Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Interamerican Journal of Psychology]]> vol. 41 num. 2 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Why does peer bullying happen?</b>: <b>The causal explanations of portuguese and brazilian adolescents</b>]]> En este estudio se exploran las explicaciones causales de adolescentes de 15 años portugueses y brasileños sobre las relaciones de maltrato entre iguales. A partir de una narrativa gráfica presentada en viñetas, acompañada de una entrevista semiestructurada se pretende crear el contexto narrativo que da margen para la interpretación, las atribuciones emocionales y para los juicios socio-morales presentes en las explicaciones del maltrato. Estos aspectos fueron codificados a partir del análisis de contenido de las entrevistas individuales utilizando un sistema de categorías previamente elaborado. Los resultados muestran que los adolescentes perciben el maltrato como un patrón característico de interacción desarrollado en la relación entre víctima y agresor, y sostenido en la dinámica de los grupos de iguales. Estos datos fueron discutidos a la luz de de los objetivos del estudio, tratando de evidenciar la importancia de atender a lo que los adolescentes dicen, piensan y comprenden acerca de los malos tratos de cara a la investigación e intervención.<hr/>The present study explores fifteen year-old adolescents' narratives and analyzes the causal explanations which underlie their mental representations on peer victimization. Through a scripted-cartoon narrative, which encompasses a semi-structured interview, is elicited the narrative process that stimulates the interpretation and inference of causes, emotional attributions and sociomoral reasoning allowing richer explanations of peer victimization. All these aspects were codified through a content analysis of individual interviews, based on a coding system previously elaborated. The results indicate that adolescents explain bullying as a characteristic pattern of interaction that develops within the context of a relationship between the victim and the aggressor, but magnified in the broader dynamic of the peer group. Data is discussed taking into consideration the specific goals of this study and, evidencing the importance of studying what adolescents say, think and how they reason and understand peer victimization to design research and interventions. <![CDATA[<b>Predicting predicate-logic inferences in text processing</b>]]> Investigações preliminares haviam estabelecido que inferências lógico-sentenciais são realizadas facilmente durante o processamento de texto. Três estudos investigaram as inferências lógico-predicativas em processamento de texto. Os Experimentos 1 e 2 apresentaram histórias nas quais foram embutidas premissas para uma única inferência lógico-predicativa. O Experimento 3 apresentou histórias contendo premissas para inferências lógico-predicativas múltiplas. Os participantes não cometeram quase nenhum erro na hora de julgar se uma sentença final para cada história era apresentada, demonstrando que as inferências lógico-predicativas foram feitas durante a leitura. Os participantes entenderam essas inferências como sendo semelhantes a paráfrases, demonstrando que eles não acreditaram que qualquer inferência havia sido feita. Assim, embora a lógica predicativa necessite de representações complexas da estrutura interna de proposições que estão ausentes na lógica sentencial, os atuais resultados demonstram que sua aplicação durante a leitura é igualmente realizada sem qualquer esforço. As implicações teóricas dos resultados para a literatura de compreensão textual e para a literatura do raciocínio lógico são discutidas.<hr/>Previous investigations had established that sentential-logic inferences are made effortlessly during text processing. Three experiments extended this investigation to predicate-logic inferences in text comprehension. Experiments 1 and 2 presented stories in which premises for a single predicate-logic inference were embedded; Experiment 3 presented stories containing premises for multiple predicate-logic inferences. Participants made almost no errors in judging whether a final sentence to each story was sensible, showing that the predicate-logic inferences were made during reading. Further, participants judged that these inferences as being similar to paraphrases, showing that they did not think that any inference had been made. Thus, although predicate-logic requires complex representations of the internal structure of propositions that is lacking in sentential logic, the present results show that their application during reading is equally effortless. The theoretical implications of the results both for the text comprehension literature and for the logical reasoning