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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

Print version ISSN 1676-157X


CARVALHO, Kátia Botelho de. Course of an analysis: from the anonymous sex to love of a name. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2015, n.30, pp.111-119. ISSN 1676-157X.

This is the partial report of a clinical case presenting the trajectory of an analysis since its start, with the subject demonstrating different modes of symptomatic jouissance, particularly in the sexual sphere, with the practice of what was called "anonymous sex". The study brings back the concept of repetition, comments on the "spins" which occurred in the analytical process, with the patient discovering his new way of bonding to the other via the "love of a name". It then moves on till the point in which the approximation of the end of the analysis is announced.

Keywords : Analytical course; Repetition; Object a; Final analysis.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )