Psicologia a generar conocimientos acordes a la realidad latinoamericano. Se constituyen como desafíos fundamentales para la Psicología en Paraguay la formación con calidad y la investigación, estos dos temas surgen como emergentes para avanzar en la integración de la Psicología Paraguaya a la Psicologia Regional y a otros ámbitos del conocimiento.<hr/>Psychology in Paraguay has been originated in the Education area, in the Psychology subject that had developed from the century XIX in the High schol schedule. Just in the decade of the sixty arise this study at the university, as much in the National University as the Catholic University. With the democratic opening in 1990, other public and private universities were opening for the psychologists formation. The great social inequalities in Latin America and the social problems needs the Psychology tools to generate knowledge agreed to the Latin American reality. The fundamental challenges for Psychology in Paraguay are the high quality formation and the researches. These two subjects arise as necessary to advance in the integration process of Paraguayan Psychology to Regional Psychology and other areas of the knowledge. <![CDATA[<b>The new university reform and the scientific research in psychology of Uruguay</b>]]> El trabajo resume algunos lineamientos doctrinarios de la Universidad de la República referidos a la función de investigación, y las propuestas de cambio que se están debatiendo en el marco de la denominada Segunda Reforma Universitaria. Se recorren asimismo algunos aspectos de la historia de la psicología universitaria relacionados con el tema. Se detectan diversas dificultades para el desarrollo institucional de la investigación, derivados de conflictos de poder, básicamente implícitos, así como de diferencias de enfoques y paradigmas disciplinarios. La coyuntura universitaria actual parece favorable para que se produzca un cambio en esta situación, lo que deja planteado del desafío.<hr/>The paper summarizes some doctrinal guidelines of the Universidad de la República related to the research function, and the change proposals being discussed within the framework of the Second University Reform. It also mentions some aspects of the university psychology history related with this topic. There are differents difficulties for the institutional development of the research, arising from conflicts of power, basically implied, as well as differences in approaches and disciplinary paradigms. The current situation seem to be in favour of our university proposal to promote changes in this situation, which leaves raised the challenge. <![CDATA[<b>Contributions of psychology to the Colombian’s children problems</b>]]> En este artículo ejemplifico y analizo las contribuciones de la investigación y la intervención psicológica a la solución de los problemas más urgentes de la niñez colombiana. La niñez constituye el grupo humano más vulnerable y el que más atención y soluciones requiere si se quiere garantizar un desarrollo futuro más armónicos en cualquier país. Los derechos de la niñez más vulnerados, acordados en la Convención de los Derechos del Niño de lo Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF), enmarcan los principales problemas que la niñez enfrenta. Para identificar las contribuciones de la investigación psicológica, examino 197 resúmenes de trabajos de grado de 11 programas de Maestría del país y 62 proyectos de investigación realizados por 21 grupos de investigación inscritos en COLCIENCIAS, que abordan el estudio de los problemas identificados. Para analizar el aporte de la intervención, reviso 70 programas de intervención centrados en la solución de los problemas de la niñez. Encontrar modos más eficientes de difundir y aplicar los resultados de la investigación se puede señalar como la necesidad más urgente de la investigación. Igualmente resulta necesario que los programas de intervención asuman una evaluación sistemática de sus efectos e identifiquen estrategias adecuadas para difundir los programas exitosos. La urgencia e importancia de las necesidades de la niñez en el país exigen cambios en las prácticas de los psicólogos y en los paradigmas en la formación adoptados.