Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Cadernos de Psicopedagogia]]> vol. 7 num. 12 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>The photography and creation increased power of action</b>: <b>experience and possibilities</b>]]> Este artigo versa sobre uma experiência de trabalho em Psicologia Social-Comunitária na qual utilizamos a fotografia como instrumento de intervenção psicossocial, junto a sete jovens moradores de uma localidade da periferia de Florianópolis. Relata-se o desenvolvimento de atividades na dimensão da educação estética com o intuito de apurar modos de sensibilização por meio de objetivações imagéticas e suas discussões. Nossos objetivos giravam em torno da potencialização da imaginação e, especialmente, dos processos de criação, por meio da produção de sentidos acerca do fazer fotográfico, aprimorando a potência de ação destes jovens com relação a si mesmos, ao grupo e à comunidade. A partir da experiência junto a estes sujeitos, traça-se uma análise sob o olhar da psicologia sócio-histórica contemporânea, levando em conta seus relatos acerca de suas experiências de vida e os novos sentidos que atribuem a seu cotidiano.<hr/>This article is about an experience of working in Social Psychology-Community in which use the photograph as an instrument of psychosocial intervention, with the seven young residents of a town's outskirts of Florianopolis. We report the development of activities in the aesthetic dimension of education in order to establish modes of awareness through images and their discussions. Our goals were the potential of the imagination, and especially the processes of creation, through the production of photographic senses about how, improving the power of action of these young people with regard to themselves, the group and the community. From the experience with these subjects, traced to an analysis under the gaze of contemporary psychology socio-historical, taking into account their reports about their experiences of life and new meanings they attach to their daily lives <![CDATA[<b>Study about the consequences of child abuse on the language development</b>]]> Con el estudio sobre las consecuencias del maltrato infantil en el desarrollo del lenguaje, intentamos determinar si los malos tratos a la infancia ocasionan repercusiones en dicha área y si existen repercusiones lingüísticas diferenciales según el tipo de maltrato infantil que sufre el niño. Para ello, analizamos muestras de maltrato infantil tales como el abandono físico, abandono emocional, maltrato físico y maltrato emocional. Reflejamos los resultados de la aplicación de las Escalas McCarthy de Aptitudes y Psicomotricidad para niños (MSCA) y la Batería de Lenguaje Objetiva y Criterial (BLOC) a un total de 39 menores en situación de desprotección infantil pertenecientes a distintas formas de maltrato.<hr/>With the study about the consequences of child abuse on the language development, we try to determine if the ill-treatment to children have repercussions on such area and if there are differential linguistic repercussions according to the kind of child abuse suffered. For this, we analyse samples of child abuse such as physical abandonment, emotional abandonment, physical abuse and emotional abuse. We show the results of the application of McCarthy´s Scales about Aptitudes and Psychomobility for children (MSCA) and the Objective and Criterial Battery of Language (BLOC) to a total of 39 minors in the situation of child lack of protection and belonging to different kinds of child abuse. <![CDATA[<b>Symbolic processes and historicization work at adolescence</b>]]> El objetivo del presente trabajo será explorar la función del trabajo de historización (Aulagnier, 1977) en el proceso adolescente. Para ello se intentará repensar algunos fundamentos y atravesamientos epistemológicos que sostienen la noción de historia desde el psicoanálisis. La concepción freudiana de la temporalidad rompe con una noción lineal de la historia en tanto (pre)texto que opera como determinación lineal y causal del presente, para dar lugar a procesos complejos regidos por otro tipo de lógica ligada al funcionamiento de lo inconciente. El tiempo presente inaugura así trabajos de interpretación y (re)elaboración que suponen una potencialidad actual de resignificación sobre las huellas o representaciones del tiempo anterior, habilitando la enunciación de un proyecto de futuro pasible de ser construido autónomamente en tanto apertura deseante, imaginativa y reflexiva.