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IGUE, Érica Aparecida; BARIANI, Isabel Cristina Dib  and  MILANESI, Pedro Vitor Barnabé. Academic experiences and expectations of freshman and senior college students. PsicoUSF [online]. 2008, vol.13, n.2, pp.155-164. ISSN 1413-8271.

This study aimed at describing the undergraduates' academic experiences and verified if there are variations related to year attended, the expectations from the freshman students concerning the experiences they would have during the course and the expectations related to the experiences the senior students had when they got into university. The informants were 203 1st year and 5th year psychology students, who answered the Questionário de Vivências Acadêmicas - versão reduzida (QVA-r) plus a question about the expectations related to the academic experiences they had when they just got into university. The QVA-r is scalar tool that includes five dimensions: personal, interpersonal, career, study and institutional. Considering the year attended, statistical analysis indicated significant difference related to the institutional dimension. Concerning the initial expectations, significant difference was found only for the 5th year students, in the interpersonal dimension and in the total of the dimensions.

Keywords : Undergraduates; Academic adaptation; Higher education.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )