Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Interamerican Journal of Psychology]]> vol. 40 num. 2 lang. t <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Sustainable behavior and time perspective</b>: <b>present, past, and future orientations and their relationship with water conservation behavior</b>]]> Three hundred individuals at a Mexican city responded to Zimbardo’s Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI), and self-reported how frequently they engaged in water conservation practices. The ZTPI assesses individual differences in terms of attitudes believed to identify orientations towards a positive or negative past, hedonistic or fatalistic present, and future orientations. Results were processed within two structural equation models, which showed that present orientation negatively affected water conservation. Water conservation did not correlate with past orientation. Yet, that pro-environmental behavior significantly and positively was influenced by Future Orientation. Women reported a higher involvement in water conservation practices, whereas adult individuals (> 18 years old) and those with higher schooling levels presented a higher Future Orientation. Proposals considering these results are discussed aimed at developing sustainable attitudes and behaviors.<hr/>Trecentos mexicanos contestaron a los reactivos del Inventario de Perspectiva Temporal de Zimbardo (IPTZ) y auto-reportaron sus conductas de ahorro de agua. El IZPT mide diferencias individuales en términos de orientaciones hacia un pasado positivo o negativo, un presente fatalista o hedonista y tendencia hacia el futuro. Los resultados se procesaron en dos modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, revelando que la orientación al presente afecta negativamente al ahorro de agua. Este ahorro no se correlacionó con la orientación al pasado, pero sí lo hizo positivamente con la orientación al futuro. Las mujeres reportaron ahorrar más agua, mientras que los adultos (> 18 años) y las personas de mayor escolaridad se plantearon con una mayor orientación hacia el futuro. <![CDATA[<b>Risky driver behavior</b>: <b>a literature review of factors that predict risky driving among young people</b>]]> Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir o comportamento de risco na condução e a tendência ao envolvimento em acidentes de trânsito na população juvenil a partir de uma abordagem psicossocial e multifatorial do fenômeno. Descreve, desde uma perspectiva histórica, os principais modelos explicativos dos acidentes de trânsito e do comportamento de risco. Sistematiza e discrimina resultados de estudos empíricos que apontam fatores de risco e proteção para esses comportamentos. Com o presente manuscrito visa-se refletir a respeito dessa problemática, a fim de subsidiar debates à efetivação de medidas preventivas eficazes para reduzir o número de vítimas juvenis nos acidentes de trânsito.<hr/>The objective of this article is to discuss risky driving behavior and the tendency to get involved in traffic accidents among young drivers taking a psychosocial and multifactor approaching to the phenomenon. It describes, from a historical perspective, the explanatory models of traffic accidents and the risky driving behavior. It also systemizes and discriminates the results of empirical studies that point risk and protection factors for these behaviors. This work aims to bring about considerations on this issue, in order to subsidize debates about the undertaking of efficient preventive measures to reduce the number of young victims in traffic accidents. <![CDATA[<b>Validity evidences using Rorschach method in the traffic psychology context</b>]]> El objetivo de esta investigación fue comparar los indicadores de control de impulsos, afectividad, agresividad y adecuación a las normas del Método de Rorschach en grupos de motoristas infractores y no infractores. Participaron 42 conductores, 21 infractores de transito envueltos en accidentes con víctimas fatales y 21 motoristas que no cometieron infracciones de ningún tipo en el intervalo de un año. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los indicadores Nota AdjD, Xu% AG y FC:CF+C. En el caso de las Notas AdjD, AG y FC:CF+C fue verificado que el grupo de infractores presentó mayores puntuaciones, mientras que, en la nota Xu% la puntuación de ese grupo fue menor que la del grupo de no infractores. Esos datos confirmaron algunas de las hipótesis del estudio, o sea, el Método de Rorschach podría ser considerado sensible para identificar algunas características psicológicas de individuos podrían envolverse en accidentes de transito. Así, los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación pueden ser considerados una evidencia de validez para el uso del Método de Rorschach en el contexto de transito.