literature are discussed. <![CDATA[<b>Empowerment, participation and social self-concept in chilean adolescents</b>]]> En un diseño de corte transversal se examina la relación entre el empoderamiento, la participación social, y el autoconcepto de persona socialmente comprometida, en adolescentes chilenos de colegios particulares y públicos (N =1091). La literatura señala que esta dimensión social del self de persona con actitudes orientadas al bien común se articula en torno a roles en un contexto cívico - social, y tiene consecuencias positivas para la construcción de la democracia, el capital social de las comunidades, la prevención de conductas de riesgo, y el compromiso social en la adultez. Un espacio significativo para el desarrollo de roles y actitudes orientadas al bien común es el colegio. Este estudio examina la relación entre las oportunidades de empoderamiento en el colegio y la participación social con el autoconcepto de persona con actitudes orientadas al bien común y responsabilidad social, en los adolescentes. A través de análisis factorial se identificaron dos dimensiones de empoderamiento, que fueron denominadas clima social de respeto y confianza, y disposición a la toma de acción; y dos dimensiones de participación social: de ayuda y política. Los resultados indican que las oportunidades de empoderamiento, en cuanto clima de respeto, confianza y apoyo del colegio y la disposición a la acción de los jóvenes en función de cambios de su interés, contribuyen en forma significativa al autoconcepto de persona socialmente comprometida. Asimismo, la participación social de ayuda y política contribuye cada una en forma significativa al self social.<hr/>Relationships among empowerment, social participation, and social dimensions of the self are examined cross-sectionally in a sample of Chilean adolescents (N= 1091) drawn from private and public schools Previous literature indicates that social dimensions of the self orientation toward the common good are actualized in social and civic roles. These attitudes are predictive of civic engagement in adulthood and prevent at-risk behaviours in adolescents. School is an important context for the development of roles and attitudes towards the common good. This study tested the association among opportunities for empowerment in school, social participation and adolescents' social self-concept (attitudes towards the common good and social responsibility). Exploratory factor analyses yielded two dimensions of empowerment, namely social climate of respect and trust, and disposition to take action, and two dimensions of social participation: helping others and political. Findings indicated that opportunities for empowerment, operationalized as a school climate that promotes respect, trust and support, and disposition toward action are positively associated with adolescents' social self-concept. Similarly, prosocial and political involvement are each positively associated to adolescents' social self-concept. <![CDATA[<b>Women's personality styles and situational coping with aging</b>]]> Este trabajo examina la relación entre estilos de personalidad y estilos y estrategias de afrontamiento frente a situaciones críticas del envejecimiento en adultas mayores. Una muestra de 212 participantes fue entrevistada acerca de eventos críticos experimentados en la vejez y evaluada mediante los cuestionarios MIPS y Brief-COPE. La mayoría de los estilos y estrategias de afrontamiento se asoció con determinados estilos de personalidad, en correspondencia a lo esperado según el modelo bipolar de personalidad de Millon. El afrontamiento activo y el apoyo emocional se asociaron positivamente con extraversión, modificación y comunicatividad, y negativamente con retraimiento, acomodación e introversión. El afrontamiento focalizado en el problema se asoció positivamente con intuición, firmeza y control, y negativamente con sensación, vacilación y sometimiento. El afrontamiento evitativo correlacionó positivamente con preservación y negativamente con apertura. Los estilos de personalidad tienen un rol importante en el uso de estrategias de afrontamiento en el envejecimiento femenino.