Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Interamerican Journal of Psychology]]> vol. 43 num. 3 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>A zona muda das representações sociais</b>: <b>uma aproximação a partir do jogo de areia</b>]]> O objetivo deste artigo é fundamentar e mostrar a utilização do Jogo de Areia como recurso metodológico inovador para o estudo da zona muda das representações sociais, especialmente as representações sociais de professores pela sua significação para a prática pedagógica. A utilização do Jogo de Areia foi alicerçada nos princípios que o norteiam, nas experiências profissionais e como pesquisadoras das autoras e nas concepções teóricas de importantes especialistas. Também serão enfatizadas as possibilidades que o Jogo de Areia oferece para a articulação das representações sociais com a construção da subjetividade. Evidenciam-se assim, as contribuições que o aprimoramento das pesquisas sobre as representações sociais dos professores pode oferecer às necessárias transformações que devem acontecer nas formas em que esses profissionais se formam na atualidade.<hr/>The aim of this article is to argue for the use of Sandplay and show it as an innovative metodological resource to studying the mute zone of social representations, mainly of teachers‘ social representations bacause of its significance to pedagogical training. The use of Sandplay was strengthen on the principles that guide it and on the professional and research experiences of the authors of this paper, so as on the theoretical conceptions of remarkable specialists. It will be also stressed the potencial of Sandplay linking social representations and the construction of subjectivity. Thus, it is demonstrated the contributions of the improvement of researches of social representations of teachers to necessary changes That might happen to the ways in what these professionals are educated nowadays. <![CDATA[<b>Educational expectations towards daughters and children in a rural school of high performance</b>]]> Este artículo estudia las causas del buen desempeño de los y las estudiantes en una escuela rural desde la perspectiva de sus padres y madres. Se asume que en este nivel de escolaridad estos tienen un rol preponderante en la asistencia de sus hijos e hijas a la escuela, también que sus expectativas favorecen el buen desempeño en la escuela. Este trabajo se realiza en una escuela que tiene resultados favorables más allá de lo que logran sus iguales. La investigación es de tipo cualitativa, se efectúan entrevistas semiestructuradas a 10 padres y madres de estudiantes de Educación Básica y un análisis de contenido de sus discursos. La valoración positiva de la escuela, por parte de los padres, se presenta junto a altas expectativas educacionales hacia sus hijos e hijas, así se generan comportamientos de apoyo al estudio.<hr/>This article studies the causes of students’ good performance in a rural basic education school from the parents’ perspective. It is assumed that, in this schooling level, parents have a preponderant roll in their children’s attendance to school and their expectations favor their children’s good performance in it. This work is made in a school that has favorable results beyond what its equals obtain. This is a qualitative research for which semi-structured interviews are conducted with 10 parents of basic education students and a content analysis of their speeches is performed. The parents’ positive valuation of the school is presented next to high educational expectations towards their children; therefore, behavior to support study is generated. <![CDATA[<b>Scale of goals of study for university students</b>]]> Actualmente disponemos de gran cantidad de trabajos que muestran la implicación de las metas de estudio en la motivación por estudiar y aprender. Este trabajo analiza la motivación académica y, especialmente, la variable “metas de estudio”. El principal propósito de esta investigación es conocer las características psicométricas de la adaptación de la Escala de Metas de Estudio a la población universitaria chilena. Los participantes son 542 estudiantes chilenos, de distintas facultades universitarias. Los resultados del análisis factorial y de consistencia interna son aceptables en las tres subescalas. Estos resultados fundamentan el uso de la Escala de Metas de Estudio para evaluar la motivación al estudio de alumnas y alumnos universitarios en Chile (CL).