Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Interamerican Journal of Psychology]]> vol. 43 num. 2 lang. p <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Development of a norms and beliefs scale for Mexican college students</b>]]> Teniendo como objetivo desarrollar y validar una escala para medir normas y creencias en universitarios mexicanos, se construyó una escala tipo Likert de 106 items a partir de investigaciones locales previas y se aplicó a 339 mujeres universitarias y 278 hombres universitarios. El análisis factorial con rotación ortogonal arrojó 7 factores conceptualmente claros y estadísticamente robustos y 67 reactivos con cargas factoriales superiores a .40, los factores son: homofobia, tradicionalismo, clonación, aborto, apertura al cambio, consumo de drogas y apertura sexual. La confiabilidad total de la escala es de .89. Con excepción del factor de apertura al cambio todas las medias puntuaron por debajo de la media teórica. Finalmente diferencias significativas indicaron mayor aceptación por los hombres en todos los factores.<hr/>In order to develop and validate a scale to measure Norms and Beliefs in Mexican students, a 106 item Likert type scale was constructed from previous indigenous work and applied to 339 college females and 278 males. Orthogonal Factor analysis yields 7 conceptually clear and statistically robust factors and 67 remaining items with factor scores above .40, those factors are: homophobia, traditionalism, cloning, abortion, openness to change, drugs abuse and sexual openness. The total scale reliability is of.89. With the exception of openness to change, all means were under the theoretical mean. Finally, significant differences indicate higher acceptance of all factors by males. <![CDATA[<b>Self - concept and cognitive skills in interpersonal problem solving in Argentinean school children</b>: <b>comparative study</b>]]> El propósito de este trabajo fue explorar factores del autoconcepto y habilidades cognitivas para la solución de problemas interpersonales en dos grupos de niños/as del Gran Mendoza - Argentina. Los grupos estuvieron formados por escolares entre 8 y 10 años de edad. El primer grupo (n=37) estuvo integrado por niños víctimas de maltrato infantil (físico, psicológico y por negligencia) que concurren a los servicios públicos de asistencia familiar en hospitales y centros de salud. El otro grupo (n=37) estuvo conformado por niños sin esta problemática. Se describieron y compararon los factores de autoconcepto y las habilidades cognitivas involucradas en el proceso de solución de problemas interpersonales en ambos grupos. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: el Test de Evaluación de Habilidades Cognitivas de Solución de Problemas Interpersonales (EVHACOSPI) de García Pérez y Magaz Lago (1998) y el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto de Valdéz Medina (1994). Los resultados señalaron la existencia de diferencias significativas en variables relacionadas con aspectos emocionales y afectivos entre ambos grupos. Esto orienta el diseño de estrategias de intervención que favorezcan el desarrollo de habilidades interpersonales en niños con fines tanto preventivos como asistenciales.<hr/>The aim of the present study was to explore self-concept and cognitive skills for the solution of interpersonal problems in two groups of school-aged children from Gran Mendoza (Mendoza - Argentina). The groups were formed by children between 8 and 10 years old. The first group (n=37) was integrated by victims of child maltreatment (physical, psychological and by negligence) that assist to the public services for familiar assistance in hospitals. The other group (n=37) was formed by children without this problematic. For the evaluation of the cognitive abilities involved in interpersonal problem solving the variables taken were: emotion identification and alternative generation. Self-concept, emotion identification and the skill to generate alternatives of solution for interpersonal problems were described and compared in both groups. In order to achieve the proposed aim the used instruments were: (EVHACOSPI) (García Perez & Magaz Lago, 1998) and Escala de Autoconcepto infantil (Valdéz Medina, 1994). The results of this work will serve to design intervention strategies to promote the development of interpersonal abilities in children and to design programs with preventive and assistance aims. <![CDATA[<b>Psychometric properties of the female attitude towards surrogacy scale</b>]]> El presente trabajo expone los resultados de la psicometría de la Escala de Actitud de la Población Femenina hacia la Subrogacía. Se discute la definición del término al igual que las implicaciones del procedimiento, tanto para la madre subrogada como para los futuros padres. Se presenta el progreso que ha tenido la subrogacía en Puerto Rico y la necesidad de que se siga investigando. El procedimiento consiste en presentar un documento educativo sobre el tema a una muestra por disponibilidad de mujeres puertorriqueños/as mayores de 21 años de edad y luego administrarles un cuestionario sobre actitudes hacia la subrogacía. Los resultados de esta investigación servirán de base para desarrollar política pública, además de un programa de educación sobre la subrogacía para el público en general.