Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Interamerican Journal of Psychology]]> vol. 41 num. 3 lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Entrevista de Prototipos de Apego Adulto (EPAA)</b>: <b>propiedades psicométricas de su versión en Chile</b>]]> En la extensa producción de instrumentos para evaluar apego en adultos ha surgido una alternativa en formato de entrevista: “Adult Attachment Prototype Rating (AAPR)”. Este artículo presenta los resultados de la adaptación al español y el estudio de las propiedades psicométricas de la AAPR en el contexto sociocultural chileno. A partir de un diseño muestral de dos etapas, el estudio de confiabilidad se llevó a cabo utilizando jueces ciegos y la validez fue probada con dos cuestionarios como criterio. Los resultados muestran una confiabilidad interjueces similar a estudios que emplean el instrumento original. El estudio de validez mostró resultados satisfactorios y consistentes. Se discuten los resultados a la luz de la problemática de utilizar instrumentos que evalúan constructos diferentes.<hr/>In the extensive production of adult attachments measures, an alternative has arisen in the format of an interview: the “Adult Attachment Prototype Rating (AAPR)”. This article presents the results of a Spanish adaptation and the AAPR´s psychometric properties in the sociocultural Chilean context. Based on two stages sample design, the study of reliability was achieved through blind judges and validity was proved by two questionnaires as criterion. The results show a similar interrater reliability to studies that have used the original instrument. The study of validity showed satisfactory and consistent results. These results are discussed in the light of the constraints of using instruments that assess different constructs. <![CDATA[<b>Desarrollo del test de alfabetización económica para adultos</b>]]> Este trabajo presenta la elaboración del Test de Alfabetización Económica para Adultos, versión 25 Items (TAE-A-25), derivado de un instrumento homónimo de mayor longitud construido previamente por los autores. El TAE-A-25 es una prueba compuesta por items de elección múltiple, de 4 alternativas, y está inspirado en el Test of Economic Literacy (TEL) para adolescentes (Soper & Walstad, 1987). Sus items abarcan cuatro áreas de conocimientos básicos sobre economía y evalúan conceptos y habililidades procedimentales. Se presentan análisis realizados a partir de la Teoría Clásica de los Tests sobre las respuestas dadas al instrumento por una muestra de 840 adultos chilenos de ambos géneros, entre 18 y 50 años. Los análisis permitieron obtener un instrumento de 25 items, con adecuados niveles de dificultad (.24 < p < .76), discriminación (.27 < p < .54), y confiabilidad (GLB=.87), además de óptimo comportamiento de los distractores. Se discuten los resultados y se comentan las limitaciones del instrumento.<hr/>This paper presents the development of the Test of Economic Literacy for Adults, version of 25 items (TAE-A-25), derived from a test previously constructed by the authors. The TAE-A-25 is composed for multiple-choice items, with 4 options, and it's inspired in the Test of Economic Literacy (TEL) for adolescents (Soper & Walstad, 1987). Their items include four areas of basic knowledge on economy and evaluate conceptual understanding and procedural skills. The analyses where realized in the Classical Test Theory framework, based on a sample of 840 male and female Chileans, aged between 18 and 50 years. The analyses allowed to obtain a test of 25 items, with appropriate levels of difficulty (24 < p < 76), discrimination (27 < p < 54), and reliability (GLB=.87), in addition to optimal performance of the item options. The results are discussed and the limitations of the test commented. <![CDATA[<b>Brazilian adaptation of the verbal tests from the Woodcock-Johnson III battery</b>]]> Considerando a importância da Bateria Woodcock-Johnson III (WJ-III) para avaliação das habilidades cognitivas, o objetivo do estudo foi realizar uma adaptação brasileira dos seus testes verbais (Vocabulário, Sinônimos, Antônimos, Analogias Verbais). A amostra foi composta por 448 indivíduos (232 sexo feminino, 216 sexo masculino ), idades entre 7 a 18 anos, estudantes de escolas de 4 cidades do estado de São Paulo/(Brasil). A versão brasileira foi composta por itens retirados da WJ-III, da Bateria-R e de livros escolares. A investigação da precisão e validade do total de itens foi feita utilizando-se o coeficiente Kuder-Richardson e a Teoria de Resposta ao Item. Os resultados revelam que cada um dos subtestes possui um único fator principal, explicando mais de 40% da variância total dos escores, com confiabilidade acima de 0,89. Portanto, foi verificada a importância dos itens brasileiros e a necessidade de adaptação dos testes verbais da WJ-III para o Brasil.