Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Acta Comportamentalia]]> vol. 20 num. 3 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Food-intake in rats controlled by a neutral stimulus</b>]]> Un estímulo neutral contiguo con un siguiente periodo de acceso a la comida incrementa la ingesta de comida en ratas relativo a cuando el estímulo se presenta ya sea contiguo al acceso precedente o aleatoriamente durante el intervalo entre accesos. En el presente experimento se determinaron los efectos de variar la ubicación temporal del estímulo durante el periodo entre accesos. Tres ratas vivieron 24/7 en sus respectivas cámaras experimentales y se les dieron periodos señalados de acceso a la comida de 10 minutos cada 160 minutos. Durante la línea base no se presentó ningún estímulo durante los periodos entre accesos. En condiciones subsecuentes, un estímulo de 5 minutos fue presentado en una ubicación temporal fija durante el periodo entre accesos, ya fuera 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 o 160 minutos antes del siguiente periodo de acceso. La ubicación de 5 minutos incrementó la ingesta relativo a la línea base. Alargar el periodo entre el estímulo y el acceso controló disminuciones correspondientes en la ingesta de comida incluso por debajo de la línea base. Se discuten las implicaciones de controlar la ingesta de comida al introducir un estímulo neutral en diferentes ubicaciones del periodo entre accesos.<hr/>A neutral stimulus contiguous with a subsequent access-to-food period increase food intake in rats relative to when the stimulus is presented either contiguous to the preceding access or randomly during the interaccess interval. The present experiment determined the effects of varying the temporal placement of the stimulus during the inter-access period. Three rats lived 24/7 in their respective experimental chambers and were given signaled 10-minute access-to-food periods every 160 minutes. During baseline no stimulus was present during the inter-access periods. On subsequent conditions, a 5 minute stimulus was placed on a fixed temporal location during the inter-access period, either 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 or 160 minutes before the next access period. The 5-minute placement increased intake relative to baseline. Lengthening the stimulusto- access period controlled corresponding decreases in food intake even below baseline. The implications of controlling food intake by intruding a neutral stimulus at different locations of the inter-access period are discussed. <![CDATA[<b>Behavior analysis of the cue-induced animal model of drug relapse</b>]]> O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar o controle de estímulos sobre as respostas de recaída ao uso de drogas avaliado pelo modelo animal cue-induced. Dois grupos de ratos foram expostos a um treino discriminativo. Respostas de pressão à barra na presença de um odor de laranja (S D1) tinham como conseqüência um estímulo luminoso (Sr1) e liberação de etanol (grupo ET) ou sacarose (grupo SAC). Respostas na presença de um odor de erva-doce (S D2) tinham como conseqüência um estímulo sonoro (Sr2) e liberação de água. Posteriormente, as respostas de pressão à barra foram extintas. Depois, S Ds e Srs foram reintroduzidos, mas as respostas de pressão à barra não foram seguidas por etanol, sacarose ou água. Inicialmente, S Ds e Srs foram apresentados na mesma sessão e em seguida cada estímulo foi apresentado em sessões separadas. Esse procedimento foi realizado três vezes para controlar possíveis efeitos da ordem de apresentação. Os resultados mostraram que apenas a apresentação de Sr1, em conjunto com S D1 ou sozinho, foi efetiva em reinstalar as respostas de pressão à barra em ambos os grupos. Os resultados sugerem que o modelo cue-induced pode não ser apropriado para o estudo do controle de estímulos discriminativos sobre o uso de drogas.<hr/>The purpose of this study was to analyze the stimulus control established by the animal model of drug relapse "cue-induced". Two groups of rats, ET and SAC, were exposed to a discrimination procedure. Lever press responses in the presence of orange odor (S D1) were followed by a light stimulus (Sr1) and ethanol or sucrose release (ET or SAC groups, respectively), while responses in the presence of anise odor (S D2) were followed by a sonorous stimulus (Sr2) and water release. Next, rats were placed on extinction conditions during which ethanol, sucrose and water, as well as the corresponding stimuli, were withdrawn. After extinction, S Ds and Srs were reintroduced, but lever press responses were not followed by ethanol, sucrose or water. In the first two sessions S D1 and Sr1 or S D2 and Sr2 were presented. In the remaining sessions, each stimulus was presented alone. This procedure was performed three times in order to control any effect of the order of stimuli presentation. The results showed that Sr1 presentation, alone or in the same session than S D1, was effective in reinstating lever pressure responses for both groups. The results suggest that the