Ciências & Cognição
On-line version ISSN 1806-5821
DE BONIS, Marcos and COSTA, Marco Antonio F. da. Ethics of alterity in the relationship between health Biosafety and Bioethics. Ciênc. cogn. [online]. 2009, vol.14, n.3, pp.92-102. ISSN 1806-5821.
The ethics of alterity is an action that is little understood and exploited by professionals of the technical-scientific field. The teaching of biosafety for health professionals requires a space for discussion about the ethics of alterity, to show the importance of the individual in the process of information and behavior related to the developed health practices. The Bioethics outlines the parameters for the actions carried out in Biosafety. From statements such as: "the education, supervision and discipline are sufficient to the biosafety standards to be followed by the health professional", we discussed, based on the ideas of Paulo Freire, the relationship between the educator (researcher in Biosafety and Bioethics ) and educating (health professional). We examined how the relationship among them can lead to a productive interaction so that the objectives of the Biosafety can be fully achieved, while considering the participation of the "other" in the process. A few points of interaction with the health professional are suggested
Keywords : ethics; alterity; biosafety; bioethics; Paulo Freire; health professional.