<hr/>The present work shows the results of the psychometric properties study of the Female Attitude towards Surrogacy Scale. The definition of the term is discussed, as well as the implications of the procedure, both for the surrogate mother and for the intended parents. The progress that surrogacy has had in Puerto Rico and the need for future investigations is presented. The procedure consisted of presenting an educational document on the topic to a sample of Puerto Rican females, 21 years of age or older, selected by availability and administering an attitude questionnaire on surrogacy. The results of this investigation will serve as the foudation to develop public policies, in addition to a surrogacy education program for the general public. <![CDATA[<b>Affective dependence and gender</b>: <b>symptomatic profile in Spanish affective dependents</b>]]> Se ofrece un análisis clínico y psicosocial de la Dependencia Afectiva descrita como un tipo de dependencia sentimental caracterizada por la manifestación de comportamientos adictivos de apego patológico en la relación interpersonal. Se han evaluado los factores sintomáticos diferenciales de 78 casos diagnosticados de dependencia afectiva mediante el Test de Dependencias Sentimentales (TDS-100) con respecto a la población general (N=311). Según el perfil hallado se comprueba que los dependientes afectivos experimentan una dependencia pura con posesividad y manifestación de craving y abstinencia, presentan desajustes afectivos en forma de sentimientos negativos (culpa, vacío emocional, miedo al abandono) e inescapabilidad emocional, manifiestan conflictos de Identidad (pseudosimbiosis) y usan un locus de control externo. En población clínica se ha hallado que los varones son más buscadores de sensaciones y se muestran más inflexibles (Yo rígido) y las mujeres emplean más mecanismos de negación y no afrontamiento con conciencia de problema nula o distorsionada.<hr/>It offers a clinical and psychosocial analysis of the Affective Dependence, described as a type of sentimental dependence characterized by the manifestation of addictive behaviors of pathological attachment in the interpersonal relation. We have evaluated the symptomatic differential factors of 78 cases diagnosed of affective dependence by means of the Test of Sentimental Dependences (TDS-100) with regard to the general population (N=311). In agreement to the found differential profile in affective dependents we verify that they show a pure Dependence with possessively and craving and abstinence, they develop experience affective disruptions with negative feelings (blame, emotional vacuum, fear of abandonment), and emotional inscape sentiment, identity conflicts (pseudo symbiosis) and an extern control locus. In clinical population has found that the males are more seekers of sensations and they prove a stiff Self and the women use more mechanisms of denial and not confrontation, with void or distorted conscience of problem. <![CDATA[<b>Variables of gender in the distribution of housework and children care</b>]]> Este estudio tiene como objeto identificar las variables implicadas en la participación parental. Los participantes fueron 130 parejas de doble ingreso y con niños menores de 12 años. Los resultados muestran que las diferentes formas de distribución de las tareas domésticas en la pareja se relacionan con los roles de género y la percepción de injusticia, mientras que la variable más eficaz en las tareas de cuidado es la conciencia de género. Por otra parte, se aprecia que las variables predictoras de la participación en las tareas domésticas son diferentes a las del cuidado de los hijos. Mientras para los hombres son las variable psicosociales (normas de estatus, conciencia de género y trabajo emocional) los mejores predictores de su participación, en las mujeres son las variables sociolaborales (horario e ingresos) las más significativas. Estos resultados sugieren que la participación de los hombres en la esfera familiar está mucho más influenciada por su ideología de género que en el caso de las mujeres.<hr/>This study investigates predictors of paternal involvement. Participants were 130 couples with children smaller than twelve. The results show that the different ways of household distribution between the couple is related to gender role and the perception of injustice. In relation to care children, the most relevant variable to differentiate among groups was gender awareness. It is also appreciated that the predictors of the participation in the domestic tasks are different to those of care of children. While the predictors of men’s participation were psychosocial variables (status norms, gender awareness and emotional work), in women were structural variables (schedule and incomes) the most significant. Those findings suggest that father involvement is more related to gender ideology than in mother, also fathers spent more time in care children than domestic task. <![CDATA[<b>Development of gender role identity in psycho-socio-cultural perspective</b>: <b>a conceptual path</b>]]> La construcción de la identidad de género, es decir, la identidad que recoge los imperativos sobre el ser hombre o mujer, es un proceso complejo que involucra factores biológicos, sociales, culturales y psicológicos. Existen diferentes modelos que pretende conceptualizar la manera en la cual desde la infancia las personas desarrollan un sentido personal de sí mismo, empero, existen algunas dificultades en torno a la conceptuación de este término y en gran medida dichas aproximaciones sólo enfatizan un aspecto particular del desarrollo de la identidad de género dejando de lado su complejidad y multifactorialidad. En el presente trabajo tengo como propósito proporcionar un encuadre general de la conceptuación teórica de la identidad de género desde la psicología, así como ofrecer un panorama general sobre los elementos que configuran su desarrollo tanto en lo individual como en lo social haciendo uso de hallazgos relevantes en el contexto de la cultura mexicana.<hr/>Building gender role identity (i.e. such identity that picks the musts of being a man or a woman), is a complex process involving biological, social, cultural and psychosocial factors. There are different theoretical models that try to conceptualize ways people develop a personal sense of themselves since childhood, but there have been difficulties in this conceptualization and in a great way such approaches only emphasize a particular dimension in gender role identity leaving outside its complexity and multifactorial nature. In this work my purpose is to deliver a general grid of this gender role identity theoretical conception from the psychological perspective, as well as offering a general landscape about the configuring elements of its individual development and its social development using relevant empirical research in the Mexican cultural context. <![CDATA[<b>The pitchfork princess</b>: <b>Transforming the torment of shame</b>]]> Gestalt therapist and adolescent client collaborated in writing an account of the therapeutic process in understanding and transforming a rupture within the adolescent’s sense of self, originated in shame and resulting in suicidal depression. The report includes an evaluation of the etiology of the adolescent’s internal conflict between sense of inadequacy in social and sexual relationships and her self-judgment and self-rejection. Through the support of the therapeutic relationship, the adolescent girl built self support by experimenting with expressing her emotions, especially anger, to family members and close friends. The process whereby the therapist facilitated the adolescent in restoring integration of self and a sense of self worth and self love is described. Furthermore, a brief discussion of perspectives of early Greeks to those in contemporary psychological literature on the dynamics of shame and self hatred is presented.<hr/>Esto artículo presenta un trabajo de colaboración entre una Gestalt terapeuta y su cliente adolescente que escriben sobre su proceso terapéutico, buscando entender y transformar una ruptura en su sentido de self que se originó en la vergüenza y resultó en depresión suicida. Esto trabajo incluye una evaluación cerca de la etiología del conflicto interno de la adolescente entre su sentido de inadecuación con respecto a relaciones sociales y sexuales y su auto juicio y rechazamiento. A través de la ayuda de la relación terapéutica, la adolescente construyo auto-suporte, experimentando expresar sus emociones, especialmente la rabia, a los miembros de la familia y a amigos. El proceso en que la terapeuta ayuda la adolescente en la restauración de la integración del self y de un sentido de auto-estima y auto-valoración es descrito. Además, es presentada una discusión cerca de las perspectivas de los Griegos y de literatura psicológica contemporánea sobre la dinámica de la vergüenza y auto-odio. <![CDATA[<b>Vital satisfaction and emotional intelligence as the moderating role of Mexican youths self-employment</b>]]> Con este trabajo se pretende analizar los componentes que influyen en la autoeficacia emprendedora en una muestra de jóvenes emprendedores mexicanos, en concreto, las variables objeto de estudio son la satisfacción vital e inteligencia emocional. Los datos obtenidos a través de análisis de ecuaciones estructurales revelan que tanto la satisfacción vital como la inteligencia emocional influyen en la autoeficacia, siendo superior el impacto de ésta. Aún más, el componente de la inteligencia emocional que genera una mayor repercusión es el manejo de las propias emociones. Respecto a la satisfacción vital, los elementos que mayor peso presentan se encuentran relacionados con las expectativas de condiciones vitales.<hr/>With this work it tries to get analyze to him the components that bear upon the venturesome self-efficacy in a sample of venturesome Mexicans youthes, in short, the variable object of study is the vital satisfaction and emotional intelligence. The obtained data through analysis of structural equations reveal that so much the vital satisfaction as the emotional intelligence bear upon the Self-employment, by being superior the impact of this. Still more, the components of the emotional intelligence they generate a major repercussion is the attention and emotional perception and the use of the emotions. Respect to the vital satisfaction, the elements that major weight presents find to him related with the expectations of vital conditions. <![CDATA[<b>Sociocognitive profiles of the political participation of youth</b>]]> El estudio analiza la capacidad discriminante de las variables interés en la política, conocimiento político, eficacia política y confianza política entre diferentes modos de participación política de los jóvenes de la ciudad de Córdoba/Argentina (no participación, participación política convencional y no convencional). Un total de 300 jóvenes de 18 a 30 años, seleccionados por muestreo no aleatorio, intervino voluntariamente del estudio. El conjunto de variables psico-sociales analizadas fue sometido a un análisis discriminante para tres grupos. Los resultados obtenidos aportan un modelo que destaca el poder discriminante de las variables socio-cognitivas más relevantes asociadas a la participación política de los jóvenes, con excepción de la eficacia política externa y la confianza política, y discute perfiles sociocognitivos de jóvenes cordobeses participantes en política.<hr/>The main purpose of the research is to establish the discriminant power of political interest, political knowledge, political efficacy and political confidence among the different modes of political participation (non-participation, conventional participation and non-conventional participation) of young people in Córdoba/Argentina. 