Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Interamerican Journal of Psychology]]> vol. 42 num. 2 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Psychic changes</b>: <b>the rorschach, the psychoanalytical process and the analyst-analysand relationship</b>]]> The authors intend to articulate the clinical and theoretical frames of references in an empirical context of a psychoanalytical investigation. Four young women with borderline disorder were assisted in psychoanalytic psychotherapy at the outpatient psychotherapeutic public service of a Medical School. The Rorschach test, Comprehensive System, was administrated before the treatment and once a year. After one year of therapy it was possible to correlate the participants’ psychic changes detected by the Rorschach with the changes occurred in the psychoanalytic setting. In some situations, it was possible for the analyst to build together with the analysand new representations and elaborations. In other moments, due to the violence and intensity of the emotions lived in the experience with the analysand, acting outs were enacted by the therapist, what could be recognized and overcome latter.<hr/>Las autoras intentan articular marcos de referencia clínicos y teóricos en el contexto empírico de una investigación psicoanalítica. Cuatro mujeres jóvenes con trastornos borderline fueron tratadas con psicoterapia psicoanalítica en el servicio público de consultorios externos de una facultad de medicina. El Rorschach, Sistema Comprehensivo, fue administrado antes del tratamiento y luego, una vez por año. Después de un año de terapia fue posible correlacionar los cambios psíquicos de las participantes detectados por el Rorschach con los cambios ocurridos en el encuadre psicoanalítico. En algunas situaciones, fue posible para el analista construir junto con la analizanda nuevas representaciones y elaboraciones. En otros momentos, debido a la violencia e intensidad de las emociones vividas en la experiencia con la analizanda, se desencadenaron actuaciones en el terapeuta que pudieron ser reconocidas y superadas posteriormente <![CDATA[<b>Effectiveness of a Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Puerto Rican Children</b>]]> This study evaluated the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral intervention for children with disruptive disorders and depressed mood. Four hundred thirty four boys and 174 girls, ages 8 to 13, attending public schools, were initially evaluated to determine the diagnosis of a disruptive disorder. Of those diagnosed with disruptive disorders, 278 were assigned to the two experimental groups. The Child Depression Inventory was administered to the children and the Bauermeister School Behavior Inventory was administered to the teachers at three different stages. At post-treatment, significant reductions were found in the treatment group vs. the control group in depressed mood and disruptive behaviors. Children in the treatment group showed further reductions at the follow-up in both areas.<hr/>Este estudio evaluó la efectividad de una intervención cognoscitiva/conductual para niños diagnosticados con trastornos disruptivos y depresión. Cuatrocientos treinta y cuatro niños y 174 niñas, entre 8 a 13 años y de escuelas públicas, fueron evaluados para determinar los diagnósticos de conductas disruptivas; sólo 278 fueron asignados a los grupos experimentales. El Inventario de Depresión de Kovacs fue administrado a los niños y el Inventario de Bauermeister de Conducta-Escuela fue administrado a maestros. Las medidas fueron administradas en tres momentos. Reducciones significativas en post-tratamiento fueron encontradas en el grupo del tratamiento vs. el grupo control en depresión y comportamientos disruptivos. Los niños en el tratamiento también mostraron reducciones significativas en el seguimiento de 6 meses en depresión y comportamientos disruptivos. <![CDATA[<b>Selecting neuropsychological tests for use in multiple sclerosis and temporal lobe epilepsy</b>: <b>relevance of effect size estimations</b>]]> Testes neuropsicológicos são cada vez mais utilizados na avaliação clínica da esclerose múltipla (EM) e epilepsia do lobo temporal (ELT), condições neurológicas crônicas mais prevalentes em adultos. A heterogeneidade das amostras clínicas pode ser importante razão para o teste estatístico da hipótese nula (TEHN) ser freqüentemente não significativo para comparações de grupos, mas limitações nos métodos estatísticos tradicionais também podem estar implicados. O presente estudo examina a hipótese de que o TEHN pode ser uma análise inadequada para comparação do desempenho de pacientes neurológicos com controles. Vinte e seis pacientes ELT, 113 pacientes EM e 117 controles foram comparados em 11 instrumentos (35 escores). O TEHN resultou não significativo para comparações de 18 escores, enquanto a magnitude do efeito (d) e o poder estatístico foram adequados para 27 comparações. Estimativas de magnitude do efeito devem ser consideradas como ferramenta analítica importante na seleção de medidas neuropsicológicas apropriadas para utilização clínica.<hr/>Neuropsychological tests are increasingly used as part of clinical assessment in multiple sclerosis (MS) and temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), the most prevalent chronic disabling neurological conditions in adulthood. Heterogeneity of clinical samples may be one important reason for null hypothesis statistical testing (NHST) being frequently nonsignificant for group comparisons, but limitations in routine statistical methods may also be implicated. The present study examined the hypothesis that NHST may be an inadequate analysis strategy when comparing the performance of neurological patients with that of controls. Twenty-six TLE patients, 113 MS patients, and 117 normal controls of similar sociodemographic characteristics were compared on 11 instruments (35 scores). NHST resulted nonsignificant for 18 scores comparisons according to Bonferroni criteria, while effect size (d) and power estimates were adequate for 27 comparisons. Effect size estimations should be considered as an important analytical tool in selecting appropriate neuropsychological measures for clinical use. <![CDATA[<b>Development and psychometric properties of the escala de autoeficacia para la depresión en adolescentes (EADA)</b>]]> Los instrumentos que miden autoeficacia en jóvenes son mayormente escalas para adultos adaptadas para evaluar adolescentes o escalas de autoeficacia general. El propósito de este estudio fue desarrollar y evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Autoeficacia para la Depresión en Adolescentes (EADA). Además, administramos la versión en español de la subescala de Autoeficacia Emocional del Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children, así como el Inventario de Depresión en Niños/as-Versión Corta, para evaluar la validez concurrente entre estas medidas. Participaron 116 adolescentes entre 13 a 17 años. Los resultados indican que la EADA posee una consistencia interna y una validez concurrente excelente. Los mismos apoyan su adecuación como instrumento que evalúa la auto-percepción de confianza del/de la adolescente al enfrentar situaciones típicas del Trastorno Depresivo Mayor.<hr/>Self-efficacy questionnaires used with adolescents are mostly youth-adapted adult measures or scales developed to assess general perceived self-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to develop and assess the psychometric properties of the Escala de Autoeficacia para la Depresión en Adolescentes (EADA). Additionally, the Emotional Self-efficacy subscale from the Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children and the Children’s Depression Inventory-Short Version were administered to evaluate concurrent validity among these three measures. Participants were 116 adolescents between 13 and 17 years old. Results revealed that EADA has excellent internal consistency and concurrent validity, and support its adequacy as a measure to assess youth self-perception of confidence when confronting situations related to Major Depressive Disorder. <![CDATA[<b>Development and validation of a scale to assess the functioning of school leadership teams</b>]]> El artículo describe la construcción y validación de una escala para evaluar el funcionamiento del equipo directivo en los centros educativos. En la fase de construcción de la escala la muestra fue de 20 directivos. En la fase de validación y análisis de la estructura factorial de la escala, la muestra fue de 135 directivos pertenecientes a 53 establecimientos educacionales de enseñanza básica y secundaria de la Quinta Región - Chile. Se encontraron cuatro factores que explican conjuntamente el funcionamiento del equipo directivo: confianza; sentido; eficiencia y eficacia; ineficacia organizacional. Se discute sobre la importancia de estos factores en la implementación de un sistema de aseguramiento de la calidad para el mejoramiento de la gestión escolar.<hr/>This paper describes the development and validation of a scale that purports to assess school leadership teams’ functioning. For the development phase, data were collected from 20 school principals. To determine construct validity, the scale was administered to 153 school professionals working in 53 public schools from the V Region in Chile. Reliability index was 0.982, with a four factor structure. These include: trust, meaning, efficiency and efficacy, and organizational inefficacy. The discussion centers on the importance of these factors for the implementation of a quality assurance system for school improvement. <![CDATA[<b>Family representation and the didactic material</b>]]> A pesquisa trata da representação de família implícita no material didático usado por crianças de escolas particulares da zona centro da cidade do Recife, que freqüentam entre a primeira e a quarta série do Ensino Fundamental. A amostra foi aleatória. Foram submetidos à Análise de Conteúdo Documental 108 livros didáticos e paradidáticos. Os resultados indicam que estes materiais privilegiam um modelo tradicional de família. Os papéis femininos e masculinos são essencializados e naturalizados; as relações de poder se orientam pela supremacia do sexo masculino sobre o feminino e ocorrem na vertical em relação à idade. Homens, mulheres e crianças são apresentados em um modelo “ideal”, favorecendo a exclusão de outras possibilidades de ser sujeito.