<hr/>The aim of this study was to compare the indices of impulse control, affectivity, aggressiveness and social adequacy in the Rorschach Method of offenders and non- offenders motorists. The sample was composed by 21 motorists who was responsible for at least one accident with fatal victims and 21 motorists that didn’t make any kind of traffic infractions. The results showed statistically significant differences in the AdjD, Xu% , AG and FC:CF+C indices. In the case of the AdjD, AG and FC:CF+C were verified that the group of offenders presented bigger punctuations, while the Xu% punctuation of that group was smaller than the group of nonoffenders. Those data confirmed some of the hypotheses of the study and lead to the conclusion that the Rorschach could be considered sensitive to identify some psychological characteristics of individuals more prone to be responsible of traffic accidents. The results can also be considered an evidence of validity for the use of the Method of Rorschach in the context of traffic psychology. <![CDATA[<b>Affectivity in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorders: a Rorschach study</b>]]> Objetivo: Comprender la afectividad en el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC). Métodos: Fueron utilizados la Entrevista Clínica Estructurada para el DSM-IV (SCID) y el método de Rorschach, de acuerdo con el Sistema Comprehensivo. La muestra contó con 30 pacientes con TOC (GE) y 30 no pacientes (GC) pareados por sexo, edad y años de escolaridad. Resultados: El GE presentó 86% de casos con comorbilidades psiquiátricas. No hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativas en cuatro variables elegidas, pero el análisis cualitativo mostró que en el GE los colores son acompañados por un tono más desagradable. Encontramos diferencia significativa de alteraciones en el pensamiento en el GE. Conclusiones: Los pacientes no presentan un estilo vivencial definido; la proporción afectiva se presenta en promedio con tendencia a una afectividad lábil, pero sin dificultades de expresar las emociones. Son las cualidades de las respuestas de color que revelan dificultades en el manejo de los afectos y de las emociones. La afectividad no es sentida ni vivida, sino de preferencia descrita y racionalizada.<hr/>Purpose: To understand affectivity in obsessive-compulsive disorders. Methods: The Structured Clinical Interview (SCID), and the Rorschach method, Comprehensive System, were employed. The sample consisted of 30 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD) and 30 non-patients of the same sex, age and schooling. Results: The group of patients presented psychiatric comorbidities in 86% of the cases. Concerning the Rorschach, there was no statistically significant differences in the selected variables, although the qualitative analysis of the color responses reveals that among the patients the colors are associated to unpleasant moods. The exploratory analysis showed a significant predominance of thinking disorder among patients. Conclusions: Patients with OCD do not present a defined experience balance; they show an average affective ratio with tendency towards labile affectivity and without problems expressing their emotions. It is the nature of the color responses that reveals difficulty in managing affects and emotions which are not felt or experienced, but instead described and rationalized. <![CDATA[<b>Validation of the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) in Paraguay</b>]]> El propósito de esta investigación ha sido validar en Paraguay la Escala de Motivación Educativa (EME) utilizando una muestra de estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio y de las correlaciones entre las subescalas de la EME y el autoconcepto académico apoyan la validez de constructo de la escala. Asimismo, la consistencia interna ha sido aceptable en todas las subescalas. Finalmente, se han obtenido diferencias de género que indican que las mujeres presentan, en general, un perfil más autodeterminado que los hombres. Estos resultados apoyan el uso de la EME para evaluar la motivación en educación en Paraguay.<hr/>The aim of the present research has been to validate the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) in Paraguay using a sample of university students. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis and the correlations between the AMS subscales and the academic self-concept partially support the construct validity of the scale. Likewise, the internal consistency has been acceptable in all subscales. Finally, gender differences were obtained which indicate that, in general, females have shown a more self-determinated profile than males. In conclusion, these results support the use of the AMS to assess the motivation in education in Paraguay. <![CDATA[<b>Reliability and validity comparative analysis of two anomie’s scales</b>]]> Se realizó un estudio psicométrico comparativo de la escala de la Anomie de Srole y de la escala de Anomy de McClosky y Schaar con el cual se evaluó la confiabilidad y validez de las escalas. La confiabilidad de las escalas fue explorada por medio del método de formas paralelas y la consistencia interna. La validez se valoró por medio de un método de validez de contenido, validez de criterio y de constructo. De los resultados se desprende que la escala de McClosky y Schaar muestra un mejor comportamiento a través de la muestra que la escala de Srole, aunque esta puede ser empleada siguiendo una serie de recomendaciones.