Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Salud & Sociedad: investigaciones en psicologia de la salud y psicologia social]]> vol. 4 num. 2 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Features the student with and without suicidal ideation the college of bachelors of San Luis Potosí (México)</b>]]> El objetivo de la presente investigación es identificar características psicológicas que se asocian a la presencia y ausencia de ideación suicida desde el marco teórico cognitivo en estudiantes de bachillerato del Altiplano Potosino. Participaron todos los alumnos del Colegio de Bachilleres No 10 de San Luis Potosí; 280 estudiantes: 158 (56.4%) hombres y 122 (43.6%) mujeres. Se aplicó un instrumento integrado por tres secciones: un cuestionario que midió 21 variables sociodemográficas; cinco escalas de constructos psicológicos; y la Escala de Ideación Suicida de Roberts. Esta última escala resultó fiable y con validez factorial. El 5.7% de estudiantes manifestó ideación suicida. Los puntajes en los constructos psicológicos que registraron diferencia significativa con la prueba t de Student entre estudiantes sin ideación suicida y con ideación suicida fueron: Emoción Negativa, Comodidad, Impulsividad, Futuro Negativo, Futuro Positivo, Apoyo Familiar, y Apoyo Amigos. Estas características psicológicas pueden ser explicadas en el marco teórico cognitivo, para con ello generar e instrumentar estrategias de atención psicológica tendientes a reducir el riesgo de un intento o suicidio consumado, además de mejorar la calidad de vida de los jóvenes implicados.<hr/>The objective of this study is to identify, from the theoretical cognitive psychological framework, characteristics which are associated with the presence and absence of suicidal ideation in high school students of Colegio Altiplano Potosino. All the participants were students of High School (Colegio) No. 10 in San Luis Potosi. Of the 280 students, 158 (56.4%) were men, and 122 (43.6%) were women. An instrument consisting of three sections was applied. First, a questionnaire measuring 21 socio-demographic variables was used. Next, a measure of the five scales of psychological constructs was conducted. Lastly the Roberts' Suicidal Ideation Scale was completed reliably and with a valid factorial. Some 5.7% of the students reported suicidal ideation. The scores on psychological constructs that showed significant differences using t-tests given to students with and without suicidal ideation were several: negative emotion, comfort, impulsivity, negative future, positive future, family support, and friends' support. These psychological characteristics are explained within the cognitive theoretical framework, thereby generating and implementing psychological strategies aimed at reducing the risk of suicide or attempted suicide, all the while improving the quality of life of young people involved. <![CDATA[<b>A imagem corporal e o envelhecimento na perspectiva de professores de uma universidade brasileira</b>]]> O presente texto apresenta os resultados parciais da pesquisa intitulada "Aposentadoria e velhice bem-sucedida: estudo de caso com professores universitários da PUC Minas", financiada pelo CNPq e pelo FIP da PUC Minas e aprovada pelo comitê de ética desta instituição de ensino. O objeto de estudo deste artigo é a concepção de velhice destes professores, seus elementos negativos e positivos. A coleta de dados foi divida em dois momentos. Primeiro, entrevistaram-se seis professores com um roteiro semiestruturado que tentava desvelar os imaginários que circundam os temas velhice, trabalho e aposentadoria. A análise deste material possibilitou a construção de um questionário respondido por 40 professores na segunda fase da coleta. Este questionário possui quatro seções: identificação, imaginários sobre velhice, concepções de trabalho e visões da aposentadoria. Os dados coletados foram então divididos em subtemas e analisados estatisticamente com a utilização do programa SPSS. A pesquisa trabalhou com uma amostra de 40 professores universitários com idade entre 60 e 77 anos, dos quais 25 são homens (62,5%) e 15 são mulheres (35%). Desses 40 professores, 39 já desfrutam de uma aposentadoria. Concluiu-se que a imagem corporal e as mudanças corporais representam fatores definidores da percepção do processo de envelhecimento.