<hr/>The research is about representation of family implicit in the didactic material used by children from first to fourth grades of private schools in the center zone of Recife city. The sample was chosen at random. A hundred and eight didactical and paradidactic books were submitted to Documental Content Analysis. The results indicate that these materials privilege a traditional model of family. The feminine and masculine roles are considered as essential and natural; power relations are oriented by the supremacy of the masculine gender over the feminine one and occur vertically according to age. Men, women and children are presented in an “ideal” model, favoring the exclusion of all other possibilities of being a subject. <![CDATA[<b>Prediction of the dyadic adjustment in a nuevo leon sample</b>]]> El objetivo del presente estudio es predecir el ajuste diádico con variables sociodemográficas, religiosas, sexuales, de estados emocionales y personalidad. La muestra consta de 100 parejas casadas. Como instrumento de medida se emplea un cuestionario integrado por preguntas cerradas y escalas para medir ajuste diádico, satisfacción sexual, alexitimia, ansiedad, depresión, afectos positivos y negativos, deseabilidad social y engrandecimiento marital. Los datos se analizan por correlación, análisis factorial y regresión. El ajuste diádico se asocia con el engrandecimiento marital, ansiedad-rasgo, satisfacción sexual; con alexitimia y depresión especialmente en hombres; y con menor fuerza, con niveles bajos de afectos negativos y altos de positivos. Al factorizar los correlatos interrelacionados del ajuste diádico surge un factor de neuroticismo y emociones negativas que es el principal predictor de falta de ajuste. Se considera que el engrandecimiento marital se debe interpretar como autoengaño y enamoramiento mejor que como manejo de la impresión.<hr/>The present study objective is to predict the dyadic adjustment with socio-demographic, religious, sexual, emotional states and personality features variables. The sample consists of 100 married couples. A questionnaire is used as measure instrument which is integrated by closed questions and scales to measure: dyadic adjustment, sexual satisfaction, alexithymia, anxiety, depression, positive and negative affects, social desirability and marital aggrandizement. The data are analyzed by correlation, factor analysis and regression. The dyadic adjustment is associated with marital aggrandizement, anxiety-trait, and sexual satisfaction; with alexithymia and depression especially in men; and with smaller force, with low level of negative affects and high level of positive affects. When factoring the dyadic adjustment interrelated correlates, a neuroticism and negative emotions factor, that it is the main predictor of dyadic adjustment lack, arises. It considers that the marital aggrandizement should be interpreted as self-defecting and infatuation better than as a social impression manage. <![CDATA[<b>Recreational habits among adolescents and auditory health</b>]]> El alto porcentaje de jóvenes rechazados en el ingreso laboral en Argentina por problemas auditivos sin justificación clínica, motivó el desarrollo de un modelo de medición para estudiar la inmisión sonora de los adolescentes durante sus hábitos recreativos y las consecuencias en la función auditiva. Consistió en un estudio longitudinal interdisciplinario, psicosocial, audiológico y acústico, con 102 varones y 71 niñas de dos escuelas de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina, con edades entre 14/15 años al comienzo del estudio y re-testeados anualmente durante cuatro años. Se muestran los resultados más importantes de los tres estudios y sus interrelaciones, analizando más detalladamente el psicosocial. Estos resultados fundamentan el actual Programa de Intervención para Promoción y Conservación de la Audición en Adolescentes delineado en breve síntesis.