Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista de Etologia]]> vol. 12 num. 1-2 lang. p <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Ethogram of three genetic groups of goats confined using monitoring video images</b>]]> The ethogram description of confined goats is an alternative that helps identify animals' behaviour, their main behavior and the importance of developing production systems that provide better welfare conditions. This paper aims to describe the ethogram of three genetic groups of confined goats: Azul, Moxotó and Graúna, through monitoring video images, using 9 animals kept in individual pens, monitored by video cameras mounted on the roof of each pen. As for the design and description of ethogram, 810 hours of video image were recorded and analysed, these being from being nine hours a day periods; three in the morning, afternoon and night. We identified 34 visual behaviours, which were grouped into eight categories according to their functional character: food = 4), social interaction (n = 6), displacement (n = 2), resting (n = 3), grooming (n = 4), neutral position (n = 3), bipedal (n = 5) and other activities (n = 7). In conclusion, behaviors described in the ethogram were similar for all three genetic groups. Goats conduct their daily routine with sequences of behaviour that involve eating (food intake or selection) and resting or ruminating, with social interactions and other activities having happened more frequently in the afternoon and at that time in the afternoon before being provided with food. <![CDATA[<b>Extra group copulation in <i>Alouatta caraya </i>(Primates, Atelidae) living on an island of urban forest from southeast São Paulo, Brazil</b>]]> Extra group copulations are rarely observed among the Alouatta genus, which lives in a fragmented area in Brazil. Here, we describe the second extra group copulation in A. caraya in literature, which was the first from Brazil. This happened in the southeast urban island forest, which measures 25 ha. In this forest there are two troops: one of them with thirteen howlers and the other with four. These howlers may be extinct in a few years since in the region there is only 3.89 % of native forests and high anthropic action due to agribusiness. We discuss the possible issues that led to the extra group copulation.<hr/>Cópulas extra grupo raramente são observados em animais do gênero Alouatta, que vivem em áreas fragmentadas do Brasil. Aqui, descrevemos a segunda cópula extra grupo em A. caraya na literatura, que foi a primeira do Brasil. Isso aconteceu na floresta ilha urbana sudeste, que mede 25 ha. Nesta floresta existem dois bandos: um deles com treze bugios e o outro com quatro. Estes bugios podem ser extintos em poucos anos, uma vez que na região há apenas 3,89% de florestas nativas e alta ação antrópica, devido ao agronegócio. Nós discutimos os possíveis aspectos que levaram à cópula extra grupo. <![CDATA[<b>How do Guiana dolphin (<i>Sotalia guianensis</i>), from the Cananéia estuary in State of São Paulo, use cerco-fixo fish traps in their fishing activities?</b>]]> In the Cananéia estuary there is a rare positive interaction between a cetacean and a type of fishing activity. In this region the Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) uses cerco-fixo fish traps to corner shoals and reduce the escape routes of their prey, and in doing this increase their capture efficiency. The object of this study was to evaluate, by means of a quantitative analysis, how the Guiana dolphin uses the cerco-fixo fish trap in their fishing activities. Their behaviors were quantified separately according to a group structure, so as to also verify how their behaviors vary according to the number of individuals involved in the strategy. This approach serves to improve understanding about what the role of the trap in fishing strategies is and how its use, such as using it as a shield to block the shoals, influences the frequency of behaviors executed during fishing activities. <![CDATA[<b>The use of operant instrumental conditioning with positive reinforcement for collection of saliva from marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) for research purposes</b>]]> In order to improve the welfare of captive wild animals used in research, it is necessary to apply methods that minimize the stress to which the animals are constantly subjected. Stress produces physiological changes that may interfere with the results of laboratory experiments, and voluntary cooperation through learning may minimize the anxiety experienced by laboratory animals. It is therefore important to develop non-invasive methods for the collection of biological samples and the performance of laboratory exams. The aim of this study was to train common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) for the collection of saliva samples. Instrumental operant conditioning with positive reinforcement (reward) was applied to 24 adult marmosets of both genders. All animals were satisfactorily conditioned for the rapid and effective collection of saliva samples.<hr/>Para que haja uma melhora no bem-estar de animais silvestres utilizados em pesquisa é necessário o emprego de técnicas que reduzam os efeitos estressantes, aos quais os animais são constantemente submetidos. Sabemos que o estresse pode ocasionar alterações fisiológicas podendo alterar os resultados de um experimento e que a cooperação voluntária obtida através do aprendizado pode minimizar sensações de ansiedade vivida por animais mantidos em laboratório. Sendo assim, a busca de métodos não-invasivos para a coleta de material biológico e exames laboratoriais é de grande importância. O objetivo do presente estudo foi condicionar um grupo de primatas Callithrix jacchus para coletas de saliva com finalidade de pesquisa. Para tanto utilizamos a técnica do condicionamento operante com auxílio instrumental e reforço positivo (recompensa) em 24 saguis adultos, de ambos os sexos. Segundo as condições deste estudo, o condicionamento para coleta de saliva foi realizado de forma satisfatória, rápida e eficiente demonstrando que a utilização do método de condicionamento instrumental com recompensa nesta espécie pode ser efetuado com sucesso. <![CDATA[<b>Are dogs sensitive to the human's visual perspective and signs of attention when using a keyboard with arbitrary symbols to communicate?</b>]]> This study investigated whether dogs take into account the human's direction of attention and visual field when they communicate by means of a keyboard with lexigrams. In order to test this, two dogs, Sofia and Laila, were given the choice between two keyboards, one visible and the other one non-visible from the experimenter's perspective. In one experiment, different barriers were positioned in such way so as to block the experimenter's visibility to one of the keyboards, and, in another experiment we manipulated human's signs of attention, like body orientation and visibility of the eyes. Sofia and Laila consistently preferred to use the keyboard that was in the human's visual field. Laila's choice was also influenced by the human's body orientation. Results suggested that the subjects are sensitive to the human's visual access to the keyboard when they use it to ask for food.<hr/>Este estudo investigou se cães levam em conta a direção da atenção e o campo visual do ser humano quando se comunicam por meio de um teclado com lexigramas. Para tanto, duas cadelas, Sofia e Laila, foram submetidas a uma situação em que podiam escolher entre dois teclados, um deles visível e outro não-visível sob a perspectiva do experimentador. Em um experimento, diferentes barreiras foram posicionadas de tal forma a bloquear a visibilidade do experimentador a um dos teclados, e, em outro, experimento manipulamos os sinais de atenção do ser humano, como orientação corporal e visibilidade dos olhos. Sofia e Laila preferiram consistentemente usar o teclado que estava dentro do campo visual do ser humano. A escolha de Laila também foi influenciada pela orientação corporal do ser humano. Os resultados sugerem que as duas são sensíveis ao acesso visual do ser humano ao teclado quando elas o usam para pedir comida.