Revista Psicologia Política
On-line version ISSN 2175-1390
SILVA, Daniele Nunes Henrique and MAGIOLINO, Lavinia. Capital-work-education: creativity, socioemotional skills and (con)formation of the self-entrepreneur. Rev. psicol. polít. [online]. 2022, vol.22, n.55, pp.735-749. ISSN 2175-1390.
This paper discusses the issue of creativity and social-emotional skills in neoliberal educational policies in their relationship with psychology. Based on a documentary methodology, the following are analyzed: the Nova Escola Programme (1999-2007), the SENNA Project (2014) and the Inova Educação (2019). The aim is to critically demonstrate the elements that support the proposals and how they are articulated to business interests in accordance with the laws of the market through the instrumentalization of the themes highlighted here. The results are organized in two axes: a) analytical characterization of the proposals inserted in neoliberal educational policies focusing on creativity and socioemotional skills; b) processes of subjectivation processes worked at school submitted to mercantile and neoliberal logic: self-entrepreneurship, self-control and self-mastery. Such (self) so-called innovative proposals hide perverse processes of exclusion that, in fact, invest in the reproduction of old formulas order to subjugate the working class.
Keywords : Labor capital; Education; Neoliberalism; Socioemotional skill; Creativity.