<hr/>This article presents partial results of a research study currently underway. The objective of this portion of the research is to identify the perceptions of old age, both its negative and positive aspects, held by a group of Brazilian university professors. A pilot group of six professors was interviewed with a semi-structured script in an attempt to reveal the stereotypes regarding issues of old age, work and retirement. The analysis of this material allowed the development of a questionnaire used in the second phase of the process. This questionnaire was answered by 40 professors between 60 and 77 years of age, of whom 25 were men (62.5%) and 15 were women (35%). Out of these 40 professors, 39 were already retired. The questionnaire was divided into four sections: identification, stereotypes of old age, perceptions of work, and views of retirement. The collected data was then divided into subthemes and analyzed statistically through the SPSS program. The conclusion was that body image and body changes represent defining factors of the perception of the aging process. <![CDATA[<b>Prevalence and post-traumatic stress symptoms in people who experience an earthquake and tsunami</b>]]> Introducción: Se sabe que la prevalencia del estrés post-traumático (TEPT) es significativamente mayor después de terremotos y tsunamis como el del 27 de febrero de 2010 (27-F). Objetivos: (1) Determinar las proporciones de personas que podrían presentar TEPT y cada uno de sus tipos de síntomas, (2) relacionar las proporciones con grupos de variables que pueden favorecer su aparición, y (3) establecer un perfil de síntomas según cada grupo de variables. Método: Mediante las escalas Short Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Rating Interview (SPRINT-E) y la Davidson Trauma Scale (DTS), medimos la cantidad de síntomas intensos de TEPT en dos muestras: habitantes del litoral (n=194) y del interior (n=94) de la zona central de Chile. Resultados: La prevalencia del TEPT alcanza el 22%, siendo 19 puntos mayor en personas que habitan la zona costera (28%) y 11 puntos mayor entre quienes han sufrido graves daños en su vivienda. Discusión: Quienes sufren graves daños o viven en una ciudad costera impactada por terremoto y tsunami tienden a tener más síntomas de re-experimentación e híper-activación, se muestran más tristes, tienen menos cuidado por su salud, se sienten incómodos e interferidos en sus actividades cotidianas y se les hace difícil resolver problemas que antes solucionaban sin ayuda.<hr/>Introduction: Previous research indicates an increased prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after earthquakes and tsunamis as the February 27, 2010 (F-27). Objectives: (1) To determine the proportions of people who could present PTSD and each of its types of symptoms, (2) relate the proportions with groups of variables that may favor its appearance, and (3) establish a symptom profile as each group of variables. Method: Using the Short Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Rating Interview (SPRINT-E) and the Davidson Trauma Scale (DTS), we measured the PTSD intense symptoms in two samples: inhabitants of coast (n=194) and interior (n=94). Results: The PTSD prevalence was 22%, 19 points higher in people that live in coastal area (28%) and 11 points higher among people that suffered severe damage in their home. Discussion: Those who suffer serious house damages or live in a coastal town hit by earthquake and tsunami tend to have more symptoms of re-experiencing, hyper-activation, are sadder, have less care for their health, feel uncomfortable and interfered in their daily activities and they find difficult to solve problems that previously solved without help. <![CDATA[<b>Model of attention of familiar health</b>: <b>social representations of the civil servants of primary care of health</b>]]> Objetivo. Identificar las Representaciones Sociales (RS) de los funcionarios de la Atención Primaria de Salud (APS) de la comuna de Talca en Chile acerca del Modelo de Atención de Salud Familiar. Método. Se contó con la participación de 105 funcionarios de la APS de distintos Centros de Salud (CES) y Centros de Salud Familiar (CESFAM) de la provincia de Talca en Chile. A quienes se les administró un cuestionario con las siguientes técnicas de recolección de datos: un diferencial semántico y una técnica de asociación libre de palabras. Resultados. Los funcionarios de APS valoran positivamente el Modelo de Atención de Salud Familiar. En los campos de significado de los funcionarios se observa que los elementos propios de la visión Biopsicosocial no están integrados, observándose además asociaciones propias de una visión Biomédica. Conclusiones. Se observan brechas en la implementación del Modelo de Atención de Salud Familiar al considerar los fundamentos epistemológicos de este nuevo Modelo. Se concluye además que las técnicas de recolección de datos utilizadas son adecuadas.<hr/>Objective. To identify the Social Representations (RS) of of the civil servants of Primary Care of Health (PCH) of Talca's commune in Chile about the Model of Attention of Familiar Health. Method. It was provided with the participation of 105 officials of the PCH of different Health Centers (HC) and Family Health Centers (FHC) of the province of Talca in Chile. Those who were given a questionnaire with the following data collection techniques: a semantic differential, a technique of free association of words. Results. The PCH officials value positively the Model of Attention of Familiar Health. In the fields of meaning of the officials it is observed that the proper elements of the Biopsychosocial vision are not integrated, being observed also proper associations of a Biomedical vision. Conclusions. Is observed gap in the implementation of Model Family Health Care to consider the