Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Cadernos de Psicopedagogia]]> vol. 5 num. 9 lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Orientação sexual em escolas de ensino fundamental</b>: <b>um estudo exploratório</b>]]> A orientação sexual é a passagem da informação sobre temas ligados a sexualidade, com o objetivo de desenvolver aspectos sociais, cognitivos, e afetivos do sujeito. Na adolescência, a orientação sexual é importante pelo fato desses aspectos estarem em desenvolvimento. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar como estão sendo desenvolvidos programas de orientação sexual no contexto escolar. A pesquisa abrangeu escolas públicas e particularesdos Municípios de Franco da Rocha e Caieiras, em que foi realizada uma entrevista com os diretores e coordenadores pedagógicos, para obtenção dos dados. Os resultados obtidos com esta pesquisa mostraram que 66,6% das escolas públicas e 60% das particulares não fornecem orientação sexual. Sobre as escolas que fornecem programa de orientação sexual, apresentaram o desenvolvimento inferior ao proposto por vários programas, inclusive dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (2000). Conclui-se que tanto as escolas públicas como as escolas particulares não desenvolvem programa de orientação sexual. O desenvolvimento deficitário envolve fatores referentes ao tema, equipe, série que se inicia o programa, avaliação e medição de resultados.<hr/>Sex orientation means education about the physical processes and emotions involved in sex, which has the purpose of developing social, cognitive and emotional aspects of the person. Sex education is important adolescence because those aspects are in development during this phase. This present paper has the objective of evaluating how sex education programs are being developing in school contexts. The research comprised public and private schools from Franco da Rocha and Caieiras cities. An interview with the principals and pedagogical coordinators was realized to obtain the data. The results obtained with this research show that 66,6% of public schools and 60% of private schools do not provide sex education. The schools, which provide sex education, have their programs inferior to the ones proposed, even inferior to the National Curriculum Parameters (2002) (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais). In conclusion, public and private schools do not develop sex education programs. The deficient development of these programs involves factors related to the subject, team, grade in which the program is started, evaluation and measurement of results. <![CDATA[<b>O poder e a subjetividade</b>: <b>reflexão na perspectiva da teoria critica da sociedade</b>]]> A presente reflexão na perspectiva da teoria critica da sociedade nasce da necessidade de rever questões acerca do processo de desenvolvimento e produção da existência humana, sua própria historia suas necessidades e suas idéias. As condições econômicas em grupos com interesses conflitantes, com possibilidades diferentes no interior da sociedade, demonstram a dominação do homem sobre o homem, a negação da identidade entre pensamento e ser e a repressão da natureza interior do homem. Uma das conseqüências mais funestas da generalização do domínio do equivalente é a homogeneização dos seres humanos: a transformação destes em seres com sentimentos,pensamentos, vontades e comportamentos idênticos. Pensar no poder e a subjetividade, através das representações diferentes e antagônicas, têm por objetivo esta reflexão, que parte da filosofia da ciência, e da contribuição da teoria critica da sociedade.<hr/>The present reflection in the society's critical theory is born from the necessity to review matters around the developing and production process of the human existence, its own history, necessities and ideas. The economical conditions in groups with diverge interests, with different possibilities within the society, show the man's domination over the man, the denying of identity between being and thinking and the man's nature interior repression. One of the most fatal consequences of the equivalent domain generalization is the homogenization of human beings: Their transformation into people with feelings, thoughts, wishes and identical behaviors. To think about power and subjectivity, through different and contradictory representations, has as an objective this reflection, that goes from science philosophy and the society's critical theory contribution. <![CDATA[<b>Espaço de criação criatividade e resiliência</b>: <b>formação docente numa perspectiva inter e transdisciplinar</b>]]> Este artigo trata de pesquisas realizadas desde 1999 no âmbito da formação de professores em trabalho colaborativo numa perspectiva inter e transdisciplinar com ênfase em posturas criativas e resilientes por meio do conceito prático-teórico: Espaço de Criação, especialmente nos trabalhos de pesquisa, ensino e extensão do Grupo Acolhendo Alunos em Situação de Exclusão Social e Escolar. Trataremos das condições atuais de trabalho dos professores dos anos iniciais da escolarização com a finalidade de identificação dos principais fatores estressores na profissão docente nos dias atuais. Discutiremos também, criatividade e resiliência para que, finalmente, numa perspectiva inter e transdisciplinar, consideremos acerca da formação de professores ressaltando a possibilidade do aprendizado de atitudes resilientes e criativas nos espaços de criação.