<hr/>Considering the important contribution the Woodcock-Johnson III Battery has to assess cognitive abilities, this study aimed to adapt its verbal tests (Vocabulary, Synonyms, Antonyms and Verbal Analogies) to the Brazilian culture. The participants were 448 children and youth (232 girls, 216 boys), ages ranging from 7 through 18, who were enrolled in schools located in 4 cities in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The Brazilian version was composed by items from the WJ-III, its previous Spanish version (Bateria-R) and school books. The reliability and validity of these items were analyzed using the Kuder_Richardson coefficient and the Item Response Theory. Results indicated that each verbal subtest had one main factor, explaining more than 40% of variance. Reliability coefficients obtained were above 0.89. In conclusion, the importance of adding new items to the verbal tests was verified indicating the need to adapt the WJ-III for use in Brazil. <![CDATA[<b>Escala Para Medir Agencia Personal y Empoderamiento (ESAGE)</b>]]> Existe en la literatura una discusión muy extensa, aunque no siempre clara, acerca de la importancia del desarrollo humano. Por ello es necesario contar con las capacidades que permitan fomentar su crecimiento y sustentabilidad. Los conceptos de agencia personal y empoderamiento son centrales en esta discusión. La distinción entre ambos no siempre ha sido clara. De hecho, muchas veces se usan indistintamente. Con base en la experiencia empírica de diseñar, implementar y evaluar programas de desarrollo humano con poblaciones marginadas, se ha observado que éstos van más allá de cambios en conductas, logrando incluso el desarrollo de agencia personal y empoderamiento. Con el fin de poder medir estos dos componentes, se construyó una escala que muestra que son dos conceptos relacionados y separados a la vez. La Escala de Agencia Personal y Empoderamiento (ESAGE) está conformada por dos subescalas; agencia personal con 35 reactivos y empoderamiento con 7. Ambas cuentan con excelentes valores de consistencia interna (alphas de Cronbach de .718 y .749 respectivamente).<hr/>The literature contains an extensive discussion regarding the importance of human development. The macro-goal of human development also requires the formation of capabilities at the personal level, which lead to psycho-social growth and sustainability. Central to this discussion are the concepts of personal agency and empowerment. The distinction between the two concepts has not always been clear; often they are used indistinctively. Based on the practical experience of designing, implementing and evaluating human development programs with marginalized populations, we have developed the Personal Agency and Empowerment (ESAGE, Scale for its initials in Spanish) composed of two subscales: personal agency (35 items) and empowerment (67items). Both have demonstrated a high degree of internal consistency (Cronbach alphas of .718 and .749 respectively). <![CDATA[<b>La elección real e ideal de pareja</b>: <b>un estudio con parejas establecidas</b>]]> El objetivo fue detectar cuáles fueron las características físicas, de personalidad y sociales tomadas en cuenta cuando se eligió a la pareja actual, y cuáles serían las que ahora preferiría, si pudiera hacer una nueva elección. Se trabajó con 100 parejas establecidas con más de cinco años de permanencia. Se utilizó el cuestionario de elección de pareja, con instrucciones específicas para la elección real e ideal. Los resultados mostraron diferencias por sexo, respecto de las características tomadas en cuenta para la elección real e ideal de la pareja. En la real, los hombres se orientaron por elegir alguien físicamente atractiva, en comparación con las mujeres que eligieron alguien con características de formalidad. En cuanto a la elección ideal, destaca la preferencia de los aspectos físicos en ambos sexos. Al comparar la elección real con la ideal por sexo, de forma general se encontró que ambos sexos tenderían a elegir a una persona diferente pero con características muy similares a su pareja actual. Sin embargo, los hombres en contraste con las mujeres buscarían no repetir el modelo de pareja, ya que, la eligirían con menos características de parecido con su pareja actual. Aparentemente las mujeres se muestran más satisfechas con la elección que hicieron de su pareja real.