<hr/>This paper examines the relationship between the personality styles, coping styles and strategies in the elderly-women's critical situations. A 212-participants sample was interviewed on the critical events experienced at old age and later assessed using the MIPS and Brief-COPE questionnaires. Most of the coping styles and strategies were correlated with determined personality styles regarding the Millon's bipolar model of personality. The active coping and the emotional support were positively correlated with Extraversing, Modifying and Outgoing, and negatively correlated with Retiting, Accommodating and Introversing. The problem-focused coping was positively correlated with Intuition, Asserting and Controlling, and negatively correlated with Feeling, Hesitating and Yielding. The avoided coping was positively correlated with Preserving and negatively correlated with Enhancing. The personality styles play an important role in the use of female aging coping strategies. <![CDATA[<b>The language of risk in psychology</b>: <b>a social constructionist analysis of a psychological database</b>]]> This paper discusses psychology's contribution to the language of risk - the set of historically constructed discursive practices used to refer to behaviour in situations open to the possibility of gains or losses. A sample of 433 PsycINFO abstracts published between 1887 and 1998 was analysed considering the growth rate for publications with risk* in title and the use of the risk concept in different areas of psychology. The distribution of references per area suggests that there were four periods of incorporation of the risk concept in psychological literature: 1887-1949; 1950-1969; 1970-1989 and 1990-1998. Publications tended to address two issues - who is at risk and why people take risks reflecting psychology's concern with subjectivity. Results also suggested that the risk concept has been imported a-critically from other disciplines without discussion of its implications for governmentality.<hr/>Este trabajo discute la contribución de la Psicología para el lenguaje del riesgo - el conjunto de prácticas discursivas construidos históricamente usado para referirse al comportamiento en situaciones abiertas a la posibilidad de ganancias y pérdidas. Una muestra de 433 resúmenes publicados en la PsycINFO entre 1887 y 1998 fue analizado considerando la tasa de crecimiento en las publicaciones con riesgo* en el titulo y el uso del concepto de riesgo en diferentes áreas de la Psicología. La distribución de referencias por áreas sugiere que existan 4 períodos de incorporación del concepto de riesgo en la literatura de la Psicología: 1887-1949; 1950-1969; 1970-1989 y 1990-1998. Las publicaciones tendieron a dos cuestionamientos - quién está en riesgo y por qué las personas se arriesgan reflejando la preocupación de la Psicología con la subjetividad. Los resultados sugirieron también que el concepto de riesgo ha sido importado de forma indiscriminada de otras disciplinas, sin la discusión de sus implicaciones en la gobernabilidad. <![CDATA[<b>Predictors of sexual risk behaviour among adolescents</b>]]> Este artículo evalúa los predictores de la conducta sexual de riesgo, entendida en este estudio como una práctica sexual desprotegida que puede ocasionar infección por ETS/SIDA, considerando la frecuencia y el uso de métodos anticonceptivos. Analiza variables socio-demográficas, psicosociales y de salud. La muestra se compuso de 389 jóvenes estudiantes de la enseñanza media de la ciudad de Porto Alegre en el Brasil. A través del análisis de regresión logística binária, se encontró el perfil de los que tienen mayor propensión a la conducta sexual de riesgo: jóvenes varones que tuvieron mayor número de parejas sexuales en el último año, presentaron mayor frecuencia en la consumición de alcohol, menor índice de bienestar psicológico y menor utilización de la estrategia de coping de búsqueda de pertenencia,<hr/>This study evaluates the sexual risk predictors (predictors of sexual intercourse without condom) that may cause infection by STD/AIDS, considering the frequency and the use of contraceptive methods. It analyzes socio-demographic, psychosocial and health variables. The sample was composed by 389 youths, third-year high school students from Porto Alegre, Brazil. Through a binary logistic regression analisys we have found that male teenagers who are suposed to be more propense to sexual risk behaviour had a higher number of sexual partners in the last year, presented a higher frequency in alcohol consumption as well as a lower psychological well being score and a lower use of the looking for belonging coping strategy,. <![CDATA[<b>Protestant churches in Puerto Rico facing HIV/AIDS</b>: <b>opinions of religious leaders of two denominations</b>]]> Ante el problema de salud urgente que plantea el VIH/SIDA para Puerto Rico, decidimos explorar el rol que las iglesias protestantes podrían asumir en su prevención. Se entrevistaron siete líderes religiosos/as de las denominaciones Discípulos de Cristo y Evangélica Unida para conocer sus recomendaciones en torno a las estrategias, temas, y personas que deben recibir y facilitar esfuerzos de prevención desde las iglesias. También se indagó sobre la disponibilidad de recursos para implantar estos esfuerzos. Todos/as expresaron que las iglesias protestantes deben participar en la prevención del VIH/SIDA. Recomendaron que un equipo multidisciplinario ofrezca charlas y talleres sobre temas como la abstinencia y la masturbación con énfasis en la juventud. Manifestaron que las iglesias cuentan con recursos para implantar las estrategias propuestas. Incluimos recomendaciones a tono con estos resultados.