<hr/>The aim of the paper is to explore the function of the historicization work (Aulagnier, 1977) at adolescence process. This document will try to rethink the epistemological theoretical bases that support the history notion at psychoanalysis. The temporality concept of Freud´s theories breaks the lineal conception of history as a text that works as determination of present; to authorize complex processes presides by another logic in relation to unconscious operations. The present time inaugurate interpretations works that suppose re-significations processes over previous temporality marks, thus encourages the enunciation of a future project that will be able to release autonomous processes. <![CDATA[<b>Indiscipline and psychological intervention in classroom</b>: <b>story of experience</b>]]> Este artigo visa refletir sobre uma intervenção psicológica realizada junto a uma turma de 3a série de uma escola pública federal. Atendendo a queixa da professora relativa à “indisciplina” que caracterizava a turma, foram realizadas observações em sala de aula e atividades com os alunos. Efetuou-se também entrevista e conversas informais com a professora sobre a intervenção realizada junto aos alunos, para que essa se reconhecesse como co-produtora do contexto. A proposta de trabalhar em duas vertentes, a saber, com os alunos e com a professora, fundamentou-se no pressuposto de que qualquer mudança em uma dada situação implica os vários pólos da relação que a constituem. Como resultado, constatou-se o reconhecimento tanto da professora quanto dos alunos como partícipes da situação/queixa e das possibilidades de sua transformação. Com a instituição de um modo geral, no entanto, os resultados foram pífios no que se refere a essa implicação.<hr/>This article aims to reflect on a psychological intervention accomplished into a group of 3rd grade of a federal public school. Taking care of the complaint of the teacher to the “indiscipline” that characterized the group, observations in classroom and activities with the pupils had been carried through. Also was effected informal interview and colloquies with the teacher on the intervention carried through next to the pupils, so that this if recognized as co-producer of the context. The proposal to work in two ways: the pupils and the teacher, was based on the purpose that any challenge in one given situation implies some other aspects that constitute the relation. As result, the recognition of the teacher and the pupils as participants by the situation/complaint and for the possibilities of its transformation. With the institution in a general way, however, the results had been inconsiderables with respect to this implication. <![CDATA[<b>Proposals and debates about literacy teaching</b>: <b>A comparison of methods</b>]]> Este trabajo se propone presentar los resultados de un estudio en el que se comparan las habilidades de producción de textos escritos de dos grupos de niños de primer grado, diferenciados por el método de enseñanza: por una parte, la propuesta psicogenética elaborada a partir de los trabajos de Ferreiro y, por otra parte, la propuesta de alfabetización intercultural de Borzone y equipo desarrollada en el marco de la psicología cognitiva y la teoría socio histórico cultural. Participaron de este estudio niños de dos colegios de Córdoba, Argentina, hablantes de español, que asistían a primer grado. El G1 aprendió a leer y escribir en el marco de la propuesta psicogenética y el G2, con la propuesta intercultural. Los datos mostraron que los niños del G2 tuvieron un mejor desempeño que el G1 en la tarea de escritura de textos.<hr/>This work aims to present the results of a study that compares written text production skills of two groups of children in the first year of education. Both groups had learnt with two different literacy methods: the psicogenetic proposal developed by Ferreiro and an intercultural proposal elaborated by Borzone et al in the frame of cognitive psychology and socio historical cultural psychology. Two groups of Spanish speaker children from Cordoba, Argentina in the first year of education were compared. The results showed that children who have learnt with the intercultural proposal had the best performance in the written re-telling task. <![CDATA[<b>Social class and family environment quality in childhood</b>]]> Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre la calidad del entorno familiar en la infancia y el nivel socioeconómico familiar. Para ello hemos empleado la escala H.O.M.E. (Home Observation for Measurement of Environment) en sus versiones para niños preescolares y para niños escolares -adaptadas por Palacios y Moreno en 1990 y 1992 respectivamente- a una muestra de 410 niños de ambos sexos de edades comprendidas entre 3 y 10 años. Los resultados indican que la clase social en la que se desarrollan los niños es un aspecto altamente relevante en su entorno familliar, teniendo una importante relación con la calidad de éste. Desde edades tempranas existen ya importantes diferencias en la calidad del entorno familiar, por lo que es importante a nivel social trabajar por la compensación de estas desigualdades estructurales a través de una educación infantil y otras iniciativas comunitarias de calidad, que promuevan y proporcionen ambientes, materiales y experiencias estimuladoras del desarrollo del niño.