<hr/>A comparative psychometric study of validity and reliability was made for the Anomie’s Srole scale and Anomy’s McClosky and Schaar scale. The reliability of the scales was carrying out by parallel forms and internal consistence methods. For validity was made a content validity, criterion validity and construct validity analysis. The results show that McClosky and Schaar’s scale had a best performance than Srole’s scale in the sample. In spite of this Srole’s scale can be used following a set of recommendations. <![CDATA[<b>Teacher’s characteristics and how they facilitate parents involvement in children’s teaching - learning process</b>]]> Con el objetivo de describir las características de profesores de enseñanza básica, y su relación con el grado en que los padres perciben a estos docentes como facilitadores de la participación parental en el proceso enseñanza - aprendizaje de sus hijos, se aplicó una encuesta sociodemográfica a 32 profesores y una encuesta de percepción del profesor a 628 apoderados. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas según edad, años de ejercicio, formación y especialización de los profesores, lo que sugeriría la influencia de las prácticas tradicionales, el manejo de recursos y el tipo de relación profesor-apoderado establecido y esperado.<hr/>In order to describe primary school teachers’ characteristics and their relation with teachers’ perceived facilitation level of parents involvement in their children’s teaching - learning process, 32 primary school teachers and 628 parents were surveyed. A personal information survey was used with teachers, and a perception of teacher survey was applied to parents. Significant differences in the parents’ perception were found, which were related to teacher age, number of years working as a teacher, kind of education and specialization level. Those outcomes suggest the influence of traditional practices, resources management and expected and effective teacher-parent relation kinds. <![CDATA[<b>Tobacco</b><b> experimentation in students from elementary and high school in urban residential area in south regions of Brazil</b>]]> O fumo é droga utilizada mundialmente e considerada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (1985) como a principal causa de enfermidades evitáveis e incapacitantes. Estudo realizado com 5.057 alunos de escolas públicas e privadas que preencheram questionário auto-aplicável e anônimo. A prevalência da experimentação mostrou-se alta entre os escolares 36,2% (1827). A faixa etária de experimentação foi de 14 a 16 anos, perfazendo um total de 53,6% (936). Referiram já ter experimentado essa substância 1.732 alunos sendo 54,4% (943) estudantes do sexo feminino e 45,6% (789) do sexo masculino. O estudo demonstrou inicio precoce do comportamento para o tabagismo, especialmente quando as relações familiares estavam fragilizadas. Os resultados indicaram a necessidade de ações conjuntas com envolvimento da escola, família e sociedade, objetivando a prevenção da experimentação do fumo e conseqüentemente do uso e abuso. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da Universidade de Passo Fundo, Passo Fundo - RS, Brasil.<hr/>The tobacco is a drug used globally and considered by the World Organization of Health (1985) as the main cause of avoidable illnesses and disabled. This study was accomplished with 5.057 students of public and private schools that filled out solemnity-applicable and anonymous questionnaire. The prevalence of the experimentation was shown elevated among the students 36,2% (1827). The students’ age group which more tried tobacco was from 14 to 16 years, completing a total of 53,6% (936). This substance has been tried among 1732 students being 54,4% (943) female students and 45,6% (789) male. The study demonstrated a precocious beginning of the behavior for the tobaccoism, especially when the family relationships were fragile. The pointed results indicated the need of united actions with involvement of the school, family and society, aiming at the prevention of the experimentation of the tobacco and consequently of its use and abuse. The study was approved by the Committee of Ethics of Passo Fundo University, Passo Fundo - RS, Brazil. <![CDATA[<b>Cognitive-behavioral group therapy for depression in adolescents with diabetes</b>: <b>a pilot study</b>]]> The purpose of this study is to adapt and pilot test a group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) model