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Revista Brasileira de Psicodrama

Print version ISSN 0104-5393On-line version ISSN 2318-0498


COMPARINI, Ana Carolina Faria Maniglia; RIBEIRO, Daniela de Figueiredo; ANDRADE, Antonio dos Santos  and  GOMES, Angélica Teixeira. A dramatic game with women from a community: revealing the potential of human and social development. Rev. bras. psicodrama [online]. 2015, vol.23, n.2, pp.32-41. ISSN 0104-5393.

This research aimed to investigate the perceptions of women who experienced a psychodramatic group intervention, regarding the effects and changes that took place during and after. The group process consisted of 10 meetings, each lasting 120 minutes with the participation of 12 women from a low-income community, aged from 20 to 68, who do not work outside the home, and of whom five were mothers and seven grandmothers. The dramatic game involved and captured the way the participants gave themselves to the proposed flow of spontaneity, which was expressed in the relation to their personal being, in relation to the other participants, and with their bodies, allowing them health and well-being, and inclusion in their social atoms, producing social development.

Keywords : Psychodrama; Group psychotherapy; Human and social development; Spontaneity; Schizoanalysis.

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