<hr/>The high percentage of young people rejected at the beginning of their working life, in Argentina, by hearing loss without clinic causes, motivate the development of a mesurement model to study the sound immission among adolescents during their recreational habits and the consequences in the auditory function. It consisted in an interdisciplinary long-term study, psychosocial, audiological and acoustical, with 102 boys and 71 girls from two schools of Córdoba city, Argentina, aged 14/15 years at the beginning of the study and re-tested yearly during four years. The most important results of the three studies and their relationships are shown, analysing more detailed the psychosocial aspect. These results support the present Intervention Programme for the Conservation and Promotion of Hearing addressed to the adolescentes which is outlined in a brief synthesis. <![CDATA[<b>Children and their parents reports of stressful life events and illness</b>]]> El propósito del estudio fue conocer si los eventos vitales reportados en la Escala de Reajuste Social (SRRS) predecirían la frecuencia de síntomas reportados en la Escala de Síntomas Físicos y Psicológicos (ESFP). Un segundo propósito fue conocer el grado de acuerdo entre los reportes de padres e hijos. Niños mexicanos de educación elemental (N=287) y algunos de sus padres (N=156) respondieron ambos cuestionarios. Se encontró que los puntajes en el SRRS correlacionaron con los puntajes en la ESFP. Los resultados también mostraron un bajo grado de acuerdo entre informantes. La consistencia entre padres e hijos sobre el reporte de eventos vitales y síntomas de enfermedad varió en función del sexo, grado escolar y tipo de escuela de los niños.<hr/>The purpose of the study was to determine whether stressful events reported on the Social Readjustment Scale (SRRS) predicted reports of different symptoms on the Scale of Physical and Psychological Symptoms (SPPS). A second purpose was to determine whether parents and their children agree in their reports. Mexican children (N=287) from elementary schools and some of their parents (N = 156) answered the questionnaires. Results showed that scores on the SRRS correlated with scores on the SPPS and that there was a low degree of agreement between the reports of parents and children. The degree of consistency on stressful events and symptoms reported by the children’s and their parents varied with the children’s gender, school grade and type of school. <![CDATA[<b>Mexican adolescents´ adjustment level</b>]]> En este trabajo, la adaptación es considerada como un proceso dinámico y relacional entre la persona y el medio, en el cual se espera el ajuste de la conducta del individuo a sus propios deseos, preferencias y necesidades; más aún, se espera que tal conducta se adapte a las circunstancias del entorno, a las normas, deseos y necesidades de las personas con quienes interactúa. En la adolescencia ocurren cambios importantes en las diferentes esferas de la vida de los individuos. En medio de estos cambios, los adolescentes tienen que lograr desarrollar conductas que les permitan adaptarse a los diferentes ambientes en los que se desenvuelven y sentirse satisfechos al lograr también ajustar su propio comportamiento a lo que ellos necesitan. Se pueden presentar diferentes problemas tales como un pobre autoconcepto y autoestima, en la interacción familiar y en el ámbito académico, si el adolescente no consigue una adaptación satisfactoria que le permita desenvolverse en los ambientes donde interactúan. El presente trabajo, tuvo dos objetivos: obtener normas de puntuación para la zona metropolitana de la ciudad de México del Cuestionario de Adaptación para Adolescentes de Bell, así como observar las diferencias significativas entre los adolescentes hombres y mujeres y entre los diferentes niveles escolares.<hr/>In this work adjustment is considered as a relational and dynamic process among the subject and the environment, in which the individual’s behavior adjustment is expected to be referred to his own desires, preferences and needs; furthermore it is expected that such behavior adjusts to the environment’s circumstances, rules, desires and preferences from the people with whom he interacts. During adolescence, important changes happens in all areas of human beings. In the middle of these changes, adolescents have to develop behaviors that allow them to fit into the different environment in which they dwell; and become satisfied when they can adjust his (her) own behavior to their needs. They may face different problems related to a poor self-esteem, low self-conceit and interaction problems within family and educational context, if they do not get a satisfactory adaptation, which may allowed them to interact properly in the environment in which they develop. In this sense, we focused the present work, toward two major goals: to obtain punctuation norms for the Mexico City and metropolitan area, from the Bell’s Cuestionario de Adaptación para Adolescentes, and to observe significant differences among males and females adolescents and also among different school levels of high school. <![CDATA[<b>Identity</b>: <b>elements of ethnicity among students</b>]]> A etnicidade vem sendo discutida em pesquisas na psicologia e nas ciências sociais, em diferentes investigações. Contudo, a etnicidade e a identidade étnica ainda não se constituem como um foco de atenção importante no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir as temáticas referentes à etnicidade, apresentando os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada entre escolares - imigrantes e não imigrantes - de Porto Alegre (Brasil). Os resultados apresentam sintonia com pesquisas de outros contextos, considerando aspectos macro-contextuais (como as migrações e a globalização) e micro-contextuais (a situação de fronteira e história local). Também identificou-se uma tendência de hibridização identitária entre os grupos, indicando um processo adaptativo por parte dos imigrantes e manutenção das raízes étnicomigratórias locais por parte dos demais participantes.<hr/>The ethnicity has been discussed thoroughly on psychology and social sciences, by different investigations. However, the ethnicity and the ethnic identity, still do not constitutes a focus of attention in Brazil. The objective of this work is to discusse the themes regarding the ethnicity, presenting the results of a research developed among students, immigrants and not-immigrants - on Porto Alegre (Brazil). The results present affinity with investigations in other contexts, considering macro-contextual aspects (as the migrations and the globalization) and micro-contextual aspects (the border situation and local history). Was detected an tendency of identity’s hibridization between both groups, indicating an adaptative process by the immigrants and a maintenance of the local ethnic migratory identity roots by the other participants. <![CDATA[<b>The use of <i>alcohol use disorders identification test (audit)</i> to identify alcohol use among high school students</b>]]> O álcool é uma das drogas mais consumidas pelos adolescentes. Apenas recentemente têm-se investigado instrumentos de rastreamento do uso de bebidas alcoólicas nesta população. O trabalho buscou investigar o uso do Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) para levantamento inicial (Screening) e avaliação do consumo de bebidas alcoólicas entre alunos do Ensino Médio. Participaram do estudo 1227 jovens de duas escolas públicas que responderam ao AUDIT e forneceram dados relativos a: nível sócio-econômico, religião e familiar com beber problemático. Através do ponto de corte 8 para o AUDIT identificou-se o beber de risco em 17,8% dos participantes. Conclui-se que devido à fácil aplicação e aceitação entre os estudantes, o AUDIT é um instrumento importante para programas de prevenção e intervenção no consumo de álcool.<hr/>Alcohol is one of the drugs most widely used among teenagers. Just recently, studies have been developed regarding the screening of use of alcohol by this population. This work aimed to investigate the use of AUDIT as a method for screening and evaluation of alcohol consumption among High School students. The sample was composed by 1227 students from two public schools, who answered to the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and informed their socioeconomic level, religion, and occurrence of relationship problems caused by drunkenness of family members. Using an 8 cut-off point, AUDIT has identified 17.8% of students with risk drinking. These results have revealed that AUDIT is easy to be applied and well accepted by the students. It was also evident the importance of this instrument in the follow-up programs of prevention and intervention of alcoholic beverages use. <![CDATA[<b>Attitudes towards the approval of psychotherapy <i>online</i> in the light of reasoned action theory</b>]]> Investigaram-se as atitudes sobre a aprovação da psicoterapia online, em uma amostra composta por 161 pessoas, que responderam a um questionário acessado por meio de um site da internet dedicado à saúde mental. Os resultados evidenciaram que: (a) as atitudes sobre a aprovação da psicoterapia online consistiam em uma função positiva do produto das crenças sobre a aprovação desse tipo de terapia por suas respectivas avaliações; (b) a norma subjetiva associada à aprovação da terapia online constituía uma função positiva dos produtos das crenças normativas sobre a aprovação desse tipo de terapia pelas motivações em aderir a essas crenças; (c) tanto a atitude quanto a norma subjetiva contribuíram para a predição da intenção de comportamentos de voto favoráveis à aprovação da terapia online, embora a atitude tivesse exercido maior influência nessa predição. Tais resultados são discutidos à luz de achados anteriores e dos pressupostos da teoria da ação racional.