300 young people from 18 to 30 years old - choiced by a non random sampling - give his consent to participate in the study. A discriminant analysis with 3-groups was applied to all the psycho-social variables. The obtained results allow developing a model in wich all sociocognitives variables (but external efficacy and political confidence) have a good discriminatory power of the different modes of political participation. Furthermore, the paper discusses differentiated sociocognitives profiles of young people who participate in politics. <![CDATA[<b>The adaptive value of positive affect</b>: <b>a look at children’s psychological behaviour under extreme poverty</b>]]> La pobreza expone a los niños a numerosos factores de riesgo que comprometen su calidad de vida y funcionamiento psicológico. La evidencia empírica indica mayor fragilidad emocional, menor desempeño intelectual y peor ejecución académica en niños que se desarrollan en situación de pobreza extrema. Sin embargo, el daño potencial ocasionado por todas las situaciones que se vinculan con la pobreza no es inevitable ni irreversible. Existen también factores protectores que amortiguan el impacto de las diferentes clases de deprivación a las que están expuestos estos niños. Las emociones positivas pueden contrarrestar e incluso prevenir los efectos nocivos que acarrean las vivencias derivadas de la pobreza. El propósito de este trabajo es examinar cuatro argumentos acerca de la importancia y utilidad que podría tener la promoción de emociones positivas. Las mismas pueden optimizar el funcionamiento de los niños pobres porque (a) favorecen una apreciación más saludable de las dificultades y (b) un afrontamiento más funcional de las mismas, (c) incrementan aspectos cognitivos involucrados en la prevención del fracaso académico y (d) fomentan actitudes más tolerantes y persistentes ante las frustraciones.<hr/>Poverty exposes children to a series of risk factors which threaten their quality of life and psychological functioning. Empirical evidence suggests that children who grow and develop in extreme poverty are more emotionally fragile, their intellectual performance is poorer, and have lower grades. However, potential damage due to extreme poverty is not inevitable nor irreversible. There are also protective factors which buffer the impact of different kinds of needs to which these children are exposed. Positive affect can counteract and even prevent harmful effects of living in extreme poverty. The purpose of our study is to examine four arguments on the importance and usefulness of promoting positive affect. These emotions optimize the way children function because (a) they encourage a healthier perspective on problems as well as (b) healthier coping skills, (c) they increase cognitive aspects which help prevent academic failure, and (d) they foster a more tolerant and persistent attitude when coping with frustration. <![CDATA[<b>Poverty in the less developed countries</b>: <b>analysis of attributional differences between central-Americans undergraduates</b>]]> El trabajo analiza las atribuciones sobre las causas de la pobreza en los estados menos desarrollados realizadas por estudiantes universitarios de Nicaragua y El Salvador, y las diferencias atributivas existentes entre estos en función de su nivel de renta, su ideología política y su actitud hacia las organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONGs). La información se recogió mediante un cuestionario autoaplicado que incluía, junto a preguntas de carácter sociodemográfico, relativas al nivel de renta, ideología política y apoyo a las ONGs, un listado de 50 posibles causas de la pobreza en los estados menos desarrollados. Los resultados muestran un importante acuerdo en las atribuciones sobre las principales causas de la pobreza en los estados menos desarrollados, si bien existen diferencias significativas en función de su consideración como “pobres” o “no pobres”, de considerarse de “izquierda” o de “derecha” y de considerar que las ONGs realizan o no realizan una labor de gran relevancia.<hr/>This paper analyzes the attributions about causes of poverty in the less developed countries between undergraduates from Nicaragua and El Salvador, and the attributional differences depending on their economical level, political ideology and attitudes about Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs). An auto-applicated questionnaire was used. It included socio-demographic questions, questions about economical level, political ideology and attitudes about NGO, and a list of 50 possible causes of poverty in the less developed countries. Results show an important agreement in attributions about the main causes of poverty in the less developed countries, although there are differences depending on the consideration of the undergraduates as “poor” or “not poor”, as “conservative” or “liberal”, and of thinking that the NGOs realize or do not realize a labor of great relevancy. <![CDATA[<b>Analysis of factors influencing the development of environmental norms and anti-ecological behavior</b>]]> El propósito del presente estudio fue evaluar el impacto de variables presumiblemente relacionadas con el desarrollo de normas ambientales, dado que las transgresiones ambientales son una forma particular de conducta antisocial. 186 estudiantes de licenciatura en una universidad mexicana contestaron un cuestionario que midió su auto-reporte de comportamiento anti-ecológico (considerado como variable dependiente, VD), sus normas personales, sus normas sociales, su identidad social, su percepción de legitimidad en las autoridades y en los procesos jurídicos, y la disuasión que detectaban en los marcos legales. Los datos fueron analizados a través de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados del mismo mostraron que las normas personales y sociales tuvieron un efecto directo en la conducta antiecológica, siendo negativo el de las primeras y positivo el de las segundas, mientras que la disuasión influyó negativa e indirectamente en la VD, a través de las normas sociales. La legitimidad percibida tuvo un efecto indirecto y negativo en la conducta anti-ecológica, a través de la disuasión y de las normas sociales y personales. Los resultados son coherentes con estudios previos acerca del seguimiento de normas ordinarias, en donde las normas sociales y la disuasión ejercen sus efectos a través de la internalización de las primeras, manifestándose como normas morales personales.