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vol.20 issue3Female Sexuality in Writings of Pioneers of PsychoanalysisThe Transferential Relationship in Ferenczi and Balint: Building the Analyst's Place author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Subjetividades

Print version ISSN 2359-0769On-line version ISSN 2359-0777


RABELO, Fabiano Chagas; DIAS, Reginaldo Rodrigues  and  MARTINS, Karla Patrícia Holanda. Women and Generational Transmission in Beira rio Beira vida, from Assis Brasil. Rev. Subj. [online]. 2020, vol.20, n.3, pp.1-13. ISSN 2359-0769.

Starting from the assertion that the realization of the feminine is not limited to the identification with phallic insignia, the book Beira Rio Beira Vida de Assis Brasil is commented. It is recognized that each of the characters in the story - grandmother, mother, and daughter - faces the challenge of developing their way of becoming a woman, making use of the significant and semblants that come from the family line. It is argued that the overdetermination of Luíza's utterances and Mundoca's Laconic, opaque and evasive responses encourage the reader to take an ethical and political position in the face of the enigma of the feminine and the intergenerational transmission of the family curse, as prostitution is called in the book. We conclude that prostitution is not an inexorable destiny for the characters and that Mundoca, the third generation, does not show a clear subjective position, which gives scope to conjecture different possibilities for realizing the family legacy. In turn, on the other hand, on the side of Luíza and Cremilda, the invention of some semblants that may have served as a barrier to the devastation and aggravation of some situations of psychological vulnerability. In the end, the importance of certain arrangements around the feminine that accompany some experiences of suffering in women is highlighted, considering the possible destinations of family transmission. As an example, the work of Luíza's work on her feminine becoming and her place in the line of women that accompanies the sewing of the clothes of the Ceci doll is cited. It is bibliographic, non-systematic research that questions the vicissitudes of the feminine and the transmission based on the dialogue between psychoanalysis and literature, in dialog with gender, cultural, and literary studies.

Keywords : Assis Brasil; psychoanalysis; female; sexuation; intergenerational transmission.

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