which has been proven to be effective in treating depression in Puerto Rican adolescents, to treat depressive symptoms and improve glycemic control in adolescents with diabetes. Eleven adolescents aged 13-16 participated in a 12 session group CBT intervention. Indicators of outcome effects (depressive and anxious symptomatology, self-esteem, hopelessness, diabetes self-efficacy, self-care and glycemic control) were assessed pre and post therapy using self-report instruments and a measure of glycosilated hemoglobin. Depressive symptomatology, self-concept and diabetes self-efficacy significantly improved after the intervention, and reductions in anxious symptoms and hopelessness were also observed. There were no significant changes in glycemic control or self-care behaviors. The findings of this pilot study suggest that group CBT is a feasible intervention for adolescents with diabetes and depressive symptomatology. However, further research is needed in developing interventions that improve self-care and glycemic control.<hr/>El propósito de este estudio es adaptar y hacer un estudio piloto de una intervención de Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual (TCC) grupal que ha sido efectivo en tratar la depresión en adolescentes puertorriqueños/as, para tratar los sintomatología depresiva y mejorar el control glucémico en adolescentes con diabetes. Once adolescentes entre las edades de 13 y 16 participaron en 12 sesiones de la intervención. Indicadores de los efectos de la intervención (sintomatología depresiva y ansiosa, auto-estima, desesperanza, auto-eficacia y auto-cuido en diabetes, control glucémico), fueron evaluados pre y post terapia usando instrumentos de auto-reporte y una medida de hemoglobina glicosilada. Los síntomas de depresión, el auto-concepto y la auto-eficacia mejoraron significativamente luego de la intervención, y se observaron reducciones en los síntomas de ansiedad y la desesperanza. No se observaron cambios significativos en el control glucémico ni conductas de auto-cuido. Estos hallazgos sugieren que la TCC grupal es una intervención viable para adolescentes con diabetes y sintomatología depresiva. Sin embargo, se necesita más investigación para desarrollar intervenciones que aumenten el auto-cuido y el control glucémico. <![CDATA[<b>The relationship between Burnout and cardiovascular complaints</b>: <b>a study in technicians of prevention of labour risks</b>]]> Objetivo: Analizar la incidencia del Síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo (SQT) (burnout) en una muestra de profesionales estudiantes de "prevención de riesgos laborales" y su relación con problemas de deterioro cardiovascular. Métodos: La muestra son 312 participantes. Las variables del estudio fueron: SQT, evaluado con el Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS), y síntomas cardiovasculares percibidos por el individuo, que se evaluaron mediante cinco ítems. Los datos fueron recogidos en el transcurso de cursos de formación. Resultados: Se obtuvo una relación positiva y significativa entre el SQT y problemas cardiovasculares. Además, altos niveles de agotamiento y cinismo, y bajos niveles de eficacia profesional se relacionaron positiva y significativamente con esas alteraciones, lo que ponen de manifiesto problemas para la salud y para la calidad de vida del individuo. Conclusión: Es importante prevenir el SQT en técnicos de prevención de riesgos laborales, como población de riesgo, para disminuir los problemas de salud en el trabajo.<hr/>Objective: To analyse the prevalence of burnout in a sample of subjects studying degrees related to labour risks prevention, and the relationship between burnout and cardiovascular complaints. Methods: The sample consisted of 312 students of labour risks prevention, professionals from diverse occupational sectors. The variables were burnout, estimated by the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS), and the frequency of cardiovascular complaints, evaluated by five items. Data were gathered during a training period. Results: Burnout shown a positive and significant relationship with cardiovascular complaints. Moreover, Exhaustion and Cynicism were positively and significantly related with cardiovascular complaints. A negative and significant relationship was found between Professional efficacy and cardiovascular complaints. Some of these alterations have arise when subject are working Conclusion: Burnout must be prevented in order to improve the quality of working life among technicians of prevention of labour risks. <![CDATA[<b>Analysis of the interaction between Hypnotic Susceptibility and Dissociative Experiences in a Population reporting spontaneous paranormal experiences</b>]]> Hay interrelaciones estadísticamente confiables entre la susceptibilidad a la hipnosis, la disociación psicológica y las experiencias paranormales. Hipotetizamos que a mayor susceptibilidad