cue-induced procedure may not be the most suitable one to study discriminative control over drug self-administration. <![CDATA[<b>Identity-Matching with compound stimuli and musical notes learning</b>]]> O presente estudo teve o objetivo de estabelecer relações condicionais emergentes entre os nomes escritos de notas musicais (A - "do", "fa" e "si"), suas representações na pauta musical (B) e os sons tocados no piano (C) e flauta (C'). Cinco universitários foram submetidos a um treino de matching de identidade com estímulos compostos AB-AB. O teste A-B avaliou se emergiram relações condicionais entre os estímulos que compuseram os estímulos compostos no treino. No teste AC-B, o estímulo C foi introduzido. Em seguida, no teste C-A avaliou-se se novas relações condicionais entre os nomes escritos e o som das notas musicais emergiram. Por fim, um teste de generalização avaliou a extensão do controle para novos estímulos auditivos (C'- sons das notas tocados na flauta) e nomes escritos das notas musicais (Teste C'-A). Os resultados indicaram que para quatro dos cinco participantes houve a emergência de novas relações condicionais entre os nomes escritos de notas musicais, suas representações na pauta musical e os sons tocados no piano e flauta. Portanto, o treino de matching de identidade com estímulos compostos é um procedimento efetivo para o estabelecimento de relações condicionais emergentes no caso do ensino de notas musicais.<hr/>The present study aimed to establish emergent conditional relations between the written name of the musical notes (A - do, fa, and si), their representations in the musical stave (B) and the sounds of musical notes on the piano (C) and the flute (C'). Five undergraduate students were submitted to an identity matching-tosample training with compound sample and compound comparison stimuli (AB-AB). The sample stimuli were A1B1, A2B2 and A3B3 and the comparison stimuli were A1B1, A1B2, A1B3, A2B1, A2B2, A2B3, A3B1, A3B2 and A3B3. The task was performed on a computer. A sample stimulus was presented in each trial with a comparison stimulus identical to the sample and other two comparison stimuli. Responses to the comparison stimulus identical to the sample stimulus were followed by the presentation of a "Smile" and the addition of 10 points to the counter-point. The learning criterion was 100% of correct responses in an 18 trials session. Then, participants were submitted to B-A emergent test. In this test, the sample stimuli were A1, A2 or A3 and comparison stimuli were B1, B2 and B3. Then in the AC-B Test, new stimuli (C) were added to the sample. On this phase, the sample stimulus was the written name of the musical notes and the sound of the respective musical note (A1C1, A2C2 or A3C3). The comparison stimuli were B1, B2 and B3. Then, the C-A Test evaluated whether new conditional relations between the written name and the sound of the musical notes emerged. At the end, a generalization test evaluated the extent of conditional control with new auditory stimuli (C'1, C'2 or C'3 - musical notes on the flute) and the written name of the musical notes (A1, A2 and A3). All participants met the criterion of the identity matching-to-sample training within one session of 18 trials. Four of five participants had 100% of correct responses on A-B Test and AC-B Test. On the C-A Test the same four participants reached a high level of correct responses (83,3% to 100%) and in the generalization test, all participants reached a high level of correct responses (above 88%). Therefore, four of five participants showed results that indicate the establishment of emergent conditional relations between the written name of the musical notes, their representations in the musical score and the respective sounds on the piano and the flute. Therefore, the identity matching training with compound sample and comparison is effective to establish emergent conditional relations in musical notes learning. <![CDATA[<b>Effects of overlapping words on the composition of sentences under conditional control</b>]]> O objetivo do estudo foi investigar os efeitos do ensino por sobreposição de palavras sobre a produção de sentenças na voz ativa e passiva; adicionalmente, investigou-se a extensão de controle condicional; avaliouse ainda a manutenção do desempenho. Participaram seis crianças na faixa etária de oito a dez anos. Duas sentenças na voz ativa e duas na voz passiva foram ensinadas por sobreposição. Sentenças na voz ativa e passiva foram relacionadas condicionalmente às cores verde e vermelha, respectivamente. Testes de substituibilidade verificaram o controle condicional sobre novas sentenças. Todos os participantes aprenderam as sentenças. Nos testes de substituibilidade, um participante alcançou 87,5% de acertos, dois obtiveram 75% e para os demais, a porcentagem foi de 62,5%, 50% e 37,5%. Um segundo estudo foi conduzido com três dos seis participantes do Estudo 1, aumentando-se os critérios de aprendizagem da linha de base condicional antes da aplicação dos testes de substituibilidade. Dois dos três participantes apresentaram 100% e 87,5% de acerto nos testes de substituibilidade. Em ambos os estudos, somente um participante apresentou manutenção do repertório após 45 dias do encerramento do estudo. O segundo estudo sugere que o ensino por sobreposição pode gerar a composição de sentenças com poucos erros. Os resultados dos testes indicaram a emergência de controle condicional sobre respostas de construção de novas sentenças. Estudos adicionais são necessários para avaliar condições suficientes para a manutenção deste repertório.