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Estudos de Psicanálise

Print version ISSN 0100-3437


LUNA, Dulce. From analysand to analyst: Tickets. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2011, n.35, pp.41-47. ISSN 0100-3437.

This work had been presented in order to mark the Time of the Recognition, as it had been proposed by the professional training  project of the Círculo Psicanalítico de Pernambuco. This moment is a requirement of psychoanalytical professional training, during which the psychoanalyst reassure his own desire concerning institutional pertinence, through openly producing a written text to the psychoanalytical institution, so that the other members can testify it. With this act, the profissional become a psychoanalyst at the institution. I link the clinic scene with that of the psychoanalytical society, evincing the convergences between the course of analysis and the course of the institutional formation. Both are forms to move beyond the position of analyser towards that of the analyst. These convergences are discussed on the basis of conceptions around "joke" and "clarified passage to the act". I do some thinking about several common points between these phenomenons: they are surprising, presume some elaboration of the castration, engender creative effects and, after all, just happen in the presence of the other. I argue around these characteristics, conteined in the "jokes" as well as in the "clarified passage to the act".

Keywords : Formation of the Psychoanalyst; Clarified passage to the act; Joke.

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