<hr/>This article exemplifies and analyzes of the psychological research and intervention contributions to the most urgent problems of Colombian childhood. Children constitute the most vulnerable group, therefore, the one that more attention and solutions requires, in order to guarantee any country’s development. The most vulnerable UNICEF children’s rights are used as a frame in order to select the more deficient ones. In order to identify the contributions of the psychological research, 197 abstracts of master research works corresponding to 11 master programs and of 62 research projects presented by 21 research groups registered by COLCIENCIAS were revised. The examples of the intervention programs presented are taken from the revision of 70 programs centered most of them in the solution of the problems selected. In relation to the research, to find more efficient strategies to socialize and apply the research results is the most urgent need found; and in relation to the intervention, to assume an evaluative perspective of their effect and to find out new strategies to diffuse successful programs. The urgency and importance of children’s problems demands changes in the professional practices and the educational perspectives adopted for and by psychologist. <![CDATA[<b>References to undergraduate practices in psychology in ethics codes of Mercosur’s countries’ and North America</b>]]> Este trabajo considera las pautas éticas y deontológicas que regulan las prácticas de pregrado en psicología en los países del Mercosur, estableciendo una comparación con tópicos similares de Estados Unidos. Para ello se analizan las referencias a estudiantes de pregrado en los códigos de ética de psicología de dichos países, a partir de su inclusión en dos grandes grupos de artículos, referidos fundamentalmente al ámbito académico o a la esfera del ejercicio profesional propiamente dicho. Se consideran las consecuencias de incluir referencias a estudiantes de pregrado fuera de artículos destinados a regular el rol profesional de docente o supervisor/a. Se sugiere el uso de pautas de regulación ética para prácticas de pregrado en psicología, y criterios más específicos al respecto para las futuras revisiones de códigos de ética.<hr/>This work considers ethical and deontological standards that regulate undergraduate practices in psychology within Mercosur’s countries, making a comparison with similar issues in the United States. In order to this, references to students are analyzed in the ethics codes of those countries, considering two main group of articles, basically referred to an academic scope or to professional practice itself. Consequences of including references to undergraduate students beyond articles regulating teaching or supervision are considered. It is suggested the convenience of using specific regulations for undergraduate practices in psychology, and more specific criteria for further code’s revisions. <![CDATA[<b>The Argentinean scientific production in psychology</b>: <b>an analysis of the visibility and impact in the international environment and their comparison with countries of the region</b>]]> Se realiza un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica argentina en el área de la psicología recogida por las bases de datos ISI (Social Science Citation Index y Science Citation Index) procurando determinar el volumen, visibilidad e impacto de la misma. Paralelamente se establece una comparación con los principales países de la región a fin de corroborar la posición que ocupa el país en el contexto internacional dentro de la disciplina.<hr/>In this paper we analyze Argentinean scientific production in the area of the psychology registered in the databases ISI (Social Science Citation Index and Science Citation Index) trying to determine the volume, visibility and impact of the same one. Parallelly a comparison settles down with the main countries of the region in order to corroborate the position that occupies the country in the international context inside the discipline. <![CDATA[<b>From diversity</b>: <b>a definition of the subjectivity</b>]]> O conceito de subjetividade tem sido cada vez mais utilizado em trabalhos referentes às ciências humanas. Diante de sua conceituação por vezes imprecisa, o uso do conceito de subjetividade banalizou-se em diversos segmentos da psicologia, perdendo sua especificidade. O presente ensaio efetuou uma definição do conceito de subjetividade no que tange as suas bases filosóficas e implicações práticas. A partir de sua distinção conceitual diante da definição de identidade, erige-se um panorama das concepções de ontologia e epistemologia atreladas a cada conceito. A partir daí, desdobra-se a distinção da subjetividade no que tange a sua lógica, ética e práxis.<hr/>The concept of subjectivity has become frequent in works related to the human sciences. Given its novelty and its sometimes inaccurate conceptual definition, the use of the subjectivity concept has become stereotyped in several segments of psychology, losing its specificity. The present essay intends to trace a clear definition of the concept of subjectivity, considering its philosophical bases and its practical implications. Starting with its conceptual difference from the definition of identity, a panorama of the conceptions of ontology and epistemology related to each concept is constructed, unfolding the logical, ethical and practical distinction of subjectivity. <![CDATA[<b>Immigrants selection and the liga brasileira de hygiene mental (1914-1945)</b>]]> O objetivo central do presente estudo é o de deslindar o processo de seleção dos imigrantes proposto pela Liga Brasileira de Hygiene Mental no período entre-guerras. Seleção necessária, considerando que enquanto alguns imigrantes eram vistos pelos higienistas como seres "imprestáveis", "indesejáveis" e "desajustados", outros poderiam cumprir um importante papel no processo produtivo. Para além da seleção dos imigrantes como mão de obra qualificada e barata, também a Liga Brasileira de Hygiene Mental estava preocupada em preservar a ordem dominante, diante da qual os imigrantes "desajustados" resultavam em forte ameaça. Neste sentido, as propostas de aplicação dos testes psicológicos tiveram uma significativa utilidade no marco do ideário higienista.