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Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia

On-line version ISSN 1809-5267


CORDEIRO, Mariana Prioli  and  SPINK, Mary Jane Paris. For a nonperspectivist Social Psychology : contributions of Annemarie Mol. Arq. bras. psicol. [online]. 2013, vol.65, n.3, pp.338-356. ISSN 1809-5267.

In this article,we discuss the contributions of the work of the Dutch philosopher Annemarie Mol to Social Psychology. To do so, we present some of her main reflections, such as the nonperspectivist approach of reality and the concepts of multiplicity and ontological politics. In doing so, we aimed to call attention to the possibility of ordering and coordinating the reality in different ways and of recognizing that a phenomenon is formed by multiple actors. Therefore, we aimed to stand for a Social Psychology that follows the actor-network theory approach, as it searches complex relations, which articulate humans and nonhumans and perform multiple realities. A Social Psychology that escapes from the realism that characterizes most scientific investigations and that doesn´t presuppose a reality that is previous and independent of our actions. A Social Psychology that takes as a starting point a reality that becomes real through our practices.

Keywords : Social Psychology; Multiplicity; Ontological politics; Actor-network theory.

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