Revista da SPAGESP
Print version ISSN 1677-2970
COSCIONI, Vinicius; DIAS, Ana Cristina Garcia; ROSA, Edinete Maria and KOLLER, Silvia Helena. Autonomy and voluntariness in research with adolescents under social-educative measures of confinement. Rev. SPAGESP [online]. 2017, vol.18, n.2, pp.74-85. ISSN 1677-2970.
This study presents measures adopted to guarantee autonomy and voluntariness of participants in a research conducted with adolescents under social-educative measure of confinement. The measures reported were based on Resolution 510/2016, from the National Health Council, and refer to: guaranteeing a place for collecting data without interference from social-educative agents; use of vocabulary accessible to participants; establishment of a compromise between researchers and participants about the confidentiality of information; and the realization of different modalities of individual meetings between researchers and participants. Guaranteeing the autonomy and voluntariness of adolescents under a social-educative measure demands the adoption of innovative measures that, although based on the ethical resolutions in force, must go beyond these.
Keywords : adolescents in conflict with the law; social-educative measures; ethics; autonomy; voluntariness.