<hr/>The aim of this study was to investigate the attitudes towards the approval of psychotherapy online in the light of reasoned action theory. The sample consisted of 167 participants (67% were females) who completed an online questionnaire through a mental health website. The results indicated that the attitudes towards the approval of psychotherapy online were a positive function of the product of beliefs regarding this matter by its evaluations. On the other hand, the subjective norm concerning the approval of psychotherapy was a positive function of the product of normative beliefs regarding this matter by the motivation to adhere to them. In addition, the attitudes and the subjective norm contributed to the intentions to vote for online psychotherapy, but the most important influence on this prediction came from the attitudes. Such results are discussed in the light of the previous research findings that also confirmed the main suppositions of reasoned action theory. <![CDATA[<b>Political participation and homosexual experience</b>: <b>predicaments between the individual and the collective</b>]]> O artigo discute a dinâmica da participação política de GLBT’s (Gays, Lésbicas, Bissexuais e Transgêneros) no movimento social GLBT de Belo Horizonte/BR. Este trabalho aponta para vínculos variados e marcados por conflitos e antagonismos entre o movimento social GLBT de Belo Horizonte/ BR, o Estado e outras organizações sociais, dificultando a delimitação de fronteiras políticas neste espaço sócio-político. Ademais, enfatiza a consideração de aspectos psicossociais, estruturais e conjunturais na reflexão sobre os impedimentos e as possibilidades da participação política dos GLBT’s. Buscamos indicar a necessidade de uma ampliação do campo político para a compreensão da participação política nas sociedades contemporâneas e contribuir para a promoção de uma sociedade democrática.<hr/>This article aims to discuss the dynamic of the political participation of GLBT’s in the GLBT social movement of Belo Horizonte/BR. This work addresses to several relations and conflicts between the GLBT social movement of Belo Horizonte/BR, the State and other social organizations. Moreover, it is focused on different aspects in the reflexion about the obstacles and possibilities of the political participation of GLBT’s in the GLBT social movement of Belo Horizonte. With this article we seek to indicate the need of enlargement of the politic space to understand the political participation in the contemporary society and to contribute to the construction of a democratic society. <![CDATA[<b>The argentinean workers, managers and unionists perception as for the level of allegiance required to be recruited</b>]]> La valorización social de una conducta y la desvalorización de la conducta opuesta constituyen características típicas de las normas sociales. Numerosos estudios realizados en el ámbito laboral han mostrado que las conductas obedientes son valorizadas y que las conductas desobedientes son desvalorizadas. Estos resultados permiten pensar que se está en presencia de una norma social de obediencia o alineación. Las preguntas que se plantean ahora son básicamente las siguientes: (a) si los asalariados (o si los candidatos a un empleo con salario) son concientes de la existencia de esta norma, (b) en caso de responder afirmativamente a la pregunta precedente, si esta “clarividencia normativa” varía según el status del respondente y en función de la ocupación efectiva o no de un puesto de trabajo. Para responder a estos interrogantes hemos utilizado el paradigma de la autopresentación sobre-normativa versus contra- normativa, que hemos aplicado a tres grupos de individuos con diferentes características de la Provincia de Buenos Aires: un grupo de obreros, un grupo de mandos medios, y un grupo de sindicalistas. Los resultados ponen en evidencia que aunque se constata la existencia de una “clarividencia normativa” en relación a la obediencia o alineación, la misma es variable según el status (obrero, mando medio o sindicalista) y el hecho de encontrarse o no empleado. Esto sugiere un efecto status y un efecto empleo.<hr/>The social valorization of a conduct and the depreciation of the opposite one constitutes one of the caracteristics of a social norm. And numerous studies achieved in professional environment showed that the allegiant conducts were valorized and that the non allegiant ones were depreciated. These results let think that we are in presence of one social norm of allegiance. Our questions are mainly now: (a) to know if the salaried employee (or if the applicants for a job) are conscious of the existence of this norm, (b) in case of an affirmative answer, to know if this normative perceptiveness vary according to the statute of the answering person and according to the fact that he effectively works or is in job hunting. To answer to these questions, we have utilized the paradigm of the autopresentation