<hr/>The central objective of the present study is it of extricating the process of the immigrants’ selection proposed by the Brazilian League of Mental Hygiene in the period among-wars. Necessary selection, considering that while some immigrants were seen by the hygienists as beings "useless", "undesirable" and "messed up", others could accomplish an important paper in the productive process. For besides the immigrants’ selection as hand of qualified and cheap work, also the Brazilian League of Mental Hygiene was concerned in preserving the dominant order, before which the "messed up" immigrants resulted at fort he/she threatens. In this sense, the proposals of application of the psychological tests had a significant usefulness in the ideario hygienist’s mark. <![CDATA[<b>Child sexual abuse</b>: <b>risk factors and consequences on development of children</b>]]> Este estudo investigou as características do contexto do abuso sexual infantil (ASI) e da revelação, as conseqüências no desenvolvimento das crianças e a presença de indicadores de risco nas famílias. Participaram 16 meninas vítimas de ASI, entre sete e 13 anos, e suas mães. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas e foi aplicada a versão brasileira da Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Aged-Children (K-SADS). Foi observada a presença de indicadores de risco nas famílias (intergeracionalidade, doença mental dos pais e uso de álcool e drogas) e de uma variedade de sintomas emocionais e comportamentais nas meninas, incluindo o Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático (TEPT). Conclui-se que o ASI está associado a severas conseqüências no desenvolvimento, necessitando intervenção psicológica às vítimas e suas famílias.<hr/>This study investigated characteristics of the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) and context of disclosure, consequences on children’s development, and the presence of family’s risk factors. In this study 16 girls victims of CSA, aged between 7-13 years old, and their mothers were interviewed. Semi-structured interviews were carried out and the Brazilian version of Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Aged-Children (K-SADS) was used. The presences of family’s risk factors (intergenerationality, parental mental disease, and parental substance abuse) and of wide range of emotional and behavior symptoms in the girls, including the posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), were observed. The CSA is associated to severe consequences on development, and psychological interventions with victims and their families are necessary. <![CDATA[<b>Co-constructing histories</b>: <b>to the search of luminous facts in the familiar narratives on the consumption of drugs</b>]]> La presente investigación se ubica bajo el marco teórico del construccionismo social. Los relatos familiares sobre el consumo de drogas se exploraron con un enfoque comprensivo-interpretativo, ya que se parte del supuesto de que las personas se relacionan y construyen sus realidades a través de la interacción dialógica entre los participantes, donde se incluye al propio investigador. El propósito del presente estudio fue identificar los hechos que iluminan las contradicciones y potenciar la emergencia de historias alternativas, por medio de puntuar aspectos poco atendidos de la experiencia, y cuestionar prácticas y discursos sociales hegemónicos. Para tal fin se presenta el caso de una familia con un miembro consumidor. Los espacios conversacionales fueron tres y se utilizo la entrevista semi-estructurada con base en la propuesta narrativa de Michael White (2002a, 2002b). Los resultados permiten observar el quebranto del relato dominante; un relato plagado de problemas, de etiquetas que devienen de una relación de saber-poder que se articulan con una red de controles y normas sociales. Un aprendizaje cultural que se materializa en formas de consumo, formas de relacionarse, formas de enfermar, curarse, y morir; esto es, un aprendizaje que penetra la conciencia y la relación con el consumidor, sin que necesariamente se perciba como un mecanismo de control negativo. Se concluye sobre la importancia de una reconstrucción colectiva, que representa una visión de la realidad como producto de una acción reflexiva de los participantes, a través de saberes sociales compartidos, que dan cuenta de la riqueza y complejidad de las narraciones familiares sobre el consumo de drogas.<hr/>This research is located under the theoretical framework of social constructionism. The families stories about drug use are explored with a comprehensive approach-interpretive, since it assumes that people relate and build their realities through interaction dialogue among participants, which includes the investigator himself. The purpose to this study was to identify the facts that illuminate the contradictions and promote the emergence of alternative histories, by means of illuminate little aspects of the experience, and questioning social hegemonic practices and speeches. To that end presents the case of a family member with a consumer. The conversational spaces were three and was used semi-structured on the basis of the proposal narrative by Michael White (2002a, 2002b). The results allow us to see the breakdown of the dominant story, a story fraught with problems; labels become knowledge-power relationships that are articulated with a network of social controls and standards. A learning culture which is personified in forms of consumption, ways of relating, ways of becoming ill, cure, and death, explicitly, learning that penetrates the consciousness and the relationship with the consumer, without necessarily perceived as a control mechanism negative. The conclusion is about the importance of a collective reconstruction, which represents a vision of reality as a result of a reflexive action of the participants, through social knowledge sharing, which realize the richness and complexity of the stories on family consumption drugs. <![CDATA[<b>Child, family and school resources predict competence during the first grade transition</b>]]> Este estudo focaliza precursores de competência na transição da 1ª série. Participaram 70 crianças da 1ª série, sendo avaliadas no início da série e no final do ano letivo. Variáveis da criança e da família predisseram ajustamento e desempenho. Consciência fonológica e nível intelectual foram os melhores preditores de desempenho e ajustamento, respectivamente. Crianças com experiência prévia na educação infantil mostraram menor estresse que crianças sem experiência. Ressalta-se o potencial da educação infantil para desenvolver habilidades precursoras de competência e atenuar o impacto da transição.<hr/>This study focuses on precursors of children’s competence in the first-grade transition. Data on intellectual ability, phonological awareness, family support (i.e., parenting practices, home resources), and attendance to kindergarten were collected from 70 children at the beginning of first grade. At the end of the school year, the teachers rated children’s achievement, adjustment, and social skills, and the children answered an achievement test. Children’s stress related to the transition was assessed with questionnaires of stress symptoms and perception of school stressors at the end of the year. Statistical analyses comprised correlation, regression, and group comparison. Both child and family variables predicted achievement and adjustment. Phonological awareness and intellectual ability were the best predictors of achievement and adjustment, respectively. Children with kindergarten experience showed less stress than children with no previous kindergarten experience. The potential of childhood education for developing pre-academic abilities and promoting a less stressful transition to first grade is emphasized. <![CDATA[<b>The effect of orthographic neighborhood in brazilian children</b>: <b>lexical decision task study</b>]]> Nesse estudo, foram realizados dois experimentos para investigar o efeito de vizinhança ortográfica no reconhecimento de palavras, em crianças brasileiras da quarta série do ensino fundamental. No primeiro experimento, uma tarefa de decisão lexical do tipo Go/No-Go, observou-se um efeito inibitório do número de vizinhos (N) e do número de vizinhos de maior freqüência que a da palavra-alvo (NF). No segundo, uma tarefa de decisão lexical com tempo fixo, observou-se um efeito inibitório de NF. Em estudos com adultos, porém, efeitos facilitadores de N foram observados. Verificou-se que o efeito de vizinhança ortográfica é genuinamente inibitório no português do Brasil e que crianças, ao contrário de adultos, podem ter dificuldades em utilizar estratégias na tarefa de decisão lexical.