<hr/>At the present time we have great amount of works that show the implication of the goals of study in the motivation to study and to learn. In this paper the academic motivation and, specially, the variable “goals of study” is assess. The principal aim of the present research is know the Questionnaire to Measure Achievement Goal Tendency’s psicometric characteristics with 542 Chilean university students of different faculties. Results of the factor analysis and the internal consistency are acceptable in three subscales. In conclusion, these results support the use of the Questionnaire to Measure Achievement Goal Tendencies to assess the study motivation in university students in Chile (CL). <![CDATA[<b>Educational institutions in the social representation of science in Undergraduate Students</b>]]> Las instancias educativas han sido mediadores importantes en la percepción social de la ciencia, si se considera que los estudiantes pasan gran parte de su vida en las escuelas y universidades. Estudiantes de pregrado de la Universidad de Guadalajara, México, participaron en una investigación durante el año de 2007, estudio que arrojó resultados significativos: la mayoría de los alumnos refieren que las escuelas - en sus diferentes niveles educativos - han sido las principales fuentes mediadoras que han contribuido en sus representaciones sociales de la ciencia en la que predominan los fines de la misma, y con tendencias a denominar ciencia casi de manera exclusiva a las ciencias naturales o “duras”. Al interior de las escuelas, la figura del profesor ha sido un referente importante en su gusto o no hacia cuestiones científicas. El intercambio de la información se hizo a través de varios instrumentos (ejercicio de preguntas asociativas, entrevistas grupales, entrevistas individuales y un cuestionario de preguntas optativas) cuyos análisis implicaron diferentes técnicas de aproximación - cualitativa y cuantitativa-, análisis que a su vez permitieron la triangulación en sus diversas formas de aproximación y que concluyen en algunos de los señalamientos mencionados.<hr/>Educational institutions are one of the main determining mediators in the social perception of science, important factor if one takes into account that students spend a great part of their lives in the schools. Research performed with undergraduate students of the University of Guadalajara shows that most of them refer to school (at the different educational levels) as the main source which have contributed to build their social representations of science that refers almost exclusively to so called “hard sciences”. Within school, the image of the teacher is an important referent regarding the students likes or dislikes about science. The information was gathered by interviews and some other exercises that included open and closed answers. <![CDATA[<b>Analysis of interactions in first grader’s Spanish classes</b>]]> Este trabajo aborda la interacción profesor-alumnos en una clase de español en cuatro grupos escolares de primer grado de primaria de México, a partir de videos. Cada video fue segmentada en episodios interactivos que fueron analizados con categorías únicas estructuradas tanto para el maestro como para el alumno, según la taxonomía funcional de Ribes y López (1985): interacciones contextuales, suplementarias, selectoras, sustitutivas referenciales y sustitutivas no referenciales, y dos categorías de seguimiento didáctico. En general, en el primer grado se estructuran mayormente interacciones en el nivel funcional más sencillo, seguido por interacciones de instrucciones de seguimiento y realimentación. Asimismo, aunque en menor proporción, en dos de los cuatro grupos se presentaron interacciones en niveles funcionales más complejos.<hr/>This paper focuses on the analysis of the students-teacher’s interactions during the Spanish language lessons. It was conducted with four groups of first grade primary school´s students in the Northwest region of Mexico. Each video was segmented into interactive episodes that were analyzed using the same unique categories for teachers and students, according to the taxonomy proposed by Ribes and López (1985): contextual, supplementary, selecting, referential substitute, and no referential substitute interactions; furthermore, two didactic monitoring categories were used. Results show that in first grade, interactions between teachers and students are mainly constructed within the simplest functional level, followed by interactions centered on monitoring and feedback instructions. Likewise, though in minor proportion, in two of four groups studied appeared interactions in functional complex levels. <![CDATA[<b>Kinder garden and first grade teachers training on the utilization of teaching strategies</b>]]> La investigación prueba la efectividad de un programa de entrenamiento a profesores de tercer grado de preescolar y primero de primaria, para aplicar una serie de estrategias de enseñanza derivadas de la psicología conductual. Participaron profesoras de escuelas públicas de estrato sociocultural bajo. Antes y después del entrenamiento se filmó una hora de clase de cada profesora, filmaciones que sirvieron para registrar el uso de las estrategias educativas. El entrenamiento consistió en la enseñanza de nueve estrategias que se pueden emplear para optimizar el aprendizaje. En siete participantes se observó un efecto del entrenamiento, durante la pre-evaluación mostraron niveles cercanos a 0% en el uso de la mayoría de las estrategias, para pos-evaluación se observaron incrementos en casi todas ellas. Se analizan posibles efectos del programa sobre el ambiente afectivo y el clima social dentro del aula. Se discuten los resultados con base en hallazgos de investigaciones empíricas previas, analizándose limitaciones del programa y haciéndose sugerencias para estudios y programas futuros.