epistemological foundations of this new model. Is concludes that the data collection techniques used are appropriate. <![CDATA[<b>Exploratory psychometric examination of the millon clinical multiaxial inventory III (MCMI-III) in chilean prison inmates</b>]]> Este estudio exploró las propiedades psicométricas del MCMI-III en una muestra (n = 123) de ofensores masculinos adultos chilenos recluidos por la comisión de delitos sexuales, delitos contra las personas, y delitos contra la propiedad. Específicamente, examinó su validez concurrente y capacidad discriminante, así como su confiabilidad. Las escalas de personalidad del MCMI-III tuvieron moderada validez concurrente con las dimensiones del Modelo de Cinco Factores medidas por el NEO-FFI; además, el MCMI-III demostró adecuada capacidad discriminante cuando los sujetos recluidos fueron comparados con pacientes clínicos. Sin embargo, el MCMI-III mostró modesta consistencia interna y estabilidad temporal, lo cual advirtió que la motivación, oposicionismo y deseabilidad social son variables relevantes en ofensores recluidos. Estos hallazgos, parcialmente consistentes con los reportados por otros investigadores, sugieren que el MCMI-III puede ser un instrumento útil para evaluar el funcionamiento psicológico de sujetos forenses chilenos pero que se requiere trabajo adicional para evaluar sus propiedades psicométricas en esta población.<hr/>This study explores the psychometric properties of the MCMI-III in a sample (n = 123) of Chilean adult male offenders imprisoned for the perpetration of property, personal, and sexual offenses. Specifically, it examined the MCMI-III's concurrent and discriminant validity as well as its reliability. The MCMI-III personality scales had moderate concurrent validity with the dimensions of the Five-Factor Model as measured by the NEO-FFI, but they had an adequate discriminant capacity when the prison inmates were compared with clinical patients. The MCMI-III also showed modest internal consistency and test-retest stability, which demonstrate that motivation, oppositional behavior and social desirability are relevant variables in prison inmates. These findings, which are partially consistent with those reported by other researchers, suggest that the MCMI-III may be a useful instrument to assess the psychological functioning of Chilean forensic populations, but further work is required to evaluate the test's psychometric properties in these populations. <![CDATA[<b>Proposta de um modelo parcimonioso entre a empatia e orientação cultural em brasileiros</b>]]> Na sociedade contemporânea é possível observar constantes mudanças nos espaços sociais, econômicas e culturais ocorrendo na vida das pessoas. Tais mudanças podem-se referir a orientação individualista e coletivista que as aderem na dinâmica do seu entorno psicossocial. Acredita-se que estas orientações não surgem do vazio social, mas, a partir do reconhecimento da pessoa de sua capacidade de ressonância interpessoal, isto é, de empatia. O presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar a associação da empatia sobre orientação cultural de individualismo e coletivismo. Para isso foram aplicadas a escala multidimensional de reatividade interpessoal de Davis, a escala dos atributos do tipo de orientação cultural individualista e coletivista e dados sócio-demográficos em 382 pessoas do sexo masculino e do sexo feminino, com idades entre 14 a 61 anos. Em pessoas que estudam em escolas privadas e públicas das cidades de João Pessoa-PB e Natal-RN. A análise da modelagem estrutural apresentou uma forte associação positiva da empatia com o tipo de orientação coletivista e uma fraca associação com a orientação individualista. Como resultado identificamos a importância de se desenvolver práticas potencializadoras das habilidades empáticas a fim de gerar ações culturais que valorizem o outro e a tradição.<hr/>Constant changes in people's social, economic, and cultural lives are seen in contemporary society. These changes may be related to the individualistic and collectivist orientations that are linked in the dynamics of the psychosocial environment. These orientations do not arise from a social vacuum, but from the recognition by the person of his capacity for empathy. The present study aims to identify the relationship between empathy and the cultural orientations of individualism and collectivism. We applied the multidimensional scales of the Davis Interpersonal Reactivity Index regarding the type of individualist and collectivist cultural orientations and socio-demographic data on 382 men and women. All subjects were between the ages of 14-61 and studying in public and private schools in the cities of João Pessoa and Natal-RN in Brazil. The structural model analysis showed a strong positive association of empathy with the collectivist orientation type and a weak association with individualistic orientation type. As a result we have identified the importance of developing a series of practices that promote empathy skills to generate cultural activities that promote valuing others and traditions