<hr/>In this study two experiments were developed to investigate the orthographic neighborhood effect on word recognition in 4th grade Brazilian Portuguese speaking school children. In the first, a lexical decision task of the Go/No-Go type was conducted, controlling the lexical activation index of words and pseudowords, an inhibitory effect of the number of neighbors (N) and of the number of neighbors of greater frequency than the target word (NF) was observed. In the second, a lexical decision task under a time-limit, the stimuli were presented briefly (250 ms) followed by a mask and the speed of the responses was emphasized. Compared with previous studies with adults in which, in these conditions, facilitative effects of N were observed, in this second experiment, the children continued to show an inhibitory effect of NF. It was argued that the orthographic neighborhood effect is genuinely inhibitory for Brazilian Portuguese and children, in contrast to adults, can present difficulties in employing strategies in the lexical decision task. <![CDATA[<b>Belief in a just word and prejudice</b>: <b>the case of homosexuals with HIV/AIDS</b>]]> El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar el prejuicio contra los homosexuales portadores del VIH/SIDA, analizando el papel moderador de la Creencia en un Mundo Justo (CMJ) en este proceso. Participaron en la investigación 171 estudiantes de Psicología que respondieron a un cuestionario que contenía una escala sobre la CMJ y un fragmento de una entrevista ficticia a un hombre que decía estar enfermo. En la entrevista se manipulaba su orientación sexual (homosexual versus heterosexual) y su enfermedad (VIH/SIDA versus cáncer de pulmón). Los resultados mostraron que los portadores de VIH/SIDA fueron los más responsabilizados por su enfermedad. Con relación al papel moderador de la CMJ, en la alta creencia, se responsabilizó más a los homosexuales portadores de VIH/SIDA, mientras que en la baja creencia los heterosexuales portadores de VIH/SIDA fueron más responsabilizados por su situación. Estos resultados son discutidos desde la perspectiva de la teoría del racismo aversivo de Gaertner y Dovídio (1986), destácandose la importancia de la inclusión de esta temática en las investigaciones de los psicólogos sociales.<hr/>The objective of this work was to investigate the prejudice against homosexuals with HIV/AIDS, analyzing the Belief in a Just World (BJW) as a moderator in this process. Participants were 171 psychology students who answered a questionnaire with the BJW scale followed by a fictitious interview with a man saying that he was ill. His sexual orientation (homosexual X heterosexual) and his illness (HIV/AIDS X lung cancer) were manipulated. The results showed that men with HIV/SIDA were seen as more accountable for their illness. The results also showed the BJW moderation effect, indicating that, in the high BJW condition, homosexuals with HIV/SIDA were regarded as the most accountable for their illness. However, in the low BJW condition, heterosexuals with HIV/AIDS were the most accountable. Those results were discussed from the aversive racism theory perspective of Gaertner y Dovídio (1986), emphasizing the importance of more studies about prejudice against homosexuals in the social psychologists agenda of investigations. <![CDATA[<b>Effects of an cognitive-behavioral intervention program for mothers of children with cerebral palsy</b>]]> Este artigo descreve um modelo de intervenção cognitivo-comportamental que foi adaptado para um grupo de mães de crianças com paralisia cerebral (PC). O objetivo da intervenção foi diminuir os problemas emocionais das mães e capacitá-las a lidar com os problemas comportamentais das crianças. O programa teve duração de 12 sessões e baseou-se em manejo de contingências e enfrentamento do estresse. Participaram do programa 25 mães que responderam a escalas avaliando seu estado psicológico e o comportamento das suas crianças. Os resultados apresentaram diminuição significativa nos problemas emocionais das mães, sem diferenças significativas nas percepções do comportamento das crianças. O programa teve um efeito significativo sobre o estado emocional das mães, demonstrando aplicabilidade clínica.<hr/>This article describes a model of cognitive-behavioral intervention model was adapted for use with a group of mothers of children with cerebral palsy (CP). The objective of the intervention was to diminish the emotional problems of the mothers and to enable them to deal it with their children’s behavioral problems. The program was based on contingency and stress management approaches. A group of 25 mothers participated in the study. In the pre-test mothers answered scales assessing their psychological status as well as their perceptions on children’s behaviors. A post-test was applied after 12 intervention sessions. Mothers reported significantly reduced stress and depressive symptoms levels, but no significant changes were observed for children’s behavioral problems. The program had a significant effect on the emotional state of the mothers, demonstrating clinical applicability. <![CDATA[<b>Intergenerational communication</b>: <b>the Perceptions of Intergenerational Communication Questionnaire (PIQS) in the costa rican context</b>]]> En el presente estudio, 156 estudiantes costarricenses entre los 19 y los 29 años (promedio de edad = 22,7, SD= 2,35 años, 59% mujeres) describieron sus percepciones sobre la comunicación intergeneracional a través de la versión costarricense del Cuestionario de Percepción de la Comunicación Interpersonal (CPCI). En este cuestionario se le solicita a los y las entrevistados pensar en sus encuentros cotidianos con personas de diferentes grupos de edad fuera del ambiente familiar y evaluar tanto las conductas de comunicación de los otros como las propias. Los análisis de factores exploratorios mostraron que el CPIC accede a tres dimensiones evaluativos sobre las conductas comunicativas de los otros (acomodación, sub-comodación y control de la comunicación) y dos dimensiones de evaluación de la propia conducta comunicativa (descontento/obligación y manejo del discurso). Los análisis de consistencia interna mostraron índicas Alfas de Cronbach satisfactorios para todas las escalas. Diferencias significativas en la percepción de la comunicación dependiendo del grupo etario de los interloculores indican que el instrumento es sensible a las variaciones de la comunicación intergeneracional dadas por las características específicas de las personas involucradas en la interacción. Las correlaciones de las escalas con mediciones de la frecuencia de contacto intergeneracional e identificación social con el endogrupo etario muestran evidencia mixta sobre la validez de constructo del instrumento. Los resultados se discuten en términos de las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento y las características de la comunicación intergeneracional en contextos latinoamericanos.<hr/>In this study, 156 Costa Rican students between 19 and 29 years old (Mean age = 22.7, SD= 2.35 years; 59% female) reported their perceptions of intergenerational communication, using a Costa Rican version of the Perceptions of Intergenerational Communications Questionnaire. This questionnaire requires respondents to think of their communications with non-family members of different age groups, and to evaluate both the others´ and the own communication behaviors. Factor analyses show that the PICQ assess three evaluative dimensions of others´ communication behaviors (accommodation, subacommodation and communication dominance) and two dimensions of the own communication behaviors (discontent/obligation and discourse management). Reliability analysis yielded satisfactory Cronbach’s alphas for all scales. Mean differences between targets groups indicate that the measure is sensitive to the variability of intergenerational communication due to the specific characteristics of the participants in the interaction. Correlations with frequency of intergenerational contact and in-group identification provide mixed evidence of construct validity. Results are discussed in terms of the psychometric properties of this instrument and the characteristics of the intergenerational communication in Latin American contexts. <![CDATA[<b>Cuestionario de Claustrofobia</b>: <b>evidencias de su validez y fiabilidad</b>]]> El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar el Cuestionario de Claustrofobia al contexto brasileño. Se procuró conocer su estructura factorial y fiabilidad, comprobar la adecuación de los modelos uni y bifactoriales, reunir evidencias de su validez convergente y verificar si sus puntuaciones varían según el género de los sujetos. Participaron 224 estudiantes universitarios, la mayoría mujeres (75.3%) y solteras (78.5%), con un promedio de edad de 24.2 años. Éstos cumplimentaron el Cuestionario de Claustrofobia y el Cuestionario de Salud General, además de cinco preguntas demográficas. Como teóricamente esperado, el modelo bifactorial fue más adecuado que el unifactorial, y la aflicción psicológica se correlacionó positivamente con el factor general y los específicos de claustrofobia. Las mujeres presentaron mayor puntuación en claustrofobia de lo que hicieron los varones, independiente del factor considerado (asfixia o restricción). De este estudio se concluyó que el Cuestionario de Claustrofobia presenta parámetros psicométricos aceptables, coherentes con aquellos observados previamente.