<hr/>The research shows the effectiveness of a training program for teachers of third grade of kinder garden and first grade of elementary school, for undertaking a series of teaching strategies derived from the conductual psychology. Teachers from public schools of low socio-cultural level participated in this study. An hour of a class of each teacher was filmed before and after the training, in order to record the use of the teaching strategies. The training consisted in teaching strategies that can be used in order to optimize the learning process. In seven participants, the effect of the training was observed. In these cases, the pre-evaluation showed levels closer to 0%, meanwhile in the post-evaluation they showed increments in almost all of them. The possible effects of the program are analyzed, on relationship to the affective environment and social clime in the classroom. The results are discussed on the basis of the previous empirical research findings. The limitations of the program are also analyzed and some suggestions are pointed out for undertaking future studies and programs. <![CDATA[<b>Neurological research and illiterate adults</b>]]> Según el Banco Mundial de Desarrollo, la investigación psicológica y neurológica debe ser fundamental para comprender los procesos cognoscitivos de los adultos que nunca han sido escolarizados. La importancia estriba en que puede servir para fundamentar mejores prácticas psicoeducativas en los países en desarrollo. Aunque no es exhaustiva, esta revisión de literatura incluye contenidos como la plasticidad neuronal, los procesos neuropsicológicos, la memoria y algunas áreas del aprendizaje. También se presentan algunas investigaciones sobre las diferencias del procesamiento del lenguaje en adultos letrados e iletrados, sobre todo el trabajo de Castro-Caldas (2004; Castro-Caldas, Reis, & Guerreiro, 1997; Castro-Caldas & Reis, 2000; Petersson et al., 2007) en Portugal que, según podemos ver, representa un hito dentro del tema. Valga esta mínima revisión para poner en perspectiva la importancia de la investigación neurológica en las prácticas psicoeducativas con adultos que nunca han sido escolarizados, o que están en el proceso de hacerlo.<hr/>The World Bank has been established that psychological and neurological research must be of importance to understand all about cognitive processes in illiterate adults. Such research could result in better educational practices in developing countries. Although it is not exhaustive, this article review some research about brain plasticity, memory, neuropsychological processes, and differences between literate and illiterate adults in processing spoken language, mostly Castro-Caldas (2004; Castro-Caldas, Reis, & Guerreiro, 1997; Castro-Caldas & Reis, 2000; Petersson et al., 2007) team research in Portugal. With this partial revierw of literature, we wanted to put some perspective about the importance of the neurological research for developing better psycho educative practices for illiterate adults, or adults in the process of learning to read and write. <![CDATA[<b>Construction of Internet sources selection criteria in didactic situations</b>: <b>a study with students of primary school</b>]]> Este trabajo analiza: (a) los criterios que utilizan alumnos de 5º año de escuela primaria cuando se les propone leer la página de los resultados del buscador para seleccionar las fuentes que utilizarán para profundizar un tema de Historia y (b) las condiciones e interacciones didácticas suscitadas para favorecer el avance en la construcción de dichos criterios. Desde un enfoque constructivista situado, se considera que los criterios de selección dependen de los propósitos de búsqueda y de los principios relativos a cada disciplina y que las condiciones didácticas son constitutivas de los procesos de conocimiento de los estudiantes. El diseño metodológico se inscribe en un estudio cualitativo de casos en el que se emplean dos instrumentos de recolección: observaciones en la sala de informática y entrevistas clínicocríticas posteriores. Los resultados evidencian que algunos estudiantes se enfrentan con el problema de diferenciar los criterios de pertinencia y confiabilidad y que la interacción didáctica propicia esta distinción al suscitar la reflexión sobre la especificidad de los criterios de confiabilidad en textos históricos. El intercambio promueve así la superación de hipótesis como la ecuación verdad - confiabilidad en ciencias sociales.