<hr/>The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of training involving overlapping words on active and passive voice sentence production. Additionally, the study investigated the establishment and expansion of conditional control over each type of sentence and evaluated performance maintenance after 45 days without contact with the contingencies of the study. Participants were six children aged eight to ten years. Two sentences in the active voice and two in the passive voice were taught by overlapping. After teaching that four sentences, the active and the passive voice sentences construction were conditionally related to the color green and red, respectively. Substitutability tests checked the production of new sentences under conditional control. All participants learned the baseline sentences. In tests of substitutability, a participant has reached 87.5%, two had 75% and for others, the percentage of correct responses was 62.5%, 50%, and 37.5%. A second study was carried out with three of the six participants of the Study 1, in which there was an increasing in the performance requirement on conditional baseline before substitutability tests were applied. Two of the three participants performed with 100% and 87.5% accuracy in those tests. In both studies, only one participant showed maintenance of that repertoire. The second study suggests that the teaching of overlapping words can produces the composition of sentences with few errors. In addition, test results indicated the emergence of conditional control over new sentences. Additional studies are needed to assess conditions that are sufficient for the maintenance of this repertoire. <![CDATA[<b>Ordinal function transfer through equivalence class formation in individuals with hearing impairments</b>]]> A aquisição da Língua Portuguesa escrita por surdos brasileiros pode ser dificultada em função das diferenças entre as estruturas ordinais - gramaticais dessa língua e da Língua Brasileira de Sinais. Tais diferenças costumam resultar em um repertório de escrita pelos surdos com ordem gramatical diferente daquela utilizada pela comunidade verbal brasileira. Este estudo investigou a transferência das funções ordinais para novas sequências após o estabelecimento de quatro classes de estímulos equivalentes, seguido do ensino de uma única sequência. Os participantes foram quatro indivíduos surdos com idades entre oito e 16 anos. Os estímulos experimentais foram 32 palavras impressas, divididas em oito conjuntos de estímulos, sendo que cada conjunto foi composto por uma sequência com sujeito, verbo, preposição/artigo e complemento. O procedimento de escolha de acordo com o modelo foi utilizado para estabelecimento das classes, e uma adaptação desse procedimento foi utilizada para as tarefas de sequência. Todos os participantes formaram as quatro classes de equivalência e alcançaram o critério de aprendizagem no ensino da sequência. Os resultados indicaram a transferência de funções ordinais para novas sequências e sugerem que o estabelecimento de classes de equivalência pode facilitar a expansão do comportamento de sequenciar por indivíduos surdos.<hr/>The education of deaf people in Brazil, regards the Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) as the first language and written Portuguese Language as the instrumental language. The acquisition of the written language may be more difficult than the acquisition of LIBRAS due to the differences between their ordinal - grammatical structures. The ordinal - grammatical structure of the written Portuguese consists in a subject - verb - preposition - complement order, whereas the structure of the LIBRAS does not specify an order. Such differences usually result in a writing repertoire that has a different grammatical order than that one used by their verbal community. This study investigated variables that control the transfer of ordinal functions through classes of equivalent stimuli. The experimental stimuli used were 32 printed words divided into four stimuli categories (A1A2A3A4; B1B2B3B4; C1C2C3C4 e D1D2D3D4), corresponding to subject, verb, preposition/article and complement, respectively. The categories were taught through matching-to-sample (MTS) tasks, while the sequences were taught through constructed-response matching-to-sample (CRMTS). All participants showed the formation of four stimulus classes, and learned one sequence (A1A2A3A4). After that, they showed the transference of ordinal functions to untaught sequences. In summary, results showed the transference of ordinal functions through equivalence classes. <![CDATA[<b>Effects of self-monitoring behavior on adherence to two types of nutrition rules in adults with Type 2 diabetes</b>]]> Estudos sugerem que, dentre as orientações para o tratamento do diabetes, a dieta tem sido a de menor adesão. Esta pesquisa objetivou comparar os efeitos do treino de automonitoramento sobre a adesão a dois tipos de regras nutricionais (Plano Alimentar [PA] e Contagem Total de Carboidratos [CTC]) em quatro adultos com diabetes Tipo 2. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas domiciliares. Após caracterização da linha de base (LB) do comportamento alimentar, dois participantes foram submetidos à Condição-Treino A (Automonitoramento com PA seguido de CTC) e dois à Condição-Treino B (Automonitoramento com CTC seguido de PA), finalizando com entrevistas de folow-up para todos, após uma semana, um mês e dois meses. Como medidas de adesão, foram utilizados a hemoglobina glicada e o Índice de Adesão à Dieta (IAD) na forma de porcentagem. Observou-se que, na LB, os IADs de todos os participantes estavam abaixo de 50%, aumentando após o treino de automonitoramento, independentemente da condição. A média obtida em CTC (75,50%) foi maior do que em PA (62,49%), com declínio em follow-up em ambas as condições. Observou-se redução nos valores de hemoglobina glicada em três participantes. Discute-se a importância de nutricionistas prescreverem tratamento individualizado e para além do foco na doença.<hr/>Studies suggest that, among treatment orientations for treatment of diabetes, diet has been the one with the least adhesion. This study aimed to compare the effects of self-monitoring practice on the behavior adhesion of two types of nutritional rule (Food Planning [FP] and Total Carbohydrate Counting - [TCC]) in four adults with Type 2 diabetes. In home interview was the data collection procedure. After characterization of the baseline (BL) in eating behavior of the four participants, two of them were subjected to Training Condition A (Self-Monitoring with PA followed by TCC), the other two participants to Training Condition B (Self-Monitoring with TCC followed by PA), and follow-up interviews with all four participants. As adhesion measures, Glycated hemoglobin and the Adherence Index to the Diet (AID) shown in percentages were used. It was observed on the participants' BL that the AIDs of all participants were below 50%, increasing after the self-monitoring training, regardless of their condition, being the average from TCC (75,50%) greater than that of FP (62,49%), declining afterwards in both conditions. It was also observed that the Glycated hemoglobin values in three participants had been reduced. The paper discusses the importance of nutritionists in prescribing individualized treatment and beyond the focus of the disease. <![CDATA[<b>Grounds for a review of different designations for interventions in the behavior analyst clinical context</b>]]> Quais variáveis ou fundamentos da atuação do analista do comportamento em contexto clínico determinaram as diferentes e múltiplas denominações atribuídas a esse tipo de trabalho? Caracterizar transformações históricas da intervenção clínica dos analistas de comportamento e de seus fundamentos é condição importante para avaliar os procedimentos de intervenção contemporâneos do analista de comportamento no contexto clínico. Variáveis constituintes do trabalho clínico do analista de comportamento influenciaram a procura de caracterização e de "títulos" que pudessem descrever esse tipo de trabalho. Algumas delas: 1) concepções aristotélicas e galilêicas na Psicologia contemporânea, 2) implicações do "modelo médico" e do "modelo psicológico" no trabalho do psicólogo, 3) comportamentos do psicólogo nos processos profissionais que caracterizam sua intervenção, 4) avanço do conhecimento acerca do próprio comportamento científico, 5) objeto de estudo e de intervenção do psicólogo, 6) conceitos fundamentais da área, 7) transformação do conhecimento relevante e produzido com rigor científico em comportamentos profissionais. Avaliar a história das denominações de "Terapia Comportamental" e dos fundamentos que as orientaram constitui recurso para identificar a contribuição específica de cada uma delas e, provavelmente, possibilitará entender o que orientou e o que orientará o trabalho de analistas de comportamento em contexto clínico.