<hr/>Given the urgent health situation that HIV/AIDS generates for Puerto Rico, we explored the role protestant churches could have in its prevention. Seven leaders of the Disciples of Christ and the United Evangelical denominations were interviewed to learn of their recommendations regarding strategies, themes and people who should receive and facilitate preventive efforts stemming from the church. We also inquired about the availability of resources to implement these efforts. All participants believed their churches should engage in HIV/AIDS prevention. They recommended that an interdisciplinary group give lectures or workshops on issues such as abstinence and masturbation with a focus on youth. They think the church has the resources to implement these activities. We include recommendations according to these results. <![CDATA[<b>Poverty and social support</b>: <b>a comparative study in three socioeconomic levels</b>]]> Son numerosos los estudios que han reportado que el apoyo social promueve el bienestar físico y mental. Las personas que se sienten apoyadas por sus amigos y familia presentan menos ansiedad y depresión, tienen un sistema inmunológico más fuerte y una mayor autoestima. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer la percepción del apoyo social de tres grupos socioeconómicos (N=918) y su relación con algunas variables psicológicas como la autoestima, las estrategias de afrontamiento, el locus de control, la depresión, la motivación al logro y el bienestar subjetivo. Los hallazgos muestran que para los tres grupos la principal fuente de apoyo es la familia de origen, seguida de la iglesia y la religión. Existen algunas diferencias en la percepción del apoyo social entre los grupos y además se observó que ciertas características de personalidad están asociadas con un mayor apoyo social percibido.<hr/>Several studies have reported that social support promotes the mental and physical well-being. The people that feel supported by their friends and family, present less anxiety and depression, have a stronger immune system and a greater self-esteem. The current research had the objective the social support perception of three socioeconomic groups (N=918) and its relations with some psychological variables as self-esteem, coping, locus of control, depression, achievement motivation and subjective well-being. The findings show that for the three groups the main source of support is the nuclear family, followed by the church and the religion. However, some differences in the perception of the social support between the groups do exist, and also certain characteristics of personality were found to be associated with a greater social support perceived. <![CDATA[<b>Brazilian and argentinean families</b>: <b>between tradition and modernity</b>]]> El modelo tradicional de familia - en su forma nuclear: madre, padre e hijos - ha pasado por innumerables alteraciones a lo largo de las últimas décadas. Las principales transformaciones de este modelo ocurrieron en América Latina durante las décadas 80' y 90'. Esto ocurrió con la remarcable inserción de la mujer en el mercado de trabajo y en nuevos contextos educacionales, en paralelo a influencias económicas y a innovadores parámetros jurídicos e ideológicos contemporaneos. El presente trabajo pretende analizar los principales cambios en la estructura familiar durante las últimas dos décadas en dos grandes centros urbanos de Brasil y Argentina, Rio de Janeiro y Buenos Aires. Para tal fin fue realizada una investigación de la literatura disponible sobre el tema en cuestión, utilizando también datos de los últimos censos demográficos en ambos países (Indec - Argentina, IBGE - Brasil). De esta forma, buscamos identificar semejanzas y diferencias en las trayectorias de la intimidad y de la vida familiar en estos dos países durante las décadas 80' y 90', resaltando, como uno de los principales factores atenuantes de este proceso, la participación de la mujer en el mercado de trabajo y en el ámbito educativo de ambos países. Observamos tambien que a pesar de que el modelo nuclear continúa siendo el tipo de familia más idealizado, varias formas alternativas han aumentado considerablemente en ambos países como referencias para la intimidad.