<hr/>This work analyzes: (a) criteria used by 5th grade elementary school pupils when they proposed to read the results page of a search engine to select the sources they will use to investigate a History subject and (b) the conditions and didactic interactions generated to promote progress in constructing these criteria. From a situated constructivist perspective, it is considered that selection criteria depend on the search purpose and on the principles related to each discipline, and that the didactic conditions are constitutive of the students knowledge processes. The methodological design consisted of a qualitative study of cases in which two data collection instruments are used: classroom observations in the computer lab and post-clinical-critical interviews. The results show that some students face with the problem to differentiate between the pertinence and confiability criteria and the didactic interaction promote this distinction when generating reflection about the most specificity of the confiability criteria on historical texts. The interchange promotes the overcoming of hypotheses such as the equation truth - confiability in Social Sciences. <![CDATA[<b>Physiological reactivity, distress and copying style and performance in a high school exam</b>]]> El objetivo fue identificar el nivel de distrés, estilo de afrontamiento, presión arterial y rendimiento académico en adolescentes de secundaria y comparar dos condiciones, línea base (a) e inmediatamente previo a ser sometido a un examen de inglés (b). Participaron setenta y seis alumnos, treinta y cuatro hombres y cuarenta y dos mujeres. Se usaron el Cuestionario de Estilos de Afrontamiento adaptado para México, un Cuestionario de Distrés y un manómetro digital. Los resultados no produjeron diferencias significativas en distrés; el reporte de búsqueda de apoyo social como estilo de afrontamiento bajó en la condición inmediata previa al examen, y la presión arterial se elevó también en esa condición. Se corroboran hallazgos previos en el sentido de que el mejor rendimiento ante el examen de inglés como segunda lengua, ocurrió con niveles bajos de nerviosismo y ansiedad. El registro periódico de reactividad fisióloga en adolescentes pueden ser útil en la prevención de padecimientos cardiovasculares.<hr/>The purpose of this study was to identify the level of distress, coping style, blood pressure and academic performance in high school teenagers and compare measurements for two conditions: baseline (a) and inmediatly previous to taking an English language test (b). Seventy-six students participated, thirty-four men and forty-two women. Two self-report measures were used, a Mexican adaptation of the Coping Style questionnaire and a modified version of a Distress Scale. Blood pressure and pulse were monitored by means of a digital manometer. Results showed no significant differences in distress, neither coping style for the two conditions. Seeking social support dropped immediately before taking the exam, also blood pressure increased for that condition. Results corroborated previous findings since better academic performance in English as a foreign language exam was related to low levels of nervousness and anxiety. Monitoring physiological reactivity periodically in adolescents might prove useful in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. <![CDATA[<b>Writing evaluation rubric in the elementary education in Mexico</b>]]> Se presentan resultados de un estudio evaluativo cuyo objetivo fue caracterizar mediante una rúbrica los escritos producidos por 3,151 niños y niñas mexicanos al egresar de la educación primaria en el estado de Baja California/MX. Se describe la rúbrica utilizada y los procedimientos para capacitar en su uso a 31 jueces especialistas en lenguaje, así como para estimar la confiabilidad de sus juicios sobre los escritos. Se describen también las puntuaciones, por nivel de logro, en cada uno de los rasgos de la escritura evaluados mediante la rúbrica. Además, se aportan evidencias relacionadas con la validez del examen que incluyó el ítem de ejecución que capturó las muestras de la escritura. Finalmente, se sugieren estudios cualitativos y cuantitativos que amplíen y profundicen los hallazgos encontrados en esta evaluación a gran escala.<hr/>Results of an evaluation study to characterize using a rubric the writings produced by 3,151 Mexican children when they left primary education in the Baja California/MX state are presented. It is described the rubric used and the procedures to train 31 judges, specialists in language, in the use of the rubric, as well as the procedures to estimate the reliability of their judges about the writings. We also describe the achievement level in each trait of the writings evaluated using the rubric. We also present some evidences related with the validity of the exam in which was included the performance item that captured the writing samples. Finally, qualitative and quantitative studies are suggested to expand and deepen the discoveries found in this large scale evaluation. <![CDATA[<b>A Psicologia Social no Brasil (1986 - 2006)</b>: <b>Uma avaliação bibliométrica baseada no PsycINFO</b>]]> O presente estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de traçar um panorama das pesquisas brasileiras realizadas no campo da Psicologia Social. O PsycINFO foi utilizado para identificar, de forma sistemática, artigos na área. Registros de artigos focalizando a Psicologia Social publicados por autores filiados a instituições brasileiras entre 1996 e 2007 foram identificados e processados. Análises gráficas e de regressão revelaram que o número de artigos publicados anualmente em Psicologia Social cresceu sistematicamente, sobretudo na última década. Os assuntos mais investigados foram os seguintes: Criação de filhos, Matrimônio e Família, Comportamento Sexual - Orientação Sexual, Cultura e Etnologia, Processos Grupais e Interpessoais. Análises revelaram, entre outros aspectos, que o número médio de autores por artigo cresceu consistentemente de aproximadamente 1,5 em 1996 para 2,5 em 2006.