overnormative versus counternormative, and we applied it to 3 distinct populations of the province of Buenos Aires: a population of workers, a population of managers, and a population of unionists. The results show that if our subjects are for the most part conscious of the valorization of the allegiance norm, however there is an effect statute and an effect work with some differences between workers, managers and unionists, and between jobless people in relation to those that have one. <![CDATA[<b>Burnout in mexican’s researchers</b>]]> El propósito del estudio fue determinar el grado de Síndrome de Desgaste Emocional (burnout) en investigadores del estado de Yucatán, México; así como explorar la percepción sobre las condiciones institucionales que pudieran asociarse al mismo. Se administró un cuestionario, que constaba de una escala likert para evaluar las 3 dimensiones del síndrome y una sección de preguntas abiertas al respecto de la institución y su situación laboral, a 109 investigadores. Los resultados muestran ausencia relativa del síndrome, pero tendencia a presentarlo en el periodo de 10 y 20 años de antigüedad. La información cualitativa muestra como factores de estrés laboral la multiplicidad de roles que tienen que asumir, la falta de grupos de trabajo consolidados, de infraestructura administrativa y operativa y los sistemas de evaluación.<hr/>The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of burnout on researchers of Yucatan, Mexico, also to describe their view prevailing of institutional conditions. A questionnaire was administered to 109 researchers to measured the 3 dimensions of the Burnout. The questionnaire contain a section of open questions for evaluate his perception about the institutional conditions and its labor situation. Results indicated a relative absence of this syndrome, although some risks were identified among workers that have between 10 and 20 years in their institution. Qualitative information collected, suggested that some factors related to stress in these researchers was the multiple roles demanded, the lack of consolidated groups to work with, the lack of administrative infrastructure and the systems of continuous evaluation they must undergo. <![CDATA[<b>Social identity and perceived support in organizations</b>]]> El objetivo de este estudio era probar un patrón de relaciones propuesto entre la identidad social y las conductas de ciudadanía en ambientes laborales, considerando que la identidad social se centraba en la identificación con el grupo y con la profesión, mientras que las conductas de ciudadanía se centraban en el grupo de trabajo y el grupo profesional. Se había hipotetizado que estas relaciones podrían estar parcialmente mediadas por el apoyo social percibido. Se evaluó el padron usando una muestra de profesores de primaria (N = 134) que desarrollaban sus actividades profesionales en escuelas de Madrid. Se usó un enfoque de modelado de ecuaciones estructurales y se encontró apoyo parcial para las hipótesis. Los datos mostraron que el apoyo social media totalmente la influencia de la identidad social en las conductas de ciudadanía y que se explicaba un porcentaje medio de la varianza en la variable criterio. Los resultados se han discutido de cara a sus implicaciones para la gestión de los recursos humanos en las organizaciones y para la mejora de las relaciones intergrupales en los contextos organizacionales.<hr/>The main purpose of this study was to prove a proposed pattern of relationships between social identity and OCB in work settings, considering that social identity was focused on group identification and professional identification while OCB was focused on work group and professional group. Moreover, it was hypothesized that those relationships would be partially mediated by perceived social support. The proposed pattern of relationships was assessed using a sample of primary teachers (N = 134) which develops their professional activities in schools of Madrid. A structural equation modelling approach was used and partial support for hypothesis has been found. Data showed that perceived social support fully mediates the influence of social identity on OCB and a medium percentage of variance (61%) of the criterion variable has been explained. Results have been discussed in order to their implications for human resource management in organizations and for improving intergroup relations in educational settings. <![CDATA[<b>Building bridges between organization development and community psychology</b>: <b>an integrative model for multi-site community-based research</b>]]> Sub-disciplines of psychology have historically focused on the development and evaluation of interventions addressing social issues. However, little has been published regarding the development and evaluation of organizational structures that successfully support such interventions. By bridging the gap between the fields of community psychology and organization development, organizational structures and processes can be designed to enhance the effectiveness of social change programs. This article describes the interface between these two areas of psychology by presenting an integrative model that combines community psychology principles and values with organization development methodologies. This framework has been used to evaluate the organizational structure of a multi-site community-based research project entitled Connect to Protect (C2P®) aimed at reducing HIV incidence among youth.