<hr/>The objective was to detect which were the physical, personality and social characteristics taken in care when the actual couple was chosen and which ones would be preferred now if it would be possible to choose another person. It worked with 100 established couples with more than five years of relationship and permanence. It was used the couple's choice questionnaire. It has specific instructions for the real and ideal choice. Results show differences by sex, according to the taken-in care characteristics for the real and ideal selection of the couple. In the real choice, men were oriented by choosing an attractive female in comparison with women who choose a man with formality characteristics. Referred to the ideal choice, both sexes prefer to think about physical aspects. By comparing the real and the ideal choose by sex, in a general form, it founded that both sexes would have the same tendency by choosing a different person but with similar characteristics of their actual couple. In contrast with women, men wouldn't like to repeat the same couple model, because they would choose her with less similar characteristics of their actual couple. Apparently, women are more satisfied with their real election. <![CDATA[<b>La relación entre niveles de la actividad física y la experiencia de estrés y de síntomas de malestar físico</b>]]> El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar los efectos de la actividad física sobre la experiencia de estrés y de síntomas de malestar físico. Incluyó la evaluación y seguimiento de 124 individuos mediante autoinforme, relativo a la frecuencia de la actividad física, hábitos de salud, estrés y experiencia de síntomas de malestar físico. Los resultados indicaron que los individuos activos físicamente presentaron menores niveles de estrés, menor frecuencia e intensidad de síntomas de malestar físico en comparación con individuos inactivos. Las diferencias encontradas no se han debido a diferencias en las características sociodemográficas de los participantes. Además, se identificó un efecto dosis-respuesta en relación a la actividad física y las variables dependientes, es decir a mayor frecuencia de actividad física, mayor beneficio en las medidas de autoinforme. Dichos resultados apoyan la idea de que la actividad física puede tener un efecto amortiguador sobre la experiencia de estrés y las molestias de salud.<hr/>The aim of the present study was to identify the effects of general physical activity on the experience of stress and symptoms of physical distress. The study included the assessment and follow up of 124 individuals by self-report questionnaires relative to the frequency of the physical activity, health lifestyles, stress and experience of symptoms of physical distress. The results indicated that the physically active individuals presented less stress levels, less frequency and intensity of symptoms of physical distress. The differences found were not related to differences in the sociodemographical characteristics of the participants. In addition, a doses-response effect in relation to the physical activity and the dependent variables was identified, in other words, a greater frequency of physical activity was related to greater benefit in the self-report measures. These results support the idea that the physical activity can have a buffering effect on the experience of stress and the health distress. <![CDATA[<b>Comparando el color de miedo y evolución de un grupo</b>: <b>un estudio modelo</b>]]> This article compared two films: (a) The color of fear and (b) Evolution of a group using the Multicultural Awareness Knowledge and Skills Survey and the Counselor Skills and Personal Development Rating Form. The results indicated significant differences in multicultural counseling skills evidenced by the leader of The color of fear when compared with those skills of the leaders of Evolution of a group [t(6) = 3.43, p<.001].