<hr/>The aim of this study is to analyse the relation between the family environment quality in childhood and the social class. For this one we have applied the H.O.M.E. Scale (Home Observation for Measurement of Environment) in the spanish versions, adapted by Moreno and Palacios in 1990 and 1992 respectively, to a sample of 410 children, both sex and ages between 3 and 10. Results show that the social class where children are developted, is a higtly significant aspect in the family environment, making an important relation with quality of that. From early years important differences in the quality of familiar environment exist, for this one at social level is important working in the compensation of this structural inequalities with a children education and others quality community iniciatives, that promove and give ambients, materials and stimulate experiences of child development.This article aims to reflect on a psychological intervention accomplished into a group of 3rd grade of a federal public school. Taking care of the complaint of the teacher to the “indiscipline” that characterized the group, observations in classroom and activities with the pupils had been carried through. Also was effected informal interview and colloquies with the teacher on the intervention carried through next to the pupils, so that this if recognized as co-producer of the context. The proposal to work in two ways: the pupils and the teacher, was based on the purpose that any challenge in one given situation implies some other aspects that constitute the relation. As result, the recognition of the teacher and the pupils as participants by the situation/complaint and for the possibilities of its transformation. With the institution in a general way, however, the results had been inconsiderables with respect to this implication. <![CDATA[<b>Considerations about the present of Winnicottian theory with regards to learning to speak, to read and to write</b>]]> Este trabalho é resultado das investigações feitas pelo Grupo de Pesquisa, Ensino e Extensão Acolhendo Alunos em Situação de Exclusão Escolar e Social: o papel da instituição escolar - certificado pela USP e apoiado pelo CNPq e pela FAPESP - e pretende discutir a importância da teoria gerada por Winnicott no contexto da II Revolução Industrial para os dias de hoje, chamados por muitos, de pós-modernidade. Do nosso ponto de vista, especificamente no âmbito do aprender a falar, a ler e a escrever, aprendizagens que nos remetem à relação mãe-bebê e não, exclusivamente, como alguns pensam, aos limites da sala de aula ou da área de Educação, D. W. Winnicott é indispensável, já que dominar o código escrito é a chave de entrada na “sociedade do conhecimento”.<hr/>This work is a result of the researches made by the Research, Teaching and Extension Group: Receiving Pupils in a Social and School Exclusion Situation: the role of school as institution", certified by USP, with support of CNPq and FAPESP. It intends to discuss the importance of the theory created by Winnicott, in the context of II Industrial Revolution, nowadays. We considerate the current time according to the Post-modernity perspective, used by many authors to denominate the present. Specifically in the ambit of learning to speak, to read and to write, learning that remit us to the relation between mother and her baby. It means that the limits of learning, like some people use to imagine, they are neither exclusively in the classroom nor in the Education area. In this way, D. W. Winnicott is indispensable, whereas to dominate the written code is the passkey to the “society of knowledge”. Este trabalho é resultado das investigações feitas pelo Grupo de Pesquisa, Ensino e Extensão Acolhendo Alunos em Situação de Exclusão Escolar e Social: o papel da instituição escolar - certificado pela USP e apoiado pelo CNPq e pela FAPESP - e pretende discutir a importância da teoria gerada por Winnicott no contexto da II Revolução Industrial para os dias de hoje, chamados por muitos, de pós-modernidade. Do nosso ponto de vista, especificamente no âmbito do aprender a falar, a ler e a escrever, aprendizagens que nos remetem à relação mãe-bebê e não, exclusivamente, como alguns pensam, aos limites da sala de aula ou da área de Educação, D. W. Winnicott é indispensável, já que dominar o código escrito é a chave de entrada na “sociedade do conhecimento”.<hr/>This work is a result of the researches made by the Research, Teaching and Extension Group: Receiving Pupils in a Social and School Exclusion Situation: the role of school as institution", certified by USP, with support of CNPq and FAPESP. It intends to discuss the importance of the theory created by Winnicott, in the context of II Industrial Revolution, nowadays. We considerate the current time according to the Post-modernity perspective, used by many authors to denominate the present. Specifically in the ambit of learning to speak, to read and to write, learning that remit us to the relation between mother and her baby. It means that the limits of learning, like some people use to imagine, they are neither exclusively in the classroom nor in the Education area. In this way, D. W. Winnicott is indispensable, whereas to dominate the written code is the passkey to the “society of knowledge”.