<hr/>Is the variety of denominations used to describe the work of behavior analysts in clinical context considered variations due to peculiarities of behavioral processes under examination or intervention, or are they changes in guidance and in the basic conceptual system called "Experimental Behavior Analysis "? Questions like these are relevant when considering the still remaining issues about which there is a lack of scientific knowledge produced in a systematic way, given the complexity of the processes that constitute the therapeutic work and the limits imposed by the conceptual development and technological resources that enable such production. Thus, to characterize the historical changes in the clinical intervention of the behavior analysts is an important condition to evaluate intervention procedures conducted by contemporary behavior analysts in the clinical setting and the many foundations that guided and still guide their intervention. Since the emergence of the first interventions produced by behavior analysts, named "Behavior Therapy" in the early twentieth century, it has been remarkable the amount of subjects which call for clinical intervention. One major aspect concerns the guiding principles and foundations for intervention in the clinical setting, including the procedures derived from those principles and that are not sufficiently clear to support the different existing classifications. It is reasonable to assume that other variables, besides those that were already subject to examination, such as the small emphasis given to verbal behavior and private events in the clinical work of the behavior analysts, at least in the 1970s, affected the demand for characterization and titles that could be descriptive of a more appropriate and integrative name than the one that has been used to name a variety of procedures performed under the aegis of "behavior therapy". Some of these variables are: 1) Aristotelian and Galilee conceptions in contemporary psychology; 2) implications for psychologists of conceptions based solely on the medical model, rather than on the psychological model; 3) the consideration that the psychologists' behaviors may be part of the "problem" and not the "solution" in professional decisions that characterize the intervention; 4) advancement of knowledge about their own scientific behavior and its implications for the quality of their professional work; 5) necessity for constant questioning of what would be the psychologists' object of study and intervention; 6) need for systematic review and development of fundamental concepts in the field; 7) psychologists' need for being able to quickly turn relevant and accurately scientific knowledge produced into professional behaviors. Observing these different contributions probably will prevent that names given to characterizes the behavior analyst's clinical intervention are perceived as "territory demarcation", when the most promising would be to understand the names given as a resource to facilitate the identification of the specific type of contribution constituted for certain procedures or certain foundations and conceptions about the phenomena constituted by the therapist's intervention. The history of changes developed under the name of "Behavior Therapy" probably will enable the understanding of the foundations that guided what has been done so far and what will guide the behavior of new generations of behavior analysts. <![CDATA[<b>Verbal behavior for B. F. Skinner and S. C. Hayes</b>: <b>a synthesis based on the arbitrary social mediation of reinforcement</b>]]> A definição de comportamento verbal de Skinner não gerou consenso entre os analistas de comportamento quanto à sua adequação ao estudo do fenômeno da linguagem. Por isso (ela- tirei) tem gerado outras propostas explicativas. As críticas mais relevantes tiveram em Steven Hayes o seu principal proponente. Juntamente com seus colaboradores, o autor afirma que uma definição de comportamento verbal a partir da história do falante não seria funcional, pois não abordaria separadamente a história do ouvinte com relação aos estímulos verbais. Nesse sentido, para os autores, Skinner falhou em não ter explicitado os processos comportamentais envolvidos na compreensão do estímulo verbal pelo ouvinte que interage com um falante. No artigo, analisou-se a consistência dessa crítica por meio de uma revisão do papel do ouvinte nos operantes verbais skinnerianos. A seguir, investigou-se na concepção de Hayes e colaboradores, os processos que ocorreriam quando são estabelecidas relações arbitrárias entre estímulos, fenômeno que os autores afirmam estar na base da produção do comportamento verbal. Concluiu-se por uma possível complementação entre as análises de Hayes e Skinner com base na mediação social arbitrária do reforçamento.<hr/>The definition of Skinner's verbal behavior did not generate consensus among behavior analysts according to their adequacy in studying the phenomenon of language. So it has spawned other explanatory proposals. The most relevant criticism has Steven Hayes as the main proponent. Together with his collaborators, the author asserts that a definition mainly from the history of the speaker would not be functional because it not addresses separately the history of the listener with respect to verbal stimuli. In the article we analyzed the consistency of his criticism through a review of Skinnerian verbal operants. We investigate in Hayes' conception the processes that occur when arbitrary relations between stimuli are established. According to the authors, that phenomenon would result in production of verbal behavior. It was concluded by a possible complementation between Hayes and Skinner analysis based on the arbitrary social mediation of reinforcement.