<hr/>Este articulo compara dos peliculas: (a) The color of fear (El color del miedo) y (b) Evolution of a group (Evolucion de un grupo) usando el Multicultural Awareness Knwloedge and Skills Survey y el Counselor Skills and Personal Devlopment Rating From. Los resultados indican diferencias significativas en las destrazas multiculturales en el leader del group en The color fear cuando se comparan con las destrazas de los ledaeres de Evolution of a group [t(6) = 3.43, p<.001]. <![CDATA[<b>Temporal estimation of rats with hippocampal lesion in operant conditional discrimination</b>]]> O desempenho de ratos com lesão no giro denteado do hipocampo foi avaliado durante tarefa operante de discriminação condicional com manipulação da duração do estímulo-característica. Foram usados 16 ratos privados de água: oito lesados no giro denteado com microinjeções de colchicina e oito controle-operados. Os ratos foram submetidos a treino de discriminação condicional positiva (práticas L15<img border=0 width=32 height=32 src="../img/revistas/rip/v41n3/3a08f1.jpg">T5+ e T5-) e negativa (L5<img border=0 width=32 height=32 src="../img/revistas/rip/v41n3/3a08f1.jpg">R15- e R15+), sendo L estímulo-característica luz branca, T (tom puro) e R (ruído branco) estímulos-alvo, 5 e 15 durações em segundos, seta (<img border=0 width=32 height=32 src="../img/revistas/rip/v41n3/3a08f1.jpg">) intervalo vazio de 5 s e + e - presença e ausência de reforçamento, respectivamente. O teste empregou práticas de extinção, com durações de L de 15, 13, 11, 9, 7 e 5 s. Os dados mostraram aquisição da discriminação condicional positiva e negativa, sem diferenças entre o grupo experimental e o controle. Diferentes durações de um estímulo podem adquirir propriedades condicionais. Contudo, o processamento da duração do estímulo-característica parece não depender somente do giro denteado do hipocampo.<hr/>The performance of rats with hippocampus´ dentate gyrus lesion was evaluated during an operant conditional discrimination task with manipulation of the duration of the feature-stimulus. Sixteen rats under water deprivation were used: eight lesioned in the dentate gyrus by colchicine microinjections and eight sham-operated. The rats were submitted to a conditional discrimination training with feature-positive practices (L15<img border=0 width=32 height=32 src="../img/revistas/rip/v41n3/3a08f1.jpg">T5+ and T5-) and feature-negative practices (L5<img border=0 width=32 height=32 src="../img/revistas/rip/v41n3/3a08f1.jpg">R15- and R15+), where L is feature-stimulus white light, T (pure tone) and R (white noise) are target-stimuli, 5 and 15 are durations in seconds, arrow (<img border=0 width=32 height=32 src="../img/revistas/rip/v41n3/3a08f1.jpg">) is a 5 s empty interval and + and - are presence and absence of reinforcement, respectively. In the test, practices in extinction were used, with L durations of 15, 13, 11, 9, 7 and 5 s. The data indicated acquisition of positive and negative conditional discrimination, without differences between the experimental group and the control group. Different durations of a stimulus can acquire conditional properties. However, the feature-stimulus duration processing apparently do not depends on the hippocampus´ dentate gyrus alone. <![CDATA[<b>Eficacia personal, actitudes hacia inmigrantes, y comportamiento de votación en angloamericanos y latinos</b>]]> This study tests a model linking attitudes towards immigrants with personal efficacy and voting behavior on proposition 187 (an endorsement of an anti-immigrant ballot initiative in California). Using a sample of 218 White and Latino university student results indicated that whites endorsed greater negative attitudes towards immigrants (on the Attitudes Towards Immigrants Scale) as compared to Latinos. In addition, Latinos were more internal in their personal efficacy (on the Spheres of Control Scale) when compared to Whites. Consistent with research drawn from a subset of attribution theory, we also found that for Whites, greater internal personal efficacy was associated with more negative attitudes towards immigrants. Also supporting a subset of research in attribution theory, for Whites, greater internal personal efficacy was associated with support for proposition 187. For both Whites and Latinos, those who held more negative attitudes towards immigrants were more likely to report having voted for proposition 187. For Latinos, no relationships were found between personal efficacy and neither attitudes towards immigrants nor voting behavior. Study implications are discussed.