<hr/>Varias sub-disciplinas de la psicología se han enfocado en el desarrollo de intervenciones para subsanar los problemas sociales. Sin embargo, se ha publicado poco sobre el desarrollo y evaluación de infraestructuras organizacionales que presten apoyo a dichas intervenciones para que sean exitosas. A través de un vínculo entre la psicología comunitaria y psicología organizacional podemos desarrollar estructuras organizacionales y procesos que incrementen la eficacia de programas de cambio social. Este articulo presenta la conexión entre estas dos áreas de la psicología a través de un modelo integrado que combina los supuestos y valores de la psicología comunitaria con la metodología de la psicología organizacional. Dicho modelo se utilizó para evaluar la estructura organizacional que provee apoyo a Conectar Para Proteger (C2P®); una iniciativa investigativa a nivel comunitaria implantada en múltiples ciudad en los Estados Unidos y Puerto Rico. Cuyo propósito es reducir la incidencia de VIH entre jóvenes. <![CDATA[<b>An intercultural study of social attributions in work relationship</b>]]> A pesquisa tem como objetivo explorar a tendência de concordar com as ações do supervisor ao se analisar uma situação de interação no trabalho. Participaram do estudo 465 estudantes universitários de Salvador e de Madrid concluintes de cursos de administração e engenharia. Através de um diálogo por escrito entre um supervisor e um empregado, analisou-se a concordância ou discordância com os seus modos de agir, e as justificativas apresentadas pelos participantes. A análise quantitativa indica que, independente da cultura, da experiência de trabalho e do curso de formação, concorda-se com o comportamento do supervisor. A análise de conteúdo qualitativa revela que as justificativas de ambos os países são similares e focam na confiança, motivação, orientação e suporte mútuos.<hr/>This research aimed at exploring the tendency to agree with a supervisor’s actions at a workplace interaction situation. 465 college students from Salvador and Madrid participated in this study, and all of them business administration and engineering seniors. A written dialogue between a supervisor and an employee was presented, concerning the agreement or disagreement with theirs manner of acting, as well as regarding the justifications given by the participants. Quantitative analysis indicated a tendency to agree with the manner of acting of the supervisor, regardless of the culture and the professional experience. The analysis of the qualitative content revealed that the reasons given in both countries are similar and focus on trust, motivation, and mutual support and guidance. <![CDATA[<b>The relations between sociodemographics and psychological variables, work conditions and the meaning of working</b>]]> La investigación tuvo como propósito examinar las relaciones entre patrón de conducta, locus de control, nivel socioeconómico, nivel educativo, sexo, condición laboral con los componentes del significado del trabajo. La muestra fue de 300 personas con edades entre 20-40 años. Se encontró que los empleados otorgan gran importancia al trabajo en su vida. Pero es la familia la que ocupa el primer lugar. El resultado más valorado del trabajo son los ingresos obtenidos. Son los empleados informales los que atribuyen mayor importancia a ésta característica del trabajo. Los empleados alternativos y formales dan mayor importancia a la oportunidad de aprender cosas nuevas, estabilidad en el empleo y buenas condiciones físicas.<hr/>Research had the purpose of examining the relations between behaviour pattern, external locus of control, socio-economical level, educational level, sex, work condition and the components of the meaning of working. Sample was composed of 300 individuals with 20-40 years. One found that workers do give great importance to work in their lives, but if compared to other issues family came as the most important issue for them. Furthermore, the most valued result of work is the income obtained. Informal workers attributed more importance to this result of work. Alternative and formal employees give more importance to opportunity of learning new things, stability of work and having good physical conditions.