<hr/>This article deals with research carried through since 1999 in the scope of the formation of primary teachers in collaborative work in an inter and transdisciplinary perspective with emphasis in creative and resilient positions by means of the concept practical-theoretician: Space of Creation. We are based on the researches, teaching and community works of the Group Receiving Pupils in Situation of Social and School Exclusion. We will deal with the current conditions of work of the professors of the initial years of the primary school with the purpose of identification of the main factors stressors in the teaching profession in the current days. We will also argue creativity and resilience so that, finally, in an inter and transdisciplinary perspective and, let us consider concerning the formation of professors standing out the possibility of the learning of resilient and creative attitudes in the creation spaces. <![CDATA[<b>Psychoanalytic approach of the psychopedagogical treatment</b>]]> Los niños con problemas de aprendizaje presentan restricciones, fracturas e inhibiciones en su producción simbólica, evaluables a partir del análisis de sus modos de interpretar la realidad y relacionarse con el mundo. El trabajo terapéutico propuesto en el presente artículo tiene por objeto focalizar en las restricciones características de la producción simbólica de un niño expresadas en sus dificultades escolares y tratar de intervenir para recuperar su deseo por el investimiento del conocimiento con la consecuente modificación de su problemática educativa. La totalidad de los conceptos que se desarrollan abrevan en la teoría psicoanalítica desde la cual se extraen las propuestas específicas. El artículo analiza las condiciones del encuadre de dicho tratamiento, el tipo de intervenciones características del mismo y el cambio psíquico esperable como indicador de eficiencia terapéutica. En relación al encuadre se profundiza en la caracterización del tiempo y el espacio de cada sesión, el tipo de material que se utiliza y las peculiaridades de la relación transferencial que lo distinguen. A lo largo del trabajo se jerarquizan las particularidades de la actividad representativa de cada niño en los distintos momentos del tratamiento.<hr/>The children with learning problems present/display restrictions, fractures and inhibitions in their symbolic production, evaluables from the analysis of their ways to interpret the reality and to be related to the world. The proposed therapeutic article work the present intends to focus in the restrictions characteristic of the symbolic production of a boy expressed in its scholastic difficulties and to try to take part to recover its desire by the investimiento of the knowledge with the consequent problematic modification of its educative one. The totality of the concepts that are developed waters in the psychoanalytic theory from which the specific proposals are extracted. The article analyzes the conditions of the frame of this treatment, the type of interventions characteristic of same and the expectable psychic change like indicator of therapeutic efficiency. In relation to the frame one deepens in the characterization of the time and the space of each session, the type of material that is used and the peculiarities of the transferencial relation that distinguish it. Throughout the work the particularitities of the representative activity of each boy are hierarchized in the different moments from the treatment. <![CDATA[<b>Masculine subjectivity</b>: <b>between the terror and the tremor</b>]]> Intentamos reflexionar sobre la problemática de la masculinidad contemporánea. Creemos que la subjetividad masculina fue una instancia fundante de los actuales procesos de reorganización de acumulación de capital que significó la posmodernidad para la Argentina. Además, creemos inseparable para el análisis, el anudamiento que se produce entre la subjetividad masculina (y la subjetividad en general) del Capitalismo Mundial Integrado. Cada uno de los parámetros de la economía política financiera, tiene su correspondencia y concomitancia en la economía libidinal de las subjetividades.<hr/>We tried to reflect on the problematic one of the contemporary masculinidad. Let us thik that the masculine subjectivity was a fundante instance of the present processes of reorganization of accumulation of capital that meant the posmodernidad for Argentina. In addition, we create inseparable for the analysis, the knotting that takes place between the masculine subjectivity (and the subjectivity in general) of Integrated World-wide Capitalism. Each one of the parameters of the financial political economy, has its correspondence and concomitancia in the libidinal economy of the subjectivities. <![CDATA[<b>New technologies and education</b>]]> Los cambios que han habilitado los desarrollos más recientes en tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) en prácticamente todos los ámbitos de las sociedades desarrolladas y que nos han llevado hacia la comúnmente denominada sociedad de la información y del conocimiento o sociedad informacional, parecerían justificar este creciente interés por la tecnología educativa. No obstante, para comprender mejor esta inusual y en algunos casos diríamos que hasta excesiva presencia del discurso alrededor de las TIC en el ámbito de la educación, deberíamos tener en cuenta que los centros educativos son por definición instituciones sociales en las que las personas reciben una formación de manera intencional, sistemática y reglada en coherencia con las demandas de un determinado modelo social, de manera que las escuelas y universidades no pueden ni deben quedarse al margen de la influencia que las tecnologías digitales han ejercido sobre el conjunto de relaciones socioculturales y laborales que tienen lugar en el seno de la sociedad actual.