<hr/>Esta investigación prueba un modelo conectando actitudes hacia inmigrantes con eficacia personal, y comportamiento de votación sobre la iniciativa 187 (una iniciativa de la balota con un tema contra-inmigrante que fue puesta a voto en el estado de California, en EEUU). Usando una muestra de 218 estudiantes universitarios que se identifican como angloamericanos y latinos, los resultados indican que los angloamericanos endorsaron mayores actitudes negativas hacia inmigrantes (en la Escala de Actitudes hacia los Inmigrantes) en comparación a los latinos. Además, los latinos fueron más internos en sus reportes de eficacia personal (usando la Escala Sobre Esferas de Control) en comparación a los angloamericanos. Consistente con algunas teorías de atribución, también encontramos que para los angloamericanos, mayor eficacia personal interna fue asociada con actitudes más negativas hacia inmigrantes. También dando apoyo a unas teorías de atribución, para los angloamericanos, mayor eficacia personal interna fue asociada con apoyo para la iniciativa 187. Entre todos los participantes, angloamericanos y latinos, los que llevaron a cabo actitudes más negativas hacia inmigrantes fueron más probables de apoyar el asunto 187. Para latinos, no se encontró ningunas relaciones entre la eficacia personal y las actitudes hacia inmigrantes ni comportamiento de votación. Implicaciones del estudio serán discutido. <![CDATA[<b>The quality of positive interaction and parental consistency as related to behavior problems in preschoolers</b>]]> Estudos indicam relação entre problemas de comportamento e práticas parentais, especialmente comunicação, expressividade, consistência e monitoria. Esta pesquisa visa descrever, a partir de relatos, relações que os pais estabelecem com seus filhos pré-escolares, comparando Habilidades Sociais Educativas Parentais de pais e mães de crianças com e sem problemas de comportamento na escola. A pesquisa foi conduzida em escolas de educação infantil de uma cidade em São Paulo, BR. Participaram mães e pais biológicos de 24 crianças com problemas de comportamento e 24 crianças indicadas como socialmente habilidosas. Os pais responderam individualmente a um questionário, em sua residência. Os resultados indicaram que os pais e as mães do grupo sem problemas eram mais consistentes em suas práticas. Eles também, com maior freqüência, identificavam, descreviam e relatavam reforçar positivamente os comportamentos socialmente habilidosos dos filhos.<hr/>Studies have shown a relationship to exist between behavior problems in children and quality of parental practices such as communication, expressivity, consistency, and monitoring. This study aimed at describing relationships that parents have with their preschool children, and also at relating parenting skills to child behavior. We compared fathers' and mothers' social educational skills in two groups of children, with or without behavior problems at school. Research was conducted in a town in the State of Sao Paulo, BR. Participants were biological mothers and fathers of 48 preschoolers; twenty-five children presented behavior problems at school, and 24 had high social skills. Parents were individually interviewed at home. Results showed that fathers and mothers of socially skilled children were more consistent in their practices. They were more able to identify and describe their children's socially skilled behaviors. They also reported they gave more positive feedbak for their children's good behavior. <![CDATA[<b>Brazilian women and political militancy during the military dictatorship</b>: <b>the complex dynamics of the identity processes</b>]]> O período da ditadura militar, instaurada no País em 1964 e que perdurou até 1985, marcado por uma sucessão de mudanças políticas, econômicas e sociais, caracterizou-se também pela gradativa e intensa repressão político-social aos seus opositores. Nesse cenário, destaca-se a militância política de mulheres opositoras ao regime. Buscamos nessa investigação focalizar os aspectos psicossociais, principalmente aqueles relacionados aos processos identitários, implicados na interconexão entre relações de gênero e campo político na militância de mulheres contra a ditadura militar brasileira, entre os anos de 1964 e 1985. Com esse objetivo, foram realizadas entrevistas individuais com 09 mulheres que participaram de organizações que possuíam uma clara posição de resistência ao regime autoritário entre os anos de 1964 e 1973. A análise dos dados aponta que transformando o contexto social e sendo por ele transformadas, essas mulheres, então, tanto no campo da política quanto no das relações de gênero, romperam com códigos tradicionais de conduta e propuseram, em seus lugares, formas alternativas de viver a condição feminina.