Print version ISSN 0101-3106
ASSIS, Maria Bernadete Amêndola Contart de. Escacity of dreams in a society of excess. Ide (São Paulo) [online]. 2017, vol.40, n.64, pp.67-75. ISSN 0101-3106.
This article is a reflection on the contemporary way of life, under the binomial of excess/scarcity. The excess is presented in the predominance of the image over the narrative, the noise over the silence, the exhibition over the intimacy. In this scenery, there are experiences of acceleration, agitation, immediacy, lack of time, that sign a sort of overcharge into the mind, with the potential to cause disruptions, as in traumatic situations. These contemporary characteristics bring with them the scarcity of conditions to working through the lived experiences that require time, tolerance, introspection, intimacy. These are necessary resources to the weaving of dreams and the constitution of subjectivity.
Keywords : Contemporary way of life; Immediacy; Working through; Subjectivity.