<hr/>The present study was accomplished to trace a portrait of the Brazilian researches in Social Psychology. The PsycINFO database was employed to methodically identify Brazilian social psychology articles. Records of articles focusing Social Psychology published by authors affiliated to Brazilian institutions between 1996 and 2007 were systematically identified and processed. Graphical and regression analyses indicated that the number of social psychology articles annually published increased steadily, especially in the last decade. The topics more investigated are as follows: Childrearing and Child Care, Marriage and Family, Sexual Behavior and Sexual Orientation, Culture and Ethnology, Group and Interpersonal Processes. Analyses indicated, among other aspects, that the mean from number of authors per articles increased consistently from about 1,5 in 1986 to 2,5 in 2006. <![CDATA[<b>Explicit and implicit measurements of the attitudes toward women</b>]]> El presente estudio tiene como objeto utilizar el IAT (Implicit Association Test) para medir actitudes hacia las mujeres, de modo de comparar dichas evaluaciones de carácter automático con las obtenidas por medio de una medida explícita. Además, los participantes respondieron a un inventario de roles sexuales de modo de ver si los sujetos manejaban el estereotipo dominante asociado a lo femenino y sus efectos sobre el prejuicio. La muestra quedó conformada por 80 estudiantes universitarios. No se detectaron diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres en los estereotipos asociados a la mujer, ni en la evaluación que se hace de estas (medida explícita). En la medida de IAT las diferencias entre sexos aparecen, indicando que los hombres muestran una actitud implícita más negativa hacia las mujeres. De este modo se confirma que la aparente disminución del prejuicio que puede constatarse en los cuestionarios podría encubrir el hecho de que las actitudes negativas se mantienen a nivel implícito.<hr/>The present study has as object to use the IAT (Implicit Association Test) to measure attitudes towards the women, of way of comparing the above mentioned evaluations of automatic character with the obtained ones by means of an explicit measurement. Besides, the participants answered to an inventory of sexual roles of way of seeing if the subjects were handling the domineering stereotype associated with the feminine thing and the effect on prejudice. The sample was made up 80 university students. There were no significant differences between men and women in the stereotypes associated with women, either in the assessment made of these (explicit measurement). For the case of IAT measurement the differences between sexes appear, realizing of the most negative attitude of the men towards the women. This way confirms to itself that the apparent decrease of the prejudice that can be stated in the questionnaires might conceal the fact that the automatic attitudes might not have changed. <![CDATA[<b>Um pecado capital</b>: <b>inveja disposicional e suas relações com o bem-estar</b>]]> Envy is a pancultural emotion felt by most individuals during their lifetime. The Dispositional Envy Scale (DES) is a 8-item self-reported measure developed to assess people’s tendencies to feel envy. This study first examines the reliability and validity of the DES in measuring envy in a Brazilian sample, and then the relationship between envy and wellbeing. The DES had acceptable reliability (internal consistency and homogeneity) as well as factorial and criterion-related validity. As expected, envy was negatively related to wellbeing measures (life satisfaction, vitality, and happiness), indicating that an envy-prone person is more likely to have low feelings of aliveness and energy, and to express unhappiness with their lives. The findings support the psychometric properties of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the DES, and also highlight the potential impact of envy on people’s wellbeing.