<hr/>This paper is aimed at evaluating the impact of variables presumably related to the development of environmental norms, assuming that environmental transgressions are a particular manifestation of antisocial behavior. 186 undergraduate students responded to a questionnaire assessing their self-reported anti-ecological behavior (considered as dependent variable, DV), their personal norms, their social norms, their perception of authority’s and legal processes’ legitimacy, and the dissuasion they detected in legal structures. Data were analyzed using a structural equations model, which revealed that personal and social norms directly affected anti-ecological behavior, being negative the effect of the former and positive the influence of the latter; while dissuasion indirectly and negatively influenced such behavior, through social norms. Perceived legitimacy had an indirect and negative effect on the DV, mediated by dissuasion and social and personal norms. These results are coherently connected with previous studies regarding the obedience of ordinary norms, in which social norms and dissuasion exert their effects through the internalization of ordinary norms, which are manifested as personal moral norms. Com o objetivo de identificar as representações emergentes face à infecção pelo HIV em pessoas idosas, explorando questões de enfrentamento e suporte social, participaram deste estudo 21 idosos soropositivos na faixa etária de 50 a 72 anos, de ambos os sexos, escolhidos de forma não-probabilística, intencional e acidental, no ambulatório de um Hospital de Referência em Aids, na cidade de João Pessoa/BR. Para a coleta dos dados foi utilizada a Técnica de Associação Livre de Palavras, processado pelo software Tri- Deux-Mots através da análise fatorial de correspondência; e, Entrevistas Abertas, analisadas por Categorias Temáticas. Emergiram cinco categorias temáticas: Diagnóstico, Vivendo com Aids, Enfrentamento, Tratamento e Perspectivas. Os resultados apontam diferenças nas representações a partir do grau de escolaridade e tempo de diagnóstico.<hr/>With the objective to identify to the emergent representations face to the infection for the HIV in aged people, exploring questions of confrontation and social support, they had participated of this study 21 aged seropositivos with age between 50 and 72 years, of both the sexs, chosen of not-probabilist, intentional and accidental form, in the clinic of a Hospital of Reference in AIDS, the city of João Pessoa/BR. For the collection of the data the Free Technique of Association of Words was used, processed for Tri-Deux- Mots software through the factorial analysis of correspondence; and, e, Interviews Opened, analyzed for Thematic Categories. Five thematic categories had emerged: Diagnosis, Living with AIDS, Confrontation, Treatment and Perspectives. The results point differences in the representations from the education degree and time of diagnosis. <![CDATA[<b>Modeling HIV prevention strategies among two Puerto Rican samples</b>]]> The Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills model examines factors that are used to initiate and maintain sexual and reproductive health promotion behaviors. The present study evaluated the association among these constructs as it is applied to sexually active heterosexual adults with steady partners, using a Structural Equation Modeling approach. At the same time, it was analyzed if the same model structure could be generalized to two samples of participants that produced the results following two different formats for data collection. Two-hundred ninety one participants completed the Information-Motivation- Behavioral Skills Questionnaire (Spanish version), and 756 participants completed an Internet version on the instrument. The proposed model fits the data for both groups, supporting a predictive and positive relationship among all of the latent variables, with Information predicting Motivation, and Motivation therefore predicting Behavioral Skills. The findings support the notion that there are important issues that need to be addressed when promoting HIV prevention.<hr/>El modelo de Información-Motivación-Destrezas (IMB) evalúa factores que facilitan la promoción de practicas sexuales de menor riesgo. El presente estudio examinó la aplicación de este modelo en una muestra puertorriqueña utilizando la modelación de ecuaciones estructurales con adultos heterosexuales con al menos una pareja estable. A la vez, evaluamos si el modelo podía ser aplicado a más de una muestra. La primera muestra (N= 291) completó la versión en papel y lápiz de el instrumento, mientras la segunda muestra (N= 756) completó la versión electrónica del mismo. Los resultados reflejan que existe una asociación de predicción entre los componentes del modelo IMB, donde el tener información sobre el VIH/SIDA predijo el nivel de motivación para tener sexo más seguro, y este factor a la vez predijo el nivel de autoeficacia para la negociación sexual (destrezas). Estos resultados apuntan la necesidad de identificar múltiples factores que facilitan las prácticas sexuales de menor riesgo. <![CDATA[<b>Adherence to treatment in cystic fibrosis patients and its asociation with family enviroment and parental rearing style</b>]]> El