Estudos de Psicanálise
Print version ISSN 0100-3437
QUEIROZ, Edilene Freire de; SIQUEIRA, Elizabete Regina Almeida de and NOBREGA, Pauleska Asevedo. The challenge of the feminine in the 21st century. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2017, n.47, pp.141-148. ISSN 0100-3437.
This article proposes to reflect on the enigma of the feminine and to understand the factors that are involved there in a structural and/or contingent way. The issue of the feminine is a difficult access field of research but challenging. The first time of reflection will lead us to extract from the Freudian’s text the vicissitudes of the feminine. The fact that Freud has a few writings about the subject doesn’t mean that it doesn’t contain truths that remain current, precisely because they are structural. The second time of reflection will be focused on the 20th century productions, with Lacan as the leader author. And finally, we propose a discussion about what a woman wants in the 21st century, approaching current issues related to the desire of have a child, to be a mother. We conclude that the pre-oedipal phase establishes a structural condition from woman to woman that the otherness of the masculine cannot supplant. This archaic relation remains a seed that is re-established in different contexts: in the maternity, in the choice of the loving partner.
Keywords : Female sexuality; Pre-oedipal phase; Female enjoyment; Maternal passion.