<hr/>This study aimed at adapting the Claustrophobia Questionnaire to the Brazilian context. Specifically, it intended to know its factor structure and reliability, to test different theoretical models (i.e., uni-factor and bi-factor), to joint evidences of its convergent validity, and to know if its scores vary according to the gender of the subjects. Participated 224 undergraduate students, mostly of them female (75.3%) and single (78.5%), with a mean age of 24.2 years. They answered the Claustrophobia Questionnaire and the General Health Questionnaire, as well as five demographic questions. As it was theoretically expected, the bi-factor model was more adequate than the uni-factor ones, and the psychological distress positively correlated itself with the general and the specific factors of claustrophobia. It was observed that women scored higher in claustrophobia than men, independent of the considered factor (suffocation or restriction). It was concluded that the Claustrophobia Questionnaire presents acceptable psychometric parameters, coherent with those previously observed. El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar el Cuestionario de Claustrofobia al contexto brasileño. Se procuró conocer su estructura factorial y fiabilidad, comprobar la adecuación de los modelos uni y bifactoriales, reunir evidencias de su validez convergente y verificar si sus puntuaciones varían según el género de los sujetos. Participaron 224 estudiantes universitarios, la mayoría mujeres (75.3%) y solteras (78.5%), con un promedio de edad de 24.2 años. Éstos cumplimentaron el Cuestionario de Claustrofobia y el Cuestionario de Salud General, además de cinco preguntas demográficas. Como teóricamente esperado, el modelo bifactorial fue más adecuado que el unifactorial, y la aflicción psicológica se correlacionó positivamente con el factor general y los específicos de claustrofobia. Las mujeres presentaron mayor puntuación en claustrofobia de lo que hicieron los varones, independiente del factor considerado (asfixia o restricción). De este estudio se concluyó que el Cuestionario de Claustrofobia presenta parámetros psicométricos aceptables, coherentes con aquellos observados previamente.<hr/>This study aimed at adapting the Claustrophobia Questionnaire to the Brazilian context. Specifically, it intended to know its factor structure and reliability, to test different theoretical models (i.e., uni-factor and bi-factor), to joint evidences of its convergent validity, and to know if its scores vary according to the gender of the subjects. Participated 224 undergraduate students, mostly of them female (75.3%) and single (78.5%), with a mean age of 24.2 years. They answered the Claustrophobia Questionnaire and the General Health Questionnaire, as well as five demographic questions. As it was theoretically expected, the bi-factor model was more adequate than the uni-factor ones, and the psychological distress positively correlated itself with the general and the specific factors of claustrophobia. It was observed that women scored higher in claustrophobia than men, independent of the considered factor (suffocation or restriction). It was concluded that the Claustrophobia Questionnaire presents acceptable psychometric parameters, coherent with those previously observed. <![CDATA[<b>Hacer ciencias cognitivas en Latinoamérica</b>]]> El objetivo de este estudio fue adaptar el Cuestionario de Claustrofobia al contexto brasileño. Se procuró conocer su estructura factorial y fiabilidad, comprobar la adecuación de los modelos uni y bifactoriales, reunir evidencias de su validez convergente y verificar si sus puntuaciones varían según el género de los sujetos. Participaron 224 estudiantes universitarios, la mayoría mujeres (75.3%) y solteras (78.5%), con un promedio de edad de 24.2 años. Éstos cumplimentaron el Cuestionario de Claustrofobia y el Cuestionario de Salud General, además de cinco preguntas demográficas. Como teóricamente esperado, el modelo bifactorial fue más adecuado que el unifactorial, y la aflicción psicológica se correlacionó positivamente con el factor general y los específicos de claustrofobia. Las mujeres presentaron mayor puntuación en claustrofobia de lo que hicieron los varones, independiente del factor considerado (asfixia o restricción). De este estudio se concluyó que el Cuestionario de Claustrofobia presenta parámetros psicométricos aceptables, coherentes con aquellos observados previamente.<hr/>This study aimed at adapting the Claustrophobia Questionnaire to the Brazilian context. Specifically, it intended to know its factor structure and reliability, to test different theoretical models (i.e., uni-factor and bi-factor), to joint evidences of its convergent validity, and to know if its scores vary according to the gender of the subjects. Participated 224 undergraduate students, mostly of them female (75.3%) and single (78.5%), with a mean age of 24.2 years. They answered the Claustrophobia Questionnaire and the General Health Questionnaire, as well as five demographic questions. As it was theoretically expected, the bi-factor model was more adequate than the uni-factor ones, and the psychological distress positively correlated itself with the general and the specific factors of claustrophobia. It was observed that women scored higher in claustrophobia than men, independent of the considered factor (suffocation or restriction). It was concluded that the Claustrophobia Questionnaire presents acceptable psychometric parameters, coherent with those previously observed.