<hr/>The changes that have qualified the most recent developments in technologies of the information and the communication (TIC) in practically all the scopes of the developed societies and that have taken to us towards commonly denominated society of the information and the knowledge or informational society, would seem to justify this increasing interest by the educative technology. However, to include/understand better this unusual one and in some cases we would say that until excessive presence of the speech around the TIC in the scope of the education, we would have to consider that the educative centers are by definition social institutions in which the people receive a formation of intentional way, systematic and regulated in coherence with the demands of a determined social model, so that the schools and universities cannot nor must remain to the labor margin of the influence that the digital technologies have exerted on the set of sociocultural relations and that takes place in the present society. <![CDATA[<b>Internet e desenvolvimento humano</b>]]> Los cambios que han habilitado los desarrollos más recientes en tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) en prácticamente todos los ámbitos de las sociedades desarrolladas y que nos han llevado hacia la comúnmente denominada sociedad de la información y del conocimiento o sociedad informacional, parecerían justificar este creciente interés por la tecnología educativa. No obstante, para comprender mejor esta inusual y en algunos casos diríamos que hasta excesiva presencia del discurso alrededor de las TIC en el ámbito de la educación, deberíamos tener en cuenta que los centros educativos son por definición instituciones sociales en las que las personas reciben una formación de manera intencional, sistemática y reglada en coherencia con las demandas de un determinado modelo social, de manera que las escuelas y universidades no pueden ni deben quedarse al margen de la influencia que las tecnologías digitales han ejercido sobre el conjunto de relaciones socioculturales y laborales que tienen lugar en el seno de la sociedad actual.<hr/>The changes that have qualified the most recent developments in technologies of the information and the communication (TIC) in practically all the scopes of the developed societies and that have taken to us towards commonly denominated society of the information and the knowledge or informational society, would seem to justify this increasing interest by the educative technology. However, to include/understand better this unusual one and in some cases we would say that until excessive presence of the speech around the TIC in the scope of the education, we would have to consider that the educative centers are by definition social institutions in which the people receive a formation of intentional way, systematic and regulated in coherence with the demands of a determined social model, so that the schools and universities cannot nor must remain to the labor margin of the influence that the digital technologies have exerted on the set of sociocultural relations and that takes place in the present society. Los cambios que han habilitado los desarrollos más recientes en tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) en prácticamente todos los ámbitos de las sociedades desarrolladas y que nos han llevado hacia la comúnmente denominada sociedad de la información y del conocimiento o sociedad informacional, parecerían justificar este creciente interés por la tecnología educativa. No obstante, para comprender mejor esta inusual y en algunos casos diríamos que hasta excesiva presencia del discurso alrededor de las TIC en el ámbito de la educación, deberíamos tener en cuenta que los centros educativos son por definición instituciones sociales en las que las personas reciben una formación de manera intencional, sistemática y reglada en coherencia con las demandas de un determinado modelo social, de manera que las escuelas y universidades no pueden ni deben quedarse al margen de la influencia que las tecnologías digitales han ejercido sobre el conjunto de relaciones socioculturales y laborales que tienen lugar en el seno de la sociedad actual.<hr/>The changes that have qualified the most recent developments in technologies of the information and the communication (TIC) in practically all the scopes of the developed societies and that have taken to us towards commonly denominated society of the information and the knowledge or informational society, would seem to justify this increasing interest by the educative technology. However, to include/understand better this unusual one and in some cases we would say that until excessive presence of the speech around the TIC in the scope of the education, we would have to consider that the educative centers are by definition social institutions in which the people receive a formation of intentional way, systematic and regulated in coherence with the demands of a determined social model, so that the schools and universities cannot nor must remain to the labor margin of the influence that the digital technologies have exerted on the set of sociocultural relations and that takes place in the present society.