<hr/>The traditional family model - in its nuclear form: mother, father and children - has gone through innumerable alterations during the last decades. The main transformations of this model occurred in Latin America during the 80´s and 90´s. This occurred with the remarkable insertion of women into the labor market and into new educational contexts, echoing the repeated economic crises and the innovative contemporaneous legal and ideological parameters. The present work intends to analyze the main changes in the family structure of the last two decades in two of the biggest urban centers of Brazil and Argentina, Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires. This study is based on bibliographical research using data from the most recent literature and from the last Demographic Census in both countries (Indec - Argentina, IBGE, Brazil). In this way, we seek to identify similarities and differences in the trajectories of family life and intimacy in those two countries during the 80's and 90's, outlining the impact of women's intense participation in the labor force and educational contexts as one of the major reasons for contemporary changes. Despite the evidence that the nuclear model is still the most idealized and prevalent family type, alternative forms of intimacy have been increasing in significant ways in both countries. <![CDATA[<b>Prostate cancer, feelings of impotence and failures before cards IV and V of Rorschach</b>]]> O objetivo deste estudo é compreender os sentimentos de impotência e fracassos com base em dados empíricos extraídos dos cartões IV e VI da técnica de Rorschach aplicado em vinte e cinco pacientes com câncer de próstata em atendimento ambulatorial num hospital de câncer. O Rorschach foi aplicado nas dependências do próprio hospital, após consentimento livre e esclarecido dos pacientes e aprovação do Comitê de Ética do hospital. O estudo permite concluir que por se tratar de um órgão que afeta a sensibilidade sexual masculina, a depressão e o sentimento de impotência estão presentes em todos os pacientes, mesmo naqueles em que a impotência possa ser temporária.<hr/>The purpose of this study was to understand the feelings of impotence and failure, based on empirical data extracted from cards IV and V of the Rorschach technique. It was carried out with twenty five prostate cancer patients in a specialized cancer hospital. The Rorschach was applied inside the hospital after both the patients' free and conscious consent and the approval of the hospital's Ethics Committee. The study allowed to conclude that depression and impotence feelings are present in all prostate cancer patients, even in those whose impotence may be temporary, since the prostate is an organ that affects sexual male sensibility. <![CDATA[<b>Validity of moral norms</b>: <b>perspectives of philosophy and psychoanalysis</b>]]> In classical antiquity and the European Middle Ages religion was the principal source of ethical norms, and moral life was considered to be a submission to a pre-established cosmological order. In modern times a radical change in ethics can be detected, due to a new concept of human subjectivity, and leading to relativistic views in ethics as well as the loss of absolutely certain moral orientation. Moral norms are considered to be human inventions differing from civilization to civilization, an insight which is gaining acceptance especially in Anglo-Saxon philosophy. For Freud as well, moral values are cultural products, and on this matter his thought resembles the empirical approach in moral philosophy. According to Freud, moral principles and conscience are the result of the sense of guilt and of instinctual renunciation thereby imposed. Whereas in Freud's psychoanalytical approach the diagnosis of the discomfort caused by culture and ethics prevails, philosophical ethical analysis is much more interested in the positive effects of morals in society.<hr/>En la antigüedad clásica y en la Edad Media europea, la religión era la fuente principal de las normas éticas, y se consideraba a la vida moral como sumisión a un orden cosmológico preestablecido. En los tiempos modernos, se puede detectar una mudanza radical en la ética, debido a una nueva concepción de la subjetividad humana, lo que origina opiniones relativistas en la ética así como la pérdida de una orientación moral absolutamente cierta. Se considera a las normas morales como invenciones humanas, diferenciándolas de civilización a civilización, comprensión ésta que se está imponiendo especialmente en la filosofía anglo-sajónica. También para Freud, los valores morales son productos culturales, y a este respecto su pensamiento se parece con el abordaje empírico en la ética filosófica. Según Freud, los principios morales y la conciencia son resultado del sentimiento de culpa y de la renuncia pulsional impuesta de esta manera. Considerando que en el abordaje psicoanalítico de Freud prevalece el diagnóstico del malestar causado por la cultura y por la ética, el análisis