<hr/>The military dictatorship period, which began in 1964 and lasted until 1985, marked by a succession of political, economical, and social changes, also characterized itself by the gradual and intense politico-social repression towards its antagonists. In this scenery, is remarkable the political activism of women antagonists to the regime. We aimed in this investigation to focus the psychosocial aspects, mainly those related to the identity processes, implied in the interconnection between gender relations and politics in women activism opposing against the dictatorial regime, from 1964 until 1985, in Brazil. With this objective, individual interviews were conducted with 09 women who participated of organizations which clearly stood as resistance against the military dictatorship between 1964 and 1973. The data analysis shows that transforming the social context and being transformed by it, these women, then, both within the political sphere and within gender relations, broke traditional code of conduct and proposed, instead, alternative forms to live the feminine condition. <![CDATA[<b>Razonamiento proporcional intuitivo en alumnos de primaria y secundaria</b>]]> La comprensión de las relaciones de proporción se analiza de acuerdo con el rendimiento y las estrategias. La muestra se formó con 24 alumnos de quinto de primaria y 24 escolares de segundo de secundaria. La tarea consistió en resolver problemas numéricos e intuitivos de proporciones. Los resultados indican que los alumnos desarrollan más el razonamiento proporcional en los problemas intuitivos. Las estrategias lógicas se usan más en los problemas intuitivos por ambos grupos, mientras que las estrategias intuitivas se manifiestan más en los problemas numéricos en quinto grado y en los problemas intuitivos en segundo de secundaria. Existe una interacción entre el conocimiento formal e intuitivo respecto a las proporciones.<hr/>The purpose of this study was to examine understand of proportional relations according to improvement and strategies. Task problem-solving numerics and intuitive proportions were administered to 48 childrens in 5th grade and 8th grade. Results revealed that students developed more proportional reasoning in intuitive problems. Logic strategies were used more in intuitive problems by both groups. Intutive strategies were used more by 5th grade in numeric problems and by 8th in intuitive problems. There were interaction between intuitive and formal knowledge on proportions. <![CDATA[<b>Social representations, individual representations and behavior</b>]]> Este trabalho é uma revisão da literatura sobre a teoria das representações sociais. Tem por objetivo apresentar um entendimento global acerca da teoria e do fenômeno das representações sociais e da relação entre indivíduo e grupo na teoria, mais especificamente as relações entre representações sociais e individuais e as relações entre representações sociais e comportamento. Tomam-se como base estudos empíricos e ensaios teóricos publicados na literatura científica internacional. Conclui-se que a teoria possui características que a aproximam de um paradigma de pesquisa e indica-se a relevância de investigar de modo mais aprofundado os efeitos de contextos interacionais com objetos sociais e relações entre pensamento social e individual.<hr/>This paper is a bibliographical review about social representations theory. Its objective is to present a global understanding about the theory and phenomenon of social representations, as well as the relationship given by individual and group in the theory, more specifically the relationships between social and individual representations and the relationships between social representations and behavior. Empirical studies and theoretical essays published in scientific international literature are taken as a basis. It is concluded that the theory has characteristics that make it close to a research paradigm and the relevance of investigating in depth the effects of interaction contexts with social objects and relationships between social and individual thinking is indicated. <![CDATA[<b>Significado psicológico del amor pasional</b>: <b>lo claro y lo obscuro</b>]]> El Amor es un concepto complejo que ha sido objeto de atención, estudio y distinciones teórico-empíricas. Dentro de estas aproximaciones, se propone la existencia del amor pasional basado en la excitación y en una intensa emoción que tiene al menos dos matices: cuando la persona amada corresponde a nuestro amor provocando con ello un sentimiento de éxtasis (amor recíproco) y cuando nos rechaza, lo que favorece sentimientos de agonía y desesperanza (amor no correspondido). La literatura antigua, vincula al amor pasional al mito y a la realidad, y esto se evidencia en las historias de amantes atrapados en una ola de pasión y violencia como es el caso de Odiseo y Penélope o Romeo y Julieta. De hecho, de acuerdo a los psicólogos sociales y