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Revista Psicologia Política

On-line version ISSN 2175-1390


MOREIRA, Pollyana de Lucena; MAIA, Luciana Maria  and  BEZERRA, Ana Lídia de Araújo. Political ideology: differences in political engagement and actions for reducing prejudice. Rev. psicol. polít. [online]. 2023, vol.23, n.56, pp.40-56.  Epub May 27, 2024. ISSN 2175-1390.

The study aimed to verify the relationship between political ideology (egalitarian and conservative) and prejudice against homosexuals, support for social movements and organized social groups, the intention to participate in activist actions and in actions that aim to reduce prejudice and promote diversity. 658 people, aged 18 to 63, participated in the survey, who answered an online questionnaire with instruments that assessed political ideology, political engagement, political activism, prejudice against homosexuals and willingness to reduce prejudice and promote diversity. A positive association was verified between conservatism and prejudice and a negative association between egalitarianism and prejudice. It was also verified that people with an egalitarian political ideology were more involved reducing prejudice, promoting diversity, engaging in actions to support social movements, and with political activism. The results were discussed considering the context of political-ideological polarization Brazilian society.

Keywords : Prejudice; Political Views; Ideology; Social Movements; Activism.

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