ético-filosófico está mucho más interesado en los efectos positivos de la moralidad en la sociedad. <![CDATA[<b>Human figure drawing</b>: <b>an analysis of the differential functioning of the criteria</b>]]> Esta investigación ha tenido como objetivo la determinación del funcionamiento diferencial del ítem (DIF) en el test del Dibujo de la Figura Humana utilizado para la estimativa de la inteligencia en niños, considerando la variable sexo. Han sido estudiados protocolos de 2508 estudiantes de la enseñanza primaria y preescolar, cuyo promedio de edad fue de 8,14 años. Gran parte de ellos frecuentaban escuelas públicas (72,1 %) y los grupos para el estudio de DIF fueron compuestos por 1248 niños y 1260 niñas. Los parámetros métricos de los ítems fueron determinados según el modelo logístico de un parámetro de Rasch. Los resultados han indicado la presencia de DIF en 20 de los 46 ítems analizados, siendo que nueve de ellos han sido de fácil ejecución para las niñas y 11 para los niños.<hr/>This research aimed the determination of the differential item functioning (DIF) in the Human Figure Drawing used for the intelligence assessment in children, taking into account the sex variable. A sample of 2508 kindergarten and elementary school students, whose average age was 8.14 years, was studied. The majority of them was composed by students from public schools (72.1%) and the groups for the study of DIF were composed by 1248 men and 1260 women. The metric parameters of the items were determined according to the Rasch model of one logistic parameter. The results indicated the presence of DIF in 29 of 46 analyzed items; more specifically nine items were easy for the girls and 11 for the boys. <![CDATA[<b>Teamwork</b>: <b>a multimethodological study at hospital institution of rehabilitation</b>]]> Desenvolveu-se uma investigação visando a descrever, analisar e compreender aspectos comunicacionais e interacionais da tomada de decisão (TD) em instituição de reabilitação. Para tanto, realizaram-se registro observacional direto e filmagem da reunião de discussão de caso, bem como entrevistas individuais e em grupo com profissionais dos dois programas estudados. Os resultados indicaram que, na situação estruturada de reunião, a TD está centrada no paciente, com predomínio de foco ampliado nas discussões e maior freqüência de verbalizações de natureza "fornece" e "solicita informações". O mecanismo "expande discussão" é o mais utilizado. A percepção do apoio interprofissional é avaliada como fator facilitador da TD, ao passo que características pessoais, aspectos específicos da interação e a estruturação do programa de reabilitação dificultam-na. A abordagem multimetodológica adotada mostrou-se satisfatória.<hr/>This study was designed to describe, understand and analyze the communicational aspects of the decision making process (DMP) of two clinical teams at a rehabilitation hospital. Direct observations, videotaping of meetings for case discussion, individual and group interviews with the professionals were made. Results indicate that, in the structured situation of case discussion, the DMP was centered on the patient with a predominant use of an amplified focus on discussions and higher frequencies of "offers" and "asks for information". The mechanism "expands discussion" was the most used by professionals. Inter-professional support was perceived as a facilitating factor. Personal characteristics, aspects of the interaction and aspects of the programs activities structuring were seen as hampering factors in DMP. The adopted multimethodological approach proved to be satisfactory. <![CDATA[<b>Empowerment in time of suffering</b>: <b>reflections on psychologist's work and brazilian reality</b>]]> Inserida em um mundo em que a globalização e o neoliberalismo são hegemônicos, a realidade brasileira é dominada por uma dinâmica social que produz opressão e sofrimento para a grande parte da população. Profissionais que se defrontam com esta realidade e suas conseqüências são marcadas pelo medo e várias dificuldades. Depois de apresentar processos históricos correntes e seu impacto sobre a realidade brasileira, este trabalho descreve um programa desenvolvido para profissionais da Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social. O programa teve um horizonte libertador e buscou criar diálogo e reflexões sobre a realidade e como transforma-la. O programa teve três estágios. Avaliação de dimensões da vida pessoal e profissional. Esta informação foi discutida em cinco sessões de três horas envolvendo implicações do programa. Processos psicossociais relacionados a libertação e opressão são discutidos. Apoio CNPq.