hipnótica, mayor reporte de experiencias paranormales, y en igual sentido, a mayores experiencias disociativas, mayor reporte de experiencias paranormales. También esperamos encontrar posibles efectos de interacción entre susceptibilidad hipnótica y disociación con las experiencias paranormales. Administramos el Anomalous Experiences Inventory (AEI), la Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) y la Harvard Group Scale (HGS) de susceptibilidad hipnótica a 67 sujetos (73.1% mujeres y 26.9% varones), creyentes en una variedad de eventos paranormales y motivados por sus propias experiencias. Un diseño factorial mostró una interacción entre susceptibilidad hipnótica y disociación. En participantes poco susceptibles a la hipnosis encontramos un potente efecto de la disociación favorecedora de la experiencia paranormal. En cambio, en aquellos participantes que tienen puntajes medios y altos de susceptibilidad hipnótica, posiblemente el efecto de la disociación se pierde, o de haberlo, sería muy pequeño, llegando a invertirse en los participantes muy susceptibles. Para puntajes bajos y medio-bajos de disociación, encontramos que a puntajes mayores de susceptibilidad hipnótica, el reporte de experiencias paranormales aumenta (r= .458). En cambio, para puntajes altos y medio-altos de disociación, encontramos que a puntajes mayores de susceptibilidad hipnótica el reporte de experiencias paranormales disminuye (r= -.358).<hr/>There are reliable statistical relationships between hypnotic susceptibility, psychological dissociation, and paranormal experiences. We hypothesized that subjects with greatest hypnotic susceptibility would report the most paranormal experiences. Similarly, we expected that persons with the most dissociative experiences would report the most paranormal experiences. We also hoped to find interactions between hypnotic susceptibility and dissociation with paranormal experiences. We administered the Anomalous Experiences Inventory (AEI), the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) and the Harvard Group Scale (HGS) of hypnotic susceptibility to 67 subjects (73.1% female, 26.9% male), believers in a variety of paranormal events and motivated by their own experiences. A factor analysis showed an interaction between hypnotic susceptibility and dissociation. In subjects with little hypnotic susceptibility we found that dissociation strongly favored paranormal experiences. However, for those subjects scoring medium and medium-high on hypnotic susceptibility, the effect of dissociation was lost. In highly susceptible subjects, the effect was even reversed. Subjects scoring low and medium-low on dissociation but high on hypnotic susceptibility reported more paranormal experiences (r= .458). Subjects scoring high or medium-high on dissociation but high on hypnotic susceptibility reported fewer paranormal experiences (r= .358). <![CDATA[<b>Cooperative behavior in rats</b>: <b>effects of early experience</b>]]> Se estudiaron los efectos de la experiencia alimenticia temprana en el desarrollo de conductas cooperativas en una tarea instrumental en ratas. Los sujetos fueron asignados aleatoriamente a dos grupos. En uno, los sujetos tuvieron libre acceso al alimento, condición análoga a un ambiente rico en alimento. En otro, los sujetos fueron expuestos a cantidades limitadas de alimento, representando un hábitat pobre en recursos alimenticios. En la primera fase experimental se expuso a los sujetos a una situación de elección entre respuestas cooperativas e individuales. El refuerzo obtenido por el trabajo compartido proporcionó 4 veces más de lo recibido por el trabajo individual. En la segunda fase, los sujetos obtuvieron 1 refuerzo tanto por sus respuestas individuales, como por sus respuestas compartidas. En la tercera fase, los sujetos recibieron 4 refuerzos por cada respuesta individual y 1 refuerzo por cada respuesta cooperativa. Los sujetos con experiencia temprana de escasez de alimento presentaron tasas de respuestas cooperativas más altas que los sujetos expuestos a condiciones de abundancia de alimento.<hr/>We studied the effects of early experience in the development of cooperative behaviors in an instrumental task in rats. In the first experimental phase, subjects were exposed to a choice between a cooperative and a non cooperative task. By cooperating subjects obtained 4 times more food than working individually. In a second phase, all experimental subjects earned one reinforcement for each type of response. In the third phase, all experimental subjects earned four reinforcement units for responding individually and one unit for responding cooperatively. Subjects with an early experience of food deprivation presented rates of higher cooperative response than subjects early exposed to food abundance. We conclude that early experience of food abundance or deprivation influence the later development of cooperative behavior.