<hr/>Inveja é uma emoção pancultural vivenciada pela maioria das pessoas durante suas vidas. A Escala de Inveja Disposicional (Dispositional Envy Scale, DES) foi desenvolvida para avaliar a tendência de as pessoas sentirem inveja. O presente estudo primeiramente avalia a validade e a confiabilidade da DES para medir inveja em uma amostra brasileira, e depois examina as relações entre inveja e bem-estar. A DES apresentou confiabilidade aceitável (consistência interna e homogeneidade) bem como validade fatorial e de critério. Como esperado, inveja disposicional foi negativamente correlacionada com medidas de bem-estar (satisfação com a vida, vitalidade e felicidade), indicando que pessoas que tendem a sentir inveja são mais prováveis a apresentar menos vidalidade e energia, assim como expressar infelicidade em suas vidas. Os resultados suportam as propriedades psicométricas da versão brasileira da DES, além de destacar o impacto potencial da inveja no bem-estar das pessoas. <![CDATA[<b>Avaliação do temperamento em crianças</b>: <b>tradução de instrumentos para a Língua Portuguesa (Brasil)</b>]]> International research has increasingly considered temperament as a relevant personal variable in child developmental pathways. The purpose of the present study was to describe the methodology for translation to Portuguese (Brazil) of three child temperament assessment instruments based on Rothbart’s theoretical approach. An original translation was modified, based on feedback by two professional translators, three bilingual psychologists, and a sample of 15 Brazilian mothers. A backtranslation by a professional translator was then assessed by the authors of the original (English language) instruments. For the final version of the measure, authors of the original instrument judged that 100% of items were consistent with the original items, and a second sample of 15 Brazilian mothers identified no problems with the Portuguese items.<hr/>A pesquisa internacional tem crescentemente considerado o temperamento como uma variável pessoal relevante na trajetória de desenvolvimento da criança. O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever a metodologia de tradução para a Língua Portuguesa (Brasil) de três instrumentos de avaliação do temperamento baseados na abordagem teórica de Rothbart. A tradução inicial foi modificada com base na avaliação de dois tradutores profissionais, três psicólogos bilíngües e uma amostra de 15 mães brasileiras. A retro-tradução realizada por um terceiro tradutor profissional foi avaliada pelos autores dos instrumentos originais. Para a versão final, os autores dos instrumentos originais julgaram que 100% dos itens eram consistentes com os itens originais e uma segunda amostra de 15 mães brasileiras não identificou problemas em compreender os itens dos instrumentos na Língua Portuguesa. <![CDATA[<b>Ensino à distância</b>: <b>uma década das publicações científicas brasileiras</b>]]> Objetivou-se avaliar e traçar o perfil da produção científica brasileira durante uma década (1997- 2006), sobre o ensino à distância, por meio de resumos de textos publicados em quatro bases de dados indexados na BVS-Psi. A análise dos textos inclusos (N=52) neste estudo deu-se segundo as características de autoria, amostragem, entre outros. Verificou-se um leve pico de produção em 2006 (19,23%). A autoria se equiparou em única (n=28; 53,85%) e múltipla (n=23; 44,23%), com diferença somente para o sexo dos autores. Observou-se maior quantidade de textos derivados de pesquisa (n=24; 46,15%), com destaque para área da Ciência da Saúde (n=14; 26,92%), bem como estudos com participantes adultos (n=29; 55,77%), sobretudo em contextos escolares (n=46; 88,46%). Percebeu-se que o ensino à distância ganhou força, principalmente, no âmbito acadêmico. Entretanto, as publicações no tocante desta temática, curiosamente, não são de predomínio dos profissionais da Educação e da Psicologia.<hr/>This study aimed to evaluate and trace the profile of the Brazilian scientific production for one decade (1997-2006) about e-learning through summaries of texts published in four databases indexed in the BVS-Psi. The analysis of the enclosed texts (N=52) in this study was given according to characteristic of authorship, sampling, among others. A light peak of production was seen in 2006 (19.23%). The authors matched in unique (n=28; 53.85%) and multiple (n=23; 44.23%), differing only in the gender of the authors. More texts from research was observed (n=24;46.15%), with prominence for the Health Science area (n=14; 26.92%), as well studies with adults (n=29; 55,77%), On the other hand (n=46; 88,46%) it was observed that the e-learning is stronger mainly in the academic scope. However, the publications related to this thematic, curiously, are not predominantly from Educational and Psychology professionals. <![CDATA[<b>Infra-humanization</b>: <b>attribution of primary and secondary emotions and its relation to modern prejudice</b>]]> En el presente estudio participaron 170 estudiantes de dos carreras de la Universidad de Costa Rica: Derecho e Ingeniería. Se realizaron dos estudios, los cuales combinaron técnicas de investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa con el propósito de estimar la pertinencia de la teoría de la infra-humanización en el contexto costarricense. La primera hipótesis en estudio supone que las personas atribuyen a sus grupos de pertenencia más emociones secundarias (sentimientos) que primarias (emociones) y con ello estarían atribuyendo al propio grupo más esencia humana que a los exo-grupos. La segunda hipótesis indica que a mayor atribución de emociones primarias al exo-grupo mayor nivel de prejuicio moderno. Los resultados respaldan las hipótesis de trabajo y por lo tanto, abren paso a la necesidad de profundizar más la temática, en el contexto latinoamericano.<hr/>Two studies combining qualitative and quantitative techniques were developed in order to test the relevance of the theory of infra-humanization in Costa Rican contexts. Participants were 170 students from two Careers at the University of Costa Rica: Law and Engineering. The first hypothesis stated that people tend to attribute more secondary emotions than primary emotions to the ingroups, and thus tend attribute more human essence to ingroups than to outgroups. The second hypothesis stated that a larger allocation of the primary emotions to the exogrupo will correlate with higher level of modern prejudice. The results of this study support the hypothesis of the study and point out to the need for more research on infra-humanization in Latin American contexts. <![CDATA[<b>Factorial structure of depressive symptoms in Anglophone Caribbean university students</b>: <b>psychometric properties of the beck depression inventory-II</b>]]> This study sought to establish psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition (BDI-II) with Caribbean university students (n=400, 76% women, mean age=25.2). Additionally, we administered the Ego Resiliency Scale-89, Perceived Stress Scale-Ten Item Version, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Trait Version, and Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. Confirmatory factor analysis compared the observed structure with the oblique structures proposed in two-factor models. Factorial estimates and goodness-of-fit indices suggested adequate fit for two-factor models. Internal consistency (α=.86) and test-retest reliabilities (n=57, r=.78) were strong. Correlations assessing validity were significant in the theoretically expected directions. Results support use of the BDI-II with Caribbean students.<hr/>Este estudio buscó establecer propiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Depresión de Beck-Segunda Edición (BDI-II) con estudiantes de una universidad del Caribe (n=400, 76% mujeres, edad media=25.2). Además, administramos la Escala de Elasticidad de Ego-89, La Escala de Tensión Percibida, La Escala de Ansiedad Estado-Rasgo (Versión de Rasgo) y La Escala de Depresión de Zung. El análisis factorial confirmativo comparó la estructura observada con las estructuras oblicuas propuestas en los modelos de dos factores. Las estimaciones factoriales y los índices de calidad de ajuste sugirieron adecuado ajuste para modelos de dos factores. La consistencia interna (α=.86) y la fiabilidad test-retest (n=57, r=.78) eran fuertes. Las correlaciones de validez eran significativas en las direcciones teóricamente esperadas. Los resultados apoyan el uso del BDI-II con estudiantes del Caribe. <![CDATA[<b>Autoconceito e crenças de autoeficácia de crianças com e sem sintomatologia depressiva</b>]]> O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o autoconceito e a autoeficácia de 54 alunos de 3ª e 4ª séries do ensino fundamental, 27 com sintomas depressivos (G1) e 27 sem (G2). A idade média dos participantes do G1 foi 8,74 (DP=0,71) e a do G2 foi 8,67 (DP=0,68). Os dados foram coletados mediante o Inventário de Depressão Infantil, Roteiro de Autoeficácia e Escala Piers Harris de Autoconceito. Os resultados indicaram que, em comparação ao G2, o G1 apresentou média mais baixa no roteiro de autoeficácia e escala de autoconceito. As crianças do G1 se avaliaram mais negativamente nos diferentes domínios do autoconceito, quando comparadas às do G2. Os dados obtidos são consistentes com a literatura. Reconhece-se, neste estudo, a necessidade de se desenvolver, no contexto escolar, procedimentos de intervenção que possibilitem a essas crianças a melhorarem suas autoavaliações.<hr/>The purpose of the present study was to investigate the self-concept and the self-efficacy of 54 children of 3rd and 4th grades, 27 with depressive symptoms (G1) and 27 without symptoms (G2). Participants´ mean ages were 8,74 (SD= 0,71) for G1 and 8,67 (SD=0,68) for G2. Data were collected through Children Depressive Inventory (CDI), a self-efficacy scale and Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale. Results evinced that G1 had a lower mean than did their G2 counterparts. Children in G1 evaluate themselves more negatively in the different domains of self-concepts than do children in G2. Findings were congruent with the literature. It is recommended that intervention procedures target at risk group students be developed at schools. <![CDATA[<b>Alterity like factor of development for the comprehension of the student in the infantile stage</b>]]> La investigación de alteridad ya no es solo disertación de la filosofía sino que exige respuestas desde otros campos del saber. En este estudio se indaga la condición de interpretación del otro desde la dimensión del desarrollo humano. En efecto, se busca profundizar nuevas concepciones evolutivas en el escolar. De allí pues se parte de una investigación cualitativa. Por consiguiente se indagan 45 alumnos a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas. Gracias a ello, se produce un conjunto de elementos desde donde acercarse a la realidad del “yo-tú” como parte de la estructura psicológica progresiva del infante. A partir de estos esquemas interpretativos se obtienen insumos que permiten el abordaje de los estudiantes en edades comprendidas entre 6-14 años de sectores populares. Por lo demás se propician vías para intervenciones psicológicas y educativas.