objetivo del presente estudio es investigar si existe relación entre el clima familiar, los estilos educativos y la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes con Fibrosis Quística (FQ). Además, investigar si los diferentes grados de afectación de la FQ influyen en el clima familiar y en los estilos educativos adoptados por los padres. Participantes: 76 pacientes con FQ y sus padres. Las variables evaluadas fueron: el grado de afectación de la FQ, los estilos educativos, el clima familiar y la adherencia al tratamiento. La adherencia al tratamiento fue evaluada a partir de la percepción subjetiva de los pacientes y sus padres y calculada a través de un indicador único construido para el presente estudio. Los resultados indican que no existe relación entre el clima familiar y la adherencia al tratamiento. Sin embargo, la adopción por parte de los padres de estilos educativos más de sobreprotección está relacionada con menores niveles de adherencia. Además, los resultados apuntan que no hay relación entre las variables familiares (clima familiar y estilos educativos) y el grado de afectación de la FQ.<hr/>The main objective of this present study is the investigation about the existence of correlation between the family variables (family environment and parental rearing style) and the adherence in the cystic fibrosis’s treatment by its patients. Another study point is to investigate if the different levels of cystic fibrosis’s affectation have an influence in the family environment and in the parental rearing style chosen by the parents. 76 patients with cystic fibrosis and their parents have taken part of this study. Evaluated variables: level of cystic fibrosis’s affectation, parental rearing style, family environment and the adherence in cystic fibrosis’s treatment. The results indicate that the adherence in cystic fibrosis has no relation with the family environment and show relation with the overprotection subscale. Also, the results show that there is no correlation between family variables and the level of cystic fibrosis’s affectation. <![CDATA[<b>Psychotic and quasi-psychotic atypical experiences in Puerto Rican depressed adolescents</b>: <b>prevalence and related factors</b>]]> Se examinó la prevalencia de experiencias atípicas psicóticas y cuasi-psicóticas y se identificaron factores asociados a éstas en 162 jóvenes puertorriqueños/as entre 13 y 17.5 años. Se evaluó la sintomatología depresiva, la ideación suicida, así como la presencia o historia de experiencias atípicas, eventos traumáticos y maltrato o abuso. Las experiencias atípicas estuvieron asociadas (<img border=0 width=32 height=32 src="../img/revistas/rip/v43n2/2a16f6.jpg">.05) a ser fémina, a tener enfermedades físicas, a experimentar eventos traumáticos, a haber recibido tratamiento para la depresión, y a una sintomatología depresiva e ideación suicida elevada. Los eventos traumáticos, el tratamiento farmacológico para la depresión y la severidad de la ideación suicida fueron predictores significativos del número de experiencias reportadas. Los resultados confirman que la mayoría de las experiencias no son psicóticas. Se discuten las implicaciones para la evaluación y el tratamiento de jóvenes deprimidos/as.<hr/>The prevalence of psychotic and quasi-psychotic atypical experiences was estimated and its correlates were identified in 162 Puerto Rican adolescents (13 to 17.5 years old). Depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, as well as the presence or history of atypical experiences, traumatic events and maltreatment or abuse were evaluated. Atypical experiences were related (<img border=0 width=32 height=32 src="../img/revistas/rip/v43n2/2a16f6.jpg">.05) to gender (female), physical illness, history of traumatic events, history of treatment for depression, as well as to high depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation. Traumatic events, pharmacological treatment for depression, and severity of suicidal ideation were significant predictors of the total experiences reported. Findings confirm that most experiences reported were definitely non-psychotic. The implications for the assessment and treatment of depressed youth are discussed. O estudo examinou a possibilidade de crianças aprenderem a resumir textos. Quarenta e quatro crianças de baixa renda (10 anos) foram divididas em um Grupo Experimental e um Grupo Controle. Todos os participantes realizaram um pré-teste e um pós-teste que consistia na escrita de um resumo de uma história lida. Enquanto o GC continuava com a prática usual de ensino que não envolvia atividades com resumos, as crianças do GE participaram de uma intervenção em sala de aula que enfatizava os princípios de constituição de um resumo (brevidade, clareza, fidelidade ao tema e presença das idéias principais do texto base). No pré-teste, os grupos apresentaram os mesmos tipos de dificuldades; porém, no pós-teste, as crianças do GE produziram resumos mais elaborados que as do GC, sendo as únicas a terem um desempenho melhor no pós-teste do que no pré-teste. Concluiu-se que a escrita de resumos pode ser aprendida por crianças e que a intervenção auxiliou na superação das dificuldades encontradas na produção de resumos.