<hr/>Inserted in a world where globalization and neoliberalism are hegemonic, Brazilian reality is ruled by social dynamics that produces oppression and suffering for most of the population. Psychologists and other professionals who face this reality and its consequences are stained by fear and various difficulties. After addressing current historical processes and its impact over Brazilian context, this article describes a program developed for professionals associated with the Municipal Social Assistance Secretary. The program had a liberatory horizon and aimed to create dialogue and reflection about reality and how to change it. The program had three stages. Assessed dimensions of their work and personal lives. This information was discussed in five three-hour sessions. Finally, the implications of the program were evaluated. Psychosocial processes related to liberation and oppression are discussed. Support: CNPq <![CDATA[<b>Bodily experience and drug abuse</b>: <b>a case study of the subjective experience of the body</b>]]> Estudio de caso que explora la experiencia subjetiva del cuerpo en la trayectoria con el uso de drogas a través del relato de vida. Se utilizó la entrevista abierta bajo los supuestos metodológicos del relato autobiográfico. Se propuso al participante "Hablar de sí mismo y contar su experiencia con el uso de drogas". La estrategia analítica se diseñó con base en la propuesta de Barthes (1990) para el análisis estructural de los relatos. Los resultados muestran que en el relato emerge una subjetividad que articula modos de haber sido y ser cuerpo como instancias constitutivas de la existencia. Desde el punto de vista de la corporalidad, la trayectoria con el uso de drogas deviene en una relación de saber-poder con el propio cuerpo, donde la experiencia subjetiva se entreteje en una red de controles y normas sociales. El análisis del cuerpo como experiencia enriquece la comprensión de prácticas como el uso de drogas.<hr/>This case study explores the subjective experiences of the body as a narration that gives meaning to reality as a result of drug abuse. It uses the open interview technique based on the method of autobiographic narrative. During the interview the participant was asked to "Speak about himself and tell of his experience with consumption of illegal drugs." This analytic strategy is based on some elements proposed by Barthes (1990) for the structural analysis of narratives. The results show that in the process of these narrations subjectivity emerges, that articulates the individual's own existence through experiences of having been and of being a body. From this corporal perspective, the process of drug use generates a relationship of power with one's own body, whereby the subjective experience is woven into a network of social controls and norms. Analytic study of the body as a subjective experience helps understand drug abuse. <![CDATA[<b>El enfoque comunitario</b>: <b>El desafío de incorporar a la comunidad en las intervenciones sociales de Víctor Martínez</b>]]> Estudio de caso que explora la experiencia subjetiva del cuerpo en la trayectoria con el uso de drogas a través del relato de vida. Se utilizó la entrevista abierta bajo los supuestos metodológicos del relato autobiográfico. Se propuso al participante "Hablar de sí mismo y contar su experiencia con el uso de drogas". La estrategia analítica se diseñó con base en la propuesta de Barthes (1990) para el análisis estructural de los relatos. Los resultados muestran que en el relato emerge una subjetividad que articula modos de haber sido y ser cuerpo como instancias constitutivas de la existencia. Desde el punto de vista de la corporalidad, la trayectoria con el uso de drogas deviene en una relación de saber-poder con el propio cuerpo, donde la experiencia subjetiva se entreteje en una red de controles y normas sociales. El análisis del cuerpo como experiencia enriquece la comprensión de prácticas como el uso de drogas.<hr/>This case study explores the subjective experiences of the body as a narration that gives meaning to reality as a result of drug abuse. It uses the open interview technique based on the method of autobiographic narrative. During the interview the participant was asked to "Speak about himself and tell of his experience with consumption of illegal drugs." This analytic strategy is based on some elements proposed by Barthes (1990) for the structural analysis of narratives. The results show that in the process of these narrations subjectivity emerges, that articulates the individual's own existence through experiences of having been and of being a body. From this corporal perspective, the process of drug use generates a relationship of power with one's own body, whereby the subjective experience is woven into a network of social controls and norms. Analytic study of the body as a subjective experience helps understand drug abuse.