<hr/>The research of “alterity” already is not alone a dissertation of the philosophy but it is required answers from other fields of to know. In this study the condition of interpretation is investigated of other one from the dimension of the human development. In effect, one seeks to deepen new conceptions evolutionary in the student. Of there so it splits of a qualitative research. Consequently 45 pupils are investigated across semi-constructed interviews. Thanks to it, a set of elements is generated from where approaching the reality of “ I - you “ as part of the psychological progressive structure of the child. From these interpretive schemes there are obtained inputs that allow the boarding of the students in ages understood among 6-14 years of popular sectors. By the rest routes are propitiated for psychological and educational interventions. <![CDATA[<b>The use of information and communications technologies and the self-evaluation among Costa Rican adolescents</b>]]> En esta investigación se estudió la relación entre el uso de tecnologías de la información y comunicación y la auto-evaluación de las competencias cognoscitivas y sociales que hacen jóvenes costarricenses de instituciones de enseñanza secundaria públicas y privadas de zonas urbanas y rurales. Para esto se llevó a cabo una encuesta con 463 jóvenes costarricenses entre 13 y 17 años de instituciones educativas públicas y privadas y de zonas rural y urbana. Los resultados permitieron identificar dos tipos de modalidades de uso de las tecnologías mediáticas que se asocian con diferentes ámbitos de evaluación de sí mismo: (a) el uso tendiente a favorecer la integración social y la auto-evaluación positiva en la que intervienen la música, los videojuegos y la televisión; (b) y el uso que se distancia del autoconcepto cognoscitivo-escolar positivo. En esta modalidad actúan de forma directa tanto los videojuegos y la televisión como la computadora y la internet, tecnologías que son utilizados por los jóvenes para la comunicación y el entretenimiento.<hr/>This study inquires the relationship between information and communications technologies and the self-evaluation of cognitive and social competences by Costa Rican high school adolescents from public and private institutions in urban and rural areas. For this purpose, a survey was administered among 463 Costa Rican adolescents, between 13 and 17 years old, of public and private educational institutions located in rural and urban areas. Different modalities of media use were identified. These modalities are associated with different aspects of self-evaluation. More specifically, the results show: (a) a use that tends to favor social integration associated with old media and positive self-evaluation linked to video games; (b) the uses that distance from positive cognitive-academic self-concept. Video games, television, computers and the internet act directly in this modality. <![CDATA[<b>Questionnaire of competition in psychological evaluation</b>: <b>analysis of the internal structure</b>]]> La construcción de testes psicológicos exige conocimientos específicos, poco estudiados en los cursos de formación en psicología en el Brasil, y en razón de eso, este estudio investigó la estructura y la consistencia interna de un instrumento que evalúa las importancias atribuidas y las percepciones de dominios de estudiantes de psicología en relación a actividades de evaluación psicológica. Participaron de la investigación 197 estudiantes universitarios de los cinco años del curso de psicología, con promedio de edad de 22,64 años, siendo que 77,7% eran mujeres. Fue realizado el estudio de la escala general y de la escala de importancia y de dominio separadamente, así como también estudios de precisión. Los resultados mostraron que la ‘importancia’ presenta una estructura más definida que el ‘dominio’.<hr/>Psychological tests construction need specifics knowledges, little studied in the courses of formation in psychology in Brazil, then, this study investigated the structure and the internal consistency of an instrument that evaluate the ‘importance’ and ‘knowledge’ of students’ of psychology regarding activities of psychological assessment. 197 university students of five years of the course of the course of psychology participated, mean 22,64 years, being that 77,7 % was women. There was carried out the study of the general scale, study of the scale of ‘importance’ and know separately and studies of precision. Showed that the ‘importance’ presents a structure more definite than the ‘ knowledge’.