evolucionistas, así como antropólogos, el amor pasional es un universal cultural, un sentimiento que parece haber existido en todos los tiempos y lugares. Con base en esto, los objetivos del presente estudio fueron a) identificar los pensamientos, emociones y conductas positivas y negativas que se perciben de la pasión, b) y basados en los resultados previos, diseñar y validar una prueba que evalúe lo positivo y lo negativo de la pasión, en una muestra de hombres y mujeres de la Ciudad de México que habían reportado la experiencia de pasión. Los resultados muestran la gama de intensidades en lo que toca a las cogniciones y emociones involucradas con el ímpetu, felicidad, vulnerabilidad, obsesión y sufrimiento de estos tipos de pasión y la aportación de una prueba psicológica válida y confiable.<hr/>Love as complex concept has been studied from different points of view. One of the most interesting theories about love proposes that passionate love is based on arousal and intense emotion. When the beloved person returns our passionate love (reciprocated), we feel ecstasy, when this person rejects our love (unrequited), we feel agony. The historical record tends to confirm the hypothesis that passionate love has always existed. The earliest literature, bound up between myth and reality, abounds in stories of lovers caught up is a swell of passion and violence, in western: Odysseus and Penelope and Romeo and Juliet. Based on these, the purposes of this study were: a) identify the positive and negative emotions and thoughts related to passionate love experience, b) based on first part, we develop a measure of positive and negative sides of passion in a Mexico City sample. Findings showed a wide range of intensities about cognitions and emotions involved as happiness, vulnerability, obsession, suffering, etc., and a valid and reliable test. <![CDATA[<b>Ferramenta útil na pesquisa e clínica de neuropsicologia</b>: <b>um compêndio de testes neuropsicológicos</b>]]> El Amor es un concepto complejo que ha sido objeto de atención, estudio y distinciones teórico-empíricas. Dentro de estas aproximaciones, se propone la existencia del amor pasional basado en la excitación y en una intensa emoción que tiene al menos dos matices: cuando la persona amada corresponde a nuestro amor provocando con ello un sentimiento de éxtasis (amor recíproco) y cuando nos rechaza, lo que favorece sentimientos de agonía y desesperanza (amor no correspondido). La literatura antigua, vincula al amor pasional al mito y a la realidad, y esto se evidencia en las historias de amantes atrapados en una ola de pasión y violencia como es el caso de Odiseo y Penélope o Romeo y Julieta. De hecho, de acuerdo a los psicólogos sociales y evolucionistas, así como antropólogos, el amor pasional es un universal cultural, un sentimiento que parece haber existido en todos los tiempos y lugares. Con base en esto, los objetivos del presente estudio fueron a) identificar los pensamientos, emociones y conductas positivas y negativas que se perciben de la pasión, b) y basados en los resultados previos, diseñar y validar una prueba que evalúe lo positivo y lo negativo de la pasión, en una muestra de hombres y mujeres de la Ciudad de México que habían reportado la experiencia de pasión. Los resultados muestran la gama de intensidades en lo que toca a las cogniciones y emociones involucradas con el ímpetu, felicidad, vulnerabilidad, obsesión y sufrimiento de estos tipos de pasión y la aportación de una prueba psicológica válida y confiable.<hr/>Love as complex concept has been studied from different points of view. One of the most interesting theories about love proposes that passionate love is based on arousal and intense emotion. When the beloved person returns our passionate love (reciprocated), we feel ecstasy, when this person rejects our love (unrequited), we feel agony. The historical record tends to confirm the hypothesis that passionate love has always existed. The earliest literature, bound up between myth and reality, abounds in stories of lovers caught up is a swell of passion and violence, in western: Odysseus and Penelope and Romeo and Juliet. Based on these, the purposes of this study were: a) identify the positive and negative emotions and thoughts related to passionate love experience, b) based on first part, we develop a measure of positive and negative sides of passion in a Mexico City sample. Findings showed a wide range of intensities about cognitions and emotions involved as happiness, vulnerability, obsession, suffering, etc., and a valid and reliable test.