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BOLSSON, Juliana Zinelli  and  BENETTI, Silvia Pereira da Cruz. Anguish child: a clinical case study. Aletheia [online]. 2011, n.34, pp.61-80. ISSN 1413-0394.

This article presents the results of a clinical case study that sought to understand the processes associated with psychic manifestations of anguish and symptom in childhood. Based on psychoanalytic theory, we sought to identify the patient's representation of his parental figures, as well as its place in family history. The understanding of this case was carried through the sessions of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and the Test of Fables (Cunha &Nunes, 1993). The case analysis has shown that anguish was associated with issues of family circumstances that put the patient in a dependent position of the maternal function (exercised by his grandmother). It is supposed that the representation was a suffocating mother figure, being alienated in place of object. It is hoped this work, provide subsidies for the improvement of the theoretical concept and anguish symptoms in childhood, as well as for clinical work in psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

Keywords : Anguish; Symptom; Childhood.

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