<hr/>This study examined the possibility that children can learn how to summarize texts. Forty-four children (10 years old) were divided into an Experimental and a Control Group. All participants were given a pre-test and a post-text in which they had to write a summary of a story. While children in the the CG went ahead with the usual teaching practice that did not include any type of activity related to summaries, children in the EG were provided with a classroom intervention that emphasized the principles of summary composition (brevity, clarity, faithfulness to the theme, and the presence of the main ideas of the textbase). No significant differences were found between groups in the pre-test. However, in the post-test children in the EG produced more elaborated summaries than those in the CG. Also only children in the EG did significantly better in the post-test than in the pre-test. The conclusion was that children can be taught how to write summaries and that the intervention helped them to overcome their difficulties regarding summary writing. O artigo analisa imagens e metáforas construídas com base na experiência sensorial em sermões e narrativas de cerimônias no Brasil colonial, elaborações retóricas destinadas à transmissão de conhecimentos e práticas junto à população pela comunicação oral e baseadas nos métodos da retórica clássica e da correspondente teoria do conhecimento (Aristoteles, Cícero e Agostinho de Hipona) A pesquisa é realizada segundo o método histórico. A hipótese é que o uso de imagens pertinentes à experiência sensorial tinha a função de impressionar os ouvintes remetendo-os a vivências do seu cotidiano (conforme o preceito retórico da accommodatio), sendo parte de um processo de elaboração do conhecimento com fundamento sensorial. Os resultados evidenciam a importante função atribuída às potências psíquicas sensoriais pela retórica utilizada no Brasil do período colonial aplicada para a construção dos sermões ou no preparo das celebrações e representações na ocasião de datas importantes da vida civil e religiosa e na elaboração de suas narrativas.<hr/>The article analyzes the presence of images and metaphors constructed based on sensorial experience in sermons and narratives in ceremonies in Colonial Brazil - aimed at transmitting knowledge and practice to the population through oral communication, based on classic rhetorical methods and in line with the transcripts of the corresponding gnoseological theory (Aristotle, Cicero, and Agostinho de Hipona). The research is conducted by the historical method. The hypothesis is that the images used in the sensorial experiences have the role to impress the listeners and recall everyday experiences - according to the rhetorical principle of accommodatio - leading them to a process of knowledge elaboration. Results prove the important function attributed to the psychic sensorial potencies by the rhetorical art disseminated in Brazil in the colonial period, whether when applied to sermon construction or when used to prepare celebrations and representations regarding the occurrences of civil and religious life, as well as the resulting narratives. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar um estudo comparativo entre árbitros de futebol e torcedores quanto à adoção de critérios, no julgamento de lances futebolísticos. De acordo com as teorias de Jean Piaget e Lawrence Kohlberg, considerou-se que este tema está relacionado ao julgamento moral. A amostra foi composta por 61 árbitros e 30 torcedores, residentes em dois estados do Nordeste brasileiro, com média de idade de 34 anos, todos do sexo masculino. Os participantes responderam, por escrito, a oito situações hipotéticas futebolísticas e não futebolísticas. Embora, historicamente, esses grupos tenham sempre estado em lados opostos nos campos de futebol, na presente investigação científica, de um modo geral, os resultados não expressaram significativo distanciamento entre as posições dos dois. Nas situações futebolísticas, contudo, os árbitros se mostraram mais deontológicos e os torcedores mais sociais. Na maioria das vezes, ambos apresentaram objeção às injustiças contidas nas situações propostas e se mostraram coerentes com esta posição em seus julgamentos. O estudo agregou conhecimentos ao campo de estudo do julgamento moral e serviu de base para se conhecer melhor os critérios de julgamento utilizados por árbitros, frente a lances futebolísticos, abrindo possibilidades para a realização de novas pesquisas na interface entre a Psicologia e o futebol.<hr/>The goal of the present article is to present a comparative study between football (soccer) referees and fans as to the adoption of criteria for the judgment of plays in a match. In accordance to the theories of Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg, this theme was considered to be related to moral judgement. The sample used was composed of 61 referees and 30 fans, resident in two states of the Brazilian Northeast, with an average age of 34 years, all male. The participants answered, in writing, to eight hypothetical situations involving or not the game of football. Though, historically speaking, these two groups have always stood in opposite sides of the football field, in the current scientific investigation, their results, as a whole, did not express substantial differences between their respective positions. In the footballrelated situations, however, the referees showed themselves to be more deontologic while the fans proved to be more social. Most of the time, both groups objected to the injustices present in the situations proposed and were shown to be coherent with such a stance in their judgements. The study brought light to the field of research in moral judgement and served as a starting point for one to better know the judgement criteria used by referees when faced with football plays, providing possibilities for future research and for new investigations regarding the interface between football and psychology. <![CDATA[<b>Correlates and predictors of child support payment among divorced or separated fathers</b>]]> Actualmente existe un marcado interés por procurar el bienestar económico de los hijos(as) después del divorcio o la separación de la pareja parental mediante leyes que establecen y regulan el pago de una pensión alimentaria por parte del padre. Las escasas investigaciones realizadas sobre el tema se centran en analizar el efecto de dichas leyes sin entrar a considerar la influencia de otros factores psicosociales en el cumplimiento de dicho pago. En este estudio se aplicó un cuestionario a doscientos padres de familia divorciados o separados en San José/CR para conocer sobre el cumplimiento de pago de la pensión alimentaria para sus hijos(as), su situación socioeconómica y familiar, la calidad de la relación con sus hijos(as) y con su expareja, sus percepciones sobre el rol paterno, su salud mental y las redes de apoyo social. Los datos indican que el cumplimiento de pago de la pensión alimentaria está significativamente asociado a las relaciones con la exesposa, la ocupación laboral y el recurrir al apoyo de amigos. Los resultados se discuten a la luz de las leyes que regulan el pago de las pensiones alimentarias en Costa Rica y sus implicaciones en el ejercicio de la paternidad.<hr/>Currently, there is an increased interest in seeking the economic welfare of children of divorced parents through legislation that establishes and regulates child support payment by the father. There are few studies on this issue, which in most cases focus on the effect of the legislation on fathers´ behaviors, leaving unattended the potential effect of other psychosocial factors. In this study, two hundred divorced fathers from San José/CR answered a questionnaire regarding child support for their children, as well as their socioeconomic status, current family conditions, kind of relationship with their children and exwives, perceptions on their role as fathers, mental health and social networks support. Results show that the payment of child support is significantly associated with the quality of the current relationship with their ex-wives, the occupational level, and the frequency to which participants seek support from their friends. The results are discussed considering the current legislation regulating child support and their implications for paternity. <![CDATA[<b>Personality characteristics from the observer’s perspective</b>]]> El objetivo del trabajo es presentar las características de personalidad de diferentes grupos etarios de Argentina desde la perspectiva de un otro observador. El presente, forma parte del Proyecto Internacional Personality Profiles of Cultures: Informant Ratings of Individuals and Nations (dirigido por McCrae y Terracciano) cuya finalidad es comparar perfiles de personalidad a través de diversas culturas. Participantes. Participaron 181 sujetos-observadores de la Provincia de Buenos Aires/AR, con una edad media de 21 (SD = 3.42). Instrumento. Inventario de Personalidad NEO Revisado Forma R (Leibovich de Figueroa & Schmidt, 2005). Resultados. Se observan diferencias en función del sexo y la edad. Se analizan los resultados desde una perspectiva transcultural.<hr/>The aim of this work is to present different groups of sex and age personality characteristics from an argentine sample, from the observer’s perspective. This study is part of the International Project Personality Profiles of Cultures: Informant Ratings of Individuals and Nations (conducted by McCrae y Terracciano) which aim is to compare personality profiles across a variety of cultures. Participants. Participants were 181 observers form Buenos Aires Province/AR, with a mean age of 21 (SD = 3.42). Instrument. NEO Personality Inventory Revised Form R (Leibovich de Figueroa & Schmidt, 2005). Results. Differences in personality characteristics as a function of sex and age are presented. Results are analyzed from a transcultural perspective. <![CDATA[<b>Sexual behavior and self-efficacy for the negotiation of safer sex in heterosexual persons</b>]]> La autoeficacia se le ha identificado como uno de los factores que puede facilitar o dificultar llevar a cabo sexo más seguro. Estudios revelan que las personas que están el relaciones estables usan métodos de protección menos frecuente que quienes tienen parejas casuales. Realizamos un estudio con 447 personas heterosexuales activas sexualmente. Les administramos un cuestionario dirigido a medir el comportamiento sexual, el uso del condón masculino y la práctica de la masturbación mutua, y la autoeficacia para llevar a cabo estas conductas. Los resultados reflejan que los hombres están más activos sexualmente y que el uso del condón y la práctica de la masturbación mutua como alternativa de sexo más seguro es muy baja. En los casos donde se usa el condón esta práctica es realizada en su mayoría por las personas que se encuentran en una relación de pareja casual. No obstante, los/las participantes tienen altos niveles de autoeficacia hacia ambas prácticas. Aunque la autoeficacia es uno de los factores que incide en decidir llevar a cabo sexo más seguro, ésta no es suficiente para que esta meta se logre.<hr/>Self-efficacy has been defined as one of the factors that may facilitate or impede safer sex. Studies reveal that peoples in steady relationships practice safer sex less often that those in casual relationships. We conducted a study with 447 sexually active heterosexual adults. A self-administered questionnaire was designed to study the sexual behavior, the male condom use and the practice of mutual masturbation, and the self-efficacy toward these practices. Results show that most men are sexually active and that there is a low frequency of male condom use and the practice of mutual masturbation as safer sex. The majority of those who use the male condom are engage in casual relationships. However, participants have high levels of self-efficacy toward these practices. Although self-efficacy is one of the factors that influence in deciding to practice safer sex, it is not sufficient to reach this goal.